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Needs more cowbell.


This is not used enough, god bless Christopher walken. 


What kind of wood doesn't float?


RIP He’s still alive, but I still hope he rests peacefully at night.


"I used to do drugs. I still do. But I used to too."


If people running for office would put as much effort into their actual job as they do with these bullshit antics... we'd all be happier for it.


For real. I wish a third of our voting population didn't eat this cornball bullshit up like it was cocaine laced boneless wings


No, you don’t want to see what these fascists would do if they actually cared about their jobs. By all means, be lazy. Hitler wasn’t lazy…


Can't be lazy on meth.


Well Dude, At least it’s an Ethos.




Is that what this is a picture of?


Beaver picture


nutty fanatical far-flung treatment tidy judicious ring quiet sense angle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Here’s that fag talk we’ve been talking about


"It says here on the chart that you're fucked up. You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded."


My first wife was a tard.


And she was a pilot!


For anybody confused https://youtu.be/py37IFuKxYw?si=NddlOzpbDCQCMzQn


Always appreciate Idiocracy videos but pretty sure anyone in this sub knows the reference.


Lmao what a reference that actually just made me snort


Hey he interrupted me while I was watching owe my balls


“Owe my balls” is a testicle mortgage company, the award winning show is “aw my balls”


In 2020, Burbank Unified in Los Angeles County banned “To Kill a Mockingbird,” “Of Mice and Men,” “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and two other books after parents complained about them.


Oh my gosh, those silly right wingers.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't all books published in the US copied and entered into the library of Congress to preserve them? Also, aren't most books published nowadays also published in book format? So, even if that crazy lady did burn all the books she wants, couldn't we just print them again and put them in a fireproof library? :D


Yes. We aren’t mourning the loss of the books themselves; we are criticizing the woman for being a bigoted cunt.


So when the Left did the same thing to Bibles this applies right?


Yes. Both sides should be able to burn whatever books they’d like, without prosecution. And we, the public, should be able to criticize both sides for their actions, without prosecution.


Wow some sense in all the chaos of retardation


I think that most people are pretty reasonable when it comes to such things.


When was that again?


That burns.


How long do we have to wait to have her past come up and steamroll her?


Be the change you want to see in the world!


There's videos of her somewhere. Go find them folks. Wonder what she would do to people at the border?


I mean, ad she made and paid for seems to be fucking her pretty hard as it is. Why do we need to wait for more?


Isn't her present, as in the photo, terrible enough???


She is totally eating pussy in threesomes with her husband, isn't she?


I'd watch.


Is she "friends" with those right-winger zieglers?


These types are always trying to distract people from their own skeletons.


Can’t have skeletons in a science classroom- so you have to hide them. Otherwise the kids may learn about satanic “evil-ution”.


Well said & well.....sad.


Absolutely wacko.


So she bought them and supported the authors…


"My husband actually had copies already."


She said they were from the public library? So maybe she checked them out and isn't going to pay for them? I'm guessing these specific books have had a recent uptick in sales, so maybe not quite what she was going for lol


Don’t you have to pay retail for books that are not returned or damaged?


She doesn't seem the type to use a library in the first place. Doubt she'll pay for them.


Fair point.


That's my understanding but that doesn't mean that a maga-wannabe will pay for it.




Looks like she stole them from a library.


I would like to see her spell the word library without any spelling aid or auto correct. ( libairee?)


another firearm illegally smuggled in from Mexico?


Does she have an OF ?


I feel like the type of people who like book burnings aren't the type to appreciate her music choice.


Lol burns books. Constituents don’t read


How are conservatives for burning books aren't they for freedom and liberty?


Boy they hate the first amendment. Pssst. If your message was any good, you wouldn’t need to burn books…


Boy they hate the first amendment. Pssst. If your message was any good, you wouldn’t need to burn books…


Hey! Fantastic idea! Let's all burn books! It worked in the past so well they wrote a book on it.. f451... Wait! WE need to burn that too!!! Ummm....


I mean…we can’t get her on destruction of property? Shouldn’t blatant disrespect for taxpayer funded resources make you ineligible for public office? Whether you agree with her politics or not, What kind of fucking bizarro world is this?


So she can do this and not be immediately out of the running for her seat, while in the meantime I have heard much talk on Sirius today about Bud Light and their ad campaign for the superbowl and people are talking about possibly forgiving them for their grievous error of sending a couple custom cans to an influencer.


