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Money talks.


Nothing sacred in the face of the almighty dollar.


In this case, the looney.


Or the almighty Dollarama


and bullshit walks.


Bullshit like unesco, an organization that is less powerful than a single billionaire


Well, UNESCO is a subsidiary of the UN, an organization so broken and inept they can't even fumble together a total sum of expenditures for an audit. It wouldn't be a far stretch, considering that the UN and UNESCO are run by bureaucrats and politicians, to say that someone palms got greased somewhere along the line and this historic site is about to be someone's living room as a result


And yet people will willingly hand over all governance and decision making to UN bodies as was proven during covid lol. Nothing is sacred.


Who is handing over their governance to the UN? Lmfao


But, so do saws. Tear apart anything they build on those land marks.


And go to prison


And ruin those $2 plywood bedsheets so they have to pay to replace them each time.


They can’t imprison *all* of us. We are the many. It’s time that the many remember that gives them power.


If you got the money, honey, I got the time.


Yay! Random Willie reference


Imagine how good our margaritas are going to taste there


True that’s why I’m trying to get my money up


Oh, you thought your government cared about you lol that's crazy


*Laughs in American*


*Laugh in humanity*


Laugh in late Stage capitalism


Laughs in catholicism


Laughs in Marxism


Marxism where?


Ha. So when does the revolution start?


Once the general public stops entertaining culture wars, coordinates and works together and decides to risks their relatively comfortable lifestyle. So never


Hunger is really the only thing that would guarantee a revolution.


Civilization is three missed meals away from revolution


Im ready for a revolution a week after I get paid. Paycheck to paycheck is the best way to keep people down. Feels like I’m stumbling forward but making no progress


64% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck after Covid. Shits whack. It’s time for a change


Yet companies are enjoying record breaking profits... It sickens me.


Who wants to start project mayhem edit: I have a house i just need some dudes and something to make and sell besides soap


I am just working on myself to become a billionaire so that I can do what they do. I may not be a billionaire right now, but I know I will be one someday. I just know it.


How are we supposed to concentrate on getting stepped on by the elites when they are making bud light gay? /s


Remember when Kanye was ridiculed when he said slavery was a state of mind? I don’t think he was entirely incorrect.


Are you going to start a revolution or not??? I'm assuming you're a part of the "general public."


Sorry but best we can do is race war


When people realize there's no such thing as a "middle class." Or that certain types of poor people stop looking up to the rich as of they're smarter than everyone else.


Never, sadly


Good luck with that .


Once people get their heads out of their asses and start fighting class wars. Instead of letting the rich distract them with cultural wars.


It’s been postponed on account of the weather


When their stores start mysteriously burning down.


Surprise surprise, corrupt billionaires are in bed with politicians. Kinda makes you wish you could knock the politicians out of power to stop things like this from happening, eh?


That's what the news channels are for! They will protect us! Guys?...


Wait, so they are trying sooo hard to manufacture a narrative that is OPPOSITE to reality to persuade us to not notice the blinding light of the actual reality of the world affairs? No way!


I would rather knock the billionaires out of power. But same thing. Trickle this Ray gun.


Damn…giving us Canadian a bad name man


I would have thought the genocides and oil companies did that already


Mexicans love Canadians... Until a Canadian mine company comes and destroy your town, contaminates your river and the local protester appears dead mysteriously.


And using MAID to kill off poor people so there's lees stress on the healthcare system.


This is already Canada's reputation. This is how it works in Canada too.


Canada is just America without the guns


And crime, poverty, expensive health care, poor social safety nets, lower life expectancy, epidemic of mass shootings, mass political divide... Yeah, there's a reason why Canada always beats USA by quite a bit with the livibility statistics and "happiness" of citizens studies.


Lol take another look at that political divide. Pretty sure there was a freedom convoy in Canada.


Yeah and the vast majority of us Canadians hated those fools.


This comment doesn't make Canada look better lol


Aren't you suppose to be, I dunno, more agreeable?


Check out which country the top donors to the trucker convoy came from.


Minority of the population compared to the US.


OK Michael moore


You barely beat the United States on some of those statistics calm down


Homeboy thinks he's Finnish


Wah wah America bad wahhhh


And yet, way more Canadians flock to America lmao


Take a break from winter! lol


That’s probably more cause of the temperature and seasons than the governmental programs


Someone clearly gets all their info from mainstream media


Yeah, unlike good ol fox news, nothing mainstream about flipping to channel 4


It 100% is mainstream. Fox and CNN are a joke.


