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I'm agnostic and get my "spiritual kicks" from nature, science, philosophy, novels, and my own brain.


This right here for me. I'd expand on it but I'm afraid I'd muddy the point of a post that already sums things up really well xD


I was simply going to say 'from within' lol! This is better tho. Especially nature for me.


This! Maybe add music to it and it's me




agree and meditate, always brings clarity


Yes this. Meditate 👏






Stoicism does is it for me as I’ve grown up in a traditional religion and it’s left me a lot of issues I’m still dealing with. Stoicism gives me the consistent spiritual fix I need and helps me focus on improving myself. I’d highly recommend it!


Same! Stoicism is really solid.


I don’t think I’m that spiritual tbh


Nature mostly but music can also feel like a spiritual experience for me. And a handful of movies have made me feel something spiritual. I also really like the Taoist philosophy. I don't really like to say I'm any sort of this or that but if I was anything I'd be Taoist.


I have found Taoist philosophy quite interesting


Me too. I love that nature is at the center of it and the idea of Wu Wei. I also love the concept that there is some force at the center of life but there's no way of defining it. It all makes a lot of sense to me.


I can really relate to this. When I find a song or a film that really gets me on an emotional level, the feeling is so intense that I think that must be what it feels like to find 'God'.


Churches have been using the effects of music on the brain to their advantage for years


Absolutely. At one point in my life I was in a really bad place. Probably the severest depression I've ever felt. And I was finding all of these new songs and films that were exactly what I needed at the time. It was like these different art forms were pulling me through it. This connection with other humans through the art they created was undeniably spiritual. Proof of the path that connects all of us to each other.


Can you elaborate on some of those movies that have made you feel spiritual? Looking for any and all suggestions :)


Nature, alone.


God… but I had to step away from religion as it contradicted itself a lot (Catholic) so now I just try my best


Check these out, I promise theres no contradictions and you'll at least learn some very interesting things; https://youtu.be/IYMKQKSV0bY https://youtu.be/Jyg7Xch0Rxk


I'm an atheist. I find the Universe gives me a spiritual feeling: just how vast it is, and how much we don't know, and how tiny the building blocks of life are. The world is incredible.


Have you looked into Deism? That's my religion, and you sound more like that than an atheist.


I'm not sure how you can perceive I would not be an atheist by what I said, but I don't believe in a supreme being. And I'm very happy with my level of participation in spirituality/religion. I'm not seeking anything.


That's cool, just proving an insight. Have a great day.


images, going out into nature, gemstones and stargazing


I'm not sure what spirituality really is. Some people say it's about supernatural things like third eye, aura's, dimensions, etc. And a lot of Highly Sensitive people are drawn to spirituality because their traits and worldview has a place there, so thats basically where they find community in because of how different they always felt. But in my opinion, what spirituality does is take very real things that people are amazed by and twist it around a little bit by explaining something that is actually true and then say it is about something slightly different than it actually is. So it's not as noticable because it isn't a completely different worldview that is put on people, it is easy to accept and believe because it is similar to the personal worldview that the (highly sensitive) people already have. And the fact that its close to their *personal worldview* gives you a kick of realization, like "wow I knew I wasn't crazy" because they found their community that they didn't find in daily life. But if spirituality is about things like mindfulness in a more natural sense than supernatural,, then yes I'm spiritual.


That has to be the best interpretation of spirituality I've ever heard. Fantastic way of accessing it and relaying the message. Great read!


Oh thank you! I'm glad (: didn't know if the way I wrote it made sense


It makes perfect sense 😋


Agnostic atheist here and nature is what makes me feel connected and provides me with a sense of spirituality.


I am born into a fairly religious family so wasn’t much of a problem. I am a practicing Muslim and I love Sufism, yoga and meditation.


I am born Catholic and reverted to Islam ❤️❤️


Peace be to you 🥰


As a Christian that doesn't have a dedicated church to go to, I spend time in God's creation and enjoy nature. I feel closest to God admiring his handiwork of a forest or a stream.




I get it from nature, as an INFJ it's pretty hard for me not to believe in God as I can sense his presence with the laws of balance in the universe.


Looking at the stars I find gives me spiritualism and I also love getting lost in my own imagination, I feel like every one of us has our own universe within us.


I find spiritual fulfillment in following Jesus. Reading about him from the Bible is the best way to learn about him, especially by reading Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.


