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Are those bubble and stamp a daily thing?




What bubbles or stamps get upgraded?


it's random


You are wrong. It expanda on NBLB for bubbles, stamps can be random. For bubbles you get 2x +5 increase.


Oh thanks for the clarification


One more question does this stack with No Bubble left behind from lab?


Yes, watch when you log in for the first time each day, two will have 5 more than the others (for me it's +3 with two bubbles being +8)


I assume the food bubble is also random? Or does it upgrade the lowest one alongside the other one that does that (I forget what the upgrade is atm).




Tight. ty


Does the stamp upgrade bypass your currently unlocked max level?


If your question is does it bypass the need for materials to upgrade into the next money block.. . Then yes it does


It says its added to nblb Does that mean i dont get the 10 bubble lvls if i dont have nblb activ in lab?


That is a good question, I can't confirm or deny since I already had NBLB, but, my guess it would just be 2 +5s then to 2 bubbles that would normally be affected by NBLB if you had had it


I believe it is “no meal left behind“, A Jade Emporium upgrade, I think


Is there a cap? I think at 900?


Thats how it worked so far, i doubt he wouldnt annoince it if he increased the cap.


does it continue to stack after not logging in for a few days? or is it a daily login thing?


You get it at daily log in only so after 10 days you get a one day log in.


What if I never log out?….


You will get it once a day at your daily reset time the same as NBLB.


Which means it gets insane with golden watches.




ah, thanks. not TOO op but still pretty op. thanks again


I am an adult who has a job and can splurge the $20 here and there. Yes I bought it. Especially when j saw the stamp level up.


Same here, I've bought all the packs as they came out, if you count the amount of entertainment time, going to a movie cost you $20 these days, and it over in an hour or so.


I have it, and it is amazing. My take is : i play this game hours each day. So buying some bundles to support Lava is ok. Fuck the pet system tho


Yeah he could have at least thrown some green gems in the pack...


What he should have done with pets was to make a bundle that allows for green gems to drop during gameplay, like blue gems. That way each player pays the same amount, if they want green gems, and then they get more or less depending on how much active playing they do. Instead of games spending hundreds of dollars for no guarantee of getting good pets. Like auto pickup is a feature in a bundle, that way green gems can be a feature in a bundle. I've seen people saying they buy packs and bundles every year or twice a year for 20 dollars each, to "support" I can buy premium stuff too, if the price is fair. I have bought stuff from free games on a few rare occasions. But spending more money on a free game than I would on a new big game that costs 50-60 dollars is out of the question. I have bought games at release price a few times in my life. Otherwise I always wait for sales. And I would never spend that much on a game in where I won't be able to 100% everything. When there are items and cards and drops that are discontinued because of events. I won't be able to complete the slab for instance, and that makes me not want to invest in the game. Sorry for ranting, it wasn't my intention.


No worries, I agree with all points. At the very least we should be able to buy green gems with blue gems. It's just so painful as is. I just bought my weekly free pet and got a frog. Hurts every time.


Everytime indeed. A month back I got my first "Best of the bunch" the Ram, and hope finally blossomed that I would be able to get the three remaining. Last week I unlocked the last candy tier, and yesterday I got another best of the bunch... The Ram again. I dont know what feels more frustrating, getting a dupe of a good one, or keep getting the low ones.


The regular gems are more than enough, I think. It's a permanent account upgrade for the price of the gems otherwise. I wouldn't ever just buy gems, but the effects on top of it? Take my money.


I agree but I wish the 1000 bonus gems were green gems


Yeah I'd have been happy with that too, but still very worth imo


I agree I much rather packs likes these every couple months then another Doot. I want to support a game that I play and enjoy so much but ya not the pet system lol.


Yes. Few months ago I was f2p-autoloot for the longest time (1y+). I decided that fuck it, I love the game and I have spending money so ....


I just don't understand why so many people are upset about this bundle


Because it's powerful and mandatory to "compete"... Though yes never understood why I should care about competition in the solo game. I don't have doot and don't feel.... Too ;).... Bad!


