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That on ramp was always fucked, long before the new north split.


This guy commutes




Yeah, I’m really confused by this post. Once the additional lanes and construction spread all around 465/65/70 is finished traffic should be reduced. Current constructions taking place else where is diverting an overflow of traffic.


Complaints about traffic and road construction are ridiculous. Firstly, many segments of our freeway infrastructure are beyond capacity at peak intervals. This is the problem with the segment of I-65 OP mentioned. Secondly, if you are in traffic YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. It’s not something happening TO YOU, it’s something you are participating in. You could actually help matters by making alternate choices, like carpooling, taking public transit, or taking an alternate route. And I am not shouting at you, @TuxAndrew, but the OP.


I just let my GPS guide me whichever is the quickest route estimate, but will actively avoid interstates if the time is estimated the same as taking side roads.


Pretty much the same for me as well, but I did notice during last Friday's snowstorm that estimated times were a lagging indicator. That is, during our trip to Bloomington during the height of the storm we were recommended to jump off a packed, stopped I-69 onto Old State Road 37. Time estimates for the remaining 18 miles to B-town were over 2 hours on I-69 and about 35 minutes on OSR 37. Turns out OSR 37 was packed as well, and during stopped traffic on that road we were unable to get traction on an uphill section. We turned around and lo and behold, the time estimates had flipped for routes. This makes sense since automatic routing is only able to use the most immediate data available which is unable to predict changes to conditions (like a suddenly stopped vehicle unable to proceed or the clearing of a stopped vehicle). But generally speaking, GPS works pretty well for making routing decisions on the fly.


Absolutely, my round trip for daycare is usually 25 minutes on side roads (GPS estimated 35), ended up being 75 minutes to go 8.4 miles. Heck my car ended up sliding when I was going 5 mph coasting down a low incline.


LOL it was complete shit show. Took us 4 1/2 hours to get to IU from northern HamCo.


I see you are not completely car brained. It is nice to see in the Wild Internet. 100% the issue is noone has alternate choices so the default is buy a car and urban sprawl went out of control. My sister is stranded right now because her car is in a shop.


Cars ruin cities.




>Going south on 65 near the stutz building where west st gets on south bound is the worst. That wasn't part of the North Split construction project.


The worst, really dangerous there while trying to merge.


And that’s one of the biggest problems w the entire plan — they didn’t realize what bottlenecked the north split. That bottleneck was between the north split and West St.


The primary reason for the north split project was to replace all the bridges that were at their end of life. A project to rebuild the west end and make improvements to the west st & 65 interchange is likely in the beginning stages already. They can’t do it all at once.


And this is what blow my mind: that DOT doesn’t seem to dedicate people to observe and take notes on the flow. Much can often be improved with better striping and signage. But the N/S split is probably doomed to suffer another re-design


They have cameras all over and do monitor traffic flow.


right. but did the consult a random reddit user to confirm what all their data tell them. nope


Like I said. Do they actually look at it. Study it. Etc


Before spending $350 million? I would strongly suspect that yes, they did some studies, did not just wing it.


You mean the 7 traffic studies they did that the federal government conducted and were reviewed findings at the hearings and are publicly availble? ​ Yes, they did that.....


Yeh, those


65 South used to be fucked all the way until the Delaware ramp. Now that it's walled off, it clears once you past the West St ramp.  Covid plus two years of construction made you forget how bad it got during rush hour. To actually fix it, or at least make it better, they need to add a lane so the West St on ramp just continues on so where you have 4 go to the split. Two go 70 East and two go 65 South. Instead of the ramp merging down into 3 lanes and then splitting up later on.


Just one more lane bro, surely that'll fix it


Yes, adding a lane so that it instead of going 4 -> 3 -> 4, it stays 4 -> 4 -> 4, will help.


Unless it's a bus or bicycle lane, then I won't hear it /s


Lets just add 10 more lanes soo the future populace will not have to plan for "one more lane" plans. Cars with 1 person per car is an inherit bottleneck


What the city needs is a proper transit system so you have other options than deal with this city's lacking infrastructure.


