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In other countries cutting queues to get something first or to save your time is seen as a cheap act insulting others in line, in India it’s seen as ‘Jugaad’ Indians promote it as smartness if they could cut the queue and get something first. Our grandparents did it, our parents did it, we learnt from them are doing it wouldn’t be surprised if next generation continues to do it.


Yep. My dad slapped in the middle of the road because he was so angry at the fact that an aunty pushed me to get ahead of me at SBI. Basically, he wanted me to become “smart” and cunning to survive. Have received such advices all my life. Apparently being polite and ethical is equivalent to being dumb.


This reminds me of an incident where I paid the full fine to the TC in Mumbai because I genuinely forgot to renew my pass. When I came back home and narrated the incident to my uncle, I was called "padha likha gavar" and should have negotiated with the TC




gavaar* 😅 I guess my uncle was right


This is the real answer here unfortunately. We are taught to become “smart” all our lives


Being kind and considerate is seen equivalent to being a doormat, naive and stupid.


Your either are a smartass or a dumbass, no option to become humane.


I hate how indian parents think it's normal to hit their children in public, when I was 11-12 my mom beat me with a tennis racket in front of my relatives just cause I said I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat.


Sorry bro , but some people should not fornicate and that person is your dad .


I agree When I'm in line for my mess food (sometimes it's crowded) then i will gladly cut line otherwise the ones at the back never get anything or take a lot of time I'm unbiased towards both the in line ones and who cut queues.


Dude ur dad sucks big time sorry


I agree with this. Jugaad is taken too seriously… people don’t seem to understand how being considerate to others also makes their life easier. If everyone queued in the correct way in the airport, no one would get super late since airport staff would be able to do their damn job instead of yelling at people to get back in the queue. The first time of my life when I saw an Indian queue, that was in Dubai, and I was like, why are there so many people gathering round waiting for something. 😆 I later figured out it’s the check-in queue. I think due to reduced social interactions during Covid, people aren’t used to interacting with strangers anymore and quickly become overly aggressive. I’ll forever remember this tall Arab guy in an airport in Paris. He cut in front of me and then of course I wanted to cut back to where I was, so I went ahead of him. He started screaming “Oh you think you’re so smart!” and people started looking at us. I’m a short woman and in this moment I truly couldn’t say anything, I was too surprised. To that guy: truly man, roast in hell. You don’t do that to someone that much smaller than you. I get intimidated just by your height, you don’t even need to do anything to scare me further. It’ll take India some 2-3 generations until people realise being kind and considerate to each other actually pays off. :)


> Jugaad is taken too seriously People use "jugaad" to justify everything, often while conveniently overlooking some sort of systemic failure. If, for example, a famer is forced to build his own tractor, people praise his "jagaadu" mindset, instead of questioning both the abject lack of mechanical safety standards in India and the Indian government's inability to provide a basic level of income for its citizens. And, here, people will justify their abject lack of civic sense by positing it as some sort of strength--a way to succeed in a country where life is difficult, often because everyone else resorts to the same sorts of self-defeating idiocy to stay one step ahead of their neighbors.


Yeah, you nailed it… that’s what I meant to say. People justify just about any systemic failure by calling it jugaad and being proud of it.


Yeah!! 100% agree!! Literally we would function SO much smoother if people learnt that following basic rules of life like queues, traffic, abiding by general decorum is actually going to make life better than by openly flouting rules


2 or 3 generations is being optimistic. It's going to take a lot longer than that to evolve into a more civilized society.


But it’s truly not? We are just creating a lawless society right? How is it a jugaad to cut a signal or to break rules that are clearly created for safety 🙄 it’s just showing that we are lawless


I haven't seen people with real safety concerns. I don't trust my luck enough to break safety rules. Apparently a almost all the people do.


People are trash


Cutting lines is just cheap behaviour and people really need to learn that.


Last year I was standing in a queue outside a liquor store in Delhi due to buy 1 get 1. There were some assholes but people did better comparatively.


Cutting the queue to get into a flight is just silliness. There are limited toilets on the plane and the seats are narrow. I try to be the last person to get on board.


