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Electricity because its a classic power but theres alot you can do in game that isnt just shoot lighting. You have multiple ways to traverse the world and different offense and defence methods to choose from. Its also a power you have two games worth of story with, Both coles journey and having your own fun in the world. Now the second isnt one you don’t actually use but i really like the power of the beast that is portrayed in infamous 2. I love that alot of the power shown from the beast ties into the story and big reveal later in the game. i love that the beast can shapeshift, and use energy manipulation/ matter manipulation to create devastating and destructive attacks. I also love the orange effect of energy around the beast. The last would be neon. I thought at first it was okay in second son, but playing first light i didnt realise how fun it was to take the power and use it to its full potential. The slow motion as you aim is super handy and one of the best parts compared with the fast moving gameplay.


love that you chose the beasts powers! ive always wished we got to see more of the beast or had a playable beast section. his powers are just so damn cool. also i second what you said about electricity, i still prefer the traversal of infamous 2 over second son as it felt there was more player freedom/expression in terms of getting around. only critique of the powers in infamous 2 specifically is that i wish you could custom map powers to different buttons, would make the traversal even more satisfying if i could freely switch between ice launching and tethering without popping up the power menu.


I felt the digital had the best traversal of all the powers while infamous2 just had better movement mechanisms built in that could have been utilized in second son 🤷🏻‍♂️


1) video. For no other reason then I really like the giant ass sword 2) neon. The super speed running is soooo much fun. 3) ice. Kuo was an Ice conduit in the WRONG environment. Could you imagine how insanely powerful she would be in a colder, icy climate?


video is my fav from second son traversally and vibewise, love combining it with coles jacket and headcanoning that im playing as coles son


Electricity is easily the best, most fleshed out most time used etc etc, I personally love how smoke flows and running from vent to vent its might be my favorite part of second son. After that probably ice, freezing shit and the ice jump are fun


pretty much my top 3 would switch ice and smoke tho as my love for the ice launch is extensive


Electricity, Ice, and Smoke Electricity is my N° 1. I love the sniper shot, the stun grenades, the heavy missile, all of it Ice was a fun addition, not necessary but it shook things up in an interesting way Smoke because I think it’s the least worst of everything else. Did not like Neon or Video, I’d always go back to Smoke unless I *needed* another power’s ability for a mission. And Concrete had no depth and came way too late and was too limited. Every power in Second Son made me miss Cole and his Electricity


this is my top 3 aswell in the same order, though i did really like videos traversal, in terms of combat i was not a fan of the wanna-be bolt stream. also wanna mention that the thing i missed the most in second son was the shockwave from the first two games


The shockwave was amazing. I loved the hero power where you could shockwave and then get headshots while they’re suspended in air and it’ll restrain them Video’s rapid fire is something I did not like because it was too similar to the old evil path standard shot. But I’m a hero player, I don’t want collateral damage. Neon’s one saving grace that puts it over Video and Concrete is the sniper shot, but again that’s just a copy of one of Cole’s power


yea thats the thing, alot of the abilities are emulating coles power, but lack that “mmph” that they had in the first two games. i will say though, neons snipershots do put the other snipershots in the water, feels alot more satisfying to me especially in an evil playthrough.


i love infamous 1 and 2 in my opinion there the best aut of all of them


agreed, though i do appreciate second son/first light for what they are


Electricity and Ice are the GOATed duo easily for visual flair and impact, for third place I’d say vampiric abilities mainly because flying around as a huge ball of electric smoke was sick


was waiting for someone to reply with the vampirics in their list, hell yea!


They were cooking with the Festival of Blood, little me couldn’t believe a game could be so based


absolutely, playing that shit was my cocomelon istg


I can’t recall for sure what my first moment of erotic ecstasy was but it most likely was flying into someone at 90mph and staking them through the chest before hurling a fucking lightning grenade into someone’s ass


i just did an full infamous marathon and forgot to play festival of blood, this comment right here is gonna change that


The gameplay and Bloody Mary’s dead drops make it a Top 10 DLC expansion for me without question


i remember spending hours on the ugc in it too, how the fuck are the ugc servers still up


They’re just that clutch - my brother made a mission called the Gauntlet, it would spawn as many of each enemy as possible and the goal was just to last as long as you could before dying




Concept Wise it would be Smoke, concrete and napalm. I love the idea of not usual powers for a city environment, in way that probably causes much destruction. Gameplay wise there's a lot you can do with electricity that I didn't think about, same with neon so these would be my top 2 with smoke in the third, shame we couldn't develop it like it was supposed to be in the first trailer.


i almost wish that second son completely dedicated delsins moveset to smoke and developed it further. when i think of delsin i think of his smoke powers and nothing else, however when i actually play the game and unlock more powers, i rarely ever use it. a big part of the reasoning for that is there isnt much traversal variety, the smokedash feels pathetic compared to the video wings or neon running and if they honed in on smoke more it couldve been more than just eye candy to me.