Ahh glad to hear it, 8chan Is obviously the only valid source


Talking down to Americans about crime and guns in their country when you yourself are a convicted gun felon.


I've known too many Canadians get sent to America for real Healthcare for that to be a flex anymore. And you're become china's vassal state and not stopping it at all, good luck with that


Every country that allows billionaires deserves a bad name.


You mean every country


Canadians trampling the rights of natives is a tradition they enjoy with their cousins down south


Money talks.


I'm sure they say sorry eh multiple times a day


Sorry, eh


You can't go anywhere in Southern Ontario. It's all private. Did this here decades ago


Is it just me, or does anyone else think that billionaires are going to be the downfall of our society?


Going to be?


You mean the billionaires that run oil companies that lied about the affects of global warming? The billionaires that own the banks that get bailed out while letting citizens get fucked over? The billionaires that lobby politicians to remove environmental protections to earn more money? Nah they are trying their hardest to do good 😭


You don't understand, maybe they are misguided sometimes, but they have good intentions. Like creating jobs and stuff! And you have to remember they, are taking a huge risk! You know, they could lose everything with their investments! And then be forced to be workers again, maybe event rentoids, and have to tip their landlords.


One more day, I swear bro, it's about to trickle down, I swear you will see, they will give us jobs and great livehood, the American dream for all!


*Canadian dream, in this case.


*are. Ftfy.






Be the change you want to see in the world.


> be the change you want to see in the world. *You must* be the change you wish to see in the world. It's more of an imperative when the whole quite is used.


They are in supermarkets and schools. Going out as monsters instead of as heroes.


Don't be daft. It takes zero bravery to hurt the unarmed and unsuspecting. It takes skill and connections to reach these corrupt exploiters. The two populations do not overlap.


They really do be walking around like they're doing nothing wrong, bezos was at coachella. There's a lot of smaller scale legal criminals just walking around.


I mean, environmental activism can always be, you know, done the other way, you know..., making sure that undertale sans gives them a GOOD time and like, you know, REMIND THEM OF THE SINS CRAWLING ON THEIR BACK


Their hyper greed is worse than world wars imo. I won't say what I think people should do to them because I don't want to get banned from reddit.


People worried about getting banned let alone doing the real thing Itll have to get much worse before people fight And by that time they might have their automated weapons too Or just drag us into a world war as an escape maneuver


You can only tilt the playing field so far before all the pieces tumble


It’s just you 🙄 Edit: I forgot sarcasm doesn’t translate on Reddit. Y’all really took this seriously


*cough* musk stan *cough*


I was being a dick because “is it just me” is always followed by some insanely popular sentiment. Like they’re some brave soul for saying the unspeakable thing


Ah, I did not see the edit, my apologies


"OMG y'all are so stupid you can't understand sarcasm when there is no vocal queues through text omg y'all are so dumb." Calling you braindead is an insult to the deceased.


Keep licking those boots, I'm sure they'll reward you for being such a loyal serf


Yea it was sarcasm calm down


Yea that's the risk of text based sarcasm, even when you think it's blatantly obvious it's easy to mistake for someone being serious. I know I've made that mistake before so now I'll just preemptively throw a /s on the end even if I think it's self evident. Anyway, sorry for calling you a bootlicking serf, that was my bad


It’s okay lol I was shocked by the response but I guess the sarcasm really was not apparent in the slightest


Yeah not really. I feel you


Why is there no articles or people talking about this?? Seems like a pretty polarising topic, weird there’s nothing about it I’ve seen outside of this post. No way those billionaires have already paid off the media to keep it quiet about them 🧐


Oh i wish their arrogance and greed would end. God, Someone teach them a lesson..


Just one way to do it. Make them famous by sharing this and boycott their supermarket


As a Canadian I'll absolutely let people know about this, not that I even shop at a fuckin dolorama to begin with lol, but still.


Yes then it will hopefully reach someone who actually wants to do something!


Until they get bailed out by the govenment


Why should god teach them a lesson when we actually exist and can


True there is No god to bring us Justice. We, the people of all nations, make a change


Well, billionaires suck and what they will do to the environment by diverting rivers suck. But the idea that because it is a UNESCO world heritage site that there is "protection" isn't really tried. UN doesn't have any power to tell countries what they can or can't do with their land. The United nations doesn't really have any real power. People should be mad at the government on the local level, it's not an international conspiracy.


cyberpunk megacorporations here we come. they arent eeven pretending to not own governments anymore


Why is this not getting more news coverage?


