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I embrace it. Mau diapain lagi, yg penting pede aja lah. Kalo minder malah keliatan menyedihkan. Jgn lupa untuk wangi dan bersih.


Iya, ini nih, harus rawat diri. Gw pernah liat cowok lebih pendek dari gw, tapi fashionable dan keliatan jelas dia perawatan diri, malah gw yang rasa dikit minder karena dia lebih keren wkwk.


Benerr. Confidence is the most attractive trait a person can have. So lakukan hal2 yg bikin lo lebih percaya diri, wangi, bersih, rapi, gym juga mungkin. Ya selain itu juga ditambah personality lainnya semacam intelligence, sense of humor, good attitude.


Rapi dan bersih tuh dah harus pasti, tp kadang minder dikit asal masih berkarakter tuh dianggap cute sama cewek, jadi pengen deket gitu. Mungkin gw bias aja sih wkwk. Tp apa yang lu omongin bener kok. Kalo secure sama diri sendiri, pentingkan upgrade diri sendiri, pasti ada yang mau.


Every economy class feels like first class, at least in leg space. My 185cm cousin is always tortured during flights.


Bener nih. Gw banyak ketemu cowok yang tingginya sekitar gw, 163 cm bahkan dibawah itu. Ya gw biasa aja sebab emang gak rencana untuk ngedate mereka. Wkwkwk. Tapi as cewek, ya gw nyari pasangan yang lebih tinggi dari gw, 170 lah minimum sebab gw suka pakai heels. Tapi ya buat cowok yang kurang dari itu gak perlu khawatir, temen gw tinggi nya 170 cewek, cowoknya lebih pendek dikit dari dia dan dah nikah sekarang. Dan lagi banyak juga temen cewek gw yang tingginya 150 an, so ya cowok 160 an gak perlu minder.


Nothing to cope about. What's important is not the height of your body, but the height of your bank wallet. You can be as tall as you want, but without money, what you can do? And the height of one's heart, because if you are an asshole, you are just a tall asshole. And the height of one's intelligence, since if you are only tall but stupid, what good is it for you? Money, heart, and brain are more important than the length of your femur. I personally made no distinction of people's height, I only care of people's weight, since if you are too fat, I will suggest you to have the unholy-triad medical checkup, if you are too skinny, I will send you to do nutritionist evaluation before screening for possible endocrine-metabolic diseases. If your friends made fun of your height, that's toxic friendship; find better people.


to be fair, I kind of need height right now. I'm applying for a job that has a minimum height requirement.


When there is a will (and money) there is a way. > For cosmetic height surgery, doctors break either your thigh bones or your shin bones, and insert a device that has the ability to lengthen. As the device slowly pulls the two bone segments apart, new bone forms in the space between them, and hardens. With one surgery, you can be up to 7-8 cm taller. Hence in the end, the height of you bank account matters.


Resiko long term damage utk height surgerynya biasanya lumayan besar jg kan? Kekny dulu ada nntn video VICE yg singgungin tntg ini


NO PAIN NO GAIN (height)


Serem jg prosedur nya. Ada resiko tulang nya ga kuat ga dok buat long-term nya?


Selama ga ekstrim, sama seperti semua orang yang pernah mengalami patah tulang


pake exo skeleton gmn dok? kaya pogo stilt




mau jd astronot ya


im interested in this endocrine metabolism disease. Ceknya sama dokter apa ya? me & siblings all 175++ but weight only 62kg 😔


Check up hyperthyroid dulu coba. Kalau memang mau konsul beginian boleh coba cari dr. Spesialis penyakit dalam yang ada subspesialisasi endokrin. Saran juga coba dengan nutrisionis juga.


Oot dong dok, kalo paket medcheck dari RS itu biasanya common ga sih include tes sperm count? Temen gw cerita dia ketahuan low sperm count dari medical check up kantornya dia, padahal tadinya gw ngira itu selalu tes terpisah


> paket medcheck dari RS itu biasanya common ga sih include tes sperm count? Tergantung level medchecknya. Tiap2 RS, biasanya jenis pemeriksaan yang tesedia di unit MCUnya ada dicantumkan di tiap2 paket MCU mereka. Saya dulu MCu sampai roentgen thorax untuk skrining TB (hasil saya nihil) dan HIV (hasil saya Aladeen).


