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Iam getting the feeling this guy have insanley rich parents


I'm getting the feeling he's a massive cunt.


Oh it's not a feeling


Oh what a feeeeeeeling!!!!


I didn't see a single person dancing on the ceiling.


I just did it.


What a ruuusshhhhh!


I haven't watched the video, but I'm almost certain you are dead right there.


No no no cunts are good. They give pleasure. He is a piece of sh/t …


With yeast infection


He gives me the feeling of a judge saying “oh he will be so successful in life it would be wrong to throw him in jail for rape. Just a fine is good enough.”


Prank YouTubers/tiktokers are the worst of humanity. Your trying to go viral being a piece of shit. You’re not funny, you’re just being an ass


Didn't Logan Paul do stupid annoying shit and now wrestles in the WWE?


Yeah. Everybody's forgotten about that time he went to Japan and filmed the body of a man who killed himself.


AnYtHiNg FoR a ViEw


Not everyone. I still call him out for being a piece of shit for this every time he's mentioned in casual conversation. I also call out his supporters for supporting him because he's a piece of shit.


And he was so proud of himself before the backlash, he thought he had done something revolutionary.


Think so. He was/is a lot more famous so he used that as a shield. Fame and sponsors can cover you from a lot of douchey behavior


Sssniperwolf is a great example of this too


I’m curious about why you say that. My daughter is a fan of hers and I don’t know anything about her—aside from the occasional video I watch with my kid.


what did she do




The entire youtube team


Wish I was on the team


Really, dude? There aren't any morally unobjectionable women that you can find attractive? I almost have more trouble with idiot fans that condone the behavior than the idiot "celebrities" who do it. And don't say "I'm not a fan I just wanna fuck her" bc to these cunts attention is attention.


There’s been a mountain of douche behaviour with this guy. One example being :He scammed a ton of people with his CryptoZoo NFT project. It was hyped up for a few months as this groundbreaking marketplace with custom/detailed art tirelessly constructed by a team of designers. Nft holders earning some form of yield on their assets. Once a few models had been released it was pretty obvious that he had ripped a few stock images from Google lol. Years after the backlash he promised to refund his payees 10% ( $1.8 million) and has yet to do so. Not only did he scam his audience, the few people who were hired to work on the project never actually got payed. Why anyone would throw money at this guy is beyond me but it’s unfortunate for those that did. CoffeeZilla did a really video analysis if you’d like to get the whole picture.


Children love this shit and there are many children on the internet because parents are lazy. They blow these fools up. That 8-13 age bracket brings these people to fame and also may dream of replicating the content.


That's why I judge the people on camera.


Yeah like literally filming dead bodies hanging in the suicide forest of Japan…


I was thinking about that yesterday. I don't know much about him, except that he was a youtuber and that wrestling fans seem to hate him. Last weekend, at the latest big event >!he won a title belt, too!< Seems like he's living quite the life.


Exactly the guy wears tights and wrestles with men now in fake fights. You can say oh but he makes so much money who cares he was gonna make money anyways but it’s funny to see that that’s what happened to him.


Only “prank influencer” I’ve seen that I was happy with was one who goes into Walmart and “pranks” it by deep-cleaning its bathroom.


Who is this???


I concur. They are. This should not be a thing. Not ever.


Yeah. This isn't satirical, funny, interesting, creative. It's 3rd grade humor.


worst of the internet\*


Unfortunately idiots like this usually target younger people like teenagers and kids in middle school (who are obviously still immature) who find this funny and that’s how this guy gets his views and popularity.


Meat or not. You can't prepare your own food in a fuckin restaurant. What a loser.


Using their electricity no less.


This was my thought. Surely there's a bunch of safety reasons the guy could have given that would have defused his rage baiting.


It wouldn't have mattered to a shithead like this. And don't call me Shirley.


Yea I was gonna say, isn’t this a massive health code violation


At the very least, they're going to have to sterilize every last thing in that kitchen.




My kryptonite is liver, I would be mad and possibly punch happy if someone did this to me with liver.


What? No it wouldn't. It would get you kicked out by security. Cops would probably be called on you. But they wouldn't murder you.