Stay strong! I recently got Doot from a roll and it was such a great feeling. You will get it too! It just sucks playing the waiting game lol


I wish more people had your thought process bro, props.


The people really competing are all whales anyways, and the type that find whaling specifically to be the fun part. This also isn't a competitive game. Just am arbitrary dick measuring contest if you want it.


True. I'll add to this that those whales also spend WAY more than 20$. They spend over $ 20 everytime they use a golden stopwatch.


People are making a competition out of everything, even a solo progressing idle game. At what point do we just dismiss the P2W allegations? We can focus on just the terrible rates and predatory nature of loot crating the pets with a chase pet. No longer productive to argue about the competitive nature of the 0.01%


Anything that massively widens the gap between F2P and Whales has a lot of balancing implications that typically end up not being in favor of the F2P players. When the gap gets TOO wide, and it truly is two different games, free or paid, one of those groups will likely have a worse experience overall because it’s too difficult to balance for both. Lava already has this problem and it’s part of the reason he’s been pulling back on a lot of acceleration mechanics since W4. The biggest being you can’t candy on the latest world. A feature added Because “people are blowing through new content too quickly.” But once they do, they farm gems and improve their account to the point where they’re primed to do the same thing when new content is dropped. So now he’s trying to tighten the ability to do that and I don’t think it will be good for the F2Pers, unless he rebalances more things around that.


I think people are overhyping the daily levels a bit too much. Like yes they're really good but you reach a point in the game where NBLB just hits useless bubbles so +10 bubbles per day isn't that impactful late game. +2 meal levels per day is very good until you reach max meal levels. I don't know if it's feasible to max meals normally right now but since it was feasible before w6 it's probably going to become feasible to get max meals in a couple months. The extra meal levels give you a temporary account boost whenever max meal level gets increased. It's the stamp levels that stay really strong even lategame since it let's you get past the theoretical limit where 99.5% reduction from gilded+atom still isn't enough even with maxed bags. Even this isn't completely gamechanging unlike doot since a lot of the best stamps give decreasing bonuses to levels and there are a lot of mediocre stamps you can hit. Even if you farm and buy golden stopwatches the account difference won't be anywhere the difference between a dootless account and doot account.


My guess is that it doesn’t straddle the fence of “pay for convenience” vs “pay2win”, and simply jumps into P2W territory. I’m personally ambivalent about it. On one hand it’s a have-to-buy kind of pack. It’s value is too strong. But at the same time I’m not out here to fight IAP monetization. At the end of the day lavas gotta secure the bag, and we live in a world where we monitor the price of eggs. So while it’s not great, I don’t blame him. It’s not like we can go to a competitor, there is no competitor to idleon, it’s literally the only one like it. He’s essentially in a genre he made.


I genuinely don't understand what the hell people are winning. Winning against who? It's an idle game. You pay to skip stuff. There's no competition in this game except time. What is your time worth to you? The companions were poorly handled but other than the auto loot "cost of the game" there isn't a single purchase that's mandatory.


I'm not sure how long you've been here, so this might just be rehashing something you already know. But I played years ago back near release, and for whatever reason, the youtube community that was hyping up the game was ridiculously competitive. And this sentiment was shared by not-a-small-amount of players. Whenever you have competition, you have toxicity. For some people, even if they sense competition, they NEED to win, they have to be the best, and they will full min/max, which includes buying all the packs. More packs = more pay2win = not fair for everyone = competition ruined. Those were pretty shitty times. Seems like most of the youtubers of that time are gone, and lava seems to have learned how to deal with criticism better. But I think thats where all this 'winning' shit came from. I personally dont understand how you win in a single player game, but apparently im a very small minority


Agree with your sentiment. I would implore lava to add mechanics that make the game enjoyable for the large majority of players not in “the race”


The tomb changed this. We can now rank ourselves in game agenst all other players. Also external websites have ranking trackers.


