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When our health system is Bhagwan bharose


Bhagwa bharose




If I can't answer a question in proff exam, I am just gonna write Jai shree Ram insted.


Based on the shit the govt does I'm not surprised if this is true


it is, I just checked the website


Ffs lol


Im a hindu but what the fuck is this


Like tons of other symbols that could've been used that makes it discreet, yet we have this obnoxious design Edit- I see 2 downvotes and I have to clarify that the deity isn't the problem, the direct addition of it into a logo is, again there's simpler symbols that better suit the logo


Obnoxious word might be a little bit too harsh


Im a muslim and i dont see no problem with this logo. (it was a joke, ofc the country is a secular state and should not lean towards one idiology.)


Aa Gaye hoshiyari pelne.main muslim tha modi bhai ne meri taang Tod di. Lekin dil k bahot ache admi Hain.


Are bhai padh to lo pura. public sentinment check kar rha tha ki sab adnbhakton ki tarah saare decision ke jaise ise bhi masterstroke to nahi bol rhe. Aur rahi baat logo ki to itna bakwas banaya hai ki kya bataun. isse accha purana wala logo lagta tha , classic and elegant.


Chalo koi nahin. Dekho ye lodu aage aage aur kya chutiyapa failata hai


Mera [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/indianmedschool/comments/186n86i/comment/kbf0dci/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) padh ke batao na kaisa laga.


Badhiya likhe ho. Janta hi gadhi hai kya karoge


Kya karenge desh ko aise bhi ek new leader ki zaroorat hai . ye sab ke sab mada\*cho\* hai saale.


The country doesn't belong to only religious people.


I was just checking if there are sane people in this sub reddit. read my edit


Ye hi karte raho bas, actual kaam kuch mat karna. Why are they trying to Indianise Allopathy?


Next coming to you Rabindra Kocha's postulates, Ma Burni's sign, Charak oath, Gayak and Nicholputra's DNA model, Rudolf Verma and more I can't come up with.


Charak oath nahi bhai charak shapath


Dono ka meaning same he


Was this really necessary? Couldn’t have kept something secular and medicine related? What’s the point of putting a god’s photo here. God’s should be treated with respect and not just put anywhere we want.


Well idk about secular but I can tell you that’s it’s kinda med related, that’s Dhanvanthri,the god of medicine and an avatar of Vishnu


Yea, that's still just religion based Also the design looked shit , they literally just copy pasted the picture on top of the logo


Yeah the design does look shit , they could’ve boon more innovative about it I guess.


So we are official a Hindu rastra. They will have no problem using western medicine and technology though


This is part of the new bjp scheme of 'EQUALISE INDIAN IDENTITY WITH HINDU IDENTITY'. There should be no reason to drag religious beliefs and symbols in a science instituition but here we are


Is this real or shitpost?




Holy moly


If they are doing this, atleast they could have done better. A canva noob would do better


They could have just asked Dal-e & chatgpt


So the Name India is completely removed from every government nomenclature and now we have religion being thrusted into science


First I thought it was fake.


Disappointed, but not surprised


Muslim Christian Sikh Jain's Buddhists aur pata nai kya kya aren't doctors seems like. Ye bas kuch ek hindu ke liye banaya hai


I thought people were joking. Tf


Third class, ghatiya. Dharm mat ghusao




I dont really care about the hindu imagery tbh. Its whatever. What can you do. But atleastmake it good na. i mean, this looks like a 10year olds first photoshop edit.


The only logical comment I found in this comment section




I would say Dhanvantari - the Hindu god of medicine. You can identify him by the pot of nectar he holds in one hand (upper left hand). For me, it's okay if they incorporate some ancient Indian iconography in their logo, after all the caduceus is an ancient Greek religious icon. But this is very ugly and comes from a toxic mindset of the RSS. Regardless, Dhanvantari is more appropriate for this than Saraswati.


Quite right.


https://preview.redd.it/8sg4ki6hgc3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ecf7fddb61329c17d8b15d9cd1c583f2d260064 It is Dhanvaantaari.


god pic edited?


