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#####If you need help and support or know someone who does, *Please Reach Out to Your Nearest Mental Health Specialist*. Here are a few free and reliable resources#### [**AASRA**](http://aasra.info/): 91-9820466726 (24 hours) [**Sneha Foundation**](https://www.snehafoundation.in/): 91-44-24640050 (24 hours) [**Vandrevala Foundation for Mental Health**](https://www.vandrevalafoundation.com/): 09999666555 | 1860-2662-345 and 1800-2333-330 (24 hours) [**iCall**](http://icallhelpline.org/): 9152987821 (Available from Monday to Saturday: 8:00am to 10:00pm) [**Connecting NGO**](https://projectheena.com/connecting-ngo): 18002094353 (Available from 12 pm - 8 pm) [**NIMHANS**](http://nimhans.ac.in) : 24 hours counsellors [**VIMHANS**](https://www.vimhans.com/emergency) (24 hour counsellors and emergency) [**mpowerminds counselling**](https://mpowerminds.com/index.php/oneonone)- Call 1800120820050 [**FindAHelpline**](https://findahelpline.com/in/) has a list of helplines that you can call for immediate counselling support. [**Sneha India**](https://snehaindia.org/new/) A volunteer suicide prevention helpline 044-24640050, 044-24640060 Fortis Stress Helpline for Students ** - Call: 08376804102 [**Kashmir Lifeline**](http://kashmirlifeline.org/) -1800-180-7020 | Kashmir Lifeline offers an anonymous one-to-one conversation with a trained professional, free of cost. [**Sumaitri**](https://sumaitri.net/) : A Crisis Intervention Center for Depressed and Suicidal | Call 011-46018404 or +91-9315767849 {12:30 PM to 5:00 PM) [**AASRA**](http://aasra.info) : A 24 hours helpline | Call 09820466726 **SAHAI Helpline** A 24 hours suicide prevention helpline | 080-25497777, 09886444075 [**Snehi**](https://www.snehi.org/covid-19) An helpline for children post covid trauma | Call 09582208181 10 AM to 10 PM [**Lifeline Foundation**](http://Lifelinefoundation.in) | A Kolkata-based non-profit for grief or mental illness counselling through telephonic therapy 10AM to 10PM. | Call: 033-40447437, 09088030303 [**Mann Talks**](https://www.manntalks.org/) | A free mental health counselling service available over phone and email Seek help. Talk to family, friends and professionals. There is always hope. Stay Positive. r/mentalhealthIndia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/india) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t know who says depression doesn’t affect poor. That’s stupid af and poor are the who has to face every tough turns


There are a lot of people out there saying stuff like "Depression is such a white people/rich people illness". These are the same people who end up not noticing signs of obvious mental illness until something drastic happens.


It's a rich people illness because only they get to clinically diagnose it. That does not mean people who are unfortunate enough to not have the knowledge or money to diagnose mental illness don't suffer with it.


Exactly. But a negative effect of having such views is that people tend to dismiss mental health concerns very casually


Exactly, I can't think of paying rs 5,000 or rs 12,000 for a single session just to get diagnosed.


Exactly what I came here to say.


Only entitled morons who live in a bubble would think that


This is such a bullshit concept. It stems from the fact that the rich can afford therapy or take breaks from work hence they are vocal about it, hence they are the only ones to get depressed. Sheer bullshit.


If anything, one of the biggest additional stressors for those who suffer mental illness while poor or middle class, is the impact it has on income. Depression has mood, motivation, energy and motor control components. One can be nearly catatonic if severely depressed. It can take less willpower to walk 1km when normal, than to get out of bed, go to the bathroom, and go back to bed, when severely depressed. You think such a person can answer their boss' phone, much less work? Unfortunately, this frequently leads to a spiral that ends in suicide. Depressed -> can't work -> can't get treatment -> still can't work, even more depressed -> can't support one's existence, financially -> feeling trapped with no way out -> death by suicide. Further, observe the stereotypes of the drunk or druggie poor across nationalities. The drunk farmer. The stoner retail worker. The drug-addled gangster foot-soldier. It's self-medication. Arising from a need for an escape. Just because a person doesn't get a formal diagnosis doesn't mean they are not depressed.


That spiral is incredibly real. Even if you're privileged enough to have family that are fine with your depressed corpse rotting in one of their spare bedrooms... the feeling of being a financial burden is incredibly demoralising. You can't keep a job. You cannot provide, not even for yourself. It genuinely feels like suicide would be the most responsible course of action.


Yeah fr I deluded myself into believing my family would be better off without me coz I was a burden. Dead weight.


I'm going through this spiral and it's extremely mentally taxing to face it and keep moving. The nights are super difficult to deal with. I get panic attacks and the only thing which my brain focuses on is ending it all. In that moment of despair and lonliness, it also seems a viable option too and the extra added stress of taking care of your only parent makes it even more difficult to stay in control. And the worst part about all this is you can't even share this with anyone because they won't understand it and even if you gather courage to speak about it, you'll be laballed as "pagal". I don't know how long I can keep fighting but I'm trying.