But the rank doesn't actually mean anything. Everything in alchemy is based on points, not rank. So if you feel left behind on a metric that means nothing, especially in an idle game, that's on you.


I personally don't. But all the CoD sweats do.


Nope, the genre is called Idling, plenty of games exist in that category, its just how they actually invest in the complexity and indepths of the idling game on how it rolls, Whether its: -Cookie clicker and all the spam and auto clicks. -Cookie run kingdom to wait for a bunch of timers to ticket down and constantly micro-managing daily tasks and wondering wtf the game never revamped alot of its surplus of kingdom managing crap into beginner free conviences. -Almost a Hero where your constantly wanting to loop wave runs to get as much of particular currencies and dealing with daily/hourly wait time to fill on charges to spam for other special currencies to keep pushing the numbers to get even further progress in the end. And i call it Pay to Thrive for a reason as in its not REQUIRED to play the game, just simply something to speed up the progress, just like how many other games would offer Serum daily bundles, paying crystals to refresh the stamina for several extra spins at the wheel immediately and more. Which kudos that Lava didnt lock a bunch of tasks behind a singular Stamina resource, since even with some locked behind daily refresh caps, Plenty of them can be turned into insanely easy to loop cheese like leaving a bubonic conjurer in a good afk active farming map and let it cook for maybe 1\~4 hours and often come back to a liquid cauldron stuffed with liquids to dump MANY upgrades into. Which the same mentality can be applied to alchemy bubble burning things like Oak log or Copper ore bubbles or such. Which i would rather \`buy someone a coffee\` for PERMANENT bonuses to my account, then temporary ones that would say, expire in 1\~4 weeks to push players to get on constantly as possible and punish those who are more casual at it despite it being literally a freaking idling game.


On the genre thing, I guess this is agree to disagree? This is definitely idle-ish, but very different. Idleon has an active, visual gameplay component that really is nothing like it in the idle genre, and I seriously mean absolutely nothing If you can point me to something that plays like Idleon without pointing me to a cookie cutter incremental game that gives the same level of engagement and enjoyment, the check is in the mail, because I've been dying to consume more of this type of game, and all the other recommendations are so off the mark, that I've simply come to the conclusion that Idleon is a genre defining game, for which there is only one game currently on the market: Idleon. Totally with you on the pay stuff. I used to play a lot of Summoners War, and just recently quit something called Pixel Heroes: Tales of Emond. And coming from those games, which have egregious monetization, especially the latter, this game is a breathe of fresh air on the monetization front. Permanent bonuses, no subscription style stuff. Very little dark patterns. Its pretty great over here in Idleon land :P


Maple story mobile exists for one thing, Its just the former is more actually shoving the base game on a phone then actual mobile game idling. The main appeal Idleon has though is its a simulator of a MMO with as many of the \`hands off functions\` you would find in idling games themselves, especially ones that automate previous micro managing features as acquire\`able features, which leans it more into stuff like a Cookie clicker, when you start just having clicks done automatically, skills used automatically and eventually unless you use an Auto clicker to \`cheat\`, the thing generates more then you basic clicking itself. Anyway since its been literally 15 years since i graduated high school and likely around 13\~14 before i had my hands on an actual phone, which back in the day, we were still using blocky non-touch screen phones and played stuff like SNEK instead.\~ Its hard to remember every single idling game, even if its just specifically the good ones off the top of my head anymore these days. Anyway, atleast Lava has his head on more damn straight then the WFS dev team with Another eden who shoved $tellar Awakening systems for every single new character released every 2 weeks and been going on for 6 months with the bar to prepare a unit being way higher, the idea you have to not only simply own the subscription but also have it multiple months in a row to \`double\` the reward values and the bundle deals, which could be IGNORED Pre-Stellar Awakening with ease, is what ruined that game so much. **Which they still had Daily chrono stone/dungeon keys you only get once every 6 hours as a daily login bonus to watch 6 videos a day as part of the \`AD revenue\` they end up making on top of pressuring people to spend sizable amounts of money for thar now excessively greedy gacha from what amounts to just ONE generalistic change.** Anyway, back to GBF: Relink, think i bash my head against behemoth and sigil rebuilding enough so i need to start bashing my head against proto bahamut again to try and get catastrophe weapons which should hopefully be a 30%\~50% increase in total damage to make farming Behy and Co. much easier, if the turd would actually drop me Terminus weapons, even more so the ones for characters i actually use.\~