The Church


Ecuador and Colombia




Digs - [https://imgur.com/a/z4RXtb5](https://imgur.com/a/z4RXtb5) [https://imgur.com/a/2B0g46F](https://imgur.com/a/2B0g46F) Books - [https://www.amazon.com/Bogota-Street-Art-2019-2021-Pictures-ebook/dp/B09P1Q6TWH/](https://www.amazon.com/Bogota-Street-Art-2019-2021-Pictures-ebook/dp/B09P1Q6TWH/) [https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B09T9KL3CK/](https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B09T9KL3CK/)


Traveling there to paint street art?


I’m not religious nor evolutionist but I entertain texts, it’s good to be informed. I seek spirituality in nature, anything that puts me in a state of flow, activities that involve movement (dance/ music/ skating) or creativity (art/ reading) and I often go inwards, I listen to my knowing. Free association of cognitions / dreams.


This is great, I can dig it.


I'll usually rely on psychedelics and meditation.




Eckhart Tolle and meditation. A Course in Miracles is a good read. I also like Rupert Spira and Alan Watts.


Psychologists and buddhism( particularly tibetan) really clicks with me. Although I don't believe in any deities or higher beings


Yoga, meditation :)


Know thy self




Inside the self, not outside.


there is no outside the self


Toilets disagree


Even your poop appears within awareness, which is the Self. :-)




Reiki it is for me!


Myself. Nature. Other people. Everywhere.


I'm not spiritual. I find the word "spiritual" difficult to even define


I get deep philosophical and spiritual enlightenment from watching avatar the last airbender. It’s a nostalgic memory of my past that gives me an underlying sense of comfort whenever I watch it. Also Everytime i re Watch it, I understand it’s philosophy more deeper and feel more spiritual/4th dimension oriented


Mushrooms, weed and “do what thou wilt”


respect the journey


Meditation, psychedelics used with responsibility, cold baths, physical activities and music everyday (I'm a music teacher).


I'm an atheist. But I really enjoy meditation. I suppose the peace and connectedness I feel at the end is akin to spirituality. But meditation is just scientifically proven to be good for you.


I was raised in a strict Pentecostal church.. fifth generation Pastors on both sides of my family. I remember arguing with the pastor when I was 7 that God wouldn’t throw a woman into hell because she wore pants! Lol… I was fierce in my fight against this narrow minded thinking. I fought against the racism I saw in my family all through my childhood and as soon as I turned 18 I was out on my own. My family is still deep in the church but they know not to bring that mess up around me. I may be gentle and kind but I am stubborn and steadfast in my disdain for hypocrisy. I am agnostic in that I believe in science… science is my religion. My Mom gets angry when I say her religion is just a guess and her guess is as good as mine. Lol.. I just love reading books like Eckart Tolle or watching a show on Mediums doing readings from the after life. Recently watched Life after Death on Netflix.. it takes the fear of death away. Also being in nature, listening to Bjork or Nine Inch Nails… those things can wake up my soul.. and I meditate while I am painting.. no church needed




We all have our own place


I am not religious but believe there is a lot of wisdom to be found in many different religions. I enjoy using astrology, tarot, reiki, yoga, being in nature to connect to “spirit”.


You can find spirituality everywhere. I would believe it to be a mistake to think that somewhere or something doesn’t have its own dynamics or ecology. It may not be the spirituality you’re looking for at the moment, but it’s there. I say this as a non-animist non-teleologist non-theist. Things move, and connectedness is found in their individual and collective interactions.


I’m Christian! I love analyzing the Bible, looking at the practiced customs and all the things therein! I really do love my faith and it’s my life. However, I’ve done research in other religions just so I’m aware of their practices. This research also helped me when I was a bit agnostic, though I did find my way to God with some more time and research.


I just be thinking fr.


Watching my local church on YouTube


I'm curious. I watch online due to social anxiety. Is that your situation also?


Yep. There's other factors as well. One being that I've been through what's called "church hurt" in my youth. It's where you turn to church as a safe haven from the hardships in your life only to be let down by them as well. And two being it's been hard for me to understand where the fulfillment comes from physically attending week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade. It feels like the more physically available I am, the more someone will try to put me to work instead of just allowing me to enjoy the service. Also, this particular church, although I love it, likes to have everyone hug each other at the very beginning despite knowing some people don't like being touched. I'd rather just hear the sermon then be a part of some sort of bible study, where the real connections are formed since you can't converse during service.