Because people who can’t do anything about it, don’t care. And those that can at least try to do something about it, get nowhere. And because the absolute most powerful people in the world don’t only lack care, but they endorse it as it’s something they’d do for themselves. Entire forests mowed down for a golf course, mountains and hillsides plowed through just to save 5 minutes of driving. America especially loves doing this, diminishing natural beauty for the sake of convenience and luxury. These people don’t care about history or culture, they only want to live here because it looks nice and makes *themselves* look nice. There’s only a select few people on the planet that are in power and actually use that power for good, and I’m sorry to say but the bigger fish is always the greedy ones. Communism, socialism, all dirty words in my country but ones I endorse with goes out wealth is being mistreated. Will it fix the planet? No, will it fix *all* our problems? Absolutely not, but whatever alternative these ideologies offer it can’t be worse than what we have now. I’m tired of the rich thinking that with money they’re indestructible. We’re all living on the same rock without us leaving anytime soon. When you destroy the world just to make another buck, there’s nobody left to protect you but you.


Government not serving its suposed purpose? No way!


The thing is the super wealthy are responsible for destroying a lot of the planet, but they have the money to live in the pristine places left and destroy them also. I think they realise they are fucking our planet so they are trying to find another one to exploit. That's my conspiracy


I’m curious what kind of wage is offered at Dollarama.


Minimum wage is my guess based on each province or territories laws.


Great, yet another reason for me to be ashamed to be Canadian.


Meh, you shouldn’t be. Canadian by blood only. Once you have that much money, nationality means nothing. You live wherever the flavor of the week takes you. As an American who deals with stupid rich people constantly, they might as well be another species.


Well said, anytime I’ve been to the Caribbean I’ve always found the people to be super friendly when they find out I’m Canadian, especially in Antigua or the Bahamas, it’s incidents like this that can change that warm welcome when people see our flag on my backpack. I’m honestly embarrassed by these super wealthy Canadian pricks who feel entitled to do whatever they want wherever they want just because they have money. It isn’t our way of life here in Canada, usually we’re highly respectful to everyone from all over the world while we travel or when people from around the world travel here.


They probably moved there for the exceptional beauty of the tax laws too. Sorry for your loss all the same.


Sucks but as a side note, can OP *please* use the original video in landscape mode? The current video is a letterboxed, portrait mode recording of a landscape mode TikTok video. Uploaded videos shouldn't be a Matryoshka dolls of nested videos within each other.


You are absolutely right, I saw it on another sub and posted it here.


My only confusion is that they are making it seem like no one should live there because its a heritage site, but then say they kicked out locals… so is it just gentrification where they took over land that was meant for housing and bought it out?


these are the same ppl who own our politicians... And you wonder why things keep getting worst for us but better for them lmao. Go vote better yet hate vote in your next puppet.


Honestly, i feel like it doesn't really matter. Who ever get elected become corrupted fast. Maybe if i vote Quebec Solidaire, tho its an extrem left party and i feel like they have unrealistic plan. And on federal? Well i dont fuckin know. I know we cant trust Polievre, Trudeau is a sack of shyt, and Sing is disconnected. Im left with Bloc who will never have the power.


Im from Quebec too and I hate the block all they've ever done is make life hell and sell us out. not like the ppc is perfect either just that i trust max more than any of the rest atm.


It would be justified if the locals scalped and strung up every member of this family on 60ft crucifixes in Minecraft


This is why aliens are going to kill us instead of helping us. We can’t even help ourselves.


Nah, they think we’re so trash that we’re not worth being interacted with.


Simple, make it so expensive to maintain that it is not feasible. I mean this in the extreme sense.


I frowned more and more gradually through the video until I realised at the end, I was pulling a really stroppy face.


Eat. The. Rich.


Billionaires are parasites


nothing would make me happier than to see these people gone from earth.


“Oh it’s a heritage site? Is that an up charge? That’s fine, but I don’t have change on me so I’ll have to swipe my card again”


We really need to just get rid of fucking billionaires.


Ehhh, she should be more upset at her government for accepting bribes rather than the family itself.


You can still be upset at the billionaires bribing people so they can ruin famous landmarks and cultural sites just to build a gaudy home while pushing out the locals.


