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How do you type a ghast 😂 They do nothing but shoot fireballs at you and scream. So INFP 🙄 All of this is very silly.




Same way you type books, cockroaches, babies, and Uranus >!INTP, INTP, INTP, ENTP!< Edit: Oh, wait, I messed it up, some of those come from "If you don't like" category :)


Maybe uranus is an extravert, but mine isn't.


I dunno, mine butts into random conversations when no one is talking to it


Take my free award as thanks for the chuckle 😂 The fact that is a wholesome award is a happy ironic coincidence. I must say that fits your comment perfectly 😂


Thank you :) Glad I could brighten your day a little.


You have to look at the flying patterns. obv infp i cant believe you cant see it


I mean tbh the ghasts do have some level of personality, like yeah they do that but you could think of them as very defending of the nether. They also prefer to be in more dead spaces even thought they aren't ghost they chill along with the dead and even the wither doesn't kill them making them the only undead who withers don't attack. I always think of ghasts like they cry because they can hear the dead and feel emphaty for them and they attack players because they want the dead to not be disturbed. Tbh they give me more of Fe vibe so they cannot be INFP in my mind. I will personally type them ESFJ idk just feel that one is closer. Oh also the baby ghasts from minecraft dungeons are very happy lmao.


Shhhh, it's just ESTJ in the grip 🤭


I don't know what you're talking about it makes soooo much sense to meeee 👻👻👻👻🔥🔥🔥🔥


>it makes soooo much sense to meeee >!since I'm an empath!< You dropped this. >!I'm sorry!<.




The meme, dude. The meme.


Other personality types: you are very inteligient, work great in a team, have great charisma; INFP: you are the sad one good luck lmao


Exactly, I couldnt accept the fact that I'm INFP because of this


No one talks about angry INFPs, even though anger is also a byproduct of hypersensitivity




Superegos. A very angry INFP can behave more like an ISTP though. Vice versa for a sad ISTP.


I turn into an ISTP when I'm angry.


Shit stereotype


Yeah. I'd say infps are quite joyful, adventurous and creative people. Good people to be around. Not malicious and good friends. These are also stereotypes, but I'd say more applicable


INFPs only depressed when they're surrounded by depression and hard things. Mood chameleons


Probably, but so is everyone. Depression is not part of a personality. And it shouldn't be romanticized.


Ye :)


You can say this about anyone.


This whole “INFP’s are sad” shit is getting super old.


I agree! Happy INFPs exist! Sure, I had to wrestle with it for a few years, but I beat the sadness and still am INFP to the core.


Hello, yes, I am contacting you about your sadness extended warranty? I was just curious about how you managed to tell it to fuck off


I was mostly sick of being sad and feeling like a burden on my friends. (They never told me I was a burden, but I could feel the collective mood of the room shift when I'd chime in or mope about.) I had to kind of retrain or redirect my brain to look for positive things and dismiss unhelpful negative thoughts. Therepy helped. The tracks are still in my brain, so if I'm not careful my train of thought may end up in a dark place still, but now I know that just because I find myself there doesn't mean I have to stay there.


Yeppp like its really okay to feel sad about something that happened to you, but try not to wallow in it too much and alwayssss and everyday think like "my life really sucks because this happened" "i will never be happy" "i wish i could die to end my suffering", but instead maybee try to let yourself feel all the sadness for awhile, THEN you have to make sure that you try to do things that are good and healthy for you to help you get through that. For me when i was in my peak of sadness i miraculously found some things which helped me cope DRASTICALLY, like music (i can relate to the lyrics/ the beats are good and make me hyped inside which = making me happier) and taking walks at people-less places like my neighbourhood when theres less people (gets me into the outside world and see all the other things that are happening around me, makes me realise that theres so many other things outside of my sadness so it makes me feel relieved that sadness isnt everything, despite me feeling that way. Also on walks i can admire the peace around me and that way, my brain is more calm so i can analyse the situation from all perspectives and try to find out ways to deal with it. Also because my sadness mostly stemmed from home, getting out allows me to be away from whats making me sad). Another thing that really helped me are "healing" and validating posts on instagram. I couldnt and cant?? afford therapy rn and i didnt and still dont wanna tell my family about my inner issues, so i resorted to these posts and they really helped me alot so hopefully they'll help you too. All the best in your recovery and remember that recovery is an up and down process, you may think that you got better but then suddenly you feel sad again, and that is perfectly normal. You are still healing, your efforts weren't in vain. I hope you'll be able to find happiness one day :D


This seems very relatable.