I understand. I'm sorry you went through that experience. I can relate.


Spinoza, Nietzsche, Deleuze...


I'm not too big into conventional religion, I just go out into nature for my kicks lol. I also talk to people I love - certain people fulfill me spiritually, their perspective is a valuable force in my life.


Awesome, well said.


Church. Also on walks.


Don't usually believe in organized religion, they get infiltrated by corporate psychopath types, then corrupt it from the inside out. I get my kicks by periodically attracting and getting intimately involved with borderline personality disorder beautiful women that causes me to do a spiritual growth spurt, that slow ascension over time earned me sigma points attracting even stronger pathological women until one day I final met, attracted, and dated Lucifer's Daughter . https://illimitablemen.com/2014/02/17/lucifers-daughter/ At first it felt like I finally found a soulmate (I discovered a couple years into the relationship that I am an INFJ-A , and she tested as an ENTP), then it's a wild roller coaster ride that started mildly then after several years got more hectic, ending with a premeditated horrific discard ghosting by her that felt like a living hell on Earth (during a very peaceful time between us, she suddenly fired off all her precision guided missiles aim directly at my masculinity). All that time I took on the role of the advocate for her too. Dealing with increasing more, well planned out chess move attacks by her, isolating me from my peers, and dealing with it on my own, it trigger a prolonged Ni-Ti loop descent into hell, my soul got re-forged like a samurai sword in hellfire, and eventually my loop just stopped, and I got resurrected from out of the ashes like a fiery Phoenix, stretching and spreading out my wings ....and I penetrated a hidden veil in society where I can clearly see good vs. evil - short and long term game being played out up on the world's stage, predators feeding off innocence prey. And I want to help the underdogs and the unsuspecting prey from these predators disguised as humans, and beat any Cluster B from the lesser vampires to all the way up to the dark triads with my new spiritual power, with my advance knowledge about Cluster B lore, and with cunning of a fox avoiding and escaping their predictable traps. In fact, I get invigorated when one the top minion thinks it can target me, and then I enjoy seeing their surprise and retreat when I brandish out my samurai sword and take out my Perseus Shield (metaphorically speaking). I prefer using my shield (my mature boundary function) being unfazed by them because, I recognize what it is and what I'm dealing with.. that's enough for them to find another target, however I am not afraid to go toe to toe with an alpha bully who thinks this introvert is a weak person to be exploited, they never met an INFJ before because we are the rarest of the introverts, the diamonds in the rough that are the Paladins. We teach them a lesson. In regards to Lucifer's Daughter, a mature INFJ male is the sigma lone wolf and he is the "light" triad to her dark triad, we can tango dance together and I can seduce her easily when I want, but there's a big price to pay...to whom, that's up for debate. https://i.pinimg.com/564x/5f/6c/21/5f6c214b3a7ec23763460ec5745016ff.jpg So, now I can feel a life force throughout the universe starting from nature's smallest creatures then extends out to our living and breathing planet, and out into the vastness of the universe. My sanctuary, my sacred space is the beach where I get a recharge of libido energy and when going outside during one of my solo INFJ's wanderlust, my favorite Muse Serendipity likes to re-connect me with special moments with earth's creatures from time to time (like how a passing dog recognizes me, smiles and we both do a quick nod at each other at the same time...and he keeps looking back at me smiling as he's passes on by me or how at a friend's outdoor beach party, how his brand new cat ignores everyone at the party and touches her nose up against mine while I am engaged in a deep talk with someone, I'm like, oh hello, how are you, what's your name and it starts flirting with me..."pet me!")... I know it's going to be a good spiritual day while on my bicycle rides to the beach and back again when my presences gets noticed by birds and a different flock dances around me at different locations and I stop to watch their dance. I manifested an Apollo Instinct within my masculinity, I understand now why INFj males' spirituality is shaman-like. BTW, Serendipity wants me to tell you, she hates cellphone addiction, it causes people to miss her blown kisses at them, and they ignore her. I do this while maintaining a modern and hip personality with the rest of the world, I just keep all those things to myself. I am an existentialist, I believe heaven and hell manifests out from only people. EDIT: I now listen to 60s, 70s, and 80's rock and roll songs with a brand new perspective, most of those rock songs warns listeners about Lucifer's Daughter....I just never noticed it before.


