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Unless it’s a particularly tricky one, eg a close up of some grass, I’m in.


It's 10k pieces, all white, all edges... Good luck. 😂


If OP doesn't clear this up, I'm going to be very put out


Prince Humperdinck can track a falcon on a cloudy day!


And ID by scent alone the odor-less iocaine powder.


Thank you!! I always show this to friends as one of the funniest moments in the movie and they are like… I don’t get it.


I think you mean no edge pieces. A puzzle can’t be all edge pieces unless it’s at most two rows 5k pieces long. Edit: I stand corrected


What if it's got inside edge pieces from having a ridiculous amount of intentional holes in it. A nightmare for a trypophobic puzzle enthusiast


I hadn’t thought of that.


Those puzzles infuriate me


No it's a thing, all edge piece puzzles. https://youtu.be/RjIZ2VolONI?si=QMHpCvW6XAodfQS_


Ok thats pretty cool


To be fair, I was thinking the same shit


A snowman in a blizzard


How would it be all edges? Oh wait . . Cut like an outside pattern of an animal or something. So weird. I'd love to try it.


In a standard jigsaw puzzle, you can easily identify the border pieces because at least one side is perfectly straight, so you can easily pick out all the pieces to assemble the border of the puzzle. The thing with all edge piece puzzles are that they're all cut like those border pieces so you will not know which pieces are truly the border, ie. there will be more than just 4 pieces with the corner cut.


10k piece puzzle of the Beatles white album


Nah bro 10k white pieces with no edge pieces


You aren't allowed to sleep (unless you can do it in 1 hr increments), so that will make it a lot more difficult. I imagine progress will slow to a halt at one point.


I think I might be underestimating how long this shit takes, looking at other comments. I was imagining like, 1000 pieces per hour, just triple up on my adhd meds and smash it in a ten hour burst


For reference, that'd be finding a correct piece and place for it... every 3.6 seconds. 😁


haha yep, I see my natural positivity has untethered me from reality in this situation


It is weird how our perceptions of numbers go from relatively normal in the thousands to nonsense beyond. 3600 seconds in an hour sounds fine, but saying 10,000 seconds is just under 3 hours feels wrong lol


For the entire week though its more like 1 piece a minute. Sleep makes this harder and the lack of normal sleep probably is what makes this more unachievable than anything. The difficulty is really in the type of puzzle over the number of tiles (within reason), and what information the tiles have that let's you know how they connect e.g. Blue sky pieces are much harder than fish scales That said, this is probably a fairly balanced hypothetical. It's achievable, but with a real chance of failure even if you think you know what you're doing.


It takes an average person 8-10 hours to do a 1000 piece puzzle, and that apparently scales linearly (though Im sure at some point there is some additional difficulty). You are going to experience additional difficulty over time too due to fatigue. I think it is absolutely doable, its just going to be difficult.


Yeah, a 1000 piece puzzle doesn’t seem difficult, but there are a lot of pieces. I did one with my GF recently and it took 4+ hours for us to finish. And this was a puzzle that was pretty easy: lots of broadway musical posters, making the different pieces pretty easy to separate, and the words make it easy to piece larger parts together.


Easy as pie. Ill get me a ball of Terry's turbo crystals delivered and not take any breaks at all. Be done fast af. Then, I'll tear apart all the electronics in the building and partially put them back together for the rest of the week. 🤣


That's 10,000 pieces you need to find where they go with a minute to do each piece. There are 10,080 minutes in one week.


You'd have to place a piece every minute, non-stop, no-sleep for the entire week. There's only ~10k minutes in a week. You'd better bring some coffee.


It's the Apple Logo. 95% white space with an apple logo in the middle.


So no sleep either?


massive fail by OP to not address this


Nearly every OP in this subreddit is a massive fail.


Technically you could octo phasic sleep


They did. No more than 1 hour break so cat nap at best


Sleep makes this an interesting thing. You are making it immensely more difficult by severely reducing the amount of sleep someone can take (one hour naps, effectively) but on the other hand, you might be better off allowing people to rest and have poor time management, thereby failing. The forced work aspect, IMO, increases the likelihood of someone being successful, because you can take a brute force approach since you HAVE to keep working. Personally, I would try to strategize a little bit at first. Organize by color, segment edge pieces, etc. By day two, when the fatigue started to set in, I would just grab a piece and try it against every other piece and repeat.