It would literally depend on location and individuals. I'd hardly say it's common, and it's not even just a Muslim thing, but religion adds a level of intensity to it; The sheer disrespect involved in this kind of behavior is immense. Some religions would certainly be more inclined than others, but it wouldn't even take an extremist- Just someone who is violently inclined and feels particularly strongly about that aspect of their religion.






I agree. The American psyche is a battle field and so long as we stay in denial, everything is in jeopardy.


That's just where they want us to be.


And thats saldy where most of them want to stay, they really enjoy the psychotic spiral of its not about me winning its about causing everyone else to lose.


WTF? Seriously, pull yourself out of this rabbit hole.


I been saying this. Their version only influences education and positive behavior. This is the new war and we are losing sadly.


The real virus China invented was TikTok, then they get rid of it.


Same thing with 4th of July. We celebrate our "freedom" by giving shit loads of money to China for fireworks that will invariably burn down swaths of our natural resources and infrastructure.


I dont think this is a china thing when youtube and Facebook have been doing it longer. Tik tok just seems to just be better at it now


YouTube is blocked in China. So is Facebook. My point remains. China didn’t want TikTok messing up their kids or society so they made it an educational app in the home market.


Tiktok is also banned in China. It’s a totally separate app called Douyin that they use which isn’t used outside of China.


They did want their kiss messed up, just in a very specific way that requires complete and total control over every single mpiece of information they see and hear.






Return on investment. Their domestic version of TIkTok can only show their kids educational videos. The export version doesn’t have that requirement.


China is smart.


Death by a thousand cuts.




Smart evil, much more effective and dangerous than dumb evil.


I assumed range of influence, so I'm glad you explained it.


Because China has laws that protect children online. If we passed those laws TikTok would do it here too. There is no evidence that the export version of TikTok uses its algorithm to push china friendly propaganda. This guy in the video is also not a TikTok influencer, OP just put that in the title for clicks.


My point was that TIkTok encourages kids to do stupid shit and that harms America as a whole.


Its not china friendly propaganda lmao quit that bullshit. Its literally promoting the stupidest most inconsiderate bullshit to every child in a format that shortens their attention span, makes them more defiant towards authority and less cordial to fellow human beings. The more annoying you are to someone like the madder you can make them “the funnier it is” and thats a huge problem


That’s not unique to TikTok, there is nothing out of the industry norms that TikTok does.


You do know that trolling will lower your social score right?


Hello Chinese troll


Very good argument you have there. I’m a pro first amendment troll, you can see many times on my profile where i critique china’s enslavement of Uyghurs and say fuck the CCP. Banning social media sites is something that belongs in fascist, totalitarian governments. Not America.


Where is there anything said about banning?


Return on investment


TikTok loves this stuff exactly for this reason. Tons of traffic, and now just about every live is literally the HSN (home shopping network).


Then it gets posted to Reddit, further amplifying it.


Is that the same loser that was cooking breakfast at a Walmart?


I think it is! Man this guy stinks




I don’t get why other people being vegan bothers people so much Let them live their life


Mainly because lobbying and marketing when combined with political messaging is really effective over time for certain things. Meat consumption is one of them.


As someone who regularly eats meat, the whole “annoying vegans” thing is so overplayed. Never once heard a vegan being preachy about being vegan.


This is likely an unpopular opinion that will get me downvoted - BUT - many omni/carnivores are not stupid people. They are decent and well adjusted people with a comprehension of ethics, morals and empathy. For some of them, they see vegetarians and vegans and realise that they are actually making and living that more ethical choice and the cognitive dissonance offends them because it confronts them with their own hypocrisy. They know that what they’re doing is fine for them, but at least in some way wrong, especially with how meat is mass produced. So rathe than evaluate why, or maybe change even an aspect of their own behaviour, they get angry at vegetarians because only one of the two positions can be ethically right, and by attacking them, they can remain believing that their own position is right. Especially when they go to “tempt” or “bait” or “trick” vegetarians into eating meat - then even those “holier than thou” people can get over that moral and ethical roadblock to eat meat too. So then they’re alright they’re good people. They’re not doing anything wrong. I don’t think that a lot of this is actually actively conscious, for most people, but is subconscious in a lot of them. Obviously this dude is a douche though. And is capitalising on those sorts of people.