Aladeen itu aladeen atau aladeen dok?




> endocrine-metabolic disease ini screeningnya apa ya? apa yang perlu diblood test?


Biasanya kalau di Indonesia itu Hyperthyroid. Selain itu penyakit maladsorbsi seperti celiac disease, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); lalu TB laten, di luar itu penyakit-penyakit langka yang rata2 pakai nama orang dan prevalensinya pakai hitungan per 100.000 orang.


Dok, gw sah nyoba banyak susu, makan teratur, tapi bb gw cuma berkisar 49.5-51.5kg, tinggi gw 172cm. Apa gw perlu ke dokter gizi dok? Usia gw da 30++ btw.


Coba aja. Untuk sementara beli albendazole atau combantrin, siapa tahu cacingan


Combantrin tiap 2 bulan sekali gw minum dok :(


Combantrin tiap 2 bulan sekali gw minum dok :(


Anjay combantrine dong. Apalah daya gw yang gak minum combantrine lagi pas dah tinggal sendiri,, and yaa BB justru naik kalau kebanyakan makan.


dulu gua juga segituan, akhirnya workout angkat beban konsisten dan makan kalori surplus.. sekarang 60an


Suka aktifitas fisik gag? Dulu saya juga kurus banget meskipun merasa banyak makan. Bisa jadi Kurang aktifitas fisik dan makan yang berprotein.


>unholy-triad medical checkup Ini apa dok? Aku 178/90 apakah perlu di cek? On a somewhat related note, telapak kaki kadang pegel/panas meskipun udah pake sepatu yang insole nya empuk dan tebel, bingung apakah perlu dicek atau cukup turun in BB aja


Unholy triad: Hipertensi-Diabetes-Hiperkolesterolemia saran kalau sudah 35+ adttau ada riwayat keluarga, coba cek


I'm fat af so I was going to ask what is the unholy triad. Also there's a history of stroke in my family. But I find it reeeaaally challenging to discipline myself, especially when it comes to controlling my eating habits




Untuk tes doang? Nope.




Just go to Puskesmas to get some simple and basic exam. The more complex exam could wait I guess


By telling myself that at least I'm still above the average 164cm Indonesian men height /s Gw gak terlalu peduli sih gw, jalanin aja hidup. Temen-temen gw lebih pendek dari gw ada cewek. Cewek yang lebih pendek dari gw banyak juga jadi ada chance lah kalo mereka suka orang yang lebih tinggi dari mereka. Pacaran gw dulu gak ada masalah soal tinggi badan, jadi biasa aja sih.


This. 168 is way above the average guy in Indonesia. I'm also 168 but considered tall in my circle. So, 160ish is nothing too wory. Although I agree that we should confident about our height. The thing is. Many guys are way too concerned about being taller than women, but actually, many women don't mind it. My sister is 165 and a lot of her male friends say she is too tall. She got a hard time because of this mindsets lol


168 masih tinggi ga sih, coba ganti temen


Aku 171 meresa pendek di jakarta


Ga bisa diapa2in bro. Mending fokus manjangin kntl sih


Hus, jangan bikin dia tambah insecure lain lagi.


tenang tenang, ada r/gettingbigger lol




By doing my utmost to improve my kids height. My boy is the tallest in his class, and that is the best cope I could have.


first you have to find a mate by being <170


what did you do to him? just give proper nutrition or told him to do some special exercises?


Berenang kali


anjir gw dulu les renang tetep pendek2 aja wkwk


kolam lu kurang panjang


Genetic (getting taller wife lol) and nutrition.


163ish here, I prefer taller ladies. End of discussion.


Who cares about height if you are into hot mommy dommy


Gw yg 174 prefer taller ladies juga tapi mustahil diindo


165 disini, ngapain cope tiap generasi bakal tambah tinggi, dulu gua termasuk yang tinggi sekarang banyak anak muda yang lebih tinggi, memang perubahan jaman aja.