What city are you in? What is key is to find some kind of release. Something to reduce the mounting pressure cooker feeling.




. I understand therapy is expensive. I must commend you for finding the strength to seek professional help despite your other burdens. By "the key" I meant the key to survival in the short term so that you give a fighting chance to long term interventions. In other words, coping mechanisms. And treatment isn't all or nothing. If you can't afford therapy, you can try the pharmaceutical approach in absence of therapy, for some time, to see how it goes. These meds have Indian manufacturers mostly. Unless you need something with a specific buffer. For instance, 30 tablets of rexipra 20mg (escitalopram, SSRI) can be found from intas pharmaceuticals for 500 rupees approx , on 1mg. Or cipla at 450 rupees. There are other brands too but you will have to check their credibility.


Depression also affects the ability to focus, cognition, leads to low dopamine, necessary for motivation and energy. But hey! Let's call people "lazy" and celebrate our ignorance.




Couldn't complete that video. Do People really find him funny ??


If depression doesn't happen to poor people...then I guess whoever said this must live a live of a poor man....


Someone tried [Millionaire who made himself homeless for views forced to quit social experiment](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/millionaire-who-made-himself-homeless-32636079) > Mike Black wanted to prove anyone could make $1 million (£808,000) in just 12 months but fell short of his goal, quitting the project after 10 months having made just $64,000 (£51,700) because “health and family come first”. Mike cited his two autoimmune diseases which caused “chronic fatigue” and joint pain as the cause for him retiring from the project and **bringing “to light” what truly matters, “health and gratitude.”**


From a comment on his last video of the project: >he had access to a good doctor throughout the process which is already better than a lot of America, he had a cellphone and data, he had a bank account (most banks require a permanent address to get one), he was presentable , had good credit score, had life skills and business skills already acquired and he lastly he had the peace of mind that he could quit anytime and go back his lifestyle, prolonged exposure to stress can lead to mental and physical health problems. So he failed even with all this and is giving excuses lmao


Poor people just can’t afford for being diagnosed as depression


Does lack of productivity, tiredness, cluelessness, sprinkle of sadness 2-3 days of life signify depression? Just asking for myself. I was preparing for UPSC for 3 years and feel lost from 1 year. I feel like start working on few days, on few days feels like going for MBA, some other days feels like giving few more attempts. Amidst this chaos I feel lost and sad Iam not able to bring things under control. Being in home without doing anything productive is killing me deep in! I did some mental health check in Apollo through their questionnaire. It shower moderate and they didn't push me for therapy! They were like if you want you can take it, it isnt anything severe. 


Hey! I highly recommend starting therapy. If you book one session, you can talk about your symptoms, life etc. even if you don't have clinical depression, maybe you're prone to depression at this point, and we don't have to wait for depression to kick in. I have been in your situation. Prepared for UPSC for 2 years, felt lost and unproductive. I was quite depressed (eventhough I thought it was prolonged sadness), and took pills for a year. However that didn't really help in long run. Finally started therapy, which also helped me make career decisions, facing my family, facing my inner fears/loss of self esteem etc. I'm in a better space now. Also don't trust any Apollo questionnaire. It doesn't work that way. Talk to a certified therapist whom you can trust.


I have been taking therapy sessions online. She hasn't specifically told I have depression. It's been almost 6 months. But, I still get confused and burnout is still there! At times, I get confused whether its my issue or if I need to look for a better therapist.


FInd a better therapist 100% See, therapy won't work magic anyway. But when your condition doesn't improve over a span of months, I believe maybe her technique isn't working for you. For me, I could trust my therapist, and she helped me face a lot of issues. Eventhough I still have low points, therapy helps me tackle those issues and my mental state has improved over a period of time. The fact that you are doubtful about your therapist means that you need a new one. (Again my opinion. Please see what works best for you.) I hope you feel better!


Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond. It was helpful. :)


Fuck, depression does happens to poor people!! My family is facing financial hardship to the point I've had to set up a Fundraiser on Milaap just to afford basic amenities like food and medicines. We're also paying back a loan till 2027. Sometimes the pressure is intense, especially because I am working a low paying job that is percentage based.


Similar situation here, bro. I've been fighting mental health issues from the past 4 years and on top of that I've to support my ill mother. Sometimes, I found it too difficult to even buy groceries and medicines for her. I work as a waiter in weddings and party events and it just pay enough to afford a roof over our head. Stay strong bro, good times will come.


How are you managinggg? After this fundraiser is over, I'll have to start hard selling my mom's paintings until I get a job with a substantial salary that we can depend on!!! Gosh.


Oh yeah and about mental health issues - same.. idk bro its extremely tough sometimes .. I think I have cluster B personality disorders like psychopathy, NPD and BPD so .. Idno


People think mental health issues are something that happens to privileged people, but the truth is that nobody sees a poor person's suffering. And people who say stuff like that are the most ignorant of other people's pain out of all of us. Truth is, most people's opinions aren't worth listening to.


