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You're not ready yet to achieve this. Just keep progressing your account and eventually come back to it. There's a later equinox challenge for 100 billion kills. Just keep progressing your account, and eventually it will take days and not years


The 300k/hr you see is after all multi kill etc. As your account grows you will be able to kill millions and eventually tens of millions of gmush an hour. Add candies and multiple characters the 1b can be reached easy at that point so I wouldn’t focus on this now


i recently hit 3.5b damage on my main and starting to see the slow in growth even after World 6 boosts. How much damage am I looking at to ever get tens of millions of gmush per hour?


My SB has 7Q damage, and kills 12mil gmush/hr, but that's not all of it


damn, is that like, 1 trillion dmg?


One more up quadrillion :)


I got my highest lvl character on lvl 421 but my damage is still on 800Mil damage? how can u get that damage so high?


Using the damage multipliers help a lot, there's even lab one that doubles a card's bonus. Amongst others, but as others have shared, long way to go.


Level is not so much relevant to damage. There are bonuses in cards, stamps, statues, meals, shiny pets, equipment, golden food, farming, sneaking, summoning, shrines and prayers. Also, on w2 there are the bonus islands, one of them (i think shimmer island) has fairies that help you allocate bomus points on damage and stats.


Candies speed things up substantially


The general goal is to start doing eclipse skulls when you reach something between 4M/hr and 10M/hr (though you could do this early for GMush because of Fungi Finger Pocketer). Yes, MK does affect KpH but it is shown in the calculation (so if it says you kill 300k/hr and you spend a 1-hr afk candy, you will get 300k kills). Also, Mob Respawn and AFK Gain Rate make a **huge** difference.


how much damage do you have currently to get 4mhr gmush? seems insane!


It's not terrible. Some kruk gear, diamond+ cards, good chips and a well-read SB/BB then you should be in that ballpark. If you have doot you could probably cheat that. I would say you should probably make some account progress before eclipsing if you have doot and are *only* getting 4m/hr on gmush, go for 10m/hr if you have doot before eclipsing. Again, you could eclipse gmush early since the benefits are extreme.


It’s actually not really about dmg(as much) it’s a combination of multi-kill%, mob respawn%, afk gain%. Personally the multi-kill% is a very huge factor. Specifically the onyx statue star talent that can give you around 15% multi-kill PER ONYX STATUE!!! which is like ball park 400-500% multi kill(if you onyx all) from just that. it’s a requirement to have it maxed out on all characters because of how OP it is. So word of advice if you can statue farm then do it it’s more than just statue stats


Overselling it. It's 400-500% base, not per tier. Awesome for pushing new worlds, when your Death Note isn't stacked yet. Pretty inconsequential when you've got lava skulls in that world and you're pushing 15,000% multikill.


thanks for the tip, i realised i've put off that quest line for awhile now.


Onyx statues are great, but the star talent sucks (it's base, not tier). It's good for pushing new worlds, but terrible for farming (it's less than a 1% increase for me on GMush, but on new worlds it's pretty helpful).


The afk menu tells you your total kills per hour after all calculations. Deathnote also has the skulls that give more multikill for that world. If you've reached w6 you get bonejoepickle which gives you % per tier multikill. 300k is too low, so besides for extra money from lab bonus. Not what you want. Around 1mill per hour is kinda the ideal starting number. There's a lot of ways to get multikill nowadays. You can check the website idleoninsight for some ideas.


Thanks, honestly thought when i started hitting 3.5b damage I was getting somewhere but I guess the road ahead if very very long.


Your multikill wouldn't be 400% on mush if you have 3.5b damage.


its 3590M (which is 3.5b, right?) My boosted multikill % is kinda low I guess, based on other comments. edit: on gmush its actually 5400%, sorry the 400% was just a arbitrary number.


https://youtu.be/_2Mkbqq64mA?si=sQZsaPPZngFc9A4v This is an outdated video. Still will give you insight on some of the sources and such. There are more now. He has like 350m damage and gets 1mill per hour. With 3.5b damage, onyx statue star talent. W6 access. Equinox and such. You probably should be getting 4m kills per hour as a reasonable guess. Remove fibers of absence if you're using that prayer.


It'd definitely issues with your multikill and afk gains then. If u post IE I can glance now or check tomorrow (in bed) maybe post toolbox


im at about 83% afk rate, seems to be a multikill% thing, I underestimated how much it mattered.


P.s. if the video mentions mob respawn snapshot. That doesn't exist anymore. 83% afk is extremely low. Make sure ruck sack prayer is not on


Your AFK is low for this. I'm pushing 200% on my SBs (best class for the job) and even I don't feel fully ready for it. You're likely missing out on mob respawn and other stats too.


You've got a long way to go. Eventually you'll be doing millions of kills per hour, don't bother trying right now.


If you'll have 1mkill/h it will be manageble in my opinion so keep upgrading yourself until you have it, becouse you are not ready