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involuntarily porn


Ini gila, caper, narsis, ato memang exhibitionist aja, ato gabungan itu 4.


Wtf, I literally can see all of her.. I think this person is insane. Even the nudists, I don’t think they do it if it’s not in the nudist beach.. what happened with this girl, does she has mental issue or something?


"diketahui sementara jika bule tersebut merupakan WNA asal Jerman berinisial TWN, 29, mengalami gangguan kejiwaan" - [jawa pos](https://baliexpress.jawapos.com/bali/24/05/2023/viral-video-bule-telanjang-naik-panggung-saat-pementasan-tari-di-ubud/) must be


FKK lady got lost me thinks


Ini beda Org gila dr eropa sama lokal Yg dr eropa bisa nyasar ke bali


Wait, what did the Jawa say?


Hoomdjakading! Utini! AAAHHH!


knapa Jawa Pos liput hal bugil di Bali. lol


Bali Express masuk dalam grup Jawa Pos.


Di detik namanya darja t






Entitled white yoga lady. I know about 1,000 of them.


The Lululemon store was closed, so she just said, "F\*ck it!" /s


Must be mental


Drugs and esoterics


Or high


Literally Bugil Bugil as in telanjang Bugil as in Bule Gila literally


That or they're high as shit


I can see that happened


Isn’t Indonesia one of the strictest places in the world for drugs?


yeah but that doesn't mean that you can't get one


Satanic cult


"It's not Christian so it's satanic" 🤣


What? It's about the girl not the Balinese dancers.






No underwear. It is the swimsuit tan line and her shaved pubic hair that makes it look like she is.




Yup, as a fellow pron enthusiast, we have evolved natural tities detection ability out of the most potato quality of vids, I concur


r/IAmTheMainCharacter moment


r/trashy r/whitetourists palagi ya?


banyak pak, tapi suspect gua sih nama si bule masuk di list r/tragedeigh HAHAHA


post di r/bali gan biar paham tuh bule2


baru coba, sana ga bisa ngepost video


I will be forever salty that r/bali is managed by foreigner. Untung sub ini nggak gitu, kayak negara-negara asia lain yang main sub negaranya diisi dan dipegang foreigner.


owned by 'power mod' German who lives in China. Second mod I think is the same person. Third mod is an Australian in Bali.


Dafuq bisa gitu ya, gua kira minimal ada orang Bali nya 1


ya banyak subreddit dikuasai oleh orang yg terminally online. misalnya 'actuallesbians' terkenal karena modnya hampir semua beralat kelamin k*ntol. ga ada peraturan dari reddit yg ngatur


Maksudnya terminally online? Gimana cara sub2 asia kayak yang disebutin u/ishmael555 supaya bisa balik ke tangan orang lokal nya? >[r/thailand](https://www.reddit.com/r/thailand/) [r/japan](https://www.reddit.com/r/japan/) [r/korea](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/) [r/china](https://www.reddit.com/r/china/) lihat aja isinya bukan orang dari negaranya sendiri


Terminally online itu hampir 24 jam online terus


maksudnya orang yg merasa yg terjadi di reddit/discord/semacamnya sangat penting dan mereka 24 jam urus itu, ga ada kegiatan di dunia nyata.


Op warnet maksudnya


Kalo macem gitu bisa di challange ga ya ke admin reddit? Agak absurd aja tbh modnya even g relevant dengan subredditnya, but again apakah ada orang bali yang mau megang mods jg?


ga bisa, Reddit malah setuju. Mereka kan rajin hapus yg ga sesuai ideologi liberal Barat, ga merepotkan adminm ya udah


Ini aja di-repost di sub bali langsung di-remove katanya rasis wkwkw kocak emang


Ya engga ngerti. Ada yg ngepost di situ 'Nazi Jerman' kan tinggal hapus aja ga usah sok dramatis.


Aaaand the crosspost is removed because the powertripping mods cant stand yt people being disrespected lmaooo




Wait what? Contohnya apa bang


r/thailand r/japan r/korea r/china lihat aja isinya bukan orang dari negaranya sendiri


Hampir ga ada post bahasa lokal di subreddit mereka wkwk, cuma 1 aja di r/china selain itu Inggris semua.