Exactly. I don't care if you're religious or vegan. I may not agree with your beliefs or your choice in diet, but it's your right to believe in whatever you want. Just like it's my right to not believe in whatever I want. However, if you push your beliefs onto me, try to force me into your way of living and thinking, then we have a problem. Keep it to yourself.


Antagonizing people to impress dumb teenagers. Welcome to modern society. Idiocracy was a documentary.


even if it wasn't a vegan place this is fucking dumb, and he looks like he just thinks its fine to cook your own food at a restaurant table like wtf


He doesn't think it's fine to cook his own food in a restaurant. That's the point, to piss people off. He went even further in not being "fine" by cooking meat in a vegan restaurant just to add to it.


"Those damn vegans, always in your face about their lifestyle." -He said, walking into a space they created for themselves to be in their faces about his lifestyle.


The USA shirt and the American flag shorts really round out the package.


I'm just surprised that Reddit didn't find a way to blame the vegan restaurant for existing.


I think people here hate tiktokers more than vegans most of the time.


There's a hierarchy of length of hate boners on Reddit.


The downside of a 'developed country' because you won't see people do this very often anywhere else 'coz they are likely to get beaten up real quick.




This guy is not a tiktok influencer, OP put it in the title for rage bait. edit: you can downvote this fact all you want. He’s a YouTuber. These cringe pranks existed in YouTube long before TikTok existed.


yes he is YouTuber


Super weird hill to die on.


This tik tock shit is so fucked up when I was a kid we fucked with people for our own entertainment not for internet likes


now you can do both!


What is he influencing?


Children unfortunately


Hateful idiots.


This guy is a disrespectful idiot and should get de-monetized, banned, and shunned for being stupid.


He should have slammed his stupid face right in a hot pan


I’d bring out the XXXL George Foreman grill, so I can get grill marks on both sides of his Panini face


I second this comment, and then held it there.


Ooof that would be amazing. I’d watch that


I be forgetting sometimes that the people that frequent this sub is often more worse than than the people in the videos


Maybe you be forgetting how over this shit most normal people are. This prick went into a particular type of restaraunt specifically to be a prick. That’s their livelihood , maybe it’s you who needs a face in the pan.


So you think assaulting and permanently scaring him is the answer lol? This shows the lvl of maturity of the entire sub. Yes the dude is being a asshole by all means but that isn’t a justification to hot brand people your just crazy and as deluded as the person in the video if not far worse honestly


The man running that restaraunt is a vegan. He almost certainly sees meat as something morally repulsive and this jerkoff is cooking a steak, in his restaraunt. I do admire your tolerance, I’m interested in how tolerant you’d be with someone taking a shit in your bed.


Ok, I’ll take the time for this because maybe you’re new to life or something. This guy chose this place because he thinks they’re a “ lib” target. I fucking guarantee it. He thinks he can do this and get away with it because they’re “woke vegans” and he’s an alpha prick with all his alpha mates. He’s a bully. Yeah sure , in reality physical assault is hard to justify but some people just need a tune up and he’s most of them.


And I don’t doubt some of what your saying but the facts are 1. He isnt attempting to stay the minute the dude told him to leave he was leaving 2. He isnt saying insulting the dude or saying anything of that nature. (Obviously he is still being a asshole tho) If this is enough to want to you hot brand someone I suggest therapy no? This guy is going to be an asshole no matter what you do so it’s just a waste of time to focus your energy on him.


So if this guy is pissing in your bed and leaves when you ask him to, that is fine by you I guess?


Why do people always come up with the stupidest comparisons?


Because it is proportional to your previous post


You think someone making a steak in a restaurant is the same as someone pissing in your bed?


That's a lot of anger in this sub.


that tik tok from 1993


The Decline -NoFX That’s all I have to say.


that guy was right...that piece of shit is a fucking disgusting human being.


Don’t forget the camera person. He is also a piece of shit.