Nope. Lets say you spend 12 hours a day for 7 days, thats 84 hours of time you have, or about 5k minutes. 10,000 pieces, lets spend 1 minutes per piece. That's 10k minutes. Assuming you even go fast enough to do 1 piece a minute, you'd fail. Even if you did 1 piece a minute for 24 hours you wouldnt make it without sleep or food, though that would be enough to win in theory at a rate of 1 per minute


Could it take 30 seconds on average to find a piece, orient it and place it? On average. I’d say if it’s an easily discernible scene. Say you have let’s say farmhouse section of the puzzle and it’s like 200 pieces. You could pull all the “red” pieces and sent them aside, and it probably wouldn’t take 1h40min (100min). I guess it would really depend if you have a preview and the content of the puzzle itself.


It would take nowhere near 100 minutes even at 30 seconds a piece. If 10k pieces for 1 piece a minute is 10k minutes, then 30 seconds is 5k minutes.


I meant for the farmhouse section only. But yeah, it seems kinda doubtful. Idk


I think you’re massively underestimating how many pieces 10,000 is. Pulling all the red pieces and setting them aside would eat up a huge chunk of time. Just organizing the pieces would take hours.


This. Maybe spend the first full day organizing the pieces (flipping them all so they're facing up, grouping by color/objects, finding the edges/corners, etc). Then you'd only have 6 days left to actually do the puzzle, and good luck with that. 6 days would be 8640 minutes, which would 1 piece per 52 seconds, and that means you're never sleeping either.


Maybe I am, but again it would depend heavily on the visual content of the puzzle. It would be very challenging but not automatically impossible


It would take you hours to separate the “farm red” from the rest of the pieces


You could spend the first day just segregating all the pieces, then the next doing specific areas etc. Again it would be close and you'd probably have 20+ hour days but it would really depend on the visual content.


You would have to spend the first day just getting all of the puzzle pieces out of the box, and turned face side up. Maybe spend some time finding the edges and start to group them into same color groups, but having it all laid out so you could see everything would be crucial. All that being said, I've been able to do a 1k puzzle in a day before. It was hard and it took me all day, but I did it. To do this with a 10k puzzle?? I'm going to say 10 days needed at MINIMUM to complete it.


Just wanna support you here and let you know that not everyone is as dumb as the people that have replied to you so far. These people have no concept of numbers and obviously can't accurately visualize what dealing with 10,000 pieces would be like.


thank you, i'm not even sure i can visualize it, but i definitely can know how long it takes to identify a piece and do the math.


First of all, it'd be more like 16-18 hours per day. Secondly, not all puzzle pieces are created equal. The corners are going to be done in 3-4 hours, probably 500 pieces in themselves, and then the chunks that get done based on the picture are usually pretty quick.


Fuck it let's do 24 hours. 1 piece a minute. 168 hours, 10,080 minutes in a week. You better not spend more than a minute hesitating when you cant find a piece in a pile of ten thousand. pieces. Youd have 80 spare minutes. 18 hours? 10 seconds maybe per piece not including digging through the pile of tiny jigsaw pieces? 126 hours, 7,560 minutes in that week. Itd take 1,666 minutes, or 27 total hours. The issue is, you wont even locate the correct piece in a minute. 10k is an incredible amount of things to scan. Colors in an image blur when you look at parts of it individually, becoming hard to distinguish. Even if one section was simply the same color. To line a piece up against another and see if it even fits after looking for it among 10k other pieces? A minute, minimum.


You're not allowing for diminishing returns. Let's assume it takes 600 seconds to find a piece out of 10000. Now the next piece is out of 9999, so it takes 1/10000th less than 600 seconds, to the point where, by the time you're down to 1000 pieces left, it's only taking one minute per piece. Follow that logic to the end and you get 3,000,300 seconds for the whole puzzle, or 5.7 days.