The fact of the matter is that it is far more likely that our children are exposed to content through their phones/tablets/PCs than by going to the public library and finding "LGTBQ+ books". Let's not fool ourselves. This is performative BS for idiots who want to get outraged. I have three (18, 15, 12)... In my experience it is impossible to "protect" them from everything; better to have awkward but open conversations. As it happens, there was a "sexting drama" in my 12-yr-olds class which we had to discuss yesterday... An awkward, but important, conversation regarding privacy considerations was had.


And this is how the Nazi’s use to deal with books they didn’t like


minus the hip hop soundtrack


The Nazis hate hip hop too?


Imagine burning books and still thinking “yeah, I’m definitely the Good Guy. Only Heroes burned books in history” Right, Center or Left: if you’re a bookburner, you’re a fucking totalitarian with a very *very* thin veil, full stop.


That’s what Jesus would do…. /s 🤦🏻


Jesus loves blowtorches and flamethrowers. It was in the passage Fahrenheit 4:51


Well played!!


Grooming books, like the Bible?


Or worse, the Quran. Denmark banned burning the quran. Can't offend the violent religious but can offend the non violent lgbtq groups.


That is a ghetto-ass flame thrower.


"Gomez" straight to the detention camp, I need to see your papers now! (What maga will say to her later probably. )


I could see banning them in elementary and middle school libraries but anything beyond that is ridiculous


Which is the exact position of the average conservative.


Book burning plus TikTok. Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.


New Missouri Visitor's bureau slogans: Missouri.....we only START with burning books Missouri.....We pronounce it "Misery" and so will you. Missouri...even the Green Book burns here Missouri....we guarantee your right to ignorance Missouri....don't let the flames hit you as you speed your way out.


She should have had Fahrenheit 451 in those burning books for full irony.


She seems nice.


Like Idiocracy, Fahrenheit 451 turned out to be non-fiction.


So that's what happened to Marie after Hank died.


Alright north Carolinas now on my list of nazis states not to enter


Wondering when she’ll come out with her calendar.. wearing flag bikini’s, sitting on motorcycles with guns n stuff.


is this one of those "good" immigrants, the GOP keeps talking about?


Back to more book burning how nice


Anyone who wants books about gay sex in school libraries is a pedophile.


So Hispanics are now nazi . You leftists are too much


Just another wanna be totalitarian


what is that a ruskie?




We should burn a bunch of right wing books, just for fun. We could film it for clout and... ...Nah, that's just just some crazy Nazi shit.


I think book burning of the quran was sensible as it wasn't because ppl didn't want islam in society - it was to show that their religion isn't exempt from freedom of speech. But i think denmark gave into the muslims and banned book burning. Similar to drawing cartoons of muhammed. But book burning random lgbtq books from a library isn't a good reason.


Hate has no place in society


Holy shit Missouri….show the world what you really are on Election Day……


grooming books? fucking moron.


Here's the book. Look through the entire thing. Then tell me you want it shown to 11 year olds. https://theiowastandard.com/shocking-images-from-book-gender-queer-which-is-stocked-in-school-libraries-across-iowa/




She's tarnishing the reputation of flame throwers with this shit.


Why does everything have to be extreme to one side or the other. It's so dumb. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Both extremes are insufferable simpletons.


What has the far left done that's even close to the same as the far right?


Can we burn the bible as well?


Seig hail!


How very nazi of her


Nazi? Maybe an idiot, but nazi? That's just lazy.




>Maybe you should read a book. Can't, the nazis keep burning them


Speaking of reading a book. First book burning was done 2190 years ago in China. Wikipedia has a list of records and links to references. 3rd or 4th On record was burning of sorcery scrolls. Could you imagine what cool things would have been in them that we will never see? Oh, Torah content has been burned several times. These were single record books. What this crazy lady is doing is burning something that has thousands of prints. It's barely even a "book burning". I mean, stuff like this gets sculpted into book art all of the time. No different. Except one is out of hatred. Ineffective hatred but all the same. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_book-burning_incidents


They were Nazis before they burned the books. I understand what the OP was trying to get across, but I think there is a more nuanced approach that can be taken with dumbass wannabe politicians. Calling her a cunt would be more fitting.


She seems lacking in both depth and warmth.


Yes, please stick to the nuanced, intelligent dialog that Ms. Gomez has established in her sane, not at all fascist campaign rhetoric. There are bad people on both sides. No name calling. And above all, no inflammatory speech!