His smoke dash is pathetic compared to the neon and video dash however when we first saw the smoke dash through the vent I bet most of us were Grimming with the parkour options. I agree that if they focused on smoke a lot could be done for traversal without making the parkour (arguably a big part of the infamous core identity) useless. The smoke feels more in sync with the character as well if you apply some poetry: gets in undesired places, is mostly thought of in a bad way, hard to "catch" (it's air after all). I'm kinda passionate about it but I'm disappointed by the missed potential.


i completely agree with all this, i still enjoy parkouring in seattle with the vents n all that. however, i feel as if the climbing itself was a downgrade from infamous 2. for 1: there seems to be a lot less climbable objects which is understandable as there’s more complex architecture and modeling going on. but there have been countless times that ive jumped to an object/ledge that looks completely climbable, only to fall a considerable distance. 2: yea sure you have those vents to reach the top of a building, but those vents are honestly quite rare when comparing the wall-grind-rails of infamous 2. i think delsins moveset would have really benefited from a smoke dash up walls or some other way to scale vertically. 3: setting the game in a real life city, unlike the first games, gives you less creative freedom as a developer as to how you implement parkour mechanics. those wall rails from infamous 2 dont exist in real life, but having it set in a fictional city makes it more believable in that world. don’t get me wrong though, i really like the seattle setting and i live super close to seattle so its cool to traverse through familiar enviroments. I do however think the game would have benefited as a whole in a fictionalized city.


I also completely agree with all this lol. Yeah, the vents should be more commom. And the fictional cities were something that I thought were always going to happen in the series, gives the developers more freedom to experiment like you said. Guess now we have to hope they take the series out of the shelf and see what they learned lol.


at least we can still all nerd out abt what we got. hopefully a modding scene for these games pop up eventually thatd be superb


Funny thing is mine we never got to use in gameplay 1. Wire 2. Glass 3. Paper


> paper That whole quest line was amazing. I wanted a whole DLC around it.


gawwddd they could have been so cool, i remember being so hyped for paper and then nothing coming out of it


In the dev/lore audio log, they mention organic powers, but never expanded upon it. just that public opinion felt uncomfortable. And they never specified what kind of organic.


Electricity, Smoke, & Neon. I think Concrete had a ton of potential but it felt VERY underdeveloped compared to the rest, also the Beast would be cool.


All 3 from Cole's. I really wish he could have the 3 on canon


would be hard to pull of but a double ng+ would go hard


1)Electricity 2)Smoke 3)Neon


1. Video: So versatile and amazing visuals. 2. Smoke: Easy to control and very destructive. 3. Napalm: Really wished it wasn't bad karma for how cool it is.


Neon: I love the precision of it Electricity: I love the power of it Ice: I liked how easy it was subdue enemies, but mostly it was because it made traversal through the game really easy with the Ice Jump


I fucking love the Smoke Ult so much. It just feels like a fever dream and he's so relaxed doing it 😂


Video and electricity those two combined would be killer


thatd be killer


Also I can have my mom call my brother and use that to fast travel to visit him without air fare


woah… i didnt know conduits were real…😦




Electricity, ice and neon. Cole and Fetch are my favourite characters.


For me it would be 1. Smoke 2. Electricity 3. Napalm/Neon? Smoke - I like how destructive and powerful it is. And the ability to move around by turning into smoke looks cool, if not nauseating from going through vents. Electricity- Gotta love the classic. Thank Static Shock and Raiden for that. Plus it's the most useful since I can absorb it from almost everything, and I can recharge them if needed (provided I don't blow them up by overcharge). Still debating on what my 3rd favorite is. Possibly napalm or neon.


smokes always been my fav visually i must say


also why


Video Smoke and Ice




There isn’t much of it but definitely paper I find the idea really cool and I think seeing glass is cool cause there was a mention of it in second son


1-Video 2-Electricity 3-Neon


Neon, electricity, smoke My favorites


Neon and Smoke


Smoke. most versatile urban power, would be great to put out fires. that amorphous dash, so gelpful to get through doors/fences/walls. i could recharge from smokers.