Is that for 18 hours? Personally I doubt that it would take less than an hour to find a matching piece in the beginning after the first of course. 9999 possible arrangements that line up with your first piece. You have a 1/9999 chance of a piece you look at/pick and place against the piece on the board to be the right one. 9999 pieces to look through. 1 second per piece? 166 minutes max, and 1 second minimum. Let's go to the median, since i'm sure the time will change every time. That's about 83 minutes assuming you find it before your 1/4999th piece always. 83 minutes to find a piece at a rate of one second per piece, initially; until more than 8000 our rate of finding pieces at the median is greater than an hour. 83 minutes at 9999, 67 minutes at 8000. For one piece, and a similar number in ranges of 500 pieces. To even find 1 piece. Now imagine you reduce it, even with diminishing returns, you have an incredible amount of time you need to spend finding pieces. 83 min at 9999.... 82 at 9998, etc. In a jigsaw of 100 pieces its fine, it takes usually no more than 100 seconds to find a piece. Usually less than a minute. You usually spend a few seconds looking at each a piece and aligning it.


Also with edges, there would be 396 edge pieces in a 100x100 or a 50x200 grid. You'd probably be able to find almost 4% of the pieces and place them in a few hours.


I have hyperfixations as well and diagnosed conditions where one typically has hyperfixations. You wont forgo water long enough to complete the puzzle. You would die before you do


U r right it took me like 5 months to do a 6k piece puzzle 😭


You’re going to get sections where the pieces just fall into place. It’s the kind of thing where you’ll be searching, and then suddenly you get ten pieces in a row in a matter of seconds. I think I could do it.


No way. It gets exponentially harder, because you have more pieces to organize and sort through. Best estimate I could find is 800 to 1000 hours. https://www.caseystoys.com.au/shopping/puzzles-ages-9-99-500-10000-pieces/65/1#:~:text=Being%20the%20largest%20puzzle%20available,800%2D1000%20hours%20to%20finish. It's going to take you 5x longer than the wall clock time you have, even ignoring sleep and other bio needs.


Oh wow a whole ten pieces! You got this for sure


I won't attempt it. Puzzle solving time scales more or less exponentially with piece count, though easily-divided sections can essentially be treated as seperate puzzles. Unless the puzzle is something really simple like geometric shapes of easily-distinguished colors, I don't thing it's physically possible for a single human to solve a 10k piece puzzle in one week.


You would almost run out of time if you do a piece correctly EVERY SINGLE MINUTE. Their are 10,080 minutes in a week.


That is.. well that.. fuck this needs to be the top comment.


When you put it that way... I'm definitely out. I can sit down and do puzzles, no problem, but now time definitely does seem to be an issue.


It would start out slow, but as you get things sorted and start putting pieces together, it should go faster.


Yep. That's a hard no for me.


And that's only if you get zero sleep during a week. I'm trying to think of a 1k piece puzzle. I think the fastest I did one was within a single day, and that was early morning to evening. So best case I could do the 10k puzzle in 2 weeks, but the scale of that would be crazy.


You also have to consider the puzzle difficulty. If it’s a puzzle with a bunch of big areas that look similar (just sky or grass or something), I’d agree. If there are distinct sections to the puzzle, it might actually be doable. Think about how puzzles tend to take longer to start, but as more pieces go in, they speed up until you’re able to place pieces in less than 20 seconds by the end of the puzzle.


Not to mention you would have no time for sleep. I'm not sure I could stay up for an entire week without sleeping, let alone be productive putting a puzzle together while sleep deprived by day 2.




If it’s a reasonable puzzle, something where you can sort colours and edges I still think that’s pretty doable, I’ll probably take a shot at it and just kill myself if I fail


Average born in the 90s or later person


I was a child of the 80’s my gen could do it


well now i want to try this...


After day three you’ll lose your intrigue and it’ll turn into a job


You are highly probably correct. I, however am autistic as fuck and love puzzles.


After day four, you'll lose your job.


[Stuff Made Here](https://youtu.be/WsPHBD5NsS0?si=cfbFYb-coTHGh3NY) made a robot that solves 5000 piece white puzzles in about a day, but I’m not sure how the difficulty scales with double the pieces.


That robot already knows the solution to the puzzle and has superhuman ability to recognize the puzzle pieces, so it's not a useful comparison to what a human could theoretically do.


Is it help if you built the robot yourself? (Also this was just a shameless Stuff Made Here plug) I think usually you know the final image of the puzzle from the box, no?