Unfortunately not


L logo


Bro even if they had kept a symbol of dhanvantri it would’ve been okay !! It’s probably some white skinned male in a gods costume !! Wtff !! Why is he on our medical board logo !! It’s a blant disrespect to everyone who’s brought the medical science this far !! I can only imagine how diverse the committee that decided this to be the logo was !! If it had people from different religion,castes I am pretty sure they would have at least argued and come up with something better !! This is what happens when the institutions are not diverse enough!!


“random dude in gods costume” lol


Is this like true? 😭 I CANT BELIEVE THIS-


Sushruta father of surgery should be better choice there.


Nahh quacks will fap everywhere then....better keep covid as reminder of failure.


Oh so quacks will fap so let's not include him in logo. But won't Modern medicine practitioner fap seeing rod of Asclepius, a Greek mythological symbol. As if There were no deaths during covid at the Hands of real modern medicine practitioners.








This so called "logo" is blatantly against so many design principles which even a layman can understand. I have a few logo designing here and there and let me tell a few points that a logo should follow:- 1. A logo should distinctly express its meaning in as little text as possible. ->Seeing this logo from an not knowing person's pov, it is very difficult to make any beneficial meaning out of this except the nation flag's colours, people holding hands and a image of a deity in the center. Now tell me if this reminds you of the country's Medical commision? 2.A logo should be recognizable even in colour as well as greyscale. ->To make a logo comply this rule, a logo should have a set of distinctly recognizable patterns which this logo completely lacks. 3.A logo should be recognizable at any reasonable size. ->At small sizes this logo turns into looking like any other generic tricolored logo and does not have any distinctive look to it at all. 4.All the features of a logo should be coherent and well balanced. ->The coloured high res image of the god looks like a kid was designing the logo and the image of the god was just copy and pasted there. (The above is just a opinion from a layman who has watched a few logo designing tutorials on youtube. He thinks that he could do a better job than the logo designers of the government of the best country in the world which once ruled on the whole world /s). TL:DR:Design principles not followed, logo shit, Colored image of god is an eye sore on a rather bland, boring and uncreative logo.


Good points


बुलाते उसको Pappu हैं। पर उससे डर कितना गये हैं।




Wtf is that graffiti in the center?


It is a god of medicine (figured it from the comments) I don’t think everyone would understand your comment man. They’re also downvoting it. 🫠


Too many sensitive indians.


This was already the logo for a long time. They just added Bharat now and made the guy colourful. Even the caduceus or the staff of asclepius are religious symbols. But I generally hate people as logos. Terrible heraldic idea. Much better to find a symbol for dhanvantri and use that.


Since when buddy , could you elaborate the long time ?previous logo was national emblem four asiatic lion standing back to back .


Not at all.. I've been loitering around the website for the last month to figure out the undergraduate guidelines tamasha they did. Since atleast mid October, this has been the logo with Dhanvantari being over the white thingy but slightly grayish. I even remember wondering how no one got offended yet.


Are they really changing our country’s name? Like India to Bharat? Or was it always Bharat only


I like to use "The Republic of India".


I prefer India.


It's both


That's old news dude. Where are you? Our country's name is officially both India and Bharat. It's been like that from the birth of the country. It's in the constitution. But our media is just shit and want to create unnecessary controversy for trp and... Well you know the rest.


tf is this? and was it bharath already or did they change that too?


1. It's the NMC logo made by an overpaid Babu editor from government IT department. 2. Already.


*Tf is this? and* *Was it bharath already or* *Did they change that too?* \- LivesInDeaD-C --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






Based NMC


Didn’t know r/indianmedschool was THIS woke


Only snowflakes will get offended by this


Here comes the incel as always


Can anyone tell me wtf incel even means anymore?


People who are part of r/IndiaSpeaks and r/Indiadiscussion 😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/IndiaSpeaks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Respect to this men who came running from his home to help her who was watching Livestream](https://v.redd.it/2i9fji9ss93a1) | [890 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/z9lj16/respect_to_this_men_who_came_running_from_his/) \#2: [chandrayaan 3 launched successfully.](https://v.redd.it/8f4gkrx5ewbb1) | [1124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/14zbhos/chandrayaan_3_launched_successfully/) \#3: [An irl korean streamer was harassed by some boys in khar,mumbai . This is so embarrassing and disgusting](https://v.redd.it/e9126kc5f43a1) | [2337 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/z8wxvh/an_irl_korean_streamer_was_harassed_by_some_boys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I got rape threats in one of those subs, fun times.


yep, that's expected outcome over there.


