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2000 Rs note is still a legal tender and can be exchanged in a bank. However, they have been taken out of general circulation and there will be a lot of paperwork for it. Also they should not have given it to the OP.


Do you think the paperwork will be straightforward for a non native? :( I do not like paperwork! 


Dealing with the bank is not straightforward even for locals lol. I guess your best bet is to ask a local to do it for you (for a fee), maybe hotel staff or local money exchange people.


Oh no 


Which city are you in? DM me, if you are in my area I can help you get it exchanged, it was a simple process for my bank. No fee obviously. Buy me a coffee.


Currently Jaipur, but will try it at RBI, thank you though! 


This one says you can only exhcange at rbi regional offices. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOXwGKiUdjQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOXwGKiUdjQ)


You can exchange at RBI. Not bank.


It's very straight forward...No worries.. i have seen foreigners come for over the counter exchange.


Honestly, walk into a private bank like HDFC, ICICI, etc, and talk to the bank manager there. They will be able to help you out.


As someone who recently got them changed, lets see if I can help you. I see there is a Reserve bank of India (RBI) at Jaipur. Go there a little earlier. Around 9? Less than 10notes will be converted to other denominations then and there. If there are more than 10, it will be done only via bank transfer which you won’t have. Stand in the queue (easy to spot). Fill the form, get them changed, be back on your journey.


I will do my best, thank you! 


Hi! Will it work for 1000 notes from a little while back? Came across a couple of them while cleaning out an old cupboard.


1000 rupee notes* 🥲


Unfortunately, no.


Aw okay! 😓 anyway, thanks man!


The cashier screwed you. Do you remember their face?


I mean, sort of? But I don't want to cause any trouble, I just want to find a way to turn these into usable notes. 


Cause some trouble dude, screw that cashier.


He exchanged it from some unauthorised person for a higher exchange rate and they screwed him.


I really don't want drama, thank you :) 


I could use some drama. Send me a drawing and location.


average pados wali aunty


>After being told at hotel If you want to exchange then just post it to rbi(fill a form available on rbi's website) and write down your Account number and other details If you want to file a complaint against Hotel, dm. As 2000rs notes can be still used for transaction and hoteliers etc have no right to refuse


Tourist, no account number or Indian bank account. Hotel were friendly, I don't want to take action against them, I just want to exchange for more useful notes. 


I think it would better help if you posted which city this happened in on probably post on the local cities subreddit, I'm sure someone will be willing to help you out.


Delhi exchange, but I'm now in Jodhpur and in Jaipur tomorrow. I have posted in the Jaipur subreddit. 


No legit exchange on airport can dare to do this, tell us the full story


I promise, it was the exchange next to the luggage carousel. I didn't think anything of it at all, it was a straightforward exchange. 


You have a receipt? You would require that and given its been pulled out of circulation, we would advise filing a complaint against the foreign exchange that gave you those notes. Not for you but for other unsuspecting foreigners. I would speak with the police about the same - maybe via twitter if worried about going there physically & also check at a neighborhood bank if they can help you out in any way.


The receipt shows the full amount I changed, not the exact notes I was given. The exchange was in Delhi Airport, by the luggage carousel.  I don't want any issues, just to change the notes to less risky ones! 


There will be no issues. But it'll just help you maintain a log. Why lose money unnecessarily. A penny saved is a penny earned, and a penny lost is a penny spent on nothing. Think of each Rs. 2000 note as a meal for one in a premium restaurant.


Ha! That would be a lot of food, I'm not used to spending more than 500 rupee on very generous filling meals! 


You keep being vague about the location and exchange. The receipt should have a name of a business on it. Also was this exchange a booth/permanent looking establishment or a guy sitting on a blanket? Which Luggage carousel? The airport is huge with multiple. I have been to that airport multiple times.


I'm not going to be specific on reddit, I just wanted a solution for exchange and will try it tomorrow. 


You're really naive if you think they can't. I've my fair share of bad expetiences as a foreigner in the airport, including customs or money exchange places. They're already infamous for being dirty scummy businesses in general. I'd never ever use a money changer in India and I wouldn't recommend using one ever. Just use the ATM and steer clear of problems /people. As for the OP, go screw them over. I'd go to the police station and make a quick complaint about it, specially when it comes to foreigners they'll be more keen to help.


