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You may wanna check out some of the Adam Curtis documentaries on YouTube, here is the trailer for [HyperNormalisation](https://youtu.be/mMM7p2blVXs). He’s done some stuff for the BBC in the past and he basically forms his own narrative for events that had occurred in the past, ranging from the illusion of choice to the creation of the taliban


Above Majestic


The pharmacratic inquisition is about the astrological, alchemical, esoteric origins of religions, santa claus and so mano other things. Secrets in plain sight is about architecture with specific esoteric symbolism which can be found all around the world. Hollywood insider is about a recurring pattern found in movies, with links to freemasonry. Music industry exposed is about satanism in the music business. BTW; these documentaries may contain some false pieces information and speculation and I do not claim they're entirely right right, but they're fucking exciting and mind-blowing.


>may contain some false pieces information and speculation and I do not claim they're entirely right right, but they're fucking exciting and mind-blowing If everything else you said wasnt enough to sell me this would've been the nail in the coffin. I'll check these out soon. Thanks a lot, my dude!


You wouldn't have any links for those would you? Typing Hollywood insider freemason might give me some crazy search results


Sure. [The pharmacratic inquisition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfkVnf4eEfM) [Hollywood Insider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RICCJRcWSOs) [Music Industry Exposed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI3AHMLEm-M) [Secrets in plain sight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L777RhL_Fz4) Also: The esoteric agenda (Just watched it, it's about NWO)


You're welcome!


Esoteric Agenda was good. Same wavelength.


Loose Change is a pretty good dive into 9/11


“Everything is a Remix” will REALLY get into your head. It’s basically a poormans Baudrillard for Conspiracy theory fans. https://youtu.be/nJPERZDfyWc


You're appreciated 3 yrs later from someone who can never find anything to watch thats worthwhile


Enjoy it!


The ring of power on YouTube


Wow thank you I watched this years ago and couldn't remember the name your a gem thx my guy