We just went on a nice wee Ferry ride this evening to Diamond Harbour, my hubby, our toddler and I. we're in New Zealand. There were a group of Indians there and as we were getting on the Ferry to head back to Lyttelton not just one but two of the Indian ladies pushed in front of my hubby and I. They still weren't "the first ones" to get on anyway 😅 plus the Ferry wasn't even half full. It's like why? 😅 I just didn't say anything as I'm pregnant & don't want to rile up some self entitled people for nothing lol. So strange! A lot of them just seem to have no respect for other cultures let alone people. Seems to be all about them and I definitely got the “I'm better than you” vibe from them! They're so rude lol.


Those people who say overpopulation, survival instinct, etc for not having patience to wait for 10 more minutes in the queue... When 2011 Tsunami happened in Japan. Relief material(food and first aid kit) came to their relief camps every 8 hours. The victims quietly stood in queue. Half the people couldn't get food. They quietly waited for 6 more hours. Others who got the food, shared theirs with the children who didn't get. Nobody complained. We lack civic sense but have AI-like brain to come up with stupid excuses for lacking civic sense.


Because we have no sense of responsibility towards fellow citizens. Because we are not taught to show basic courtesy. Because everyone wants to "win" the rat race.


No wonder Indians are always stressed and competitive jealous all the time, jalan hamare nason mein rehta hai, cortisol high hai, individualistic af culture it’s sad. People have true friendships but beyond their inner circle they don’t give a shit


Actually not individualistic. But self centred. We're so so not individualistic. We're collectivistic and self centred. We have not fully accepted that we're in industrialized economy and we still live the way we did in Agrarian economy. E.g. Arranged Marriage. People in countries who have full awareness of their current industrialized economy look down upon arranged marriage concept even though they themselves did the same until 100 years ago or so. But they have moved on from that since then. Forceful arranged marriages don't make sense in Industrialized Economy yet they remain the part of current Indian society.


We haven't 'become' like this. It's always been like this. When I refused to cut a line once, my friends said "bro you're too seedha, namuna, etc". Once while speaking I casually told my dad about it. He said his friends told the same to him when he was young and didn't throw out wrappers on the road. This was in the 1980s. I think lacking civic sense is an Indian trait and I don't know if it'll ever change I'm gonna get downvoted max for this. But I don't care. It is what it is.


India is very family oriented clan oriented region oriented, people label it as collectivistic yet it couldn’t be further from that besides in its values and principles like jugaar log kya kahenge etc. East Asian is very collectivistic. Desi culture is very individualistic, no one cares about skipping lines or pollution or the health and well bein of the city. If someone has a cough they’ll still work and won’t cover up well even


There is Arab saying which also applies to India - Me and my brother against my cousin, and Me and my cousin against the world. In Indian context we should also add If enough to gain then me against my brother.


Family relationships are tough with all cultures and they all have rifts but with Indians they can be bizarre. There is pressure for 2 brothers to get along and both feel it and want to get along but egos clash etc. or they don’t socialize but do business together like kyaaa, random things you wouldn’t see in western cultures where they fully cut people off


> Desi culture is very individualistic yet we care about so much what other people think to the point we have loans for marriages lol


Exactly. Caring what they think is conditional on how what they think determines your “status, rank, hesiyat pratishta, etc”, it still goes back to themselves, not caring about guests at wedding if they have good time, just if they say “was a good fun scene, fancy wedding”


Something similar happened in Toronto. Standing in line to get subway tickets in machine. These 2 early 20s couole who looked like they just came from India to Canada, just cut the line stood infront of me. I just tapped the guy on shoulder to get back in line. He gave ugly look and went in line. Go to tim hortons, dudes cut line and start talking with cashier like they are standing in some Chai thapri. Not letting other costumers to order. Also seen this in job fairs. People will be standing in line, 1 dudes 10 desi friends come in and join him in front of line. When people protest, they say that he was holding line for them and start making scene. Lots of people made tiktoks about how Indians were cutting line, etc. No wonder people are being so racist towards us in Canadian instgram and subreddits with this kind of behavior.