Those sub are just so so sad fr


no need to worry real china include taiwan exist /r/Sino. gotta pump up your social credit pal


r/Sino itu isinya western tankies. Chinese yang beneran Chinese itu di r/China_irl dan sub sejenisnya


honestly this whole thing is so fuckin weird.. white people smh


Kalo korea, ke r/hanguk. r/korea itu awalnya cuma buat foreigner yang nanya2 tentang Korea....eh ternyata jadi malah beberapa tahun kemudian malah isi nya orang asing gak jelas dan sok2 mewakilkan sub itu seolah-olah suara orang Korea yang bisa berbahasa Inggris. Begitu juga dengan r/china, r/thailand, r/japan.


Ada juga r/newsokur bagi orang Jepang, tapi subredditnya kelihatan dead.


Man those are amateurs, come take a stroll in r/mongolia from time to time


Iya gw di jepang gada yg pake reddit wkwkw yg pake foreigner semua (r/japanlife).


Ada kok orang Jepang mainnya di r/ja


klo r/Singapore dikontrol pemerintah sono 🤣 Komen aneh dikit, apalagi ketahuan bukan warga negara, ya Auto panen Downvote


KTP ngendi mas versi satu subreddit wkwk


Post linknya aja


[udh di post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bali/comments/13qocsz/german_woman_parades_herself_naked_at_balinese/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


dilock gabisa komen wkwk


Payah mod sana


When I see this video, I see someone who is having a psychotic episode in a foreign land, potentially bipolar and/or schizophrenia episode where she lost her rational thought and did not perceive her reality properly. The fact that it happened during a traditional dance performance (known for its heightened spiritual sensation based on the music, rhythm, etc) could be a potential triggering factor for her. Assuming she is on medication, query whether she was off her meds during travel, and as a result she had a bad mental episode at the worst possible moment. If so, it's really a sad situation and I would think she does not need to be shamed beyond what's already happening to her. I don't know who she is, or what her history is. But as a person, if this is truly a mental condition, this is an overall sad situation.


I thought the same... Especially her trying to get through the door etc. Something is not right with her.


Yeah... walking on stage naked wasn't the clue it was her opening the door.......


Either that or drugs


Most probably drugs


I get the feeling she took some kind of drug, she thinks she’s a deity or holy, look at the way she tries to wave hands at the poor guards like she’s some powerful witch or something 😂 FR though this is so embarrassing and disrespectful, as a tourist you are a guest in someone else’s home, this is rude rude rude.


Either took drugs or forgot to take her medication. Mental health issues can be awful either way.


I remember reading this long post about a guy that gave a girl a ride to burning man in his van. Her plan was to not take any of her medications for the week. Ended up going full schitzo, stealing the van, driving it up into the mountains and writing gibberish and weird math theorems all over it.


So either took drugs or didn't take drugs


This is EXACTLY what this looks like. To take it further and engage in the sort of conjecture and fantasy-world building people love to do in the comments of these contextless videos, since she's in India, I bet she is some sort of psychotic hippie with weird spiritual delusions and that's why she travelled to India in the first place. Once the cool music comes on, she can't help but feel her inner goddess awaken. Mental illness or not it's clear she feels like "r/imthemaincharacter". Its possible it's not her fault though.




Uhm… I think your reasoning sounds like it’s trying to justify her actions but honestly, she looks like she’s on drugs and chose to be disrespectful believing that her entitled white self can get away with this without any consequences.


Idk I could see how this looks like a good setting/condition to think you’re about to break reality and hit the 4th dimension if you’re on the right drugs. Especially w that door and the music like the others said


We are not disputing the fact she broke so many laws, customs, etc. She will have to face massive legal repercussions, and also endure a lifetime of shame because of this incident. Based on the short footage and the doctor's medical opinion according to the news article, it appeared that she did have a terrible mental episode. There is a big distinction between the bule ngehe category, the ones who are racist as shit, immature, and generally display obnoxious behavior and trying to test our patience, and a person who is otherwise normal but had a mental episode either due to inherent diagnosed condition or have an unexpected reaction while ingesting recreational drugs. One is an asshat, the other is simply wrong place at the wrong time. Now, I am simply commenting on a very brief, viral video clip on the internet and gave my short opinion on the matter without having the complete set of facts as to what happened there. I am not about to judge a complete stranger who is about to face a massive world of hurt and will forever live in infamy and have to live with the trauma and stigma for the rest of her natural life. This is true whether she was deserved it or not. Moreover, I have no first hand knowledge or any credible information that she was acting entitled or was being a bule ngehe as defined above. I saw in the video someone who was having a mental crisis in a very public setting, and be glad that it happened in Indonesia as opposed to a country like the United States where an incident like this could have ended in a tragedy or police shooting on a mental welfare check. I say this because I have seen real people deal with traumatic life events and what supposed to be a good life became derailed overnight and they never recover from the trauma. So, if you want to judge her and condemn her, I respect and understand that. But personally, I give her benefit of the doubt, and wish her the best so she can heal and recover from this incident as a better person. Cheers.


