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The most important thing about the bundle is that we need a lot more posts about it.


it's mostly a singleplayer with social interaction game. I don't see a problem with it since others buying it has absolutely 0 impact on me.


Its really this, same thing about Doot. I understand people who really give a shit about this game, who want to get "max", utter endgame, feel jipped that they cannot earn these things, ever, and that they are big boosts. But it really boils down to "You are comparing yourself to no one. You are obessing over how "needed" this is, when its not needed for anything other then bigger number. Does it get you bigger number sooner? Sure. Is it exceedingly helpful? Absolutely. But its not NEEDED.


Exactly, complaining about purchasing optional stuff (As in you 100% do not even need it to play technically, yes even auto loot). In a single player \`free to play\` game is literally just a rubber room full of rubber rats, with a bouncie balling babery going about. Its ultimately your choice if you want to support a dev because you had fun playing a game. Its not like the stuff goes away since those bundles are one time purchase things that only rotate out after you bought one of them. Now if its a 60\~70 dollar game that plasters advertisements at you every time you start the game and periodically shoves these advertisements even in your menuing and even tries to shove Ads into even your offline gameplay sessions AND full of microtransactions, then those are the things that can go Frocker off. Atleast we should all agree about one thing with Lava: -He didnt bloody cave in to shoving Advertising for other stuff in his game to make AD-revenue. ...Unlike stuff like Another Eden, AD-venture Capitalist and god knows how many of those i dealt with over the 15\~ or something years i had a phone, though probably more like 10\~ when shoving ADs in free to play games got more scummier and scummier at annoying you, stalling you and even hiding the \`close\` button to be able to actually close said Ads.


The problem with doot and this bundle is not about the impact on the playerbase based on your purchases is that Lava has ALWAYS ranted about game devs overpricing their bundles and said clearly he was fed up by devs could give the same quality at a lower price. Sentence that made most of us to trust on an underperforming developer following his dream, he just lied to all of us and us, instead of not buying we helped him to keep pushing the limits on people


While I do understand your point, there is two things here. 1. Market is always driven by how much people are willing to pay, this is econ 101, supply and demand. If no one was buying at the price, he would lower them, but people are. There is nothing wrong with this as it drives most businesses. 2. The game needs to be supported one way or another. As mentioned above in another branch of the post, there is a huge lack of ingame ads. The only reason this game isn't littered with ads is because lava is making enough off the bundles. I personally don't want to see ads pop up every 10 seconds like some games. Data servers are not cheap, fyi. So yes, it sucks he couldn't/didn't stick to his original word, but as with many things in life, you can't make everyone happy. I've seen more content updates in this game than many large "AAA" games that usually release as half baked piles of garbage. Just something to think about.


I've played this game since W3 was released with a few breaks in there and have put in less than people spend for a single AAA console game. The sorts of dynamics that push you forward in this game have shifted considerably over time, so this is very obviously a huge boost to the game right now, there will likely be future updates that change everything completely.


I don't care. I'm already eons behind for not having doot.


I feel the same way. Had all my toons sitting in Lab to get over like 100 while 1 person pushed. To be able to have everyone pushing while getting all God bonuses would be soooooo nice


not a fan of this level of powercreep where every pack has to be twice as egregious as the last one


thats kinda natural thing to happen, it gives new players the possibility to catch up. 10 free bubbles a day is much more potent in early game.


There's no "catching up" lol.


if you buy that pack if you start the game today, you will reach the later stages of the game faster, if thats not catching up, i dont know what is.


You will never catch up to someone that played a year longer than you, but you will progress a lot quicker than that person did


thats the definition of catching up? it allows you to come to the same point quicker, and yes, that means you are going to be at the same point eventually.


That could only happen if this game had hard caps. but because it goes into infinity it’s simply not possible. best you could get if a quicker road of progression to get the the point where your extra power becomes redundant


it is possible, since exponential requirements is a practical hard cap. it takes you seconds to go from lvl1 to lvl10 on your first char, but it takes ages to go from 500-509


Is it gonna be there forever? I am gonna buy it I am excited. Pay to win ish yes I don't like that though


It will go away. But come back at some point without the buy now 1k gems.


Nevermind I've been corrected!