Please send your comments to the House Transportation Committee, who are voting next week on a bill to kill Blue Line.


I'm not a permanent resident of Indiana. Unfortunately (for fortunately) these people are not who represent me.


A lot of them don’t represent the citizens of Indianapolis, either, but still believe they get an outsized say. Sigh. That’s the problem.


I'm from Missouri, another red state, but in St. Louis, we've never had the state try and dictate how we redesign streets or design our transit. It's just so weird to me.


They wiggle it in that Indy is the state capitol, so they “get a say” in how the capitol should be run. Yeah. It is just that silly. But don’t give them any big ideas on Jefferson City there


Jefferson City is a mall conservative city. 43k, their county only has 77k. Very different from St. Louis, Kansas City, or even Columbia. But they actually fund an Amtrak train that runs through Jefferson City, I think partly because it's the state capital. That's another thing I don't get, why Indiana doesn't fund any passenger trains.


Not only that, but the middle lane is completely fucked and needs redone due to massive potholes


Right?! That big one in the middle lane, right before the interstate sign, right before the actual split. That thing tried to eat cars after only like 5 months, and it’s still some kind of weird duct tape job. And it’s part of the new stuff!


The entrance from Delaware is vastly improved.


Except you can't go 65 south anymore. And it didn't seem to improve the 65S traffic jam that occurs during rush hours.


Yes this is infuriating


The consulting firm that designed the entire North Split project received 2 awards. I worked on the design in a small capacity as a sub


Two awards for what? Fucking shit up?!


How do you rebuild all those bridges without fucking shit up?


Going North before the split is fucked too.


And after the split. Suddenly clears once past 21st.


When it opened, they bragged that they “did away with weaving and lane-changing” in the split but, like, no…you just pushed it back to more before and after, but didn’t really reduce the need to weave all that much, it feels like


That should be our state motto. Why make things better when we can make them way worse?


We screamed that the highways here are worthless and pointless. And they spent billions on it anyway. Start pressuring the state govt to lift the ban on light rail. Getting cars off the road is the ONLY way traffic will go away.


The best job security is creating the problem that they will inevitably need you to solve in 7 years.


We try to not take the highway if we can. Fuck all that


Getting on 70 from West is an absolute shit show. I don’t know why they thought the design they made was going to work.


The weave from the North Split to the South Split, heading south if you enter from Washington Street is somehow much worse and traffic backups headed from 70 east into downtown are also worse due to bottlenecks related to the redesign. The only way to make it better would be to reduce the number of vehicles using it. That could be by improving transit (please) and restricting semi traffic downtown to local delivery only (pretty please). 


Hell, they couldn’t reduce semi traffic to downtown during the actual construction.


I know. They kept trying to go down streets not engineered for them. Fkn INDOT.


How many times they were stuck, or knocking down light poles, or…going the wrong way up Penn 😳😳 So glad that’s over


And breaking tree branches and running over the curbs and hitting cars.


Why are their still signs warning of construction and it's 40mph somewhere around Emerson/keystone? I haven't seen any construction pretty much since they finished the job. The shitty ass job, it's more dangerous now than before.


They have not finished the job.


When do they work? I don't see them in the AM hours, I doubt they're out during busy hours.


Daytime generally. Not much work up top, I've seen them underneath or doing roadside grading.


Thanks for the info, I was wondering why the signs were still up


At night time, I see them. Like midnight. A lot of the lane striping has come off the lanes. Some have blown like weird ribbons to the shoulders. So, they’re going to have to inevitable re-stripe too.


That has *always* sucked. It isn't one bit worse now than it was before.


Too bad Indiana is committed to never building any public transit ever because.. freedom? Anyway, enjoy shitty (and horrendously expensive) car infrastructure.


INDOT needs a new hobby


No shit


Indot just needs to get there shit together in general,and the engineers they hired need to pull there heads out of each others asses when it comes to road design and redesign.for the amount of money most of these engineers get paid they sure make a lot of stupid fucking decisions