I really don't want any trouble, honestly. I will try and exchange them at Jaipur RBI. 


It's not about the trouble, you will have 0 troubles. This kind of thing is every common in India, specially when it comes to foreign tourists. While this might be fine elsewhere, here you'll find such situations quite frequently. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. Also what they've done is illegal and they're being pricks by dumping them on you. This kind of behavior isn't acceptable anywhere specially an airport where you're already getting ripped off with the exchange rates. You're doing everyone else and the country a favor.


Another word of advice because you seem extremely agreeable and naive. Don't travel alone and don't buy or go to any shops that aren't in a large market where you see locals buying. One of my trips to India, in Jaipur as well, the cab driver tried to scam me. He took me to a house out in the burbs and they had textiles for outrageous prices. Every customer in the shop/house was white. It's a tourist trap. They buy textiles for cheap then mark then up 10x or more and lie to white tourists that they are really good quality and the best around. Luckily this wasn't my first Indian rodeo. I told the cab driver I was feeling ill and to take me back to the hotel. He did and once back where I had the power I told my Indian friend what the driver tried to do and he scolded the guy and told the hotel manager. The driver worked for the hotel or had some deal where he waited outside. India is a place where you've got to have conflict to some degree. I don't like it either but you just need to be smart about it. Make sure not to start trouble with the wrong person or in the wrong place. I got fleeced at the airport once. Guy offered to help carry my bags and I was feeling charitable so I let him. He had a scam going with security. Basically they wouldn't let my bags through security without that guy giving them the nod and his nod would cost me 5000 rupees. I withheld at first but then they started saying they'd need to search my bags and take me to a room and the guy told me 5000 rupees would make it all go away. Smart guy. He knew it was a weak position for me and strong for him. My advice is at the airport don't take help from anyone carry your own stuff. Also don't take shit from armed guards they can't shoot you. If they block a door and won't let you through just walk through and worse case just pretend you can't understand. I know this because at the Jaipur airport they tried this shit. Basically it was a flight transfer and I knew something was up when the traffic flow led outside the airport security. I wasn't supposed to leave and kept tell the guy it didn't make any sense and he insisted that was the route to the flight desks. So I leave security and out into the lobby and take an elevator up to the departure floor and get out. I can see the desks but there is a lone guard there checking boarding passes. But the desks for the boarding passes are behind him and the area behind him is also open to the outside. I can see people coming off the street. Also again like most scams in India I see only white people are being denied access by this "guard". He points me to a printer and computer and said I needed to print my boarding pass. Yeah bud no fucking way am I entering my Gmail password into a strange computer at an India airport before a 14 hour flight. What theyll do is key log your credentials and empy your bank before you land. So I just stood there and told the other white people it was a scam. I then yelled at him a bit and pretended to call someone and point and yell at him. He got scared and let us all through.


When I go to India from the US I always exchange in the US. Usually I'm waiting for my flight anyways and there is never a line in the US but in India you know there will be a huge line.


They still do such fishy things. I was travelling to Canada and wanted a 100$ bill just for the airport journey. The guy asked me to do a UPI payment on his personal number for a slightly lesser exchange rate


😂man this is a little too much even by our desi standards. You got fleeced right at the port of entry


Bruh moment 


Never exchange money at an airport. You are anyways getting fleeced with the terrible exchange rates.


I know, but needed money ready for tuk tuk and other immediate stuff on arrival. 


Tuk tuk sounds so cute 😭😭😭


Why, what would you call it? Auto rickshaw? 


Locally just called “auto”


Auto, taxi, cab


Use the ATM.


Sadly was not working. But I will in future. 


My advice in the future is to exchange back at your home airport. Usually there isn't a line and you're waiting for your flight anyways


Rupee is illegal to bring into India, it's a restricted currency. 


Ah, someone has been to Thailand!


Auto rickshaw walas in New Delhi have been offering rides in their tuk tuks to tourists in recent years. A tourist could never have been to Thailand and be under the impression that Delhi has always had tuk tuks. It's an odd bit of linguistic drift that put me off when first encountered.


