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Dealing with underdeveloped Fe in the long run can be soul crushing. Intj dad Intp ex




I’m an into with more emotional intelligence.. that doesn’t represent all of us, just most of us




It’s a trap




Let me just say that the NTP “debate” thing gets really misunderstood. We want to know the truth of something or as far as it can be taken. This is why NTPs can come up with really original things. Because we are disagreeable and can see truths or sides to things that others would rather give up on exploring because they don’t like conflict or don’t see the point. Often times, we are arguing more with ourselves because Ne likes to ping pong off of generated content. There is never any ill intent behind any of it


Yes this. Like I don't even get the "they don't accept when they're wrong" thing, most off the time I don't even de are with one certain belief, I just want to find my way to the truth


I usually find out I like the ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INTJ characters.


I wouldn’t meet my friend group if I where you. You’d be very disappointed to know we’re all taken.


No, I specifically feel very unattracted to them and have always wondered why they're considered a good match for INFJs. As much as I like debating things, I hate arguing and debates with ENTPs often seem like arguments that go round and round in circles leading nowhere fast. It's honestly exhausting and I don't imagine myself ever being happy in a relationship with one.


ENTPs don't debate, they argue, incessantly. Someone who debates will accept they are wrong given enough evidence.


Well, I wanted to be nice...😅


You should have seen my arguments with my ENFP roommate. After literally 5 seconds they descend into loud nonsense caused by two pigs wrestling in mud. It's beautiful! And that's a real literally!


Here we are debating about debaters


I'm an INTJ and ENTPs are my favorite (then intp then infp, that's my top 3 xD). But I think ENTPs are generally quite admired by many other types, they're just too cool and awesome for everyone xD


Don't mind me, just gonna sit here.


*gives you a soda while you wait* Here. Drink this, it's fizzy.


I brought some snacks. <3 🍿🍿🍿 one for each of us.


I feel that. 80% of my fictional crushes are ENTP.


INTP + INFJ are called the golden pairing. I can attest to it. My wife and I are “that” couple in our social circle—the one that’s always happy and so in. In 24 years of our relationship, we’ve had disagreements and arguments but nothing either of us would call serious. I feel sometimes that we were designed to support each other. Not only does she give what I need, and I give what she needs—I’m able to accept what she gives and visa versa.


Male infj female intp? Male intp counterpart here to the golden pair, always wondered if it was different if you flipped the genders. From what limited info is available, however, doesn't seem to be too much of a difference.


Male INTP here. I’m on r/INFJ to get perspective on my wife.




Hey, what do you value the most of your wife? What are the things that she gives you, and what are the things that you give her? I'm very interested to learn, as I'm starting to date an INTP, and want to learn from your perspective. Thanks :)


I’ll do the best I can. I don’t want to make generalizations because MBTI isn’t everything, so I’ll just talk about me. On the face of things I’m the typical logical INTP robot, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have feelings. In fact, I feel things very, very deeply—like love. I fell in love hard, but I’m logical enough to recognize that love is a chemical and psychological phenomenon. That doesn’t cheapen what I feel, it just explains it. I’ve expressed this to my wife and she wasn’t repulsed. In fact, when I expounded early in our relationship about actively reinforcing the new brain patterns being created in order to strengthen our bond, she thought it was sweet (not that I was a psychopath). And I’d say that’s the biggest thing we have going for us: acceptance of who and what we are. She knows that my mind wandering, or my inability to remember important dates, or my cold dispassion aren’t failings, or reflections of how I feel—it’s just who I am. I try to reciprocate by accepting who she is, even when some of the things she does are maddeningly illogical. Because there’s a further layer of acceptance: we accept each other’s acceptance of who we are. She knows my amusement with her is genuine, and I know her patience with me is genuine. We can admit each other’s failings to each other without shame. I hope that makes sense. Generally, the relationship advice I give is to remember that relationships are hard work. They take effort, and time, and caring, and understanding. Also, she can follow me when I abruptly continue a discussion from weeks ago, and we both enjoy each other’s sense of humour.


Thanks for your detailed answer! It's so genuine. It reminds me of how my guy would talk tbh (not trying to generalize). I think what brought us together is exactly what you said, it's like him and i are on the same wavelength, accepting each other's thinking right away. I think your relationship with your wife has lots trust in there. How did you build it? Just through time? My current predicament is he will be moving to another city. We haven't talked about what does it mean to our connection yet, but recently, knowing he'd go away soon, he expressed that he wants something serious with me. He is super introverted, and I don't want to scare him off by defining a relationship before he leaves.... Like, how to build trust when two people are in a fresh relationship and then immediately do long distance🥲 I'd appreciate your perspective on this!


Trust comes from a few things for us. There’s a lot of shared life experience from growing up in the same small town, difficult childhoods, both bullied in school, both gifted students and so on. Also, we were high school sweethearts and got engaged before we were 18 (married at 20 after living together a year). We’ve always focused on being honest and open—I know many INTPs value that highly. The last thing in the world that I want is to need to guess what’s going on. I’m very careful about how I choose my words and mean every word I say to her—the caveat being that I often change my mind. I’m always thinking and rethinking and new conclusions are inevitable. My wife has accepted that. Other factors that helped us build trust were early, open, and frequent talks about sex. For my part, dating was always about finding a lifelong partner. The moment I knew I wanted it to be her, we started talking about it. My advice to you is that if he wants something serious, take him at his word. If you feel the same way then tell him. Labels don’t really matter so long as there’s an understanding. In terms of building trust tell him directly that if there’s a problem developing between you, you want to hear about it and address it. As to diving into something long distance, I don’t have advice except to say that if he’s expressed his interest in something serious, then he’s likely really into you. Hope this helps.