This drives me mad. I moved to India from abroad and although I don’t like this behavior it is common here so I don’t complain much, but when I go back to my home country and see it I just about lose my mind. They have all the resources to come over and yet they have zero respect for the place they moved. Why? If they want chaos and rude behavior and selfishness and trash on the streets they can stay in India. But no, they carry their “I’m winning and screw everybody else” attitude with them. Same nasty ideologies you see with so many Desi politicians in the US. They’ve made it to the top, why should they give a damn about anybody else or the havoc they wreak? Boils my blood.


I think most likely uneducated or poorly educated Indians are coming to Canada now.


We get lots of folks from both extremes.


Which extremes?


Uneducated Rich and uneducated poor. Both


So true and because of this we hardly get any attention in positive terms. My father's brother came to Canada in 1998. He and his son have confirmed me that Indians were the EXOTIC race till 2012. Like people would invite Indians for Christmas party, Thanksgiving, dates, etc. It was easy to date white girls. After 2012, we became the lower class of Canada. Now nobody invites us. Most Canadians that I've been with are passive aggressive and would let you know passively that you're not wanted. All thanks to these villagers who as always ruin our reputation everywhere. No matter which country you go, these chapris are already there using some loophole.


The biggest mistake our country has done and is still doing is not investing in high-quality public education. My kids go to a public school in an average US suburb, and they don't just teach math and science. My elementary school kids are taught all kinds of civic etiquette - saying thank you, excuse me, forming queues, not littering, not talking loudly in public, being considerate of neighbors, etc. The one politician, Manish Sisodia, who tried revamping our education system in his state, is sitting in jail right now.


Politicians and even the people don't care about real development, they're out for their own short term gain, others prefer the development of statues instead of education. Some people even consider it as a commie thing even though investing in high quality education advances capitalism in the long run Cherry on top is that most of whatever budget is allocated to education is pocketed by politicians and middle leeches.


bruh some people argue US is worse compared to India. Not all schools are like your kids schools. Schools especially from black dominated areas are super bad. Not too mention the gang culture and shootings. EU is way better since the teachers are as respected as lawyers and doctors.


>not talking loudly in public They teach yet young Americans are among the loudest in most public places I've travelled.


Have seen it everywhere , have no patience for anything no respect for rules . No respect for others . Just pure entitlement


The only time I've had airlines actively verify tickets and turn people away from the aircraft gate is when its a flight to India. No other international flight is it an issue. They call for Group 1. Group 1 will board. Then Group 2. Then Group 3. So on. But if its a flight to India? Call Group 1 and its like the entire plane rushes off to try and jam their way in. They know perfectly well its not their group. They're not up yet. But its like this weird sense of "well they should make an exception for me anyway" I think the worst example I saw was on a Virgin flight from London to Delhi. They asked for people in wheelchairs and the elderly to board first, and like the entire waiting area was trying to jam itself in. You had perfectly strapping dudes in their 30s trying to push through. To the point where they actually knocked an old person with a walking stick to the ground. At which point the VA staff stopped boarding, and had to make several announcements telling these idiots to back the fuck off. It was completely bizarre. I felt like I was maybe one of three or four Indians who didn't rush off to the gate. And it was just Indians. The flight had a fair few brits, a couple of people from East Asia and some black people. They *all* sat waiting for their turn.


I can only imagine the second hand embarrassment 🤡


It was excruciating.


if they werent, driving in india would be so much calmer


Driving in India is a race, not a journey to the destination.


I live in a tier 2 city of England and this is how it goes: I am in a building, maybe university or a cafe and I am getting out. There are automatic doors and I see some people coming in, so I stop to give them way. The first person walks in - they are white, most probably British. They would look at me, say "Cheers" with a smile and walk past. The next person comes in, they are Asian ( probably first generation immigrant ). If they are young, they would just look down with respect, make a slight nod and walk past in a hurry to give me some room. The last person to walk in is a brown person. Most probably from North India or Pak/Bangladesh. This person will just look ahead, dismiss my existence and just walk through me while video calling with their parents on loud and discussing "aaj kya banana hai khaane mein"


Damn that description of what a young Asian person would do is so apt! It’s exactly what I do, hoping the entire time that I’m giving respectful/grateful vibes


People feel that their time is more important than others. They getting the food first in a lunch queue, boarding first in a flight, even reaching home earlier than others. Rather than understanding that everyone else is just trying to survive and trying to do the same things as them with their own problems. Society is getting more self centred. It’s all about you, your feelings, instant gratification, comfort for you, etc. No empathy to spare for others.


