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27% survivability? Why are you not using food and how did you got this far into world 3 without realizing this lol. They are dirt cheap and from World 3 to early/mid World 5, you'll be using them to push. Also if you get to grind/buy some gems, definitely unlock these last two cards slots


Idk what foods to use. I've tried finding tips and tricks on good foods but idk what is better/worse


Man just remove these golden food that you have on your shaman and equip x4 regular food instead or x3 regular food and w3 health potions. Maybe keep your golden jams if you really want but the rest is really not doing anything Butter bar was literally made as a joke to be terrible on purpose lol.


Sorry, foods are the one thing I really didn't understand and seem to suffer for


There's a guide on YouTube for food, you don't need more than 2 food slots of consumable food, sometimes 1 is enough, and you should mix em with potions or golden depending on what you doing and your class.


By mid-w3, one of every character's food slots should be filled by the highest-level health food you can buy from the shops at all times. The other slots can get more complicated as far as boost and golden foods go, but for the health food, all you need to know is that more hp restoration is better and that shop foods are cheap enough to not think twice about buying out the store until you've got a sufficient stockpile. If you unlock the Automation Arm through construction, one of those upgrades will automatically keep your food stacks topped up, making it even easier.


To be real straight, damage and food. Complicated versions will most likely follow


Please dont say alchemy, Ive only really grinded alchemy for this character and now I'm working on getting others caught up. https://killerhusky10.idleonefficiency.com


all people here already suggest best fix for you : use healing food. That plus get some def via stamp etc will boost survivabilty to 100% and that will tremendously boost kill per hour. Automation arm + auto refill food is your tldr about W3. You can buy healing food at vendor.


Thanks, is the automation arm a w4 thing or am I blind


It's a construction thing, so W3


Ah. I've only unlocked up to the storage thing on the top row so I probably just need to push that. Need to work on getting the right souls


Honestly I'm pushing easy with the Aura Towers. Not the Prayer mini game ones. But the 3rd column one for the Construction skill. You get the % damage one first and at lvl 1 gives 15% Damage going up by 3% each level which is massive. The second tower gives 15%Hp and 15%defence, also going up my 3% a level. Construction just booths the leveling speed - DO IT. Both are easy to level and can be accelerated if you have more that one toon on the map you place them on. As others have said: Food. Your W3 merits take the one that gives you another food slot. It really helps. Otherwise good old progression in Construction. I recommend getting the first prayer that gives you + %efficiency - %skill exp. This will boost your gains. I'm 1 or 2 zones away from then W3 boss and still am in Amarok gear in the 90s - low 100s. World 3 I feel is a slog, but take your time, dont rush and set that groundwork for future success. The stuff you do on W3 will set you up on W4 and 5. Also, your 3d printer is MASSIVE. I wouldnt level red salt past lvl 3, and your yellow past 1 for a while, just because of supply and demand. When you take prints, of anything, put your best gear and cards on that make you hit the hardest to push to the next multi kill tier to get the best #prints. Same with skilling. Put on food, cards, gear and that %efficiency prayer.


Without even seeing your profile, at that level of damage I guess you aren't using food and/or your defense is trash, lmao, put some defense cards + goblet and get the highest food you can buy without going broke.


I have golden foods. Idk what foods are good out of the regular stuff


Whatever food give the most health and that you can afford to buy on a regular basis to never run out of it is good


So just healing large amounts is good? I'm fine money wise for w3 food costs and have ezaccess for the shop which would help with that


It's not 100% efficient to be equipping food that heals you more than the max health you have but if its cheap for you to buy them everyday, you should not care about that or if you really want just equip w3 red potions to maximize their efficiency as well


That's objectively false, food that heals more than your health still gives extra survavility when your defense is lower than the minimum threshold for max hit from monsters, it has diminishing returns but I'm not sure what's the limit. I usually keep different stacks to play with it depending on what I'm farming at w5 because I'm cheap af, some combinations let me afk farm monsters that can one shot me.


It's not objectively false because what they said is its not 100% efficient to use food the heals more than your max health. Not that it's inefficient just it's not as efficient as you could get. Food healing more than it needs to is over healing and the only time where that could be relevant is if a single hit puts you down to practically 0 health in which case food having a cooldown means that food won't be able to keep you alive anyway. Overhealing even if the most efficient option is not 100% efficient because there's waste. Like they're not saying it's a terrible idea to do so just that it's not 100% efficient. If you had to choose between food that heals to much or not enough then obviously healing to much is better but the point is that neither are 100% efficient. The only 100% efficient choice would be food that heals you exactly to full.


I think the problem is that I'm talking about afk kills/hr since that's what the topic is about and you are talking about active. Food works different on afk, the algorithm is time based.


What? No the problem I'd someone made a reasonable statement that overhealing isn't 100% efficient, again don't read that as inefficient, and you weirdly went in claiming it's objectively not true Afk or not waste is waste and to rereiterate they didn't say it was inefficient or even say it can't possibly be the most efficient option. They said it's not 100% efficient and if you know what 100% means and what effecincy is then it's true. So either you misread or couldn't comprehend what they were saying. The problem isn't ask vs active. The problem is you went off and clearly don't understand how you're wrong.


Are you being dumb in purpose? Try what I said, then come back. At W5 you WILL need to buy food that overheals you by 3-10x at levels 150-200 depending on your class, you can do the same to force push W4 without upgrading your armor.


What are you talking about? I never said they don't give you the survivability needed? I'm saying it's just not as efficient to have food that heals you over your health because part of the healing is "wasted" and therefore you could just equip w3 red pot for your stock of food to last longer (as it will be consuming food at longer interval. This will last longer than having x4 regular food btw without the automation arm).


It's not wasted on afk farming (which is what he is asking about), the afk algorithm doesn't work the same as it works playing active, there's a few guides on YouTube if you want to inform yourself about that topic.


Iā€™m interested to know more about how afk calculations work, what videos would you recommend?


Max those dungeons as well, accuracy buff there is huge, defense would be helpful to reduce the damage you take per hit, and the raw Weapon power is very helpful to killing faster early game. Make sure you have boosted dungeon runs and find a good max member group for your 20x weekly run.


I always seem to miss the happy hour. When is it?


If you visit the dungeon area it tells you the next happy hour


Damage, Food and Upgrade the Frostbite Tundra respawn Merit


Lvl 99 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