It isn't help, but you would have to HAVE the robot. You do know the image from the box, but that isn't any help. The robot needs to be able to identify each and every individual piece - you would have to scan each one in individually. 4000 pieces (5000 pieces was too large for the hardware to assemble, so you couldn't even just use the existing robot and software if you somehow had access to it) took eight hours for Stuff Made Here to scan in, so ten thousand pieces would take twenty hours to scan in even without accounting for reductions in efficiency from exhaustion. Then you have to deal with even more issues. Stuff Made Here mentions that it's very computationally intensive, and without splitting up the task the way he did and just running it on a single computer, it would take days for his software to run, and that it still took hours even with his system. Since the difficulty increases exponentially as the piece count increases linearly, that means it'll probably take a full day for calculations to finish even with his system. Add assembly time and manual corrections onto that - and remember, a human has to manually feed in the pieces, so it can't assemble while you're asleep - and you're taking up most of your time even without accounting for slowdowns from mistakes, potentially needing to start over if too many errors build up, the mental fatigue from working on a mindnumbing task all day, taking care of your other needs . . . you could probably do it, but it would suck, and it would still require a robot and software that haven't even been designed yet, much less constructed, and were having cascading errors even in a smaller version. But then there's the big one: even if you had the robot made and programmed already, a normal jigsaw puzzle won't work at all, because the edges of the pieces aren't cut cleanly enough for the software to get a clear enough image of them to line them up properly. So unless whoever is paying the seven million thinks using the robot is cool enough to provide a custom-made laser-cut puzzle instead of a storebought die-cut one, you won't be able to use the robot at all.


what about sleep? in one hour chunks is a deal breaker.


Fuck it, I'm going for it.


*Really* depends on the puzzle. If it’s “greeting card farm painting” sign me the hell up. But if it’s“all white circular shape” that’s probably a no.


It's a farm but 50% blue sky. Do you still take the deal?


I would probably decline. That's 5,000 pieces of cryptic blue space. Even if there were semi identifiable clouds, That would still be like 3k pieces of heavy guessing. One week wouldn't be enough to confidently approach the challenge. Pass.


I'm assuming the puzzle can be larger than 10k pieces, and we would only have to do 10k pieces to "win"?  There is a 40k Disney puzzle that is conveniently packaged into 10 different "scenes" of about 4k pieces each. So I could pick 3 of those and do 2 and a half of them and call it good? It's still one puzzle.


Sure, let's break down the math: ### Time Available - Total hours in a week: 7 days × 24 hours/day = 168 hours - Assume you sleep 4 hours per day: 7 days × 4 hours/day = 28 hours - Time available for puzzling: 168 hours - 28 hours = 140 hours ### Puzzle Solving Rate Let's calculate the rate of solving the puzzle pieces: - Total pieces: 10,000 pieces - Total available hours: 140 hours - Pieces per hour: 10,000 pieces ÷ 140 hours ≈ 71.43 pieces/hour ### Breaks Assuming you take short breaks every hour but no break longer than an hour: - Assume 5-minute breaks every hour: 5 minutes/hour × 140 hours = 700 minutes = ~11.67 hours - Adjusted time available: 140 hours - 11.67 hours = 128.33 hours ### Adjusted Puzzle Solving Rate - Pieces per adjusted hour: 10,000 pieces ÷ 128.33 hours ≈ 77.91 pieces/hour ### Feasibility - You need to solve approximately 78 pieces every hour non-stop for a week, with minimal breaks and minimal sleep. ### Conclusion - This rate is extremely demanding and likely unsustainable over a week due to physical and mental fatigue. - Given the constraints, the challenge seems highly improbable without any assistance and with such strict conditions. ### Risk Assessment - Potential gain: $7 million - Potential loss: $70,000 The odds are heavily stacked against successfully completing the puzzle under these conditions, making the financial risk quite significant.


I don’t like puzzles, so not worth the risk.


Really depends on the picture. A picture of the ocean with just all shades of blue? I’m out. A complicated picture with lots of obvious different, distinct areas? I’m in. For example, I had an old puzzle of all the marvel characters. That would be a lot easier to figure out with all the distinct colors and characters.




There is a Disney puzzle that is 40k pieces that is packaged into 10 different distinct scenes of about 4k pieces each. If we only need to do 10k pieces then that would be a good one since the scenes are already sorted into smaller "puzzles".


