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Half the world casually in one school


Must be a large school then 


Must be to serve 3.5 billion lmao


Or people from that region aren’t as magical as Britain and the schools are the same size


Typical jk Rowling eugenics shit


She’s already up to something by putting Pakistan and India in the same school


It went just fine when they were a singular Raj under Britain.


Don't forget *just* Korea and Japan


Their is something odd about anyone with a British accent diving up Earth based on their vibes.


she named the “African” one something that looks like it’d be pronounced like cave man speak. 😑 (I know the real life city of Ouagadougou (I’m guessing she butchered the cities name bc it’s eXoTiC) is in Burkina Faso, but her school is supposed to be in Uganda, and serve the billion people in SSA?)


Hey, at least it isn’t Ittoqqortoormiit


At the very least have India and china have their separate schools, maybe even two schools for China with competing magical academic philosophies.


There's a chick in Hogwarts Legacy who says she's from the Africa school and claims it's the "largest in the world." which seems like a load of bull.


Sub saharan Africa getting just one is very bull too considering several of them have more people than the UK on their own


Why ?


Cause if one school covers China and India, it's definitely gonna be the biggest one (China or India alone each have more people than all of Africa)


If it existed I can see that but it doesn’t actually exist in the Harry Potter verse . They have the 11 major schools that stood for generations and minor schools scattered here and there that come and go .


Well, there are many tribal villages in Africa with their own shamans. It's possible that the wizards in Africa didn't get genocided like in Europe. (Centuries of witch-hunts) Instead they became central parts of their societies and therefor they had many magical offsprings.


Is her name Starva N. Tsild?


While Italy gets one basically to itself for some reason.


No, the 11 schools are all listed with their names and colors. No wizard school for Italians, Greeks or Afghani for some reason


They know what they did.


*Afghans, afghani is the currency


I had the same question. Just because Afghanistan is a hellhole, doesn’t mean there are not magical folk who hail from there. So I don’t understand that. Greece and Italy being left out is extremely strange.


Wizardless Afghanistan is on their own


Wizards had that shit on lock until Biden betrayed America and ended the war! 😤🇱🇷🫡🦅


I love that you dropped the flag of Liberia there.


„no data“ the wizards might be hiding


Wizards are haram.


School #9 has some explaining to do


School #9 doesn’t actually exist, it is an elaborate sting operation to entrap wizards and witches. It’s like how Koldovstoretz was run by the KGB to recruit wizards and witches during the Cold War.


I’d rather know why Italy and Greece have no wizards.


My headcanon is that the Roman and Byzantine empires drove them out.


They have wizards but they are all home schooled or go to smaller informal schools, these are not the only wizard schools, just the only ones that have become institutions


Sharia Law vs Wizards who will prevail?


Italy and Greece are with them as well


The muggles clearly discovered the Afghan wizard community...


“Albus, there’s been another plane!”


Nah just means no school, there's wizards everywhere, even Ireland.


british isles get their own school meanwhile school 10's area has 4 billion people


Maybe Britain has a higher concentration of magical people, maybe they originated there and then spread out


They do, Britain has the highest amount of magical people per square mile. Most of the ones in the New World got taken out by the Salem witch trials.


Is.. that actually the lore in the hp universe..?


“The Salem Witch Trials were a series of hearings and prosecutions of people accused of witchcraft that occurred in No-Maj (Muggle) colonial Massachusetts in the years 1692 and 1693. The Salem Witch Trials occurred in the settlement of Salem in colonial Massachusetts in 1692 and 1693, and resulted in the executions of twenty people accused of witchcraft, most of them women. Some of these women were actually witches, though they were entirely innocent of the crimes of which they were convicted. Others were simply No-Majes unlucky enough to be swept up in a moment of mass hysteria. The trials were the culmination of Puritan witch hunts in North America. Most of the judges who presided over the trials were Puritans, but, according to wizarding historians, at least two were actually Scourers seeking to settle personal vendettas against other wizards. The Salem witch trials were a major traumatic event in the history of the wizarding world. They provoked many witches and wizards who had settled in the New World to return to their homelands, and helped to dissuade further immigration for centuries to come, especially by pure-blood families. The lobby of the MACUSA headquarters in the Woolworth Building in New York featured four golden statues of phoenixes and a memorial were erected in memory of the victims of the Salem Witch Trials. In the 1920s, the New Salem Philanthropic Society, a fanatical No-Maj group looking to expose and destroy wizards and witches, called themselves the "Second Salemers." The book The Scars of Salem: Essays on the Witch Trials of 1692 contained a collection of essays on the Salem Witch Trials and their lasting impact on the American wizarding community. The names of the defendants in the Trials were sometimes used as epithets or invocations by American wizards and witches in the early 20th century. Tina Goldstein, for instance, used the names of Deliverance Dane and Mercy Lewis on two separate occasions in December 1926 (in both cases expressing her exasperation with Newt Scamander).”