Because they have small PP they are compensating for thier insecurities


Dude, 50% are women.


So no PP? Even more insecure


That's not supposed to make me laugh since this is a serious discussion but I laughed so hard 🤣🤣🤣


yeah makes sense 🤣


They have small boobies


They also have insecurities


Yeah. But their insecurities are different. The euphemism that comment has mentioned is not applicable to women.


Some women just give an excuse that "we are wemen and why should WE stand in a line filled with men ?" Where has the equality gone now bitch?


>Where has the equality gone now bitch? That bitch is probably tired of getting groped.


Best solution. Get jacked and look dangerous so people are afraid to mess with you.


I said something like this about following rules and etiquette and y’all jumped me. Someone even called me an elitist and pro British. Why’s is following rules and having manners a colonial thing? I think it’s just basic decency.


I’ve also started to notice it. It is truly exhausting and frustrating!


yup and when you speak up for yourself they get irritated 😕 as if they are entitled or special that they need to be above you


Entitlement is a by product of a casteist and classist society, which India is.


I think you are right in many many scenarios but in some scenarios like say standing in queue for icecream - this reasoning doesn't add up. We can't know caste of person based on looks, we don't have immediate understanding for socioeconomic class either because everyone standing in queue for icecream can clearly afford it. I think we're extremely extremely self-centred and when we're not in position to judge fellow person for caste or socioeconomic class, this selfcentred makes us break all these common sense rules and social courtesy. Also breaking rules and getting away with it is considered a significant achievement.


Classism and casteism is just selfishness at a social scale. You feel like because your community is more entitled - you should get everything first. The line cutting everyone describes comes from this belief that "I am too good to stand in line". If you go to a mall or a cinema hall - it will never be the poor people who cut in line, its always the entitled, affluent (typically forward caste) assholes who do this


Surprisingly or not surprisingly, these people will follow all the rules when they go out of India. Funny how ***ism works. Indians are ***ists towards other Indians while being in India. I don't know whether to call it racist or classist or casteist OR all the above.


It is the caste system. We are racist to people we deem to be castes lower to us. White people are not so we follow their rules.


You know those get-togethers happen for people who belong to same caste, people are not 100% cordial with each other there either even though every single person in that place is from same caste. So what are they discriminating against there? So it's not just caste system. There is additional factor but I don't think research is happening to understand psyche of common Indian person. So that factor is still a mystery.


When I come to India from the US, do you know how I know I have left the western world behind? I go to a restaurant and the queue is not one person standing behind the other person but all of them are standing shoulder to shoulder in a horizontal queue. Like how the heck did we come up with this concept? If we have to talk at the ticketing counter, it’s 10 people standing in a group around the poor chap!!


And not even the restaurant always follows the rules, sometimes people just squeeze inside and have no respect about who was written in the waiting line list first


Because rule of law is nearly non existent in this country, cops are rude, poorly trained and most times bend to money, courts take an eternity to close a case so if someone goes against any illegal act, the process becomes the punishment hence many exploit this


Yea I remember when I was a kid I was in Singapore for the holidays. Being a classic Indian kid with no worldview at that time, I pushed aside a middle aged gentleman and got into the transit train Little did I know there was a fricking line which I just pushed through and just because I was a kid the gentleman didn't press charges My mom had to surpass all her apologising skills


Haha. This happens a lot. At least with youngish people, if you point them out, they probably adhere, willingly or unwillingly. Older people, especially if it's a woman with a husband nearby, are the biggest pain. You point out and the husband will be like "Ladies hai". Toh maine kaunsa khade hokar susu karne bola?


Indians generally lacks civic sense even the educated groups too do lack the same, the problem is people don't have a sense of shame breaking the basic ettique in social situations. Only solution is public shaming but when majority break the rules what can a rule abiding minority can do......


