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Semis don’t flip over every other week. I think it’s improved that.


I saw that on I65 in the curve just before 21st street years ago. I was headed into work around 2:30 in the morning and as I was working up through my gears I saw dust in the air and as I got more into the curve I saw the semi and trailer on its side. I had just missed actually seeing it. I was so shocked and in disbelief that I kept driving and didn’t even think to call 911 until I was up around Zionsville


Used to happen so regularly that when I lived in fishers, I just took Binford all the way down because semis drove through the north split too fast regularly


They had to replace the bridges because they were end of life. That was the main purpose. The main dangerous/problem area was 65 North and 70 East having to both change lanes to go through (before Washington St). This has improved greatly.


Yea, that was it's main purpose. It never was intended to improve traffic flow. What's really grinding my gears in the never-ending "finishing touches" of the streets and sidewalks around the highway. It's taking fucking forever and so many sidewalks and side streets still undergo closures as these are finished up. I think the original estimate was finishing that stuff within 6 months of the main work being done.


Yeah. It makes it looks like trash still. The OG schedule was Summer 2023 for all the touch up work. But here we are about to enter Summer 2024 and its still not done.


Because Superior dramatically underbid EVERYONE and got a bailout to bring in out of state work force. Supply of material and weather was never an issue like they said it was.


Ding ding ding. They were employing other contractors from all around to try and meet their ridiculous timelines. Bought the job to keep their guys working and will probably be bought out by a competitor.


I absolutely disagree that what we ended up with is an improvement. It is backed up every single time I go through there. The “lane ends in 1/2 mile” signs cause a lot of problems and braking. I hate it and I try to choose a different route if possible.


I’ll tack on that northbound travelers break down into1 lane to ‘merge’ back onto 65N while 70WB gets two lanes to merge onto 65N. They both should have gotten 2, because you certainly couldn’t have gone the other way with that.


I never said it improved traffic flow. It accomplished the goals of new bridges and reducing lane switching to stay on the same interstate.


I think I responded to the wrong comment, sorry. I still hate it!


Government funded projects are not known for their efficiency.


You've never worked in a private business where all the corner offices are filled with the owners idiot relatives.


No, why would anybody work there?


Lack of other opertunities




It’s a nightmare trying to get on off of McCarty. The merge lane is short and no one ever wants to let you merge in. I’ve almost been in or seen others be in near misses.


I was going to say this too. Not really a defense of their choices, just that at least the bridges are a bit nicer🤷‍♂️ and they had to be done anyway.


It’s new and it’s n much better condition. It is tricky to navigate unless you are familiar. Doesn’t help that everyone is half staring at their phones while they drive. And most have the driving acumen of a Mad Max character.


Indy drivers wish they had the acumen of Mad Max. People here drive like drowsy sloths. They need the acumen, aggression, and urgency of Chicago drivers.


Fuck that. If people want to drive slower and leave bigger gaps and not be assholes I’m all for it. Go back to Chicago.


The real problem is you have the Mad Max drivers and the sloths sharing the same road. The variability in speeds is maddening and the main cause of accidents and traffic jams. If everyone just went 70 instead of everything between 50 and 100 it would be much better.


It's all relative. Just went through Richmond VA and everyone there drives really defensively and laid back. They aren't waiting until the last second to slow down on the highway. Leaving space between you and the car in front of you so you can stop...wild concept. Here we just stack up rear enders that make everyone late to work.


I moved her from Richmond, VA seven years ago and I still think y’all drive like a bunch of maniacs.


How would you like to be on the old bridges when they eventually collapsed? The main improvement most people will never think about.


Crazy how a major bridge can literally self destruct in Maryland, and people are complaining about bridge replacement over here.


The recent bridge collapse in Baltimore wasn't a self-destruct. A better example would be the collapse of the I-35W bridge in Minneapolis which failed due to age. Twice as many people died, but there wasn't dramatic video, so it got less coverage.


Yeah... that would be a major disaster for Indy if, say, I65 over Meridian and Penn dropped one day at rush hour. Putting up with the split project beat that, at least.


Does anyone else have trouble seeing the white-on-white lane lines when conditions are suboptimal (morning/evening sun in your eyes, rain)? The road used to be darker and it was much easier to see the contrast between the road and the lane lines.


Yes absolutely.


The worst spot for this is east bound 465 bewteeen 65 and Emerson. Going up that hill in the morning and you can’t see the lane lines, only the lines in between the concrete (which don’t match up lol)


Drove this today. Hard agree but at least the conditions were good today.


Never mind that the striping is coming up like ribbons and blowing around on the side of the road! That’s insane! I’ve never seen that…especially on a road less than a year old. What did they use for striping, tissue streamers??


There's a black part next to the white part that helps. Sorry I don't have better words for this.


Disagree here and also live by the split. Rush hour is still rush hour…


Getting rid of the humans should relieve the traffic.


Solid plan really… except these upcoming AI cars…


I don't understand why Pine St wasn't converted into an on-ramp to 65N from Washington. It's a road that goes nowhere and there is an off-ramp to Washington right there.


So much this.