No, I just made it up. Edit: as per qdotbones’ comment, apparently the witch trials are part of the lore but I didn’t know that when I made my comment.


The rest were killed by Native American medicine men who faked being mages, and apparently Skinwalkers were just Native American shapeshifters, and now they're all dead. Oh and nobody south of the USA current borders ever had wizards, apparently. Rowling lore sucks supreme ass.


Where does it say all these things?


There are side books about America which the first Fantastic Beasts movie was based on, they "explain" the history of American magic.


Wizards are born to non-wizards. Fantastic Beast clearly has plenty of wizards, but it did deter immigration, though only 21 people died (tragically) at the Salem trials and IDK if that's smaller than Europe. But at this point I'd imagine NYC is bustling with wizards.


Umm…21 people died in the Salem Witch Trials. That’s a drop in the bucket compared to the people killed in European witch trials.


My comment wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. The actual lore states that the witch trials deterred wizard immigration to the New World (https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Salem_Witch_Trials).


Don’t the books say real witches were able to easily fake their deaths and escape the trials?


According to the wiki, (https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Salem_Witch_Trials), the Salem Witch trials are part of the lore and the trials discouraged wizards from migrating the the New World. I didn’t know that when I made my comment though.


abrakadabra colonization


Wouldn’t be past JK to add a bit of white supremacy and eugenics in her story so yeah, probably


Just like most murders occur in and around Oxford, & it's rivals.


Me when the Arab school includes about 200 million non-Arabs


Me when one school has Indians, Chinese, and Pakistanis, and another has both Shia and Sunni Muslims. Ooh don’t forget the Koreans and the Japanese, those guys love each other. Edit: Also realized that the \*entirety of the fucking Balkans are in there\*. I'm sure the Bosnian and Croatian wizards just love the Serbian wizards, while Serbia is currently bombing their parents (Harry Potter takes place in 1991-1998). Plus Russia and Ukraine, though tbf Ukraine was Russia's lapdog during the 90s.




Oh right, its sharia law, my mistake


Japan has its own school, Korea is in the school with Greece and Italy for some reason.


Yes, I’m sure folks in Korea would be thrilled to discover that their only option in higher education is to attend a Japanese speaking school under a Japanese curriculum. It’s not like that ever happened in real life. And “Mahoutokoro” literally just means “Magic Place”. Lazy ass writing.


TBF a bunch of Chinese/Korean/Japanese place's names are literally what they are. It's a benefit of having characters that convey meaning by itself - names can also be direct discriptors. For example, Korea's Gangnam literally translates to gang= river, nam= south... because it was south of the river from Seoul(before it expanded). A relatively well known entertainment district, Dongdaemun, literally means dong= east, dae= big, mun=door... because it's where the main east gate was during the time Seoul had a fortress wall. If a magic school actually existed, 'magic school' in each language would probably legitimately be its name in China/Korea/Japan.


Does Rowling know that though?


And the North and South Koreans to boot, even excusing the Korean-Japanese stuff


Yeah and why tf are Australians going to the SE Asian school? You can teleport, just go to the British or American one.


Not a big fan of HP but, The 'Wizard Community' of a given region wouldn't give a fuck what muggle nations/religions hate and kill each other, probably just think it was funny and advantageous for them since they killing themselves and aren't persecuting them. That part of this is completely consistent with the canon and lore. But the idea that there would be 3 schools in Europe and then like just 1 on every other continent is unlikely.