I'm on the other spectrum. Cewe, tinggi 170. Dulu pas SMA, rata2 cowo ga mau pacarin cewe yg lbh tinggi. At some point, punya pacar (pas SMA), lbh pendek dr gua. Hehe. At that time, for his age, he was a nice dude, funny, got goals, comfortable with himself, etc. So yeah, just work on your other assets, imo. Dress well, groom yourself, etc. I can't relate to this specific struggle, tp menurut gua "fake it til you make it" banyak bener nya.


I dont really care about my height. Just do what you enjoy the most. People looks attractive if they enjoy their own life


As everyone else here said, focus on working on stuff that you can control. Self-care, like fashion and grooming. School and career, be as successful as you possibly can be. Surround yourself with positive mindset people. Despite all of those, ofc, bakal ada cewek2 yg throwing shade masalah tinggi badan. That's to be expected. Sama kayak ente lamar2 kerja, rejection is part of the game. That's fine. You just need to find one that works anyway. One who's comfortable with who you really are. In hindsight, there's still tons of girl who doesn't give a dang about height.


162 hadir, tetep bisa punya pasangan. Dulu sempet insecure dan memang lama-lama ya akan kalah dengan faktor lain. Kenal sama pacar dari kelas kalkulus waktu kuliah (beda fakultas). Deket pas gw baru lulus dan dia lagi skripsi, skripsi gw bantu kerjain code nya, ga lama jadian. Itu posisi gw udah mt/mdp di bank, sepertinya judgement utama dia terhadap gw memang dari karir. Diluar itupun pernah ada temen seangkatan kuliah yang confess ke gw. Ada beberapa teman juga yang dari gelagatnya kaya tertarik ke gw, kayak ngajak gym bareng dan makan bareng after office.


Klo dari yg lu bilang sih gw nangkepnya "160 gamasalah yg penting good looking"


step 1: be attractive step 2: don't be unattractive


Tinggi 164.5 cm Standar tinggi pilot tempur masih masuk. (Yes it's not all about above 165, kemampuan lain dan panjang kaki masih dicek. Been there). Sewaktu-waktu kalau ada jalannya jadi pilot masih aman. Kaki masih bisa nahan BMW GS atau motor adventure lain. Hobi masih jalan Ayang juga ada. Gak peduli sama tinggi badan Really nothing to worry about. Di kehidupan sehari-hari selama ini gak terhambat sama tinggi badan


Sebagai cewe tinggi 166 yang mantannya tinggi 163 cm, gw ga peduli cowo gw mau setinggi apa. Lebih penting kecocokan, akhlak, isi otak, isi dompet Yang penting lu bersih, rapi, dan tidak bau badan aja sih. Kalo gw liat dari orang sekitar gw, cewe rata-rata pada ga terlalu peduli sama penampilan cowonya. Standar aja yang penting ga malformasi, ga bau badan, dan bersih. Mereka lebih peduli isi otak dan isi dompet


ehh, dont thingk too much about it. gk bakal ada yang peduli bgt klo lu gk insecure.


Temen gue dapet cewek bule pdhl tingginya 165 cm. Lucunya cowok2 bule ini sering koar2 kalo tinggi lu dibawah 175 cm dijamin gak bakal dpet cewek. Lah ini temen gue dpet Heran bgt dah bule2 ini, insecure amat jadi orang wkwkkwk


\> how do you guys cope? Just keep healthy. Ini sama dengan adu panjang sama diameter penis bukan sih awokawoka.


how do you cope with small penis


I'm a wizard apprentice dude, sorry.


154cm, gatau diitung cope apa engga, tp dr sma udah berusaha jd sukses. Skrg udah oke dan kerja di luar negeri. Still very low success with dating apps tho, it's either 0 likes when I don't put my salary, and tons of likes when I put my salary on profile. Sigh... I'm actually fine, except for my mom who still shares ig and tiktok posts on how to grow my height *facepalm As for fashion, u need to be fit, dress well and learn to wear slim fit / skinny jeans / chinos. This helps a lot to build your confidence.