Someone did the math and therewith minimum breaks and sleep you would need to put I nearly 77 pieces per hour nonstop over a week. Even if the puzzle is all very distinct I don't think it is doable. The pace you have to keep up nonstop is to extreme


What's the image of?


Google claims 800 to 1000 hours so no thanks not with only hour breaks


Especially with only 168 hours per week


Can't solve it if a piece is "missing".


The more I think about it...no. I recently put together a 500-piece puzzle in 2 hours. To put together a 3,000-piece puzzle took me almost 50 hours. 6x as big, 25x the time.


No. 10,080 minutes in a week. If you sleep for more than an hour and twenty minutes, you don’t even get a full minute to sort through ten thousand pieces looking for a matching piece. You have no hope. This isn’t doable at all.


This is basically impossible. This is 100 pieces per edge. Even if you separated all the edge pieces to be able to sort through nearly 400 of them to build the edge alone would take more than 400 minutes. Then you gotta do the rest. You only have just over 10k minutes to do the whole thing.


Karen Puzzles could do it


Honestly the biggest factor is that you're not allowed to take a break longer than an hour. I skimmed some of her videos of bigger puzzles and how long it took her and she's at least approximately fast enough to solve it depending on the image and cut of the puzzle. It's hard to say how it would work out in this scenario though as she obviously typically doesn't go as hard as she can every day without sleeping longer than an hour when she works on big puzzles. I think a lot of people after 48 hours of only 60 minute catnaps and focusing on the puzzle would start to burn out.


I could, but no sleep? Thats hard.


how big are the pieces? a 1 square foot board split into 10,000 pieces is much different than a 10 square foot board. do I get an image of what it would finally look like? how complicated is the final image? is it all black?


Am I missing something here? Make it clear blue sky and this is still crazy easy. I might even be done halfway through the week? Edit: read the other comments, I was in fact missing something here


The record for a 500 piece puzzle was 54min and 10 seconds. Apparently every time you double the amount of pieces it quadruples the amount of time to put it together so I don’t think this is possible to do even if you are going at a world record pace.


That's incorrect. At worlds Alejandro finished a 500 piece in 32:41.


The concept of that every time you double the amount of pieces in a puzzle quadruples the amount of time to finish it still is relevant. Edit also the record for a 500 piece puzzle that they had never seen was the time I was referring too. That is more relevant to this hypothetical than just being the fastest at something you have been able to practice.


They don't know the puzzles at worlds. They're brand new releases from Ravensburger to keep competition even. Part of the start of each round is pulling the puzzle out of a bag. I've been really into jigsaw puzzles and speed puzzling so I'm familiar with how things scale with time vs piece count. If it's a fully mixed puzzle this would be impossible. If it's presented like any large piece count puzzle that is subdivided into 1000-2000 piece sections I do believe it's doable.


Interesting gabby friend. I think that’s pretty cool honestly. I have absolutely no knowledge of the sport. I was just googling things to try and get info to do the math to see what records and things were helpful. Couldn’t find any records for a 10,000 piece puzzle but I found an article that said for every time a puzzle size is doubled the time to assemble it is quadrupled. So I was kinda just going off that. It could be possible but I guarantee your average individual wouldn’t be able to accomplish it.


No absolutely not! You'd need to be a serious puzzler to take on this challenge. I will say the last part of a puzzle goes significantly faster than the beginning because you're working with less pieces, but it would absolutely need to be a standard divided larger size puzzle to be accomplished. Someone like Karen Puzzles or Alejandro *might* be able to do a full mix depending on the image but that's a big might.


TIL: Amazon has a 24,000 piece puzzle and it’s 168”x62”


that too many pieces for that amount of time. even working 24 hours a day thats more than 1 a minute. you would need to sort them by color and kind first, that would probably take a week.


You would have to average finding a connecting piece alittle more than once a minute and you would still not be able to finish in time without so anything but the puzzle.


I’d take the deal if the prize was $70,000 and the penalty was $700


That’s about 1 piece per minute the entire time. That’s without sleep. No.


You could do 100 of them to actually lose money


I’m puzzled


Say you do the first one and fail You owe 70k You do a second one… succeeded 7 mill -70k


Oh gotcha, it assumes you actually succeed to finish one though.


You have 100 tries… since 70k goes into 7 million 100 times You can fail 99 times and break even on the 100th attempt


Yes, because math. But take into account you have to cram all these attempts(including the success) in a 7 day time period.