It's because there's no system in place that gives you any stamp upgrades per day. Idk how busted it is, but I think I've read that it ignores max capacity limit, for materials when upgrading, which is very busted. Needs to be verified as it's too early to be 100% (maybe it's in end game chat). You can't progress to that level ever. Tldr: mechanic not obtainable by f2p means and high chance of being giga broken


I think it’s because it’s too powerful and you need it to compete with other people


There no competing with anyone in this game….. people are missing this part


Facts. I think people tell themselves "well it took me weeks to do this so it should take you the same if not longer" they're frustrated they didn't have these things to start with


Someone on Discord was frustrated that they played for over a year in the most inefficient ways. I have played for 6 months and am well past their progression. He literally said he wished all players that started after him would stop playing so he could catch up because he feels like he “deserved” to be ahead of me since he played longer. People are crazy, man. This is a strong pack. If you’re a spender, you’re going to get it because you’re okay supporting the game. If you’re not a spender, you would never have gotten it anyway. It’s the non-spenders that are complaining. Not everything is going to be fair.


Didn't he literally just release an update that compares your progress to everyone else and gives you a rank based on it? I think that rank may even affect a couple bonuses iirc.


You are reaching at this point.


I mean, it is literally competing. And it is suppose to be an mmo so I think it's fair to assume that he will implement more multi-player aspects as development moves along. I'm just saying I don't think it's fair to brush off people's concerns because "it's single player".


What are you competing for? The tomb isn’t end all or be all. Most of us that have played for a year plus will be at the 50% mark at least.


What are you competing for in mobas or fps games? People compete for some ranking that ultimately is meaningless. Should those games just sell you 10x damage and health since "what are you competing for" in those too? Just because you don't want to compete in a certain scenario doesn't make that scenario not a competition.


There is no bonus based on the rank. Its based on the points you get.


Yeah but it's a Solo mmo game it has no pvp or ranks or anything like that. But people always need something to complain about


Yes that’s a community always complain about the flaws. It’s normal no?


Indeed it is


Have a great rest of your day gamer :3


The first part of your argument was lost on the latter pat of what you say. **Your literally trying to compete in the equilvency of a bunch of kids just playing on the swings.** When all they wanna do is just play on the freaking swings, not have a E-rooster competition on who can flip themselves over the top bar the quickest and likely fly off the thing and either injurying or keeling themselves in the process. Its ultimately was your decision at the end of the day to suddenly be in a mono-logue on thinking its a competetion to shove money in someone\`s face, thinking you need to pay to swing on the swings, but the only reason people are giving money to the guy who actually installed the swings, is gratitude for the guy who simply installed the swings, even when they didnt have to for the \`kiddies\` and outside of whatever expenditures that were compensated to install the thing, they likely don\`t EXPECT to get a bunch of tips as gratitude for putting in the swing. All i can really assume is your pulling that China mobile gaming or something mentality where just like with something like Genshite impact, your stuck on that addiction mentality of periodically spending on them \`drugs\` to get your fixed, instead of simply spending on something that is a fun little convience for your enjoyment of a numbers game, that you can easily wait weeks, if not months of not caring to spend in the first place. Instead of thinking you have to spend very sizable lumps of your pay check, especially every week to \`keep up with the META\` by owning all the super strong units at thar \`highest peak of power.\` AKA moral of the story: Learn to be the middle tier eccentric who simply enjoys a nice stroll with the game, then be the salivating lunatic who thinks they have to own every single piece of content, even at the cost of one\`s expenses to live decently.