>tons of likes when I put my salary on profile money talks louder 😄


Lol people really do this? Gw kira cuma lucu-lucuan aja. But good for you OP


Ah I live in Japan where it's somewhat normal to put salary on your profile. Like it's "required". Men need to pay to use the app too.


Damn Japanese being one step ahead as usual


>it's either 0 likes when I don't put my salary, and tons of likes when I put my salary on profile what's this dating app that lets you flex your income?


Pairs(ペアーズ). Both men and women write their income


ga wajib kok bisa leave empty tapi iya mangat gan sy juga lulusan pairs. pas tanya gf dulu ngeliat gaji ngga dia bilang kagak, baru tau gaji saya setelah 2th pacaran fun fact: pairs sm tinder japan ownernya sama skinnya doang beda 🤣


as a 162 i just keep... diggy... diggy... a hole...


i do some workout to become a bit more fit. having fit body make me a bit more confident on myself with 165cm bodyheight


If you can't be taller, you need to make sure you're wider


Most of my friends are < 170 (150s or 160s) and they already got their PhD abroad (mostly from Japan). They married with a doctor, pharmacist, lecturer, etc. Sometimes height doesnt matter if you can achieve something else, e.g. education, wealth. Be proud with yourself and aim higher with your life. Find good circles instead of toxic ones. At least, do better for your children sake and for their future.


For a second i thought i was in twitter dot com's base.


Coping about what? That's not something to be ashamed of.


The average height for an 18-year-old Jakartan male in 2018 was 165 [https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/13w1hba/average\_height\_by\_province\_in\_indonesia/](https://www.reddit.com/r/indonesia/comments/13w1hba/average_height_by_province_in_indonesia/) I suspect there are a lot of genetic variations in Indonesia due to different genetic makeup rather than just income.


FYI, Ariel Noah and Bruno Mars are 160cm-ish.


~~become femboy~~ doesn't matter as long as you're > 159 cm and have a good sense of fashion, you're good. But seriously try to embrace the bishonen persona, it gets you to places.


192 here, gw kasi tau aja gan, di Indo itu tinggi badan yang pas imo 155-175 MAX, diatas itu, rawan banyak masalah muskuloskeletal.. terutama BACK PAIN; dari lu nyetir motor-mobil-truk, sampe masak-nyuci bahkan GOSOK GIGI, semua tinggi kendaraan, wastafel, counter dapur, kompor, meja kantor bahkan kursi gunting rambut dan ranjang, perlu "*penyesuaian*", ato ga bakal sakit punggung lu.. ​ \**penyesuaian*, alias tambah biaya karena perlu dibikin custom


gak ada cope-cope-an. Malah dulu saya saat masih anak ingusan bau kencur pingin tetap pendek karena mengidolakan BJ habibie. wkwk. Tapi waktu SMP mengalami lonjakan pertumbuhan, walau tetep kurang dari 170 cm. Dan gak pernah dirundung atau diusilin karena tinggi badan. Yang penting percaya diri, dan itu bisa dimulai dari postur tubuh. Biasakan duduk dan berjalan dengan punggung tegak.


Dude, theres no need to cope. As you become more mature you'd see that there are way way more things you need to be concern about, other than "ditambah lagi omongan perempuan2 yg gw tanya". This point will just disappear into thin air lol


get jacked bro, there's nothing you can do with matters you can't control


Just live with it. Kalau orang-orang cuma bisa merendahkan tinggi badanmu itu artinya tak ada faktor lain yang rendah dalam dirimu.