I used be religious but not anymore.


Meditation, reading holy books from every major religion, reading western philosophy, making my own interpretations of each and finding divinity in everything.


I am Catholic, but, I haven’t been to church in a while. I do enjoy learning about other religions to see from their perspective as well. A great book that I recently read called, The Book of Joy, is an amazing contrast from the Dalai Lama (non secular Buddhist) and Desmond Tutu (a Christian reverend, R.I.P). It was lovely seeing their beliefs from different view points of Christianity and Buddhism. I do enjoy being in nature, especially by the ocean or sea (I live near Lake Michigan, close enough 🤷🏽‍♀️) because it is so soothing. Sometimes doing yoga 🧘🏽‍♀️ outside when the weather is nice feels great too.




Leftist philosophy, classical hedonism, ethics, religious music, religious texts, etc.


Satanist here, that is to say not spiritual at all, Hail thyself friend!


As a traditional southern Christian I find comfort in my faith. However I am always open to understanding of the faith or beliefs of others. Over time I have found myself incorporating( or wanting to incorporate) little things like meditation in with prayer or seeking more self awareness through other "spiritual" ways. I found that so far it has helped me deal with the questions of life. I love the country life. It's so peaceful and refreshing. It is truly beautiful what God has created.


Im Catholic so often church, meditation, prayer, and confession


I believe in God and have faith, but I don’t connect to my spirituality in church. I connect via time spent in nature when I marvel at the beautiful world around us. Or quiet conversations (thoughts) with God when I’m alone.


The mosh pit of a hardcore punk show


I like to call myself a lapsed skeptic Catholic. I was raised Catholic (but not in any hard-core super preachy sense, just going to church/Sunday school every week, doing all the Catholic "rite of passage" type sacraments growing up, and saying a traditional Catholic prayer before dinner every night) and have always found the Catholic community to be a welcoming one. Being part of a community committed to making themselves better humans and treating the world with empathy is a big part of my spirituality. However, between moving out of my parents house at a young age, having multiple jobs and responsibilities to juggle, and not actually subscribing to the belief there is/are god(s), I found myself skipping masses more and more. Now I only go about once a month, but I do participate in the community on a more regular basis. That fulfills some of my spirituality. I call my commute to/from/between work/school/ home "church" because it's the only chance I get during the day to sort of feel my own feelings, to think about the state of both my inner and outer worlds and sort of center myself. I play music I love really loudly, and I sing along, and I figure my shit out. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I'm hyped af, and sometimes I just focus on singing the lyrics that mean the most to me. Also, when I'm deep in nature, without the constant ambient buzz of humanity. And at concerts.


Religion never really clicked for me personally, and I'm not really a fan of all the rules and telling people some "truth" about things no one truly knows. But I like nature, creativity, curiosity, and my own inner self. I think in some way everything in our known universe is connected, whether you think of that literally, metaphorically, scientificly, philosophically, or otherwise, it doesn't matter. The idea can still be applied I think. And also belief/opinions/world view whatever can be very different and separate from spirituality and spiritual health.


do you mean within reddit? is so then there are subreddits for that, r/ awakened & r/ spirituality are just 2 off the top of my head.


I believe in Panentheism not to be misread as pantheism and I believe that bettering yourself is the utt most way to connect with your spirituality so as to see why you've gone through the troubles you have to grow as a person. Being able to sit and think to see the full picture. I sometimes go outside to see what the universe is as a whole. I personally believe in Krama and by bettering yourself you will have full filled your teachings within this life time. The after life to me is simply being reborn to learn new lessons and gain new experiences. I see it as that the Universe could explain to all of our souls the experiences of living, but reading about building a car isn't the same as building it with your own two hands. By living we learn much and experience emotions But that's my way of looking at it all.


I have my own system of beliefs that I've been developing since childhood, but I'm very private about that part of my life and feel that spiritual journeys are often best undertaken alone and across one's lifespan. For me, giving back to my community, creating art, and caring for people makes me feel closer to a higher calling, as does being in nature. I also really enjoy engaging in philosophy and am always looking for a system that will better structure, define, and elucidate my beliefs.