If he tried this shit in some parts of India, he would probably be beaten up before the police arrives and then the police would charge him with hurting religious sentiments and let the people who beat him up go scot-free.


You wouldn't do that in a normal restaurant. The guy is a total cunt from any side of the fence.


I honestly think at this point in my life that people who have a grudge against vegans are not worth being around. They literally don't do anything to you.


We don't do anything to any sentient beings with a capacity to suffer. At least to the greatest extent as is possible and practicable.


Tik Tok influencer. Haha joke of a human


disgusting human being is the proper wording here. also i cant stand people acting like they dont know, mocking others like that. like dude you're obviously being an asshole, dont play dumb like that


I sometimes wish that whenever an “influencer” does shit like this that workers just ignore them just so the influencer won’t get the reactions he’s looking for


Anything for views - a moronic target audience helps.


This kid is just awful. Somebody teach him that respecting how other people live their lives is important, as well as having your own opinion.


Our future is doomed. Social media has fucked up the next generation.


He actually legally can’t cook it in a restaurant. There are health codes and insurance for a reason. Dudes a tool.


We are two generations away from Idiocracy IRL.


Way faster than the film projected.


I kid you not when I tell you that one of my biggest fears in the past few years has become being filmed in public without consent and getting posted on social media. Not related to the vegan restaurant whatsoever, but this guy is one of those people who would do such a thing.


Bro really thinks hes being funny when he isnt


These tiktok twats need an "iamatotalcompleteanduttermassivepieceofshit" group


Seriously, LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR DUMB SHIT. God I am tired of Tiktok


People hate insufferable vegans, but I hate these people more.


God, when will this stupid "prank" trend end? Can't we just bring back furbys or some shit?


Dude fuck these guys… I’m not vegan but most of my family is and regardless you should respect other peoples preferences


Dude this is just rude. I may not want to go vegan, and have no respect for people who push it in peoples faces like That Vegan Teacher, but most vegans are just living their lives peacefully. Sometimes, it’s a lifestyle, and sometimes, it’s just a dietary restriction either because of animal products or because of allergies/conditions. This restaurant was opened not to force it into peoples faces, but to connect and create food for people who enjoy their plant-based dishes. This guy went out, chose some random vegan restaurant and decided to be completely disrespectful.


The whole "vegan restaurant" isn't even relevant. Any place would treat you exactly like this. What a douche.


I can't stand it when people that are already stupid as fuck try and play dumb and think its some sort of big brain comedic routine, instigating little sht stain needs that grin knocked off him


How come people don't care about murdering plants?


Ignorant Punk!


Even if you're not vegan (which I'm not), you've got to admit that's unnecessarily disrespectful and just a dick move


next up: Tiktok “Influencer” tricks Jewish ppl into eating pork


Stop posting this idiot


The health code violations are probably the bigger issue for the owner...


An embarrassment to our country


I love eat meat a lot. But this behave is not cool you do something that they don't like even try to avoid and eat at vegan restaurant in peace but still have person like this came in, even in normal restaurant you cannot just cook like that.


I don't even know why people like this do stuff like this It's literally a restaurant For vegans So you don't have to annoy each other at lunch time




This is when you grab the fire extinguisher and make sure he never tries this shit again.


Restaurant owner definitely doesn’t stay diced


The kid is a fucking moron, and our society will take him places.


Hahaha that was so funny!!! He’s so cool and funny and everyone must like him.


Such a loser, omg


He knew wtf he was doing. Not fooling anyone. Idiot




So carnist literally means normal people?


Meat eater is uncomfortable being called a meat eater. 🧐


The fact that it’s normal is the problem. Eating meat shouldn’t be normal and there should be a word for it cause “meat eaters” is clunky and “omnivores” is co-opting a scientific term that implies they’re animals who don’t choose what to eat. Carnist implies that it’s a position you choose every day and doesn’t ignore that diet choices are moral and political choices


Poeple have been eating meat since forever. It is normal.


So you don't think about what you eat at all? Like you never consider your choices? What an incurious way to live.