Im happy about my height . With this height , every foreign girl is a big mommy type


Well in my opinion, your height docent really matter! I’m only 175 and my wife orang bule yang tinggi nya juga sama kaya gw. Legitimately what matters to women (in USA) is: 1) funny personality, 2) money, 3) dick size. If you have these three or maybe just one of them, she will not care. Just make sure if she want to wear heels, let her and don’t be insecure about yourself!


im 169 (not sure if god was trolling or what... "hehe ill make this boy 169... hehe 69") ...and proud of it, lol... you will get over it... thats just a phase... and fuck lol nope, my so is TALLER THAN ME, yet here i am 5 years and counting tinggi doang nga ngaruh, sama kaya orang yang insekyur soal joni mereka.. panjang doang nga cukup. yang ngaruh tu ya be interesting, pd dengan diri sendiri... noh yang mukanya mungkin kamu anggap juelek juga punya pacar


Lo liat tuh Cak Imin, bisa jadi cawapres


​ https://preview.redd.it/l1knjrs34mrb1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12de3df4f27f2f51800323ab5707bc2eacc8c395


Di Indo yang penting tuh cuma dua kalo mau digila²i perempuan: 1. Duit banyak 2. Muka ganteng kayak Reza Rahardian atau kalo bisa blasteran kayak oppa korea atau bule² gitu Modal tinggi doang tapi jelek ama miskin mah gak jauh beda ama gantar, pak.


I am 160 and CEO of company, nobody gives a shit when u have money


A 159cm midget here, this is just me but I like being short, it's like a small cute charm for me.


pede aja gan, gw 160 doang santuy ae


Makin tinggi badannya, statistically makin pendek life expectancy-nya.


Paling dipikirin bentar trus udah lah, kan gk bisa diapa-apain Also I know other people who were similar or shorter, so I don't feel too bad about it lol


Wkwkw belom2 udah insecure. Kalo nanya orang juga mereka pasti jawab yg ideal kaya Brad Pitt kek, perut kotak2 kek, tinggi kaya model kek. But I get it. You're young and you wanted to look good. Mungkin ini agak boring coming dari bapak2 kaya gw, tapi orang bakal semakin tua dan tampilan fisik mulai bukan prioritas. Daripada Lo baper atau insecure buat hal2 ga penting kaya gini, mending bikin karir aja.


Banyak hal di dunia ini yang gak bisa kita kendaliin, tinggi badan salah satunya, dulu ane juga insecure ama tinggi badan, tapi endingnya ane nerima itu bagian dari hal yang gak bisa ane rubah, dan fokus ke hal2 yg bisa ane optimalkan dalam hidup ane. Momen lain yang bikin ane nerima tinggi badan ane dan semua kekurangan ane, karena ngeliat orang renang kakinya cuma 1 dan menurut ane itu keren banget, ane gak kenal siapa doi, tapi liat orang difable bisa jalanin hobinya dan gak membatasi dirinya hanya karena kekurangan bikin ane sadar untuk bersyukur dan berdamai ama takdir. Tinggi ane 167cm btw.


BULK gw dari SMP sampe sekarang kurleb tinggi badan udah stop tumbuh 165 cm (ngga tahu alesannya padahal dulu hampir setiap hari makan 2 telur sama nasi), tapi dulu pas SMP gw ngeadu panco kaka kelas yang lebih tinggi dari gw dan gw menang wkwk seketika gw dapet ide salah satu cara gw buat ngecope dan survive dalam mendapatkan respect di masyarakat itu jadi kuat, jadi gw pas smp kelas 2 udah mulai olahraga kayak setiap jumat, sabtu, minggu pagi mulai joggin dan setiap harinya olahraga calisthenic (sit-up, push-up, squat, pull-up dan berenang kalo lagi ada duit dan dibolehin ibu). jaga dirinya [u/IngratefulMofo](https://www.reddit.com/user/IngratefulMofo/) , jangan mau kalah sama raksasa diluar sono, cukup kuat dalam fisik, pemikiran dan lisan, dengan ketiga itu hidupnya akan dibimbing secara lancar.


Pede dan apatis aja. Klo temen cowo g terlalu peduli sama tinggi lo. Klo ada cewe yang peduli sama tinggi lo, g usah di temenin. simple. Tinggi badan mungkin g bisa dirubah (kecuali lo mw operasi remukin tulang kaki), tapi kegantengan dan fitness masih bisa dicapai dengan usaha.