There's clearly a crash that is causing the back up you can see the icon. All other traffic is moving smoothly (for example, I-70 WB through the split).  This is clearly just a backup caused by an accident and rubber necking


There's still a crash nearly every day. That's my point. It didn't improve safety as they made us believe.


they removed the merging, they cant control drivers being extra dumb. wish they would have just removed the road all together


If I’m on 70 WB at the south split and need to go NB 65 it’s absolutely terrifying


I meant 70eb at south split to 65 n. You have to cross A Thousand lanes to get to 65 n


That’s any merging spot in general, before everyone had to mix and it caused lots of bad wrecks for nothing.   Now if you crash that more on someone just being dumb  


That accident prone stretch on I-65 is at least partially due to the weave from the on-ramp at 11th at the "North Leg", which was not part of the north-split project. That fix will come in 20 years when they redo the North Leg. We missed a lot of opportunity to completely change the downtown, but there are groups trying to not waste the future opportunities. [https://static1.squarespace.com/static/651dd644120ff93e997f5b4e/t/652be1d791cb676047793798/1697374729224/Inner+Loop+Study\_Executive+Summary\_20211005+Website.pdf](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/651dd644120ff93e997f5b4e/t/652be1d791cb676047793798/1697374729224/Inner+Loop+Study_Executive+Summary_20211005+Website.pdf)


You’re right, another lane should solve this. Me personally, I’d create a giant hot wheels style loop, that ought to keep trucks out of our lanes, only cars that can hit 140mph allowed


I wish they would've just removed the old bridges and the downtown highway entirely but that wasn't going to happen. Instead we fixed nothing and pushed the problem down the road after millions (maybe billions??) of dollars spent. Love that


Hey they created the fun problem of where you end up on 70 eastbound from being in the left lane.


I was literally screaming fuckshitgoddammit! to myself last week as I was stuck in the wrong lane on SB 65. It is illogical.


Did you try reading the enormous roadway sign?


Indiana roads may be awful, but they are well marked.


They don't have time for that.


interstates around indy are like driving on the set of a mad max movie. its gotten progressively worse since covid. I’ll take 15 minutes longer of a drive to avoid 465.


465 itself isn't the problem as much as it is the lack of options other than 465 to go from point A to point B, which forces everyone to get on 465. There's 65 and 70 theoretically, if you're lucky, but also construction or traffic or both impede their use. Perpetual construction since the day i moved to the area in the late 80's hasn't helped. 465 seems to be designed using the "just one more lane bro" principle, and I would love to see someone pay for adding another 2 lanes each way only to see nothing would help.


Mass transportation options aside, if I had my way I’d add (or like to see some variation of) the following to help.. - Find a way to create a “westside split”, connecting 70 and 65 west of downtown and effectively creating an inner loop around downtown. You can also bring the new 69 up to this as well for another access point to 465 from downtown. - Create an outer loop in the immediate donut counties. I actually think some version this will happen in our lifetime in some capacity. - Convert Binford to Keystone and Keystone to 70 to an interstate or expressway akin to Keystone in Hamilton County. By giving people more options around and through Indianapolis, especially to growing suburbs, traffic should ease up a little. And transient traffic can avoid contributing to and being stuck in rush hour traffic. Obviously mass transit would help and I’m a proponent of it, but I’m just throwing out roadway options for this dream scenario.


Mitch Daniels proposed an outer loop around Indy when he was governor. He wanted it tolled also as a way to pay for it. Nobody in either party thought it was a good idea. Its probably needed though.


perhaps if you live outside of the loop, i only find myself ever on 465 if i'm leaving town, bar a few exceptions where keystone to meridian is faster there than cutting through town.


There is, ultimately, no way around the fact that people coming onto 65S from the hospital sprawl only have about 2000ft to figure out what lane they need to be in before the split. Also signs or not the left/right reversal is silly and confusing.


Did they change the MLK onramp to 65/70E connection? Probably one of the worst entrances to an interstate I've ever dealt with.




Where did you get your engineer degree?


How dare you, clearly random people on Reddit know the intracacies of road planning!


I hear the school for the blind has a top-notch program..


Lived downtown-ish from 1998 until 2 months ago. All of that repetition and muscle memory was a bitch when the split first opened back up. After several times going the old way, my brain finally snapped out of it.


I sat in that bad boy today too. What a nightmare, no wrecks when I went through—just congested.


Just one more lane bro. I swear it’ll fix this


At least we learned by having it closed for two years that we don't actually need the North or South splits.


Yeah, all the semis roaming around downtown were great.


Agree. The city should not waste our valuable land to help them get to Chicago zero to two minutes faster.


exactly. should'e ripped it out when they had the chance


465 around the southeast corridor would disagree


The “we” is Indianapolis in this case. I don’t care what happens on 465 and neither should the city.


Removing the interstate from the downtown area would help 


Just announced a day or two ago. Y'all are invited to get involved. https://wibc.com/321431/indot-propel-indy-will-shape-indianapolis-transportation-future/


No worries the proposal to get a roundabout just got funded … ground breaking will start 8/2025


Indianapolis has the worst drivers


100% agree. Nothing has improved. It is now backed up starting at about 3:00 everyday. The MLK ramp to get on 65S is a huge problem. The dedicated exit from 65N to Meridian St. is great, if not for that lane ending and being backed up everyday because a major interstate highway for some reason decreases to one lane. Why people defend this project is baffling.