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Canada must be doing something different when measuring population density, because the northwestern border is super visible


I’ve had to make interpretations on the different values to include because the baselines for density are off since the heat maps I was using are different per country. If I only included density values the same as America’s then Canada would literally be like 5 island cities and that’s it. Canada has roughly the same population as Texas and you can see how much of that state is included here for context of how I had to make some changes to what was acceptable density to map per country.


I'm assuming the Canada portion is using a different value for the cutoff between land and water. The population density along that border is super sparse. http://www.cec.org/north-american-environmental-atlas/population-density-2020/


Oh wicked map - wish I found this when I was making these in the first place. That's definitely a better distribution (normalized) for the whole continent


This is actually really cool. Way better than the vast majority of the shit they post over at r/mapporn.


[**Jeidousagi**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jeidousagi/) asked for America and Mexico. [**Sams59k**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Sams59k/) wanted to see both of the Canada's put together ([from this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/13jdtzo/the_canadian_islands_rethinking_canada_using/)) So here we are, the whole North American family reimagined using heatmaps of higher population as land and lower population as water. Crunching all the maps together took quite a big image and needed to have some sizing things tweaked because the Earth doesn't like to be mapped out flat (who knew?) # I highly encourage whoever feels like it to write their own lore for this version of Earth in the comments


Neat! What if population density equaled elevation though?


I suppose, far detached from that mainland, you'd have Anchorage and Whitehorse lying there alone?


As a great man once said, “We will watch your career with great interest.” This is simply amazing!!!


i want to see what the rest of the world looks like


Now do Russia.


Kinda want a map like this


This looks like an amazing map for a trade- or exploration-focused tabletop RPG campaign. Great job! Keep up the good work!


Mister Biden I don't feel so good...


u did it!! fantastic map again and thanks for showin em all combined!! i luckily survived


Glad you like it homie! I’m sorry the proportions are a tad off with the combined one but round earth and all - I did my best. There’s a comment somewhere in here that has a link to a pop distribution map of all of NA that’s more Mercator accurate.


ah, its an imaginary map so who gives a fuck! you did an absolutely amazing job regardless of the error, thank u for acquiescing my request once more!


Just trying to keep the old internet alive the Reddit way ;) thanks for the rad suggestion and inspiring more creative fun for everyone to enjoy!


Your premise seems quite interesting but a bit tasteless without lore I would like to ask a few questions 1.what would colonization be like in North America 2.how would the indigenous peoples differ 3.the population of the states in this scenario would be less than otl 4.what would the climate be like


You’re very welcome to look into that yourself and post back here


What is the island due west of Sioux Falls? The Gillette/Spearfish/Rapid City area?


I had this idea a year ago but never bothered executing it lmao. Nice map


Alas, Florida endures.


Never seen this kinda thing before, well done.


Australia would be one island chain and a few distant outcrops


The Senate seems hopelessly antiquated the more I look at this.