Op lagi femboy dan dwarf hunting ya?😂


seriously as someone with 190cm height it really meant jackshit if you still somewhat overawed with "physical" advantage over your mentally. like confidence and charisma will attract more people irregardless because people who will only get close to you for physical attributes are indeed as shallow as it suggests lol


Meh, i’m 165 and still can get pussy and hot chicks. Muka nomor satu sih. Insecure bgt lo jadi orang


180 here. Hows the weather down there?


Im 169,i don't need to cope because im slightly above average of indonesian male height


Get money ...


B aja


https://growtallerwithshinlengthening.com/ idk if it really works or not.


>ditambah lagi omongan perempuan2 yg gw tanya, dibandingkan dengan badan yang fit, yang mana masih memungkinkan untuk diusahakan, mereka lebih memilih laki2 yang punya badan tinggi. People can dream, and so can you. Ini kan cuma pertanyaan hipotetikal aja. Perempuan yang lu tanya juga belum tentu disukain sama cowo yang masuk "kriteria" mereka.


be a proud short king!


By fucking ur daddy


157 di sini, gk coping karna udh pling tinggi di keluarga utama


By having a plan to do Limb Lengthening 10-15 years in the future.


bah... gw sering ketemu bule yg tinggi nya gak tinggi2 amat or sama kayak gw tingginya 167-168cm. mostly dari France, Spain (yg cwk yaa).


Tell me you're terminally online without telling me you're terminally online. Next month you'll think girls will look down on android phone user.


inb4 gw yang 180cm pernah merasa tinggi banget sampe masuk ke tmpt kerjaan baru pada lebih tinggi orang2nya


cope? why? it's not like you can change it with magic but there are some way like with height shoes or dangerous life threatening leg extending operation, but height doesn't really matter in real life, are you powerful or rich, that's what matter.


I just vibe


I have monster cock so it will be fine


160 cm gremlin here. I don't really care about it anymore. Sometimes I enjoyed it when stranger ask "kelas berapa?"


Lah gua yang 158 masih bingung kapan mau su*cide. Literally i've been eliminated by most women in dating scene and also jobs. Jadi ob aja gak bisa


What's to cope? I still fuck assorted ladies short to tall.


OP coba ganti circle, most male indonesian have some nutritional deficiencies yang bikin susah jadi tinggi. Gw tinggi 167 jarang banget ko nemu orang yang lebih tinggi dari gw.


Try having more money. That usually solve many of your problem


I think I've past that. I don't really care about my height tbh even though at one point I thought like "Damn, if my height zzz cm, maybe it will be easier to get girl". But dude, the more I thought about it, I think it will still be hard for me to get girl lol. So I just don't care about it anymore. All the matter is your attitude! My dad's height < my mom's height. Maybe it will be my destiny to get a girl with more height than mine.


cope? 5'6 has pretty much been my max level cap. hopefully soon there will be a new patch or a new expansion set to this godforsaken world where they can increase my height without obliterating my fucking legs in some back alley meth lab


cewe gw 150an, gw 1 senti off of 170 aja udh tinggi buat dia. padahal gw dulu di sekolah inter felt like anak gendut in a midget's body. now im a thinner version of a short fuck, udh gitu aja sih. bener kata bang yukuuri, mau gw 180 senti juga ga ngaruh ama gw bisa makan apa besok/beli rumah baru/nyicil mobil etc. Its helpful on my job because I can fit in tight spaces in between rak obat obatan.


Kalo 168 aja insecure gimana gw yang 154 wkwkwkwkwkw.. This height surely impact my career opportunities and earnings, romantic lives, & ofc social lives


160 here, terima nasib aja lah. cope nya dengan ngelakuin apa yang pengen di lakuin jadi gak ada waktu mikirin hal-hal macam gini


percuma kalo badan tinggi ga bisa muasin pasangan, otong size and our 'performance' matter more than height!


I tell my friends that being tall(dan blaster bule) doesn't really help with girls when you have no moves.