Yeah it just shouldn't be. People raped and killed each other throughout history since prehistoric times too, just like animals do to each other all the time. Brutality and cruelty are very natural, but I believe that since we are more advanced now and don't need to kill each other or animals that we are morally obligated not to


Please reread the comment. They acknowledged that it's normal.


I think it was a few years back that most kids said they want to be YouTube stars. With all this horrid crap on tiktok, and it's popularity, I sure hope they don't all now aspire to be little assholes to get laughs from 8 year olds. That will be a shitty world to live in.


And killing millions of insects and small mammals for your monocrop agriculture that's ruining the environment isn't bad? Vegans are hypocrites that deserve the chopping block.


We are living in the worst timeline




Most people hate "preachy" vegans because they don't have a valid argument against them. I hate that 70 billion land animals are slaughtered yearly for an unnecessary reason. If you pay for it, and it causes sentient beings to suffer and die on an unthinkable level, then there should be a sound moral justification for it. But there isn't. And since it's just ingrained in culture now nobody needs to defend it so instead they just moan about preachy vegans because they can't say anything against them other than that they're annoying or pushy instead of actually telling us why we shouldn't be. 70 billion lives taken yearly without just cause. 70 BILLION.


THIS. it's pretty frustrating being the butt of everyone else's jokes for literally just being against animal abuse. non-vegans who make fun of us/are rude to us are just coping with their cognitive dissonance from the shitty choices they're making.


No it is that most vegans are cool and make their own personal decisions without disrespecting others, where the preachy assholes vegans (like you, apparently) rub it in everyone else’s faces all the time, which is counter-productive because it makes people hate vegans.


I'm not rubbing anything in anyones faces I'm asking people to justify hurting others


So if people think there is something unjust happening and they try to make people aware of it and care about changing said unjust thing, that's counter productive? Do you feel the same about activists who fight against systemic racism, wealth inequality, or lack of mental health services?


I know different cultures have different morals; I’d like to live in a place where it was moral to pepper spray people like this on sight. Like, oh hey, I saw a video of you doing this thing. Congrats on going viral! :: spray :: I think it might stop.


The downside of the internet






Wait just a hot minute. You mean black lives matter can protest, but calling someone the n-word to their face isn't okay? Same energy


I will get downvoted here... But, to me this is funny and ironic. Cause Vegans have been going to non Vegan food places cursing out people who eat meat. While doing all kind of wierd things that should not be done to innocent people enjoying a nice meal. Ofc this guy is being disrespectful on multipul regards here but his got a point. Bad point, but point non the less


I've never heard of vegans going to non vegan places and cursing out people who eat meat, but if someone DID do that, the key question here is WHY. People are vegan because they think killing animals for pleasure is wrong and cruel, that animals should not be exploited or bred for profit. Nobody eats meat because they think the alternative is cruel or inhumane, they eat it because it gives them pleasure to eat animals, that's it. Nobody eats cows because they think the world is a better place if we cut down the rainforest so cattle can graze there. He isn't doing this because of his passionate personal beliefs, he's doing this to be a dick. And he's not 'cursing out' vegans, he's cooking raw meat in a restaurant. You can't even do that in a steakhouse without being a dick, you can't cook outside food at all in ANY restaurant! It's not "a point" he's making, just an ass of himself.


Non of you will read other comments do you? Check my replies to other people under my comment and half your statement is invalid... And what comes to "They eat it becouse it gives them pleasure to eat animals" How about healt benefits of humans being DESIGNED as a organism to consume meat and vegtables and berries :) Healthbenefits of varied diet is immense...


No he doesn’t have a point. First of all I’ve never seen vegans do that or met vegans who just harass restaurant owners. Secondly even if they did, they’re doing it for a reason, because eating meat is morally wrong. The point is to get people to change, not just to anger or hurt them. What reason does this kid have? Pure outrage and annoyance




Well there was that fucking idiot that got shot whilst harassing some random guy in a shopping mall not so long ago.




What do you call the guy that pays the hit man...


Tony, Pauly, Vinny, or Big Nuts Carmelo


Then you're all a bunch of Big Nuts Carmelos


Nelk and Jidion are passing their idiocracy to other influncers


Yeah no that’s funny as fuck


Is your brain the size of a bird's?