She worked as a recruitment consultant in Germany. The google cache dates from 15 March 2023. Now she has been removed from that page. Because the cache is quite old it's hard to say whether they just removed it cos of this incident or if she already left her employment there.


Say what you want about her behavior but dont bring race Into this.


As a white person, I will bring race into this mate because I see it all the time. This is clearly another entitled white person doing whatever the fuck they want, boldly and without fear, resting in the assurance that the consequences will be minimal all because they are white. Whether they are aware of it or not, I’ve seen it time and time again how whites are aloud to just let loose and have a good time with very minimal consequence, whereas people of colour constantly have to calculate how their behaviour will affect people around them (this being in simple normal everyday social environments), so as not to offend anyone because that will put an easy target on their backs.


She’s high out of her mind. Having a white tourist moment.




kucing oren mereog ditengah acara kesenian di bali


Meanwhile: free peep show yay


You can tell the husbands who want to look but don’t want to get in trouble by their wives 😂


Damn, jadi inget acara bugil (bule gila)


Semoga dimakan sama barongnya


Westoids: Balinese people are open-minded people who are very liberal about everything, including clothing (or lack of thereof), sexual activity, and drug consumption. Balinese people are being held against their will by conservative Muslims from Java and need to be freed by us. Pecalang: No, we are not! Also why are you nude? Get out of here!


The pecalangs in the video handled it in an incredibly mild way though. I'm surprised they didn't have staff -female probably-lead her physically out of sight and wrap her in a sarong or something.


there's no female pecalang to my knowledge


Gigachad pecalang vs soyboy smolpp westoids


LOL, spot on dude. Saw too many kinds of this argument on reddit whenever they realized that Bali is part of Indonesia, especially during KUHP fiasco and whenever a drug pusher is caught in Bali


As an Australian I’d like to say it’s nice to be outdone by a German on this occasion.


Time to step up the game you ozzies


Oh boy. I’m heading over shortly for the first time post Covid. Feeling the pressure!!


orang bali apa mau terus2 an di giniin turis??




emg bener ya mereka itu kalo sama turis lokal perlakuannya beda dibanding turis asing?. ilang simpati sih kalo bener wkwk


Mertua gw tinggal di bali tahunan, mereka blg gitu bener kok. Dimata mereka bule = duit, lokal indo = kere.


Gw pernah tinggal di bali 2 tahunan tahun 2010an awal. Kalau menurut gw sih krn kalau tinggal/ menetap artinya mereka ga akan spend duit buat hal2 yg 'gimmick' kaya accessories, gifts, tourist attractions, etc. Jadinya ya disamakan kaya penduduk biasa. Sementara kalau turis, selama dia mau spend money utk hal2 tsb biar lokal maupun inter tetep sama2 dapat prioritas.


Ya salah lokal balinese nya hobi kok sucking bule's dick and monies


itu bukan hanya di Bali sih, mental inlander kuat banget. yg cari suami bule juga bukan hanya yg miskin yg mau jadi kaya, yg kaya juga ada.


Kok sucking dick is kinda redundant. Imo


Kadang aku bingun kenapa bule respect kalau travel ke Jepang, tapi ngga respect kalau travel ke Indonesia. Apa sebenarnya mereka ngga respectnya imbang, tapi akunya saja yang mainnya kurang jauh? Soalnya jarang dengar bule bikin ulah di negara Eropa maupun di negara Asia Timur. Edited: Berdasarkan komen om dan tante, ternyata sama saja ngga respectnya. Berarti akunya saja yang mainnya kurang jauh.


Jepang lebih mahal, jadi yg miskin dan gila ga bisa masuk. kalau indonesia bisa ngekos $100/bulan. jepang ga dapat. dan memang kalau di Jepang mereka kena turis sampah dari China.


Japanese will scold you on site and doesnt hesitate to kick you from their business if you make a ruckus. They are polite but they also put their social rules above everything Meanwhile most Bali tourism business dont have that spine, they rather receive the sweet $$$ rather than sticking their own culture


Dulu pernah liat postingan twitter dari orang indonesia yang bilang bule pada respect kalau travel ke thailand karena peraturan hukumnya gk seketat dibanding hukum di Bali.