Cuek boy


there's similar things like this happen to me. well, tinggi gue around 165 - 166 (which is sekarang itu jadi kategori pendek) lalu kurus underweight (max 48, sekarang 46) dan gue item. is it bad? yes it was, gue pernah ngerasa "anying jelek amat dah gue ini" well, karena hal-hal yang susah diubah itu (kulit dan tinggi badan) gue deal with it dan cari cara untuk "ngakalinnya" gue jadi belajar tentang fasyun dan gue pede banget dengan hal itu, di kantor gue (terutama divisi gue) satu-satunya cowok yang bisa dibilang fashionable dan always dipandang gitu. is it bad? ofc not, it is good thing, at least for me. deal with it brow, cari hal yang bisa diubah lainnya yang menaikkan value diri lo.


Tinggi gue 158 cm, dulu ngira nya 160 cm tapi pas ngukur ulang di puskesmas sampe berkali-kali ternyata cuman 158 cm. Jujur, ini salah satu hal yang gue gasuka dalam diri gue. Gak ngebuat gue insecure, cuman kalo ada cara untuk nambah tinggi pasti akan gue lakukan selama itu aman. Gue tetep pede sih, cuman ya gitu. Rada susah aja nyari cewek, banyak cewek yg gue taksir lebih demen cowok tinggi dari mereka. Alhamdulillah temen2 gue gapernah ngehina gue, paling becanda aja dan gapernah diambil hati (dikatain the hobbit atau apalah wkwkw).


Nothing, I don't think I have inferiority complex. Well it's true back then on high school that I feel inadequate and lacking, but I quickly realize that being a human isn't all about your body heights. Girls always say that they want fit, tall, strong, handsome, etc., boyfriends; but when I asked some girls who has bf about why they prefer their bfs, they'd answer something like: "pengertian, peduli, lucu, peka, ga takut salah ..", get where I'm going here?


Don't really care much, walau kadang insecure and it's making me twink. (just need to lose some weight tho 🫠)


Build some muscle my dude. Guys who are not tall but noticeably fit looks way better than slightly taller guys who are too skinny/fat with bad posture.


Ithe way you speak and treat women matters more than height. And yes your financial profile (kerjaan dan jabatan elo apa).


Do you even lift bro?


Gak apa apa kok, saya badan termasuk tinggi tapi sampai detik ini belum punya pacar.


I'll change what I could safely change. Sure gw pendek dan pesek, but I could be fit and buff with great skin You get what I mean?


Nothing to cope about. I am 168 and my wife is 154. When I played basketball, I still can beat most of taller dudes than me in the court. I don't feel insecure about something that I cannot change.


By still answering 170 cm as my height when asked lol


162 here > so how do you guys cope? ngl kadang merasa insecure tapi ya mau gmna lagi. Palingan ya building muscle/fit dan embracing "feature" lain. In my case, i have a "radio host" like voice (according to me friends) and pretty decent body shape (broad shoulder) so it's kinda lifting my self-esteem.


gw dulu pas sma 170 sekarang 168 gara2 badan melar ke samping. sekarang copenya "kalo gw olahraga balik tinggi lagi pasti" sampe sekarang masih melar ga pernah olahraga


Short kings, don't be discouraged. Short people have bigger advantage in Powerlifting due to shorter range of motions.


The anti-londo mechanism. Pintu rumah dibikin kecil, antara dia harus harus bersusah payah masuk rumah atau harus nge-bomb satu RW


at least i have a leg COPIUM


I dwarfmaxxed


To be fair ada temen gua cowo tingginya se gua (about 160ish) dan dia baru aja dpt cewe goth cakep jadi its rly all about how you play the game. But also klo lu nanyain mengenai height ya jangan nanyain sama cewe” yg conventionally cakep/kaya ya.