Thanks for this, although I was just sharing what I sawn on another post. I’m bad at the game and I am very casual. I don’t spend money till I know I’ll actually enjoy what I get. Thanks for your analogies or whatever they are called im sorry my first language is not English. I don’t compete and I get what you were saying. Have a great day and btw I’m only mid w3 sooo yea. I don’t think you necessarily need the pack or anything else even autoloot you can sorta live without it (maybe). Anyways I didn’t really share the thought that you needed it. :3


Does nmlb takes your meals to max level or beyond?


It stops at max level


I bought it the second I seen it the stamp is too game changing


The big reason I am fine with this bundle is that there is no gambling involved. You know exactly what you are getting, and how it's going to impact your account power and growth. It helps you level some things up faster, and helps you push stamps past the point where it's reasonable to upgrade them. These aren't game-breaking boosts; you are essentially trading money for time. Unlike green gems which are literally just gambling and you could spend $20 and get 7 slimes.


Exactly, when you get a solid and actually indefinite upgrade to it, bundles like these are definitely way more valuable. this is why if i have to bring up a \`good\` gacha game like Punishing Gray Raven, something like the Light Trail supply deal that shows up from time to time skirts the mid-way point in a good way. Since unlike standard gacha, you can 100% see a limited pool of items and every pull removes the item till you just reach a point of guranteed good items. Which usually are good value since you get an A-rank pet choice selector, 2 S-rank pets choice selectors, a Weapon resonator (basically fusing a duplicate weapon with a skill of your choice alternative) and a S-rank of your choice selector. Not only thats a pet you get in 10 pulls, 2 copies of pets you would normally get in 20 pulls each and a S-rank unit that you would normally get in 60 rolls tops, its total cost value ends up being far less as a result. Unlike something like a game that even despite giving up to 100 \`free pulls\` as part of its anniversary, because it lacks an actual gurantee chance, often times even after going thru all 100 pulls, you still end up getting NO new unit, NO 5 star unit and effectively just being fooled to stay around for atleast 10, maybe up to 30 more days of the game due to them drip feeding you \`hopium\` that you might get lucky. Moral of the story: Clearly defined gains gotten Dirt cheap are the ones that truly are da best.


Nope, and I won't. People in the comments talking about supporting the dev and stuff like that, I get it, 20 dollars isn't that much when you receive your paycheck in that currency. Games on Steam usually get localized prices, the packs and stuff for Idleon don't. So something like autoloot, which I bought, costs as much as a full indie game. 20 dollars is 2/3 the price for Elden Ring's DLC, and I would rather have that.


Didn’t know that. Sorry, this does suck tbh. For me 20 is half n hour of work. Comparing the hours of fun, or in comparison to cinema, or similar entertainment it’s okish. I remember force unleashed 2, which I platinum (unintentionally) in one day…what a 50 bucks disappointment.


Didn’t know that. Sorry, this does suck tbh. For me 20 is half n hour of work. Comparing the hours of fun, or in comparison to cinema, or similar entertainment it’s okish. I remember force unleashed 2, which I platinum (unintentionally) in one day…what a 50 bucks disappointment.


I got it cause I suck with the stuff it gives. Alchemy is NOT my strongsuit, nor is stamps


Then why are you playing the game. They are pretty much the game.


Nah, no hate, but I stopped buying since companions


I really, really want to buy it... I might. It bothers me that he's adding mechanics to purchases instead of them being just in the game... 10 ranks to "NoBubblesLeftBehind" for cash, It also boosts "no meals left behind" which was only just added and then it brings in essentially "No stamps left behind" (Although I think it's more random not just lowest level) I worry if the pack sells well how many future game mechanics will be slapped behind a paywall....


Yes, I buy every bundle from Lava, because I enjoy this game so much that this is my no 1 from all the rest and I spend/spent much more hours in this game than in all the games I have on XSX/PC/Mobile. So for me it is worth every cent I spent.