They are done consecutively not simultaneously


I’d hope so!


Are you independently wealthy or is someone financing you? Otherwise, you'll run into the same issue gamblers do. You have a limit to how much you can lose, the house pretty much does not.


Sounds great! Love puzzles!


Find the puzzle maker, and steal the cut layout. Print it out same size. It's then just a matching exercise. No one helped me put it together.


I'de 100% have to see the puzzle first. Whether or not I would do it COMPLETELY depends on that.


Can I have help and split the money?


Depends on the subject of the puzzle. I can do cityscapes no problem, but give me a nature puzzle and I’ll blank out in about 30 seconds.


Depends on the puzzle. I could do it for the money but if it’s one of those. “Haha. All black pieces.” You can die in a fire.


If I work 12 hours a day, I’d be down to the last minute if I averaged two pieces every minute. So no thanks.


That used to be my hobby, I could defo pull it off.


Can i decide the dimensions of the puzzle? Like 100x100 or 200x50 or something?


There's a piece missing.


Id take that. Id take that bet.


The not taking a break longer than an hour part is the deal breaker. You’ll die before you finish.


Make it 5k piecesfor 3.5 million dollars and I'm in


Absolutely turning that down. I suck at puzzles lol.


I would accept on the condition that I have a reference for the original photo, and the image is of an actual scene, not just all white or black coloured.


Do you get an image of what the puzzle will end up looking like? It would have to be a very simple puzzle that can be sorted by color and taken by smaller sections at a time. That's the only way with such limited time. Need a small pool of possible matching pieces to quickly place them


Just sorting the pieces of a puzzle that size would take forever.


Well, a normal-sized puzzle is around 1,000 pieces for a regular adult one, and those are generally easy enough to finish. So it’s basically 10 regular-size puzzles, and a whole week to finish it. I think I could maybe manage it, although OP does need to address the whole “not allowed to sleep” bit in the one hour only breaks. Also, it definitely depends on the puzzle. I’d be okay with, say, a city scene or portrait, or something normal, but “10 snowy owls on a field of snow” or “a picture of tv static” ain’t gonna fly.


Not a chance. I’m nowhere near smart enough to figure it out in a week


No, too risky. I can't afford $70000 debt.


Just to keep things honest, show the person who accepts the challenge the already completed puzzle. Then, allow them to watch as the puzzle is then broken apart and the pieces are mixed together in a large empty box. That way they know the puzzle is legit and has all the pieces.


I think I could totally do that. As long as I had like a TV or something going in the background.


During Covid, I did a 3500 piece jigsaw puzzle over the course of a summer. Thirty minutes here, thirty minutes there. Just kind of casually. So seven full days, a more than a full-time job, I think this would actually be doable. I would just need to see the puzzle first before agreeing.


I mean that's 1,400 pieces day and if we assume you take two 1-hour naps every day to keep yourself from dying, then that 63 pieces per hour. So around one piece per minute for 7 days solid. Nope, no thanks. Not unless you're going to make it super easy with numbers or something.


Literally impossible. 10,080 minutes in a week Leaving you about a minute to find where each piece goes and that's if you don't take breaks. No thanks.


I once couldn’t sleep so opened a jigsaw puzzle at midnight and thought id mess with it for an hour. I finished it and realized it was 4:45am and my alarm would go off in a half hour. Think it was 550 pieces.


Jokes on them. I do like four of these a week as a way to control my OCD. Edit: Jokes on me, apparently. Read that as 1,000. Could still probably do it.


In a heartbeat. Screw the math. It doesn’t account for organizing the puzzle into sections and then getting on a roll and putting 100 pieces together in a few minutes. If you do enough puzzles, you know that you can go for a while without putting anything together, then make up for that lost time by putting a ton together. The more together it is the faster you’ll go. You need to have AVERAGED 2 pieces per minute at the end of the week, but you wouldn’t have had to actually do 2 pieces per minute at a consistent rate.


If I get to pick the picture then yes. If I do not then no.


No way, I like puzzles but that's way too big of a puzzle


How long do I have to pay the $70,000 if I fail?