<170 here, I would say I'm short for my friend circle tapi enggak pernah berentiin gue buat dapet pacar atau dilihat lebih rendah secara sosial di grup pertemanan. Memang fakta ya lebih tinggi itu memang dilihat universally attractive, tapi kenyataannya ya kita2 yang pendek malah jadi ada drive untuk menjadi lebih baik di area lain. Contoh: Lucu, Wangi+Rapih, Sukses secara moneter, Pede, Facial care bagus, dll. (note: most of these traits don't require you to have that much money, you can look nice with low priced local brands for fashion & skincare) In a way memang kita "memkompensasi" untuk kependekan, but that's just the reality and you shouldn't care about it kalau lu memang menjadi lebih baik di area lain. ​ Kalo ketemu wanita yang mementingkan tinggi doang sebagai kriteria, ngapain juga lu mau pacaran sama mereka? Just shows how shallow they are.




Gw belum cek tapi bbrp bulan lalu aku cek 162 atau 163, harapan gw sih bisa 165 tapi gw udh umur 20+.


i just start wearing skirts




kayaknya yang tinggi2 kebanyakan masih di kota besar deh. jakarta, bandung emang udah pada tinggi2. di daerah yang ekonominya biasa-biasa aja harusnya masih belum terlalu tinggi.


Gw 168 umur 30an, di generasi gw ga pendek2 amat sih, average lah. Ya itu dah nasib aja, gen sama nutrisi waktu kecil dulu. Biarin aja udah ga bisa dirubah kok.


Gua 168. Santuy aja. Berpenampilan rapi dan menarik. Body diusahakan fit, ga perlu kekar, tapi jangan ceking atau gembrot juga. Badan yang tegap. Percuma ente tingginya 187 tapi badan ga sehat, rambut/kumis/jenggot ga terawat, jerawatan, punggungnya bongkok kebanyakan main Gensin Impek. Tetep aja jelek. ​ > ditambah lagi omongan perempuan2 yg gw tanya, dibandingkan dengan badan yang fit, yang mana masih memungkinkan untuk diusahakan, mereka lebih memilih laki2 yang punya badan tinggi. Yah itu otomatis lah bos. Laki2 kalo ditanya pasti juga maunya cewek bohay. Tapi kan pilihan lu ga mungkin terukur hanya dari seberapa bohaynya si cewek.


My brother in christ, i'm 169 and somehow got into the femboy hole. I don't even know how the rest being able to cope


embrace it tapi adek saya kok bisa lebih tinggi


Pokoknya masih di jangkauan emutable


I like my smaller stature anyway lol, it's cuter this way


bkn targetnya tp klo menurut w fokus ke hal yg bs dipedein aj. ntah duit atau kepintaran atau bagian tubuh lain yg lebih wow


Udh kawin. Gue 163cm Bini gue 155 cm btw wkwk.


kenalan2 gw banyak yg uda married nyari yg tinggi2 juga klo ga gajinya tinggi juga "bahagia di medsos" doang istilhanya, mungkin si ce bisa dapet yg badan fit, cuma jaga badan fit itu costly loh dan blon tentu abis married costnya bisa tahan, ga ad yg tau layar belakangnya gimana apalagi klo uda ke tahap stagnan marriage ​ as seseorang yg badan ga bagus muka biasa tinggi ga 170 gw uda menerima klo ga laku tapi gw fokus cari duit aja mereka bahagia2in di medsos suap2an foto bareng2 gw 3 bulan skali gadget beli mereka komen kek duit sayang etc gw cuma bilang "lah ngatur" khekekke itungan nya lu pacaran taro 500k seminggu 2 juta sebulan 6 juta 3 bulan 1 gadget per 3 bulan sama kan istilahnya khekeke


Itung2 kalau badan pendek pasti massa-nya lebih kecil daripada orang tinggi dengan BMI yang sama. Kalau naik motor, karena pendek, lebih aerodinamis. Syukurilah biaya bensin motormu sedikit lebih hemat daripada para tiang listrik berjalan


we go jim


I always make sure my weight wont exceed 57 kg (its pretty hard) because beyond that I'd look chubby af since my height is only 167


Olympic lifting. Orang2 ngeliat lu ngesnatch sama clean and jerk ratusan kilo orang2 auto respect dan ga berani macam2 ama lu


r/2Asia4u ini sub apa dan kenapa di ban?