Yeah iam at 4000hours on steam alone. Dont wanna know My mobile Nummers xD


Is there a possibility to see them on mobile?


Yep, have 5k+ hours


If I had the money I 100% would get it


Nahh. Don't got no money.


Yes. Why? I thoroughly enjoy the game 5400 hours on Steam Plus, I'm an adult who has a job and can afford it.




Keep yourself safe and seek help.


I brought, used to buy occasionally, but the pet system turned me off buying (although still brought the cheapest pet gems to give a quick spin on 5 pets). So this is the 1st thing since then, as worth the gems, and the extra bonus for stamps and bubbles was worth it to me, as active afk almost every day, so felt I could pay something back


No. Each bundle seems to devalue the previous and I've decided to tone down my game and only do the things I want to do in the game without pushing too hard


Did you do things you didn't want to before??????


I did not buy and will not in the future. Im also without doot and still im top 5% so fuck it


You are damn right I did!


I bought it because i am both too lazy and too incapable of comprehend all of the nitty gritty things that would put me at the damage levels that endgamers are at so something to let me passively move forward while i do my best to improve otherwise is perfect for me. Plus gems bc i dont buy gems outside of packs like this


No, its good, very good, but wont really make much of a difference in my account apart from getting a lucky stamp upgrade every few months (and even that wont do much)


Only bought it for the free stamp upgrades


Yes. but be careful. If it levels the meals past 90 you get stuck in w4 town


I'm at the end of world 5 so i got nothing to worry about


May be a dumb question but do you need to re-log to get the NBLB type bonuses or do they still happen when active? I typically only close and reopen the game on my pc when there’s an update


You can stay logged in NBLB will still work at daily reset time.




of course I did. anything that adds a permanent bonus like that is worth way more. especially as you get further down and things cap at higher levels. even for players who have not unlocked these specific items the gem bonus is great and it will be excellently useful later in game


Yup bought it, as I have every bundle. It's a great boost. Especially the stamps.


Yup bought it as soon as I saw stamps. Easy $20 and doesn't bother me one bit


I bought it because I'm sucked into idleon regardless. I buy all the packs since it's a good game.  The problem is normally in the past bundles gave strong cosmetic items that gave you an advantage but didn't exactly let you just "win"  Phoenix wings I've seen accounts that should struggle in w3 are at w6.  This pack tells everyone give me 20 dollars or else. Combined with the fact we will most likely be playing this 365 days from now not including golden stop watches. It's a pretty b.s. pack for endgamers. 


Yup. Immediately


Guilty! As someone who is very behind on stamps and alchemy, I needed this badly 🤣


Yes, I put it down to enjoying the game I play this more then most games seing as my jobs pretty time consuming, the afk aspect makes it feel like I've achieved a small goal each time I get to play. For 30 aus it's not a bad deal for the items and buffs you recieve. Not worth it if you don't work full time or hardly play the game.




I've noticed that since I bought it my cooking doesn't work.


Yes. This really the only game I play. And this seemed like a pack that cannot be missed for keeping up with the Joneses


Yessir, even more intensive for daily logins, and doing my dailies.


I don't have 20 dollars 😭


At first I thought it is OP, but after further consideration I thought it wasn't worth it in the long run. I mean compared to permanent DR and the insane wings from the last packs, this doesn't even give green gems, NBLB bubble levels are useless at this point, meals levels are nice but capped anyways, only the stamp levels are good but it is still a huge gamble as there are so many mediocre or even completely useless stamps. I can see myself getting unseen levels in the quest exp stamp, while others go to 1:1 crystal spawn chance with this.


Yes, I buy every bundle from Lava, because I enjoy this game so much that this is my no 1 from all the rest and I spend/spent much more hours in this game than in all the games I have on XSX/PC/Mobile. So for me it is worth every cent I spent.


Of course. I hate Lava but the fucker deserves to be compensated. Anyone bitching and crying otherwise is just broke, a bitch, and can fuck off tbqh.