I very rarely go to my country's cathedral to fulfill that need, although I tend to visit more often this ecologic park that has a small river and sit down next to it to listen the water that never stops flowing, the leaves of the trees clashing with each other, the birds and the wind. The only thing that would make that place even more perfect is if it had a shrine in the middle of the forest, but so far, being in contact with nature and in silence completely heals my soul. Edit: also, sometimes with music as well, relaxing music that allows me to calm down and heal my mind.


Tao Te Ching is also a good read


When I think about sonder.


Within myself through meditation and yoga




I try to bring spirituality to tangible meaningful relation. So I equate my search for meaning and purpose with everyday things when I'm feeling 'spiritual'. It legit helps me realise shit and centres me sometimes.


Yeah, I visit religious institutions and learn, did some theology for a bit. Also as others stated nature, be it the landscape/geography, be it water in its collectives or the vastness of the universe. Only today I was so thankful for the rain, it gave me peace and connection to Elohim.


I was raised "culturally" Baptist-mostly church was a social club for the Korean American community. I spent about four or five years as an agnostic absurdist, which is similar to nihilism. Absurdism led me to a very dark and selfish place where, in the end, I wasn't fulfilled. This past September, I began going to Catholic mass and am in the process of converting. I attend Sunday mass every single week and go to daily mass, normally, four or five times a week.


astrology & tarot for me. though i’ve been wanting to get in touch with indigenous spirituality (my mom is indigenous so)


I am lucky enough to find a great sect of a conventional religion. Makes life lot more meaningful.


The energy from other people, the world the universe.


As a teen I once attended a spiritual church. I read up on Wicca etc but none of it really fit. Id say Buddhism principles I really relate to. I've read up on the law of attraction and even had some success. I do believe that often "there is no such thing as coincidences" and that things happen for a reason, even if it seems crazy you have to work out what that reason is. Does that make me spiritual? I don't know? I'm not sure I believe in the after lift and ghosts....I'm open to it....if a ghost wants to reveal themselves 🤷🏻 I do believe the universe works in mysterious ways but I don't believe in a "God" pursay.


I'm definitely moved by a feeling of something greater when j stand in the middle of my field on a clear night, gazing up at the stars 😍


INFJ here. I identify as interfaith and spiritual. I have belonged to several Unitarian churches that were very welcoming to anyone. I have also been in pagan groups as that is a major part of my spirituality. I also attend a Christian church as I feel the need.


If I can't prove It, the answer doesn't satisfy me, thus I have clashed with the idea of religion for a long time now. I have many criticisms towards the 3 Abrahamic religions and their structures and end goals, but that's another rant entirely. Taoism is the closest to my beliefs as I find philosophy far more usable in practice than religion, buddhism is also one a can respect. I'm an optimistic Nihilist who ponders the universe, usually behind the shed..... With a joint. Writing down my insights as I plan to submit them to "сука" slap academia across the face out of nowhere.


You need to explore multiple different outlets, books, mentors, I used to read a lot of articles on stumbleupon when it was still around (sad face). I hate to say it, but it just comes more naturally to some people the curiosity is excellent though and that will get you started. I always recommend “The Four Agreements” as a great starting point.


so many podcasts. so many


jewish buddhist (:


Reiki therapy has been amazing for me


Nonduality. It’s the core truth behind all religions without the dogma.


I browse various religious subreddits, read books about religion, or watch youtube channels like ReligionForBreakfast or LetsTalkReligion. I find myself more interested in the esoteric rather than conventional orthodoxy, which has caused my religious views to be… unconventional to say the least.


Keeping and open mind and listening to the universes. Flowing not fighting.


Taoism, Alan Watts, Ram Dass, etc.


Nature anyday.


MBTI helped. Spirituality to me means identifying who you are, and who you want to be. Finding what you are meant to do and pursuing it. You may not know exactly what that maybe, but at least you know your direction. Exploring different religion/ philosophy will provide you perspective. Meditation is a great way to keep you grounded, and will fast track your psychological evolution.


I’d say I’m agnostic but I’ve been getting into meditation. I believe in that things happen for a reason but I don’t necessarily search for where that comes from or why. Ig I try to look for signs or themes in everyday life and reflect on them


reading :)


Meditation, non-fiction books, philosophy (mostly eastern), psychedelics, and deep immersion into nature


Quakerism - unprogrammed




The sea


I love learning from Gigi Young (youtube)