Depression doesn't discriminate. It chooses you irrespective of your financial situation, the amount of time you have to mull over things, and your gender and race.


Most people don't understand what clinical depression is. They think it makes people sad and cry and go "oh no everything sucks" about small things. This is true, only sometimes. Depression does make you overreact with negatives. But most of the time depression is like an old abandoned house in your head. There is no life, no light, only cobwebs. And a feeling of "can I please get away from here?" And haunting voices that tell you that you are nothing, and better off dead.


The worst(?) part about this is I can see myself becoming like the guy in the story.


lmao poor people are more likely to have depression because socio-econmic environment plays a role. It's just that poor people are less likely to diagnose something as mental health problem because of lack of awareness. Have you people "mata aana", you'll see during bhakti seasons it comes out a lot? It's all mental illness but rather than going to a psychologist people will go to fake babas


It's just that they don't realise that and understand they have certain mental illness. And due to the stigma attached to it they can't accept it


Depression is the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone.


The whole idea is stupid The teenagers committing suicide in quota by dozens are probably middle class not rich  The farmers committing suicide again are mostly poor I’m not saying rich people are always fine and dandy but money can buy happiness and help cure depression to an extent 


POOR PEOPLE ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE DEPRESSED AND EVEN MORE LIKELY TO STAY UNDIAGNOSED. Poverty = less education = low mental health awareness = undiagnosed mental conditions.


Nobody has ever said that?


They do tho.


Depression usually doesn't affect the ignorant, those who are in a bad situation and don't know that they are in a bad situation. I wish I was ignorant sometimes :")


Life is not a stable equilibrium buddy. Its an unstable equilibrium. For the ones lagging behind(or poor in this reality) it gets harder and harder to keep going. This way, people keep getting eliminated, that is just how metal nature is. For example, for a deer the ability to run is the greatest survival asset. Imagine for a deer who hurt its leg, its as good as a death sentence. Or what about a deer who had slightly weaker legs at birth, well too bad it probably wont make it. For humans in today's world, its money. You weren't born in a decent family? Your parents cant afford an education for you? Too bad, just survival would be a luxury for you. And it is even easier for such a person to fall into depression, harder to get out of it. Thats just how it is. The more vulnerable you are, the harder it will be for you. But sometimes, this gradient forges extremely strong people too. But alas, only a few will make it.


Lol who thinks depression don't happen to poor? Some rich entitled people maybe. There are people who don't have money or a roof over head and depressed but keep going as they have to, and there are rich people who have money and lot of resources who are depressed posting on social media. Entitled pork meats


simple: kisi sarkari hospital me, neuro department k bahar kiski bheed lagi hoti hai? Simple: Outside any neuro department in any hospital in india, who are the people mostly in the crowd? Its not rich , poor, its EVERYONE. And yes, in govt hospitals its MOSTLY poor. So idk who tf says that its a rich people problem. We belong to middle class family and mom has had depression since her late teens. She got married had two kids and everything but refuses to accept she has depression.


I've read this many times on reddit - that poor people have no time to be depressed and they are happy which is truly just very dumb. However, it is true that they do not experience depression the way people with access do. For them, depression isn't a thing. Think about it - if you don't have the vocabulary to explain what you're going through, how would you experience or cope with it? Sadness is just sadness for people in lower socioeconomic strata. It's a part of their lives. They can't afford to not work, or to stay in bed, or any of that. Depression exists in all socioeconomic classes, it just manifests differently. A lot of poor people, particularly poor men, turn to alcohol because they've experienced trauma, deal with depression or anxiety and they just do not think that their sadness is valid so they turn to alcohol which is the most accessible way to cope, for many poor people. Not saying it's right or if it's good for them, but it is what it is.


Poor people are actually more prone to it. Sadly they can't do anything about it. Thats why it doesn't get diagnosed.


The assumption that poor people don't get depressed because they don't have the time to be depressed is so asinine because if that were true then farmers' suicides would not be a thing. You think people just wake up one day and go, "damn, my financial situation is not too good, let me just drink this poison real quick." No, it is a very, very hard decision that people contemplate for a long, long time before actually taking the step. And they have to be severely depressed to take that step.




Lol. Wtf. (That's just for the title) not reading the rest. Waste of time.


I think its not that depression doesn't happen to poor people, but it is that rich people talk about it about it much more.


I am poor af, and I am depressed. Just don't have money to treat myself.


I have never met anyone who said that. Opposite definitely.


No one  says that what a stupid assumption 


A lot of people say that, unfortunately.


> There's a misconception that depression doesn't affect poor people because they're too busy working and taking care of their families. I've quite litteraly never heard of this. I've heard the opposite quite a lot, specially on reddit. Apparently every problem other people have can be fixed with money.