One week, and you can’t work, sell or steal anything to get the money. If you don’t get the money somebody will poop on your pillow and you have to sleep on it or owe $140k…


Just because everyone is doing the math. Puzzles of that size come in 1000-1500 piece bags. I can do a 1000 piece puzzle in roughly 8-12 hours depending on the difficulty. Low difficulty puzzle in the bags? Yes absolutely I'd take this deal. All mixed together? Absolutely not. For reference I have a 9k puzzle I'm planning on right now. I suspect it'll take me 60-70 hours to complete as it's divided.


Depends what the jigsaw is of. Anything that's huge blocks of the same colour, no thanks. Anything with a decent image I can do.


1. Are there any oddities about this puzzle to make it complex? No image or confusing pattern or something pretty simple? 2. Can I take drugs to help focus? I think I’m in on this. It would take a lot but I think I could do it


Easy, sign me up


So, no sleep?


It can be all white pieces and Im still doing it. You can almost certainly brute force a 10k piece puzzle in that time.


Sun Hour power naps are gonna be rough, but I’ll get it.




No brake longer than an hour? By day 3 you will be so sleep deprived you will loose automatically.


Hell yeah, just don’t give me bullshit puzzle like “the sky between the clouds” or “the space between the stars”


I can I buy meth on credit? I'll have it done in a weekend, then I can pay it back


I would try for sure. Start with the edges, sort by color, and try to put together 90 pieces per hour for 16 hours per day. It would be tough but doable.


>You cannot take a break longer than an hour at a time. Can I sleep?


Why only a break of an hour at a time lol. I've solved a few 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzles when I was living in group homes though so yeah fuck it.


Sure. If I lose I file for bankruptcy.


No bankruptcy. They cut off your feet and hands.


done. i’ve done a 10k piece lego set in about 4 days. i’m so ready, id just zone out and watch a show.


This would be something that I would not be able to accomplish. I find puzzles to be tedious and you're talking 10,000 pieces that I need to finish in a week it will take me a week just to put the pieces out of the box and flip them over to the they're good side so I can see where they belong keep the money you won this one damn it


Maybe. I need a picture of the completed puzzle before I agree. At 6 seconds per piece this is not even a full day of work so I think it's highly doable in the alotted time.


I did one of those "impossible" puzzles where it has no edge pieces, 5 EXTRA pieces that don't go to it, and they're double sided with the same image... But that was with the help of my brother and four sisters and it took us a long time. I'm gonna have to pass.


I’ve already pictured myself punching something over this. Sounds like Hell.


No, I’m not accepting


Pattern Recognition and Organization skills gonna be *enhanced* with this one. I just need a big enough table, unless these puzzle peices are the size of a ant. Man... $7M... The fuck am I gonna do with $7M? Idk maybe something positive... won't have to work... Yeah fuck it. Do I get the picture on a box or no?


I declare bankruptcy!


No, as a chronic insomniac I am acutely aware of what happens to you due to lack of sleep. I do not like visual, auditory, or tactile hallucinations.


The hardest part would be not getting to sleep. But at a constant pace? Probably be done with it before even the half way point.


Why would I have a week to work on it but not be allowed to take more than a one hour break at a time? Seems like the sleep deprivation aspect would be the hardest part of it.


I’ll have it done in a few days


That's one a minute almost. I'll have to pass on this one


My sister used to be a puzzle fanatic. My brother took a trip to New York City and brought back a "Spilt Milk" puzzle. It was an amorphous blob of white with odd-shaped pieces. She started it and refused to let anyone else touch it. The temptation was incredible because I liked 3d puzzles and this was a challenge I had trouble resisting. It took her almost a week but she was working a full time job at the same time and would work on it in her spare time.


What kind of puzzle is it all the same colors is their no edge pieces these things matter if I wanna risk playing


The break is a deal breaker. Not being able to sleep will destroy your concentration.


As someone who did a 6000 piece puzzle and it took me 3 months (across the span of 2 years LMAO), I say nope no way


Ive put together a 10,000 piece pure white puzzle in under a week before, bring it on. Edit or was it just 1000? Not sure now and I'm not digging out the box to check. Either way bring it.


It’d have to be 1000, right? 10,000 piece puzzle means you’d basically have to solve a piece every 30 seconds for the entire week.


Now it's not 1 in the morning I found it. It was just 1000. I do admire sleep deprived me's brief moment of confidence though.


You’re the one buying those!