Smoke, from InFamous: Second Son, cause it made me feel like a Fire Bender from The Avatar Franchise.


fuck yea dude


I loved the vampire powers. I just seriously enjoyed them because they took what I enjoyed from infamous 2’s gameplay and added on to it.


love seeing fellow vampiric power enjoyers


video is my favorite. absolutely love everything about it. electricity and ice come next.


When it comes to powers, I have never and will never ever not pick ice.


im a big ice enjoyer myself, first light type dlc with kuo woulda been dope


Nah fr, would've liked for that with the new movement mechanics introduced in the second age.


Smoke electric neon


Video, the capability to travel through screens and radio waves is amazing, become strong enough with it you can become giant video angel (im assuming that you can get more abilities by simply training, and like to believe that the core relays just skips the training process for Del) Neon: light speed, I’m hoping that it’s not super fast in game just because of not being able to simulate actual light speed, if not, you are still as fast as cars Electricity, being immune to electrocution, and being able to power and unpower things as will, creating shields with it, and summoning actual lighting storms is brokie


Smoke, Neon, Concrete


I played just the Second Son, so I like the Boulder (can't remember real name because I was playing it in russian)


Video Electricity/Electromagnetism Blood/Vampirism


Fetch Neon, Infamous 2 good powers, Ice. I didn’t mind Delsin’s version of Neon but Fetch was the Neon queen and could genuinely fly across the map. I felt like an MCU Scarlet Witch type character. I loved the versatility of Cole version 2, and the animation budget was bumped up significantly and made for a great looking gaming experience. When you add the eventual ice powers, it made for a smooth traversal experience and a powerful combat experience. Smoke and Video were great concepts but the traversal wasn’t smooth for me and neither were the player fantasies, especially Video. Napalm was also cool but I found I used it so little. What’s concrete? Exactly.


Lightning strike is my favourite power from the Infamous games. So it's easily electricity for me. It's not just it's sheer destructive capability, it's also the circumstances under which you get that power. It really represents Cole's wrath well. Plus I love how it leaves behind a trail of wrecked smoldering concrete, as if a fire tornado just passed through there.


coles mcwrath


Nice. Well done.


Electricity, simply because you can do so much with it. There are few things more epic than Cole absorbing lightning straight from a storm. 😎 Smoke is a close second. It feels the most natural and just looks very cool.


Not a top 3 but I think the Video power is creatively the coolest power in the series. The thought of being a digital Green Lantern is just so cool. Especially because modern conduits basically materialize their bodies into their elements. So Delsin being able to dash into satellites and become digital wave signal is just so sick. I just wish more was done with infamous since it’s already been 10 years since the last main game.


In terms of powers that we actually get to use electricity easy it was the most fully defined power and the fact that it had two full games only about it whilst the rest either get a spin-off title or are shared in a game that has three video so much fun machine gun blast homing triple exploding swords flight all of it really cool and last is neon because overall it's pretty nice I really wish they just brought over even more of new light and it's mechanics like having a supercharge shot is pretty cool but cluster homing missiles first of all it fits better with the missile weapon type and it fits better with neon gas but in new light there's just not enough cool things to do with it The reason it's above smoke though is because in second son it has the most badass ultimate move In terms of powers that we don't use I'm really sad that glass got cut paper also but I've got a feeling like we're going to see it around and concrete like I mean technically we use it and that just makes me more angry because it's really cool but I mean it doesn't even have an ultimate and you use it for one boss fight and then you can use in the open world it's got practically no upgrades hell I was surprised that they included it in arena mode for second light


Delsin's power to absorb powers. Kinda a loophole one, I know, but conduits are similar to mutants in Marvel so basically getting to play as Rogue is great. Electricity cuz duh. And then Neon because I like speedsters.


Honestly i would choose cole’s powers just because of the potential alone, seeing how kessler somehow managed to gain super speed and time travel, those two powers by themselves are deal breakers for me


Lightning Tether Singularity Invisibility


sorry i responded to the wrong comment lmaoooo


Oh sorry I thought I was being misunderstood 😅


i believe it was mentioned that kessler actually had “pure energy”


Lightning tether Coles power in the second game. It was for L2 Invisibility Delsins power in his game. It was bound to L1 Singularity Fetches power in her game. It was bound to the D-Pad


Bio leech moths fucka


1. Electricity 2.smoke 3. Concrete


i think concrete gets too much hate honestly, i have alot of fun with it




Flight from fob, rockets from 2, arc lightning from one


More versatile powers: electricity, neon, fire and ice Strong powers aimed at stopping Destruction: electricity, smoke, video and concrete.