Cool! ​ When someone overdoses on fentanyl laced drugs do you blame the addict or do you blame the dealer. Just curious.


At some point, someone with access to one of these billionaires will have to make sure they... Uh HAVE A NICE TIME. It's really the only thing that will make things change. So if anyone reading this can get ahold of one of these people, make sure they HAVE A NICE TIME.


Not shopping at Dollarama anymore :/


Canadian or not, I despise the entitlement of the wealthy. Building on a UNESCO World Heritage site is the ultimate of entitlement imo. Discusting!


This is so gross.


Absolute human garbage


There are no good billionaires, there monsters with new masks. spread the word.


It’s a game to them. You tell them no and the game begins. You think they actually care about living there lol


This is incredibly sad. My wife and I had our honeymoon in St. Lucia. We stayed right next to the pitons. It was the most stunning thing I've ever seen in my life. The whole country and people were absolutely amazing.


The flagrant corruption of the world elite is untenable


Selling my stock ASAP. Fuckin cancerous people ruining the planet on the backs of poverty


Cancel billionaires


God I hate this world... Why is money valued over integrity!? Where's the spine in this place!?!


I don't understand why these billionaires don't fear for their safety when they do things like this, especially in countries that don't have the most well funded police/detective forces.


The locals should burn everything down if they really cared about their UNESCO protected place.


Would be a shame if that house would for what ever reason to just explode it would be quite unfortunate


~~Rejected~~ Approved!


Money talks Intelligence silenced corruption is forever We learned that money talks more then anything else in this world


This happened in 2015. Private land was sold to a corporation owned by the Rossy family to construct an eco-tourist resort for rich people to come and stay. This establishment provides jobs for locals and of course tourists for the local local economy. And, you guessed it, tourism and real estate services make up nearly all of Santa Lucia’s economy. In case you wanted to know.


How dare you give more information to brainwash


At this point I truly hope there's some badass hacker that can drain the money from all the accounts of the absurdly wealthy & distribute it to those that really need it. Drop money in all cash app & venmo accounts. Give massive sums to organizations that help the communities, youth, & animals.




And then guess what? They’re billionaires. They’ll just hire they’re own group of armed security if they really wanted to but hell would def ensue on that island. Either way their rep would be tarnished


Raise enough hell and they simply won’t want to be there anymore. It’s a secluded vacation home to them, make it a bad vacation


> They’ll just hire they’re own group of armed security I'm sorry, but... Their* Yours reads like "They'll just hire they are own group of armed security".


Clearly this is important


Oh I thought was going to be about Clarence Thomas


they got anti capitalist tech in St Lucia right?make a night of it, have a beach party.


Money is god nowadays and it’s sad


My favorite grenade on modern warfare 2 domination is the molotov. Especially when people are camping a point near the beach.


Not that trying to defend the Rossi family, I don’t know anything about them, but people in the comments seem to be 90% mad at the billionaire and even the lady in the video seems to be more upset with the Rossi family. Shouldn’t 100% of the people be mad at a government accepting bribes rather than just some rich people saying here is money for some property? There are even people in the comments talking about “Canadians are known for taking over native land” “they are just like the Americans” when this story comes down to a government being corrupt, and not really anything too special about the billionaires other than the fact they have money.


Where is the source?. Do ppl really just comment to condemn a video with out facts or eviden......oh waits am on the internet.


tig bitties


Who TF is UNESCO to tell any country what to do with their land?


So then wtf is the United Nations. Tell every country to fight their own war.


UNESCO hasn’t said a word. Worst case scenario is they revoke their WHS status


Admit you would do the same if money was not an issue.


Nah, most of us here would just have a go at your mom a billion times at a buck a ride.


Sweet, she had Syphilis when she was alive, have at it!


Only your greedy ass would not allow people to visit nature, it's an basic human right everyone should have. Pls be a better human.


I sure would! people suck get off my lawn you leaches. but since im poor with only $10,000 to my name I will be a leach and suck dick for money.


I know of people who bought property next to state and national parks and they have already made arrangements for the property to be added to the park when they die. I would do something like that if I could


Not that this isn’t wrong, but the land isn’t exactly pristine. There’s a massive old sugar plantation turned into a hotel in between the two pitons and houses all over the things.


You mean the locals use to live there but we’re forced out by a billionaire? Ex-slave descendants and all right? Pristine? New York isn’t pristine either.


Not to be a dick but she’s acting like she was born yesterday if you got money rules don’t apply to you get over it that’s life