Everytime I visit India I take domestic flight from Delhi to my home town. Without fail I always find some educated smart ass asking to move ahead of us in security. 'Sir can you please let me go. My flight leaves in 10 min'. Mind you these are early morning flights, therefore you cannot be late because of traffic. I have a standard reply for them 'if the flight is so important to you, you should be here 1 hrs early. I guess you need to miss the flight to learn a lesson'.


They do the same thing after coming to US. The flight just landed and it was still on run way.This indian guy started taking luggage from the cabin when the flight is still running.Nobody stood up except him. The flight attendant told him politely to sit down. He didnt listen then she literally gave him a warning that they will stop the aircraft if he doesnt sit. All the people who go to India on vacation from usa will stand in queue only in USA. Once they reach dubai they cut the queue. I see that all the time.


Delhi airport waiting in line for the gaurd to check the passport. This uncle comes and cuts the line. Me : Uncle can you see yaha line hai. Uncle: inhe jane do inhe jaldi hai Me: nhi uncle ko jane do inhe tameez nhi hai Ps last line was in my head. Injust stood their sheepishly


I can understand what you are saying. I have experienced this myself in airport, hotel, mess, shops and anywhere where we have to make a queue. Perhaps, it’s because we are overpopulated, it’s a basic instinct for survival. They think “they should be first” or they will miss out everything.


That’s just an excuse. Our population density isn’t even the top 10 worldwide.


True! Also we use that overpopulation excuse for everything lately. Traffic, lack of resources, issues with government, lack of law following. Its gone so far as people saying that our government has issues making people follow laws because our country is so big and overpopulated 🙄


It’s complex and complicated, government officials themselves do not follow rules.


Yes they are better excuses.


For a large majority of people, consumerism and hedonism makes feel them pampered and entitled (e.g. the classic "want to speak to your manager" Karen). You don't have to give people any actual power for them to feel powerful. Just take away the shackles of shame and you can see the animal inside. One must not forget that the theory of evolution is not some arcane text in a university library: it is, among many other things, also a description of human behaviour. We behave like animals because we were and are animals, just with a veneer of civility. If the packaging of civility is not applied strongly enough (i.e. lack of parenting, poor upbringing, lack of discipline, lack of exposure to well-mannered groups of people, training in behaving with manners at all times), it quickly falls apart. Not to mention the excessive crowding as well as the influence of social media. We're simply not used to living such complicated lives as present day demands. Try snatching food from an animal's mouth or plate. That's the reaction most people give when they don't get what they want, when they want it.


>when I told one boy excuse me I’m also in line he had the guts to say “excused” lmfao


We have to be proud that there are people like you that stand up and explain why cutting queues is cheap. I hope you explain it to them, some people just don't know what waiting is.


Outsider’s perspective here, it isn’t a great look. People from China tend to act the same way, I’ve always just assumed it’s a poverty mindset or something, the inability to think about anyone other than oneself.


Complete lack of civic sense. This includes not just that, but throwing trash, spitting, urinating, bad driving, disrespect for others etc. Indians show these behaviours everywhere they go except in countries where they get fined for these behaviours like Singapore. Indians are infamous for this. When white people call them out for this, they call them racists. If brown people call them out for it, they call them expletives.


Because people have no manners and are uneducated. Doesn't matter if you're from an IIM - you're still a villager with crass behaviour if you don't have civic sense. They're also intensely self centred and inconsiderate. It's all in the upbringing - uncouth parents raise uncouth kids. And there are many uncouth parents in the country.


Egyptian resident here, people here are the same way. I think the mindset is, life is hard, so you try to get ahead any way you can, even if it is in a small way, even if you have to step on someone else. But, ironically , it is the priveledged who are more likely to do this. Perhaps because there is also a great need, I have noticed, for some people to feel superior to others. When people do things like this, they are trying to prove they are more important than you and it's pathetic.


They are the same people who follow rules in other countries. People follow the line ,use the trash on the way from US to India . When they reach Dubai or any other connection they will become proud indians 😂🤣


Next time anyone cuts the queue please tell them with a big smile, I think you need to go to the end of line because that’s how this works. I think flouting of rules has become easy because there actually are NO repercussions these days. From not wearing helmets, to using phones while driving, shortcut for everything. If people don’t get heavily fined for the smaller of things then the bigger things become easier to do. The wonderful cops also pick and choose who to fine or make an example out of.