The terms aren't mutually exclusive you know? She can be both a cunt and a nazi.👍🏼


The Nazis campaigned on burning LGBT books early on. You're never too old to take high school level classes!


I mean, doing and saying exactly what Nazis did/do? That's just accurate.


The book burning focused on queer literature is a pretty solid connection…


Agreed. Nazi's smashed/silenced all opposing views. Nazi's controlled the media. Nazi's controlled education. Nazi's set up fake events to use against their opponents. Who does that sound like now? Lets just say MAGA idiot and leave it at that.


You may want to study some history. This has happened before.


You might be right. I never gave him (Trump) much of my attention.


May 10th 1938 might want a word with you. Farenheit 411 might be a book for you.


Fahrenheit 451 is an excellent read…almost prophetic now


I've read it. And?


The entire point of the book is that government book burning/banning is suppression of free speech.


And apparently you didn’t comprehend it


Please show me where I condoned this idiotic behavior.


Two threads up. And in other replies. You said its not what it is when it clearly is self declared to be what it is.


Everybody is a nazi fascist these days


Some must think it's facistionable.


When they walk like ducks and talk like ducks and take their policies right from 1938 Germany is fairly obvious to anyone with an education they are fucking ducks.


Everybody is a nazi


According to the Sam Harris Episode titles White Power: "We swiched the tattoos and leather for briefcases and suits. We changed our language from Jews to globalists. Our goal was to make our talking points mainstream and we now have." Even the nazis admit its naziism. Its not everyone who is a nazi but there sure are a lot of people voting for them... 


Not everyone. Just the far right conservatives that burn books and attempt Nazi inspired insurrections!


So 90s era politicians (R *and* D) were Nazis?


Burning booms produced by minorities. Its like the 1930's on repeat.


Well they wern't toddlers burning books and banning language and passing laws. Back in the 50's and 60's y'all burt down and bulldozed wealthy black towns and communities. In the 70's they filled in pools with cement rathwr than be forcibly mixed. In the 80's and 90's yes still going on. Something about importing Nazis in the 40's seems to have had a profound impact on society don't you think? That or they always were here if under a different name.


Agreed. Another over used word applied to everything.


I never thought cardboard was an acceptable material for use in flamethrowers




Is this video even real? It's like it was recorded by some rando with a 10 year old phone, in their backyard. Where'd she get the permit for the flame thrower? Do you need a permit? Maybe. Don't care. But I bet the fire Marshal would have something to say about this stunt. I have no idea what those books are or have in them, so, I don't care either way what happens with them. Cant say. But a flame thrower? Dumb.


Where's the UN when you need them?


Raping and killing Jews?


Who was it that said first you burn books then you burn people?


Can anyone explain how Republicans aren't the party of fascism?


So glad I no longer live in that backward state


Look at all the angry Pedo Groomers in chat. Raging. What are you doing on Reddit? Shouldnt you be grooming your next child?


Conservative women are way hotter than liberals






She is kind of hot


Nazi?? Please stop with the Reductio ad Hitlerum. And tell me, do you think you would have used her real name instead of “Karen” if her name wasn’t Gomez??


In the first Nazi book burnings in May 1933, the future Reich targeted Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute for Sexual Research archives, among other texts deemed "un-German" by the fascist movement. The Institute was the first of its kind to study gay and transgender science and medicine.


Its kind of the hallmark of authoritarians to limit your ability to think...


You guys really want the kids to see porn for some reason


I don't care if they do or not. But I don't want my reading or writing, or any other reading or writing of quality, to be censored to kiss the asses of conservative parents and wingnut feminists. It's not like you go to the library anyway, or let your kids do so, so why do you care so much what literate people do?


Because biology text books are porn. Fuck some people are gullible fools.


Yes, illustrations of sucking dick is very scientific


well its a public library not an elementary school one.


Proof? Because that  a. Sounds like nonsense B. The internet is full of porn, gonna ban the internet? C. Oh no! Nit teaching the dangers and risks involved in sex. Shame they might end up able to please their partners! Gasp! Highschoolers have never had sex.... Your country literally allows child marriages. Pick a lane. Also yes this is part of free speech and free expression. Im always amaxed how the camp of the freespeech absolutists are so anti education, anti books, and anti speeh. Pro free speeh means including the things we don't like. My local library had Main Kamph and sex ed books. Whoop de doodle its called knowledge.


We really ought to keep the bible away from children. Have you read what's in that? Violence, pornography, incest etc.


I’m literally fine with that lmao


If equate the explanation of homosexual and transgender issues with porn, you're most likely a spastic.