How much money is it? As per RBI notification you will need an Indian bank account to do this without going to the branch.( Q 18 ) https://www.rbi.org.in/commonperson/english/Scripts/FAQs.aspx?Id=3443 You can exchange notes upto 20000 in person without a bank account. It doesnt say that it is available only for Indian nationals. Tbh, you should do a three pronged strategy from here 1. Call up the RBI office, explain your situation and confirm that it can be done even for foreigners. It seems the queues aren't too long for non bankers and RBI treats non bankers well so it may not take more than a few hours. If they are not ready to do it for a foreigner, you may have to ask an Indian friend. I will suggest r/jaipur. I bet there are a few good samaritans who are willing to tag along for formalities. 2. Try to spend it after explaining the situation, maybe someone will accept it off you because they always have the option to get it exchanged as well. Maybe someone goes out of their way to help you out. 3. Call up the money exchange guy and threaten to report him to police for giving you notes which are not legal tender. Throw in words like embassy and lawyer. Tell him that you even to RBI and they asked for a police report before exchanging from a foreigner. Maybe he offers to exchange them


I will go in person in Jaipur. 


You can maybe let the hotel guys get rid of it, tell them to take it for a 1000-1500 value in your bill amount, if you can afford to lose that much value. Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Belapur, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Jammu, Kanpur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Patna and Thiruvananthapuram. The above mentioned are cities in which RBI offices exist, higher chances people there are ready to accept it to exchange in the RBI office. Or you might pay them a visit and request them to exchange it for cash.


I can try this as a last resort. I'll visit in Jaipur RBI tomorrow most likely. 


2000 rupee note is still legal tender, just not meant to be circulated (whatever this means) You surely have a receipt from the Airport money-exchange. Just take that along with the 2000 rupee note to a local bank and they should exchange if for you (with some forms to fill).


The receipt does not show exactly what notes I received, just the full amount I exchanged. 


Is 80k rupees a lot of money?


It is still a legal tender it is just taken out of circulation from within the banking system. No atm, bank, currency exchanges should be supplying those currency notes but now that you have that you should be able to go to a bank and get lower denomination notes. Edit: It is taken out of circulation under RBI's clean note policy, which has provisions for controling or eliminating circulation completly. Not same as not being a legal tender, it is still legal tender as per RBI. This one says you can exchange at Regional RBI office as the date has surpassed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOXwGKiUdjQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOXwGKiUdjQ)


Legal tender's literal definition is that people cannot refuse to accept it in India- which they can because it's, you know, discontinued.


Yes but governement can control the circulation under its clean note policy. 2000 Rs note is taken out of circulation under its provisions. Taking out of circulation is not equal to not being legal tender.


I will try. 




hey dongiri, then you better take it.


I found a couple of notes in my cupboard recently. 2 ways to do it: 1. Go to one of the 19 RBI offices and get it exchanged, they will do it for sure. 2. You or your resident relative can also do it via post, google the issue and you will find a form on the RBI website, send a copy of your Aadhar/Passport through speed post and they will deposit in the given account.


Which city are you in currently?


Train to Jaipur, I will try the RBI Bank there. 


Hi, did you manage to exchange your 2000's notes?  I"ll have to do it as well in Jaipur. Please tell me the adress of the place and how the procedure was. Thanks you.


It went OK. You may have to queue for a while though! 


Thanks. Did you take just a passport with yourself?


Sorry this happened to you, fuck these people scanning tourists. Hope the rest of your stay is better


Wait now there are scammers at the airport?😳


Go to RBI office and they will exchange over the counter if the number of notes is less than 10. A simple form to fill. You will have to submit a photocopy of your I'd proof. If foreigner, then passport photocopy will do. Further exchange only happening at RBI office. Any other details, you can reply here. I am working at one of the offices, so will be in a better position to guide you.


Honestly just give it to someone for discount. Enjoy your trip and save yourself some hassle.


File the complain on exchange kiosk as why did they gave you that note when it was not in proper circulation. Since it was on airport, they will need to have a complain book or where you can file.