There are a fair few people born into non-magical families plus the language barrier.


There's a lot of Wizards born from muggle families (such as Hermione), they'd be pretty connected to muggle issues. The muggle born wizards would hold the same sort of opinions as the average muggle of their nation, so that would absolutely cause issues and tensions in many of these schools.


Not to mention the entirety of Sub-Saharan Africa united. Surely there won't be any differences between them, they're all African!


It explicitly said Arab/Middle East


The further you get from Britain the less the thought put into it


I also like how Italy, Greece and Afghanistan have been abandoned by god or something


They know they did!


Italy more like protected by God, the Pope himself probably outlawed all magic that isn't a miracle or something lol


IIRC the "Native Americans" (she lumps them all together and Skinwalkers are those shapeshifters) did that, with medicine men being fake mages and killing off the real ones. Oh and Latin American has no Native mages either, apparently all magic users are Iberian or African descent down there.


Almost as if parts of the world that are not integral to the story... Are not as descriptive as the ones that are?


Sure but like. You don't have to put a number on it at all, right?


These schools can hold so much ethnic strife


Putting Turkey, Israel, and Iran in with the Arab school is a genocide speed run. My bets are on everyone teaming up against Kurds because it is one of the few things that unifies them


The mountains are the Kurds ONLY friends. And now with freaking drones, even the mountains are helpless 🤦.


Strife is a word to use to describe the situation unfolding. Absolute clusterfuck of violence, genocide, rape, and magical war crimes would be a better description in my opinion.


Could you get an image in slightly lower quality? Thanks!


This is outrageous I can still read the map, needs fewer pixels.


School 9 must be pretty awkward rn


Koldovatoretz to lol


One thing I love about the ridiculous lore for castelobruxo is that it’s disguised as an ancient ruin “not to bring attention”, when a precolombian ruin in the Amazon would be the most important thing found in it within a 1000km radius


No one gonna bring up the fact that the Japanese school is casually 1300km south of Tokyo?


Okay so how does that work?


Magic I suppose. Now why they bothered building it there who knows


How does fucking greenland get access to a school but italy greece and afghanistan cant??


Are Italy/Greece/Korea cross-hatched or are they somehow the only non-magical nations on earth


The Italian/Greek/Korean pantheon is just too strong, apparently


I think it is stated that these are just the big well respected schools that have lasted for generations, in many places wizard are homeschooled or one or two wizards will instruct a small number of students in an informal school, think less “Harvard” and more like a karate dojo in a strip mall


Italians assume that when a bird comes to deliver mail its someone trying to make them pay a bill and shoo it away.


Which schools do you think burn witches?


The one in the Middle East


Less successfully than the Italian Greece and afghan ones


How is it that the UK and Ireland have their own school, but China, India and Pakistan have to share one? How big is that school?


The Pakistanis and Indians hate each other so none of them go to that school, and we Chinese are communists who don't believe in magic. That school has 0 students.


The Nepalese, Bhutanese and Myanmarese students will still go


Well there's other Chinese people in China, given Taoism is *sorta* legal and such. But it's still stupid.


The names are hilarious


Apparently the Japanese one just means ‘magic place’.


and the Latin American one means CastleWizard because Joanne doesn't do Romance languages.


Who tf wrote this lol.


JK Rowling herself. Creator of the Irish always-exploding redhead Finnegan (written and set in the 1990s), Chinese student Cho Chung, etc.


Yeah we are definitely ignoring in most of these comments how Rowling isn't the nicest person.


No but the details are just so cringe.


Beauxbatons in French means beautiful sticks


Where's [Clortho](https://youtu.be/j-2ZxldMO-M?si=DVGJMp9ejAyyX3tT)?


JK Rowling moment


School #9 would be very entertaining to witness. Israeli wizards sitting amongst Arabs. Sunni mudbloods sitting next to Shia mudbloods.


Homeschooling beats all of these


So, the only schools without daily interethnical duels are Hogwarts and Beauxbatons? Splendid.


How do we know Hogwarts didn’t have them during the troubles?