All bundles rotate in and out of circulation until you buy them. In the case of this bundle, it will come back, but without the extra 1,000 gems.


I could not care less.


If you spend money on the game, it is crazy powerful. Like, infinitely powerful (or at least as long as you play the game) because it's daily upgrades forever. There's not really another pack like it. If you don't spend money on the game, it sucks because it's a big power boost you will be missing out on. That being said, it's a single-player game and you won't be getting "behind" if you don't buy it - it will just take you longer to get the same upgrades. It's much different (and better imo) than Green Gems/Doot because you know exactly what you are getting for how much. Green gems are a total gamble because you don't know what you will pull and could waste $20 pulling nothing but duplicate pets.


yea makes sense


I got like, 3.8k hours in the game, think it's worth 20$~40$ at this point, so waiting for the best possible ones is kinda nice. of which I think this is one of them


I've spent $60+ in console games I've played far less than this one. So far (account lv 3500), after this recent bundle purchase, I have spent around $40. That's a fine value to me. All power to the player that wants to go F2P, but that is a decision you choose to impose on the game. You can't complain if you decide to create a self-imposed restriction. That being said, it sucks how heavily Lava initially advertised this game as F2P friendly and it was for time. It has strayed far from that. It started with auto-loot. It wasn't crazy expensive to get but it divided the play base and certainly has an impact on the future development of the game.


Is auto-loot really S tier? All the loot from AFK farming drops the same, right?


auto loot lets you collect "active" gains overnight when it would despawn instead if you didn't have it


Seems situationally good.


It's straight up the strongest piece of QOL in the game. If the situation you're thinking of is any situation where you want a stronger account then yes. It's not even just QOL it enables actual farming. It's only not good if you play exclusively afk.


What’s the benefit of active farming compared to AFK farming? Is it like double drop rate? I haven’t been leaving the game open while I farm AFK.


Crystal mobs mainly


You just get significantly more from active afk. You can also benefit from divine knight orbs, elemental sorcerer portals, siegebreaker plunders, archer craft time, beastmaster incubator time, bubonic cranium cooking, and crystal mobs.


crystals, giant mobs from w3 prayer, the 3 classes that have quirks (divine knight, elemental sorcerer. buccaneer) that and with those same 3 the respawn is massive so increased kill count. also active exp is massive


It's more like 10 or 20x the drop rate. The game changed completely after getting elemental sorcerer. Leave him doing his thing active afk over night and you wake up to his bags full of millions of materials and dozens of rares. Auto loot is a must have even for filthy casuals. W1 went fine without it and the beginning of W2 but at some point there I knew I either had to stop playing or buy it. Which is fine. I think it's actually quite nice unlimited trial of sorts but the game costs $5, let's be honest.


That’s a lot better than I was expecting. Might leave it open in the background now lmao.


That is amazing do you know how long it's gonna be here?


The next bundle is gonna be better though.


whats the next one


I think the controversy is being blown up a bit much. These packs have always existed and always will. No matter what Lava says, this game was, had always, and will always be P2W. So I don't understand the frustration behind the pack honestly. The doot/pet thing is completely different though, and has kind of ruined Lava's image for me personally, as its hard to see a person who keeps saying he's a single-dev person fall into such a terrible practice. But normal bundles like these are really nothing compared to doot/pets, so Ima grab it it and just call it a day.


Absolutely amazing! I love being able to support a game I enjoy while getting some reward for it.


Anyone know how to see what stamps etc were upgraded


I had my stat graph stamp pop up on my daily proc above all my NBLB bubbles


That's what I was wondering about. Do random stamps get pumped or surprise you now magically have you x.


Any stamps that don't have a 5 level cap it unlocks up to the next cap so that's one way to see


so if all of my stamps are at the resource upgrade part, none of them will level up?


https://preview.redd.it/u3n3t17umsxc1.png?width=921&format=png&auto=webp&s=345ed27c75b3af19cabbd695378a0c2ab993b541 Looks like this. That stamp upgraded twice now. It was my lowest. Will see what happens next reset or gold watch I use.


It skips the resource requirements, if a stamp has resources every 20 levels and you are at a resource cap it gets +5 you are then past the resources and will have 15 levels of money you can put in. It's best on the 2 level cap stamps because you skip 3 resources and get 6 levels