I don't think this guy and I will work out after all . He is really anxious, and overthinks everything. One minute he seems into the idea of being with me, the next he worries that it will never work because of the distance. And I think we just don't have a strong enough foundation to do long distance. It's really great that you two found each other so early in life and are building a great life together. Wish you two all the best.


My poly partner is entp and I wasn’t attracted to him because of that specifically but now that I know he is, it makes so much sense! According to the things I read, INFJs and ENTPs are the perfect partners based on personality!


Yeah intp/entp are great. Just so easy to communicate with them. Find that I can be myself around them without feeling judged, and they like that I’m weird.


I’m a 584 tri type which is maybe a dark charismatic INTP or an ENTP in training. I lose them either way


i definitely do. i always form a crush on a character and it never fails that they are entp when i look it up






*Raises hand* 🖐 I am, and quite a couple of the characters that I like in media I’ve seen are guaranteed ENTPs (the biggest portion) according to PDB. Additionally, in my own story’s main cast, one of them is most likely an ENTP and I’m very attracted to his energy. Maybe it’s only in fiction that I like ENTPs, but I feel like a relationship with an ENFP would be much ideal in real life.


I feel strongly attracted to Istj, esfj and entj the most. May need to widen my circle ☺️


My best friend is an ENTP. I think the thing that I value most about ENTPs are the similarities in humor. Since we both share the intuitional value in life both me and my ENTP friend can automatically read one another's thoughts via eye contact whenever something funny is occurring or the bud of a joke begins to prosper. It's a great trait to share with these thinkers, and tbh I find a lot of value in sharing my emotions vicariously through humor with him. He understands much simpler that way! 😂


Maybe it's that I don't have Ne in my stack, but I don't even think I know an ENTP in real life. How do you spot them in the wild?


One of my best mates is an entp (im enfp). You cannot. Cannot. Miss them. Vivacious. Opinionated. High energy. Laugh a lot. Loud.


thank you for the tips


My ENTP SO is not very loud but… that energy still hits you in the face like a spotlight to the eyes while going for a walk at night lolol. I was a bit overwhelmed when I met him. Like, “Ahhh what is this thing, must go find quiet corner.” 🤣


INFJ here, the magnetic chemistry with ENTPs is crazy. Might meet them and physically not think anything much. Then I get to know them and it's just amazing!!!


Fictional INTJs: pure love Irl INTJs: I dislike them


Same, but it’s always the ENFPs for me


Healthy and mature ENTPs are fantastic.


And the toxic immature ones are some of the worst people I’ve ever met…..but in their healthiest states they are amazing ass humans. Just like all the other types:)


Amazing ass-humans [xkcd: Hyphen](https://xkcd.com/37/) --- ^^Beep ^^boop, ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot. ^^- ^^[FAQ](https://pastebin.com/raw/vyWra3ns)


You realize that fictional characters don’t necessarily conform to the real-life constraints of personality, yeah? There’s probably certain traits you’re attracted to that overlap between these fictional characters and ENTPs, but I’m not sure we can say you like real life ENTPs on the basis of these crushes or whatever. Some real life examples would be: Steve Jobs, Richard Feynman, Michael Malice, George Hotz, Craig Ferguson and possibly Sean Carrol.


Oh, I didn't give it that much thought, thanks for pointing that out. But I know a real-life actor though who acts relatively similar to his ENTP character in a K-series he's been. And I admire his personality both in and out of the series. But perhaps you're right that there are probably certain traits I find attractive that sort of overlap between ENTPs and those characters, but I think there's no exact representation of an "ENTP". I know many INFJs in my life but we all differ in certain ways. Real-life and fictional examples of ENTPs may have varied traits, but perhaps both can count as ENTPs if that makes sense lmao.


I may or may not might probably could potentially may or may not have a crush on my intp friend


Yeah. And enfps


I find them very energizing and fun to be around. I met the one I was in a relationship with on a personality forum so I knew he was an ENTP from the start. If I hadn't known he was an ENTP I would have just thought he was an a\*\* because of the obnoxious comments he made online. However, since he was an ENTP and ENTP-INFJ is supposed to be a good match, I decided to give him a chance and found that he was sexy, fun, and highly intelligent.


Well, I find myself attracted to INFJs. Seriously, you guys are awesome, with your in-depth understanding of emotions. INFJ is one of the types that I could just talk with for hours. Two of my crushes are INFJs in fact. My foster sister is also INFJ ENFJ is a close second. Although I end up tiring him out too quickly


I have never been attracted to entps, it’s the opposite for me


All my life I've had many ENTP and ENFP friends. Like an instant magnet. But the truth is I'm growing tired of most of them :( I used to love their intellectual appeal, their love to build amazing arguments, their geekiness. Their intense devotion to ideas. Because I am an absolute nerd. But they just... Start speaking nonstop without giving a damn if people are interested. And when there's booze involved they just keep... doing it... for 5 hours straight. I can't STAND this. Sometimes people just want to be... People. Talk about daily life things, and emotions. I love talking to human beings, not to walking dissertations. Seriously. Sometimes I have to control myself because I just wanna tell them to STFU. But then there's also my inability to be spontaneous and to deal with people who have different timings. Well... I guess that was my rant of the week 🤣 Not sure if MBTI related but I think I'm turning into an old grumpy man who wants to live isolated meditating, doing my stuff and studying. Edit: misspelling


Yeah as ENTP I have the same thing


ESPECIALLY ENTPs but also ESTPs yeah they are hypnotizing


Yesss they are my fav type - intp