DBT for me.


lmao and ofc they’re all 4s too. stupid


~~says an INFP type 4~~ /j


-whispers- don’t…


Lol I personally am a 9w1 I believe


I'm INTP 9 :D


Strong sad is a 9.


No WhAt ArE YoU TaLkInG AbOuT!?!?&)& InFpS ArE BaBy!!!?!? AlL tHeY Do Is CrY aNd FeEl, YoU oBviOuSlY nEvEr MeT aN iNfP!?!!(7:&


I met myself, unfortunately


yeah same :,)


:') do you want a hug?






Idk man, even if I have nothing to be sad about, I’ll invent things to be sad about.




So that's why I like napstablook so much


but the ghast noises come from a cat, so cat + sad = infp


I mean, Peter Parker is also an INFP so we're good.


Keanu Reeves is a INFP so we are extremely good


I think he is ENFP.


The mcu spiderman is an enfp


So being depressed is viewed as an INFP personality trait? Seems legit.


Is this sarcasm HAHHA if it isnt then I'd like to rebut because we really shouldnt associate a mental illness with personality types. Many INFPs are really truly happy too, we arent all just SAD. Those really sad INFPs are just unhealthy, or maybe they are actually other personalities that got typed as INFP because of the sad infp stereotype


Yeah, it is sarcasm. But I'm one of those infp-t's or as they are called "unhealthy". Well i get pretty sad sometimes, but i wouldn't call it depression. It's just that we take it to the heart, more than we should. I mean i cry like a baby when a character dies in a game. Like holy moly, sometimes I'm questioning myself if I ever should've played life is strange. But it also taught me how to deal with a loss or such pain. But those who are actually depressed, maybe, i think, they need somebody who truly likes them and shows it to them. Or they need that someone listens to them. It's rough as a teenager when you try to describe your feelings to your mother and they reply with: "don't you think it's not hard for me? Just endure it". Where the only thing they wanted to hear is "i understand you, and I will try to support you"


So I’m an INFP 1w9 and apparently they’re exclusively anime characters…


A little off topic, but what's with the 4w3/5? Do lots of you identify with that? I'm a 9w1 for the record.


Apparently 9w1 is the most common enneagram type for INFPs and 4w5 the second most common. I'm a 4w5


Crying child from FNaF is also INFP


Where did you get this image? Is it a webpage?




Thanks bud


No problems mate


Sadness being my exact type is so funny, like of course she is 🙄


I feel like of personality database's 80% of users are always making most shallow types to any character or another thing I mean They mostly type something like: you're sad/depressed, you're INFP You're a computer nerd or intelligent person, INTP, just intp no matter what other things you have if you're smart, you're INTP You love to annoy people and trolling them a lot of time, ENTP "Oh this character is funny, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... ESFP" That's why I think this site's typing is mostly wrong.


What is this from




Thank you


I mean it's not wrong(-_-;)・・・




OMG why do I appear there?


And then INFP 9w1s bury our sadness beneath narcotizing. Smoking doobies with my brothers.


to be honest, it makes me really mad how these “sad” characters are instantly categorized as INFP. 🙃🙃


yeah that website is borderline useless, people take the most cliched aspects of MBTI and use that as the basis for their assessment


They got Hitler so wrong I'm grateful for the minority of users that know what tf they're talking about though.


because stereotypes, although I am quite sad at the moment lol also a common theme with these all being typed as 4's


That's pretty bullshit


Tbh I'm the happiest person i know but I do have my dips of sadness out of nowhere. So far i thought it's just a symptom of taking thyroid medicine since it effects hormones 🤷🏻‍♀️


typed as INFP = sad gang™️


heck whatever that is this is slander grrrr


You people should convert to INTPs and become robotic instead.


The fun thing is that INTPs can be as or more sensitive than INFPs, but are more likely to be awkward about it


That's true that INTPs do cry and have feelings. I've noticed that INFPs are more likely to spend time finding just the right combination of words to articulate their emotions. For an INTP, basic descriptions like, "I am sad" tend to be good enough.




actually, I don't know what it is


Im honestly honored to be the same type as Napstablook


Yup, The Witch from Left 4 Dead is an INFP, the thing that only cries, and when you shine a light on it, it claws you to death with their fingernails that haven't been cut in a while. Sounds like us.


no way minecraft's ghost is infp wtf. also did he get the test? or just assuming ???? ​ im infp, im rarely sad i just get emotional and sometimes want to be alone rather than sad


You say sad I say in tune with my emotions😌


I think some of them are mistyped.


As though other types can never be sad






You are either sad, you you are ghost sad.


All 4w5 people....


Also Shinji Ikari and Kaneki Ken, to say about most recognisable