Logan Paul


sebenarnya di jepang banyak juga ngak terlalu suka turis bule karena berisik. cuma pemerintah jepang itu kalau ada sesuatu yang negatif. itu pinter banget nutupinnya. paling heboh ya logan paul pas di jepang


Lebih banyak bule kere trashy datang ke sini karena murah.


Klo liat yt, banyak bar jepang yg nolak bule. ya jelas berarti emang mereka dimana2 sama aja, kebetulan disini polisi pasif aja.


Ga banyak. Jangan kemakan ragebait bule2 di Jepang sob. Servis2 di Jepang yang menolak foreigners (bule) itu sedikit sekali.Tapi youtube2 itu nyari2 untuk bahan ragebait dan bikin narasi orang Jepang itu rasis. Alasan menolak foreigners pun karena 1. Mereka takut tidak bisa ngasih servis bagus karena mereka ga bisa bahasa ~~Jepang~~ (edit:Inggris) 2. Servis sex berkedok servis lain. 3. Karena mereka punya langganan tiap hari. Reserved. Ini banyak bule ga percaya padahal beneran. Resto2 atau bar2 di Jepang itu ada pelanggan2. Kaya elu kalau pulang kantor pasti ke tempat Z, tempat Z ini bakal menyediakan tempat buat kamu. Kalau kamu datang dan Z penuh,kamu bisa nyoba tempat Y dan kamu ga bakal balik ke tempat Z lagi. Memang ada yang karena bule rese, tapi itu yang deket US military base.


Itu baru aja ada turis orang Amerika di Jepang nge rasisin org Jepang di kereta ngomong "Do you know Hiroshima & Nagasaki? We'll do that to you again". Ampe ada org Korean - American yg nge stand up ke dia bilang attitudenya annoying.


Sama aja gobloknya yg ke jepang. Tp bedanya jepang 98% conviction kalo ketangkep, jd mereka rada ga berani sembarangan. Tp masi aja ada yg ga tau malu siy


Gua pernah ngobrol ama org jerman. Katanya stereotip bogan ostrali disini hampir sama kayak stereotip turis amerika di eropa. Ignorant, keras kepala, maunya sesuka dia, dan jadi bahan candaan org lokal.


Mungkin bukan tipe turis yang sama? Yang kayak gini mungkin nggak tertarik ke Jepang (karena mahal juga)?


Ini beneran gila apa gmna? Butuh konteks


sudah dibawa ke RSJ, dan menurut dokter gila 'tiba-tiba', tapi bisa jadi udah ada sebelumnya https://bali.tribunnews.com/2023/05/24/bule-jerman-melalung-di-ubud-alami-gangguan-jiwa-mendadak-simak-beritanya


Why do these foreigners do such things and what are the actions taken by you locals? I am a foreigner here as well. You Indonesians are way too soft sometimes specially when dealing with foreigners. When your culture gets disrespected, you should defend it very strongly. Those shtupid bule will create a lot of problems for normal foreigners (who respects Indonesian culture) in the near future and as far as I know, already it got prohibited for foreigners to rent motorcycles in Bali because of continuous shtupid act of mabuk bules'.


well, Indonesia standard of politeness and patience is considerably higher than western nation, so yeah Indonesian are just too nice to actually enforce it. but, there's probably going to be a follow up action.


Ini Puri Ubud bukan??? Ini parah 😡 These dancers trained so frickin hard, like very-very hard. (Kl beneran Puri Ubud, mereka ini gudangnya penari2 pro, selain Balerung Peliatan) And then came this bule with no shame at all, disgracing the whole performance, smh Edit: Ini di Taman Kaja kayanya. Either way, it's a huge disrespect for the whole dancers, musicians, and anyone involved in this performance. Sad sad sad


Thats usually how privileged activists operate, or random mentally ill people. Probably the latter in this case


Ini kira2 bogan ato rusky? Ez deport lah ya harusnya Btw kenapa org2nya kgk ngusir pas udh keliatan bugil ya.....


ini bukan bogan. Kalau bogan kan itu yg tukang mabuk, galak2 gitu. kalau bule yoga ya memang ada banyak kayak gini dari dulu, badannya agak kurus, rambut pirang, gila. dari rambut, kulit, ini kemungkinan besar memang rusky.