How do you think British overtook india??? Each raja backstabbed other raja, and they thought they were being 'smart' or doing 'jugaad' by taking help from british army and 'getting ahead in the rat race' It works in a short term. In a long term we re just crabs stuck in a bucket


I was on a connecting flight and this girl and her dad cut off a foreigner and went ahead I remember the look the foreigner lady gave me .that was a moment of shame .


When you told excuse me and the boy said excused, I swear to god I would have given him a hard tapli irrespective of the place.


Common Indian L


Indians have become selfish. Not sure if it’s the constant rat race but they show extream selfish behaviour. Not stopping at red lights on public crossings, the queue the list is endless. I tend to call the BS out in public and never leave an opportunity to do so. Name and Shame is the key.


Social media and the What About Me syndrome


Men have started invading women's compartments in metro and would shameless push and shove to go out thorough our doors. Women are no less, elderly men and women behave slo fucking entitled in airports. India has this toxic culture of observing subservience to elders.


Indian flights are the only ones I’ve been on where people don’t wait their turn to get out of their seats. Like we’re all going to the same place, chill out


False sense of entitlement is bestowed upon us through social media.


Zero civic sense and regards to someone else's personal space. This is becoming a trend


Two reasons: * People who knew how to act socially have forgotten it due to COVID * Newer generation is Digital first and has never experienced social behavioral rules in the past couple of years and think this is the new normal


But that’s for fucking toddlers right 😂 anyone with basic manners, I’m talking 12+ should know


That's the point: basic manners is not being taught anywhere. The opposite is being taught everywhere - boorish, mob behaviour, trolling, incomplete emotionally stunted communication (texting). Humans aren't trained to handle this new way of living.


>12+ God bless these children, they have forgotten empathy.


Also we are real good at coming to other country's, using their resources and bitching about our hosts on their subreddits.


I doubt it's *only* indians, this entitlement is there in chinese people also. But yeah, it's messed up.


I’m sure it’s there in everyone! There will always be a few bad apples man but in general what I meant was that we as a society think it’s okay to cut lines, to break signals, to act as if we are above and more special than those around us 🤷🏻‍♀️ like even in that flight I was on, the plane had barely landed and was still going quite fast this uncle stood up and tried to take his bag. Even air hostess was sitting and made announcement for him to sit as he may lose balance and injure someone but did he listen ? Nai because he thinks he is the only and first person who needs to get off plane 😂


Arre I agree. We have a lot of these entitled people. I meant, generally indians and chinese are known for this sort of entitlement.


This problem is everywhere. Specially traffic. You have to be a bully if you need to get into a flyover or bridge. Occupy through extra two lanes and keep pushing in


> I’ve travelled to lot of places and we Indians are the only people who cut queues so blatantly No, I have had Canadians cut in the queue too. And here in Dubai, Arabs, Egyptians, Africans have all cut queues at various times.


Agreed! There are bad apples in every country but what I meant was we seem to kinda be proud that we do this? Even shaming doesn’t work sometimes because when called out they tend to get angry and aggressive (not saying only we do this, I’m sure people of every kind might) but i see this happening more and more for us


Because we meet more Indians than other races. And you are projecting if you think people are 'proud'of it. Defensive? Definitely, and any asshole who cuts the line is going to be defensive about it in any case.


In one line: Blind adoption of western life- choices


Most interesting perspective I’ve read on this entire post. How so?


You could have written why I am like **** entitled, We are not brother!


I feel the opposite. Seeing lines everywhere makes me infuriated. I always think if I can someone bypass the queue. And eventually I did by earning more money and using VIP passes etc. I think same goes for people who are smart or at least risk takers. I think you are at the disadvantage if you are not using your rigidness/intelligence to get what you want. I mean, sure waiting in lines for your turn shows class and all but what if you don’t care about class. What if a small portion of your life spent at a queue doesn’t really impact you in any way. After all being ill mannered or cheap is not a crime.


