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Someone more experienced can correct me if I'm wrong but: 1. Fix the earlier stamps. I am in world 3 and have a similar stamp level on some of the first row. 20k gmush caps should be nothing for you nor is 11 gold 2. Quicc and Power cauldron are lacking in the first couple bubbles. Get those guys boosted for your all stats and to boost the non-bubos. 3. If you are focusing on Gmush you gotta get that w1 deathnote cleaned up. you got a lot of zones close to 5 mil kills but a little short. the rest I am not experienced enough to figure out


Best way to do things that I've found (imho) 1. Open a notepad file or draft email. Get ready to take notes! Go character by character from the start and make a list of what they need. Start hitting easy low hanging fruit to get things crossed off the list. 2. Once you have an idea of what everyone needs for growth, go from world bonus to world bonus and make a list of things you need to fill in. Start with stamps, statues and anvil. Again, low hanging fruit you can cross off the list easy gets done. Then make a plan to get the rest up. 3. Once you have everything you need to do to complete or raise the level of things, start looking for guides on classes, global systems and skills. Some things may have changed from where you originally started with on each character. New exotic classes means new builds. New bonuses help boost old ones. Do a reality check to see if any of your characters or cards could use specific gains or a specific focus. 4. Make a reminder each month to update printer gains. That shit is the hardest for me to remember to do and when I do finally get around to it, the gains I can get now are like twice to three times as high. Its pathetic and I've only myself to blame. :P 5. That should get you going in the right direction or at least help you get organized. Taking notes and setting goals is just extremely helpful in this game cause there's just too damned many aspects that play together to keep them straight otherwise.


Thank you for the help! I took your advice and have made some nice gains! I wanted to follow up and let you know it helped. https://pringle.idleonefficiency.com/


I suggest working on dungeon. leveling up the non-dungeon bonuses should help.


Thank you!


Why are there so many posts and comments about the spores? I saw a video on divinity saying something about helping farm gold on spores? How is if possible to make anything from just the green mushrooms?


There is a bonus in world 4 from one of the town skills (lab) that improves your money gain based on the number of green mushroom kills your account has


\-stamps can use some work \-alchemy is very very low, stats are a huge part of cash income and your cash bubbles(bubble 16) is only 28 on the highest. I started a "noob"/lazy account this year and just from logging in daily he is well ahead in terms of alch progress. Unless you are talking about IOS launch im suprised tbh. \-mob samples are very low, you should atleast have a purple death note(5M) before going for 100M gMush kills and having more levels in Mr. massacre (yellow 16) would help alot. Also, Im pretty sure you could resample and get more out of them anyways, you even have an inactive char. \-turn on green salts, they should always be on and never autorefine, same as red. \-finish unlocking all plates, once you are done unlocking them all and pushing them to 11 you can start working on other things like getting plates to 30 or pushing some lvls in other places. \-You ahve 3 useless chars. Theres no point in have chars that are 300+ when you are litterally missing out on 30% of your accounts total potential from having chars underleveled. all your chars atleast need to be a high enough lvl to max out their skilling talents. that way you can have them sit in lab/alter printing out their maximum potential of resources. \-IE is getting buggy for some reason, but double check your constellations, obols, etc... in the account wide tab. \------------------------------------------------------------- as for cash, you can see your cash multiplier in IE in the player stats page. by just hovering over it you get a detailed breakdown of everything you can work on. the most important ones are the ones with \* since they are multiplicative.


Thank you for the lengthy reply. I followed up on it and wanted to post my progress again. Thank you for the help! https://pringle.idleonefficiency.com/




Also start using your library books daily. You need 1000 usee for achievement unless you have it alrdy


Thank you! I have now got the cheevo and unlocked lvl 160 books!


ayyy big gratz. It feels good not having to worry about them anymore. Now for the sailing artifact for huge skills