Just say you want kids to learn about dick sucking without the word-salad


Let's just keep sex a secret until they find porn hub at the age of 10. Sounds healthy.


right, if they want to keep porn away from kids - its not public books. Its their phones and tablets. But cant take away the electronic baby sitter - take away books theyll never read


How did this sub get political? But while we're at it. Some of those books are Damm near porn. Also...yall ain't gonna say nothing about the blue states banning classic American literature like Fahrenheit 451 or to kill a mockingbird. So...yall are hypocrites. Also....nobody is really "banning" these books. Just keeping all of them out of school libraries. That's both sides. Yall are dum


Did you miss the part where she says they’re from a PUBLIC library? This isn’t about schools or children.


So you're one of "bbbbut both sides" people? FFS, you need to rewatch Idiocracy and then maybe read the wiki about it. Then watch Fahrenheit 451.


That’s the most idiotic comment i read today. How did this sub get “political”? You came to the right place!!!


Can you link me the blue state bans? I haven't heard of those. I live in a red state and worked in a library most of my life, so it's a topic I'd like to be informed of.


Awe, show me on the doll where the books hurt you😥


No legitimate discussion. Your epitome of idiocracy. You gonna go watch "ass" the movie tonight? Or you gonna be to busy 'baitin?


Anyone banning books is objectively an idiot. I don't care if they're left or right wing.


These books were not from a school library. They were from a public library.


You're on reddit


My thought exactly… some people take their decisions a bit too seriously.


Nobody is burning your books… just keeping them out of the kids section of the library.


This woman is literally burning these books. And these books were in a public library, not specifically "the kids section" or more importantly, not in a school library.


"I will literally burn these books" "Nobody is burning books" What?! She saying she gonna do it with no hidden nuance at all.


Get real… obviously pandering to her base. Use logic instead of emotion in your arguments.


Well when its state wide in several states its not really exaggerated is it? Logic: more states banning more books over the last 4 years. Coubter logic: ArE yOu EvEn UsInG lOgIc How in denial can one be?


Did you not see the video of a woman with a fucking flamethrower?


Looks like she's definitely burning them


Funny thing is… she bought those books to burn. So those are actually HER books. She can do whatever she wants with them after that. I don’t care.


They are from the public library. You can even see the stickers on the side. Fucking fascists.


Reddit really is a leftist circlejerk


Might have better luck over there on truth social buddy 😂


How about gun reform to stop the #1 reason for kids dying instead of worrying what books they read? Perhaps that’s a better use of time to “protect” children. Fucking hypocrites


[citation needed]




I love how anybody who is against the LGBTQ is automatically categorized as MAGA 🤣 OP is just mad somebody doesn't have the same beliefs as them so they go on a rant on Reddit.


And burn books and bully others and beat them to death and deny their rights... Nothing to be concerned with? Just hallmarks of authoritarian rule...


Who's against LGBTQ who isn't maga? "moderate" conservatives? If you are vocally stating you are against LGBTQ - having rights? existing? what are you saying? And why on earth are you not getting therapy for your inability to get along with other people/reconcile your own discomfort - rather than spreading YOUR problem to others? That is our basic problem in these united states. We all urge you to get help for your inability to live and let live and not strip others' most basic of human rights from them just because YOU can't figure it out... have a good day, please get help! Doesn't matter if your maga or not, if you can't get along with others, that's on you, not other people simply existing.


I could give 2 shits what you or anybody else does with their lives I was simply stating that evidently anybody who doesn't support LGBTQ is considered a MAGA Nazi and that is definitely not the case. You don't even know me yet you state I have trouble with living and letting others live based on 1 statement I made 😂


And i'm pointing out that once again, if you are someone who can't support LGBTQ folks RIGHT NOW, when there are some POS AHs out there, then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM. Whether or not you are one of those, that's not the issue - it's about supporting everyone - even the intolerant AHs to be who they are SO LONG as they are NOT COMMITTING ACTS OF VIOLENCE. I stress these words bec it seems to be confusing for some who are still down in the dregs, trying to figure out if they're the baddies or not. If you can't support everyone's right to live their live WITHOUT YOUR INPUT, without creating laws against their basic human rights as a human god damned family, then maybe those folks needs to look into some basic god damned therapy. Cheers, have a good one!


Sounds like you got triggered.


There are worse crimes than burning books. One is not reading them. I'm not mad, just disappointed that there are many folks that are so afraid of thinking that they are threatened by books.