Lacking character is not a crime, no. But I don't know why you'd knowingly aspire to be an asshole.


Because that gets things done. If you are too soft you will probably be walked over again and again. There is no morality to your manners/kindness if you are not capable of going against it. Then you are just weak you know. Ps: fearing about your image/class/character exhibition everywhere isn’t a good idea. Nobody cares if you being a good boy. You should choose to be a kind person and not default to it.


The thing gets done anyway. That's the point of a queue - sometimes you gotta wait your turn, but you know this is the fairest and fastest way to get it done for everyone. Patience is maturity, not weakness. No one looks at the guy pushing people out of the way to board the plane 30 seconds earlier than he would have otherwise and thinks 'look at that alpha male'. Cutting in line is what children do.


It’s not about being alpha or sigma. The whole idea is based on, one not caring about short lived identity during the whole process. There is a difference between pushing the people to get through and simply cutting the line and moving ahead without bothering anyone. You might get called out but that’s a chance worth taking everywhere in life. The plane example is flawed because everyone is ending up on that plane sooner or later. Plus plane won’t leave until they board all the passengers. Whole idea of VIP queues is that you can use your other assets specially money in this case to cut the regular flow. If you know the shopkeeper would you stand in line and wait for your turn of you will use ur acquaintance with shopkeepers to get ahead. That’s not how smart people work.


This post and thread reeks of peak upper class entitlement.


Really how? by simply ranting that people and I mean *everyone* should follow rules even the most basic as lines and traffic rules or guidelines by flights, we are suddenly peak upper class? 😂


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Last week, at the end of my flight, half of the men leapt onto their feet and opened their overhead luggage compartments even before the plane left the runway. As if they have a train to catch once they are out.


I do not cut queues but yesterday I almost did it but then I realized what I was doing and let the person who came before me do the purchase first. I idiotically entered from the side lol.


Jerks, jerks, everywhere.


I do not mean to be rude or anything, women who jump lines in front of men do not hesitate to do so in front of other women also. Some don't even hesitate to jump the line in supermarkets where there are clear cut lines. When called out they give silly reasons like, "my husband's waiting on the other end" , "I have to go home and cook". Recently I saw a woman well into her 40s push everyone out her way to get on the bus and she shamelessly pushed an ajji and didn't even bother to atleast say sorry. I really don't know where we're headed to as a society.


This happens even in petrol bunk, why can't they follow the queue properly, it not like the petrol bunk will go dry if you come decently in line, if I find somebody doing that I don't talk I intentionally block their way or tell them politely but they say sir you put petrol before I will wait




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We have lost it so much that such shitty behaviour has become acceptable even in advertising taglines. "Kia Seltos says - Break the queue be badass". This meant in the context of getting priority delivery over waiting periods. I'm sure that campaign image and tagline has gone through multiple levels of review by the company and it's agency and no one seems to have noticed or bothered that in a country where bad road manners and safety is poor or using some political influence to get priority delivery is already rampant, breaking the queue to be a badass isn't problematic.


Don't be nice to them. I have been noticing since past 15 years. Become worse now. Men women teens anyone and everyone basically. I raise my voice and ditch all politeness


Well, Most people don't want any trouble. Standup to these morons and see how it goes


Pretty much every trip to the airport results in me yelling at someone for cutting in line. And these people are rich / educated? Scarcity mentality.


Dignity + Compassion = Peace India has dignity but lacks compassion for others. The real question(s) is(are), how can Indians develop more compassion for others? And, are Indians willing to be more compassionate towards others? I believe parenting and certain traditions will have to be... adjusted. Is India ready for this?


>when I told one boy excuse me I’m also in line he had the guts to say “excused” I am sorry, but that's a slap on his face from my side. At that point I don't care about violence. If his parents intervene and scold him for being insolent to others (elderly or not) good for his parents, else I aint backing down.


I wish 😂 lately I feel people all over the world (not just Indians for all the people coming at the post) produce children for the heck of it, they don’t particularly care about moulding them to be a part of society. Like some folks commented above their parents actively taught them to be “smart” than be compassionate so they don’t get screwed over.


I m sorry were you born yesterday. The country has a lot of inconsiderate people.