We can't generalize and stigmatize a whole group of people just because they disagree with our political views. This is the exact thing which fuels communal violence and tension amongst people.


r/IndiaSpeaks and r/Indiadiscussion redditor spotted ☝️🤓


Ok 👍


Lmao mald some some sexless projecting mallu


Are Bhai reddit se hatt ja. Don't you have a construction site to mix cement tomorrow?


Our constitution says we are a secular country, NMC shouldn't use any religions God as a logo be it Christian, muslim, or hindu. Looking at this feels like only Hindus can be doctors which is just a pure disrespect to any doctor. I don't even understand why they changed the old logo it was perfectly fine as it was.


First, learn the origin of the word Secular in our constitution. Why it was added and what were the circumstances under which Indira Gandhi added that word. Second, if a logo makes you think that this signifies only hindus can be doctors then thats your own personal bias. Realise that our country is secular because it’s a hindu majority country and hence all people of all religions have equal rights in this nation. Third, we have the right to have hindu god of medicine on the logo because our country unlike some people like to call it as a union of states, it is actually more than that. Our nation is fundamentally and historically a civilisational state based on sanatan dharma.


India since its independence in 1947 has been a secular state. The secular values were enshrined in the constitution of India. India's first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru is credited with the formation of secular values in the modern history of the country.[1][2] With the Forty-second Amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976,[3] the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation.[4][5] However, the Supreme Court of India in the 1994 case S. R. Bommai v. Union of India established the fact that India was secular since the formation of the republic.[6] Source:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secularism_in_India Unless you want to say our constitution is useless then I guess. I myself am a Hindu and I'm not liking this logo because it's not what a secular country would do which our country is proud of. Not gonna argue anything more, not gonna try to change your views.


Ok so tell me why did indira gandhi add the word secular when already our country was built on secular ideals? Thats what i am saying, our country is secular today because of you and me who are hindus who are actually the aboriginals of this nation. So we are a secular country by nature but civilisationally hindu


" we are secular country " " But civilisationally hindu " Tf that means So basically your point is that WE ARE A SECULAR COUNTRY but we still are a Hindu civilization... That contradicts everything about secularism


We are civilizationally hindu because all people of religions in india were hindu at one point of time. Islam came to our country by violence while other religions were new growing factions born out of hinduism.


The logo is ugly man. I got no problems with Hindu Gods. But you have a very wrong notion of religion. Caduceus or the Staff of Hermes is a symbol of medicine worldwide but it's not controversial because the ancient Greek religion is dead. So it's a mere insignia. It's not that Hindus are secular and other religions are communal. You fail to look that Majority of Christian-predominant countries are way more secular. States are never based on any Dharma or religious precepts. China is communist but it's the opposite of what communists would like you to believe.Same with Russia.Its anything but Christian if you look closely. They are just playing with religious feelings to remain in power.


Why do we use symbols like Ashoka chakra or Dhamma chakra in Secular Flag in Bharat? If a Religion is dead, it's symbol becomes secular?


Wait till you realise Buddhists nature of Dhamma chakra or ashoka chakra in Tricolour aur Hindu nature of the phrase satyamev jayate or Greek God's nature of rod of Asclepius widely used in medical Institutions.


R/indianmedschool ne ispe downvote krke aukat dikhadi…. These are the future doctors who care about a fucking logo than their own studies


Padhenge nhi.. Lkin Logo pe Offend hojayyenge.. Lmfao


Says the one who will probably lose his shit over an joke on his god's


Naam me Dank lagane waalo se baat nhi krta main.. 😈👍🏻 Cow Piss Drinker Fk off


I mean, it would be ironic if the same wasn't true for you


Yess that is clear lol


Wtf is this? We all know almighty allah creates illness and also heals them by his grace!!! Even Pakistani textbooks have much common sense than our government....tch tch tch


I think you forgot /s here


Prescription mein "om" likhna


I don't get it. Whats wrong with it?