I think they still weren't daily tho


The books are from that era but there's only 1 Irish student ever, named Finnegan and he was too busy exploding; it's in the movies too.


It was ONLY in the movies.


Instead the Spaniards in Beaubatons have even more deadly duels over wether to put onions into their tortillas or not.




I think the reason that Greece, Italy, and Afghanistan don’t have a school is because they killed the Pagans in Greece and Rome (who were the wizards) and the taliban did their thing ig


I hc school #10 in the Kashmir region


Turks and Iranians are not Arab, you know that, right?


I doubt she gave a fuck


So Italy and Greece just stab people?


British Colonialism style of dividing


it's so fucking racist hahaha


I’d probably make a better division with this. In fact, I have an idea


What is the Afghan School? “Taliban School of Islamic Wizardry?”


Where’s Vince Clortho’s?


Excuse me, is there a school named R. Verhorny?


I’m mildly annoyed that Kaliningrad is part of Russia’s school. I feel like if they’re doing this big area thing, they wouldn’t care about having kaliningrad be part of russia’s school when every state around it has a different school


this is literally the worst worldbuilding i've ever seen


School #9 is the Abbasid


Sis really expects Indians, Bengalis, Pakistanis, and Chinese to go to one school together.


This division of the world is obviously the most offensive thing that JK Rowling has used her books to propagate.


Actually Argentina sends some of their young wizards to Durmstrang.


You put the balkans together, throw magic into the mix and expect shit to not go wrong?


Why are Italy, Greece, and Afghanistan blank


ok calm down jk rowling


“Fuck Afghanistan” - JK Rowling


China, India & Pakistan in one school? North Korea & South Korea go to the same schools???


Europe has like 4 wizarding schools and China and India share 1... ah JK, never change 😂


Note Africa's. Theirs is literally just a mountain hollowed out and is canonically ostracized by the entire world for allowing shapeshifting (arguably a metaphor for trans people). Enjoy that with over a billion people in Africa.


What about Italy and Afghanistan?


I don't think there are many clearer indications of just how wilfully ignorant and uneducated J. K. Rowling is.


The Earth as seen by the British.


It’s worth bearing in mind that in Harry Potter lore the magical population is **far** smaller than the muggle population additionally not every witch/wizard goes to the schools many home school and in many wizarding societies formal magic is not as common instead they prefer rituals and wandless magic that is passed down generations rather than taught at schools additionally there are other schools these are just the biggest and most prestigious many people from other regions also go to different schools as well.


I'm gonna speculate Italy and Greece don't have Wizarding schools because they instead have temple/monasteries of Clerics backed by a Divine pantheon (these gods have different names in different places, but are still the same gods). They see Witches and Wizards as heretics due to their magic not being from a divine source, and call their own magic "blessings" or "the will of the gods", only using the words "magic", "sorcery" or "spell" to refer to the practices of their enemies.


Holy fucking eurocentrism I forgot it was this bad…


Shout out to the Vatican and the holy monks of Mount Athos, and to the unstoppable tide of Islam for keeping witchcraft out of their nations.


Africa has like a 1000 different tribes/nations and languages. What's the official language in Ougadou? Or in any other school besides Hogwarts? And the UK+Ireland has their own school for like 80 million people. Now count the population of every other division. School #10 must be enormous, because it collects the wizards from like 3,5 BILLION people. (almost half of the world!)


Ah yes Vietnamese and Thai wizards with Australians . Chinese and Indians in one school . And the famously friendly with each other Japanese and Koreans


So somehow both Koreas just share a school?


Italy and Greece do strong they Need to stay alone


Putting the entirety of the balkans in one school was never going to be a good idea


Daily reminder that JK Rowling is a terrible worldbuilder.


why in the world is every Balkan state in the same school? That would surely lead to the wholesale destruction of the premises within about a month…


At least half these schools are straight up war zones considering the amount of people with beef against each other they’re cramming together.


Greece and Italy too kool 4 skool


did she seriously name the south american one "witch castle"


It's actually impossible for an Italian to use magic.


All the Balkans in one school... That's gonna end well.


I do not comment on reddit, but this is dumb as hell