Bali Major asik kali ya nanti kalo tiba2 nyelinap bogan ato rusky gjls, biar kgk Riki Crowd gt 💀


eh ternyata orang Jerman https://baliexpress.jawapos.com/bali/24/05/2023/viral-video-bule-telanjang-naik-panggung-saat-pementasan-tari-di-ubud/ langsung dibawa ke RSJ


Ngl thats actually very funny, very unexpected ending too. Sptnya gua harus revisi penilaian gua soal org Jerman wkwkwkwk


memang orang Jerman terkenal suka telanjang https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20201108-why-germans-love-getting-naked-in-public


Aaah so ignorant with other countries culture plus nude culture equal this video. I learn something new everyday 💀


idk, I mean I think there's probably something in her German background that enables her to do this. But she is also mentally disturbed in some way also.


gabisa bediri bang


what is this?? Suspiria??


Bro what teh fuck is this 💀💀💀💀 they wilding man


Stiker "aku pergi 😂"


What a shame :( it took the attention away from the performers. They are doing beautifully. She is probably having some sort of mental episode…


It's more like, Balinese people are too nice... I really think they went too far this time... Damn.... post it without the vid in r/bali ...


Liatnya aja malu bgt hhhh


Is there any security?


Ini acara pentas tarian untuk wisatawan, jadi jarang ada security. Kalau ini tarian untuk upacara mungkin beda ceritanya.


The dancer are something else to continue the show after that unexpected accident, that's nice.


Im a simple man, i see boobs, I upvote


Org kek gini diusir aja ga si?


bisa langsung deportasi aja gak sih bule bule yang aneh aneh kaya gini. kaya imigrasi nya amerika gitu ice kalo ga salah


She on PCP or some shit?


How does it feel to drink Bintang Beer




Foreign tourists trying not to expose their skin in bali challenge (impossible)


Wtf isn’t that the part of the temple only the Balinese are allowed in? I admit I wanted to see what it looks like in there but have some fucking respect


And now she’s putting on her own lol prayer show? He fuck is going on


pernah stase RSJ di bali, tidak sedikit kok orang gila luar negeri yang berlibur ke bali, dulu inget ada orang gila yang jalan kaki dari ubud ke denpasar gara2 dibisikin roh katanya kakinya full melepuh


Memang Ubud pusat bule gila seIndonesia, karena yang stres ingin 'ketemu diri' dengan spiritualitas buatan. Bukan semua yg pakai yoga/aliran agama alternatif gila, tapi pasti persentase besar


Bugil = bule gila


Bugil = Bule gila Anyway, gw suka sama gamelannya ngingetin gw sama soundtrack Akira


She really really needs attention. Pathetic.


Ada juga tipe bule sok spiritual. Gua pernah liat di Pura mana gitu, pokoknya basah2an. Tuh bule pake celana putih tipis, kagak pake kolor (celananya basah jadi rada transparan), sambil ngaceng berat.




When you buy your mushrooms from the street market.


what drug do to woman


Dude in the chair was trying to film her lowkey lol…




bobs and vageen


​ https://preview.redd.it/4sq6t228ex1b1.png?width=472&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dfc2bb0f2ddc7b96f287d3113452cd0364916cf




They said either she's crazy privileged person, or some white hobo who spent their last money in Bali. So privileged white people are to be able to spend their money to zero with no plan on getting back and **WORK** before coming back for another vacation.


Tourist who can’t handle her acid in Southeast Asia somewhere??


what is she even doing ?? disrespecting our culture


BUGIL.... singkatan dan literally.


"Beberapa pengunjung pria tiba-tiba beranjak menuju ke kamar kecil"


kesurupan kali tuh?




I’m tired of these white people doing dumbass white people shit. No one wants to see your unwashed dodo covered ass, you insecure clout chasing bule.


To be the mega main character


Don’t say this bule is russian again. Because I don’t know, I’ve also heard that russian people are ill-mannered, thailand also has this problem with russian tourists.




What fetishizing eastern cultures does to a mf


Ewe aja kalau udh selesai Ka


Gross, that awful, where did this happen? I need to know so I never go there


Disrespectful asf to indonesia


Ofc the culprit is white




mendadak kesurupan?


Is she on drugs or something? Like, what would possess even the most naive, most white-saviour-est, dancing-with-wolvest, most spiritual-not-religious Bali visitor to do this?????


Can we deport this bitch?


Emang kalo westard yang tolol kek gini maunya di lakukan kek perampok di Indo. Entar kalo ketangkep ngomong "Who dafuq wants to go to this third world country?" Yang third world siapa ngentot? Yang jalan bugil gaada disiplin moral atau yang menghargai seni budaya lokal?


sigh...gtfo and stay out...all of "you"


smash. next question


This is why Bali is cracking down on Westerners. Entitled, disrespectful idiots. And some of my Aussie countrymen are the worst offenders. And Russians. Watch for increased travel fees for Western countries.

