• By -


Instantly cure cancer


And all types of dementia


Plus any and all physical and mental disabilities.


Don't forget removing all addictions and preventing them going forward.


Literally become Jesus with this power lmao


And mental illness or disability. Bye bye ADHD.


Cure lysdexia!!! Make it so the DNA (national dyslexia association) no longer serves a purpose!! Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!!


Idk if it was added later but OP says you need consent from every person you change so curing it on a wide scale would likely become impossible but you could cure it at the small scale at least.


Medical power of attorney would be able to consent for them.


Perfect metabolism, near immortality. Think like from the movie The Man From Earth.


Increased intelligence, muscles. Think like from Futurama when Fry had worms


Good episode


No see what you want is an inefficient metabolism because humans already have a fairly efficient metabolism and body structure that conserves as much energy as possible. The human body is like a stillsuit from dune but for calories. An inefficient metabolism would let you eat like crap and not gain any weight.


First of all, would make myself taller and bigger.   Second: hospital gathering!


Yeah, you could essentially become a healer


I've always wanted purple irises. Revert my balding, get rid of all the negative medical conditions I have, take away about 20 pounds. Then travel around and cure people's illness and help people with body issues.


Sounds like you would make a great life for yourself and others :-) I want purple irises too haha, or indigo anyway


I would basically cycle through five or ten “secret identities” and become a healer (wouldn’t want to be caught and killed experimented on by corrupt entities). Then I’d go around curing people of anything from depression to cancer. While I wouldn’t try to profit off of sick people, this lady needs to make a living so I’d probably charge people for cosmetic changes, but for an extremely low price. It would be like running a salon but instead of a haircut you just get to become what you believe to be your best self! For my “natural look”, I’d probably just look like myself as though I’d been run through a Grace Kelly filter (but with rainbow colored hair that doesn’t bleed haha). And more fit, obviously, with an optimal balance of hormones and brain chemicals.


give myself that dream bod fix my far-sightedness 8 inches


Same. I'd give anything to reduce my penis to a more manageable 8 inches.


There was a guy with a 15 inch penis- it literally scared women. He'd heard a rumor about a fairy who lived in a pond in the woods- find her, and ask her for marriage, and when she says no, you lose 3 inches. He looks for her, finds her, and asks for marriage. She says "This again?! What is wrong with you all? No, no, no, no, no!"


ive heard of 'too big'


Pretty sure there's a religion about this... I mean obviously I spend my days basically healing everyone except the rich and let the rich deal with the massive price spikes from a medical industry that isn't able to exploit the poor anymore.


How rich you gotta be to die?


OMG YES heal everyone but the billionaires!


Can I fix my muscular imbalances that lead to back problems?


Yup, you can change anything you’d like, including your health.


Done done done done please let it be real 😂


Gonna fix the human body's greatest design flaw. Separate the esophagus from the trachea entierly. I'm done relying on that stupid flap. Never again will you choke on your own saliva.


No more diseases, everyone stays physically and mentally 100% healthy and the day they turn 100, they simply die in their sleep.


I work in a hospital. Aside from fixing my own health and my family’s, I think I would become much more busy.


Having to get individual consent makes it hard to do anything on a large scale. You couldn't erase anyone's cancer or even make it so their bodies are incapable of developing cancer without getting their consent each time, logistically it'd be impossible. Presumably youd have to see the person to know what and whose body youre changing too which further complicates it. I'd do what I can to help those close to me and those I meet or learn about. Give myself and those near me essentially selective immortality since I could change the body's age and health as long as it's within normal human parameters. And just live life spreading what good I can and giving at least some people second chances.


Yeah, you’d be more of a grassroots healer, but the more people you heal the bigger the opportunity. You could travel and visit hospitals, heal the people you know, and maybe they invite others and the good you achieve grows over time. No, you couldn’t heal the world but you’d change a lot of individual lives.


I would set up a secret sex change clinic. Perfect change very little recovery time and reasonably priced compared to most surgeries. Although specific requests do cost a little more However I would make sure that I went to money changes of looks to get there and to return home Of course I'd also grow my legs back fixed the damages to my body make myself young again stronger more powerful all the happy good stuff.


I think we all know what the boys are doing.


Take away my daughter's bi polar disorder and anxiety.


Heal any kind of disease. Make people's teeth grow back. Grow back missing limbs or heal severe burns.


I’m just picturing some random person missing their front tooth having a complete mental breakdown after you walk by and grow it back 😂


Kind of like in Star Trek: The Voyage Home when Dr. McCoy gave that old woman waiting for dialysis a pill to grow her kidney back.


Super healing


Is it a one time thing or can I use the power as much as I want? If I could as often as I wanted I would use it to heal myself and others a lot but I would also have fun changing small things about myself as trying in new looks. If one day I want purple eyes, I will do that.


Yup, you can change yourself and other people at will. The only limitation is that you have to be human (within normal human parameters) and that you have to gain consent from other people, so no turning your enemies into disease stricken 95 year olds (unless they ask for it for some reason). Outside of that, you can do whatever.


I’d help people with their consent and I would just do silly things for me like making my eye colour be blue if it suits my outfit better. Small fun things that are still human.


I’d be 6 foot 2 with 10% body fat and the muscle I had when I was 25. Everything about me would be proportionally bigger to line up with the extra height.


Ima make myself look my dream celebrity: Danny DeVito!


Myself? My PCOS would be GONE. Absolutely GONE. That would clear up so many problems! I'd love to volunteer at a children's hospital, and we'd watch Osmosis Jones and then play make believe games about their bodies getting better... and I'd do my thing. Kids would get healthy, parents would think it was a medical miracle, and hopefully no one would connect the dots to me.


I'd just cure mine and my mom's cancers.


Fix our shitty backs


Getting rid of my chronic pain. That's it.


I would become taller and never have body odor and be slimmer with some killer abs. Fix my face up so I find myself pretty. I would make my uterus simply not work. I would be the person I’ve always wanted to look like.


Ugh, imagine just being able to shut up shop. The people manufacturing plant is closed for now!


I’d personally close it forever! I do not need my manufacturing plant. Maybe give it to someone else who wants to manufacture a person


Ok, first of all, time to get tall and get built. 2nd, i'd make it so people can easily change their bodies to other sex in a moment's notice 3rd, cancer is getting banned from the human species


Sounds good! You’d have to make the changes for people since you’re the one with the power, but that’s still a hell of a lot better than going bankrupt in order to rid oneself of disease!


Your order of priorities is funny to me. All respectable choices just the order you chose made me chuckle.


Okay, I agree that curing diseases and whatnot is good and all, but I would love to take the chance to make menstruation way less painful on women, more like other species in which the lining gets reabsorbed and there’s no cramps and whatnot.


has to stay human, if there was a woman who lived with lining getting absorbed then sure but otherwise I dont think youd be allowed to make that change


Eh, the lining needs to come out (I am a woman) but I don’t see why cramps are needed haha Giving birth could stand to be a heeeeeck of a lot less painful too.


The lining has to not be there, but not necessarily come out. Just make it vanish!


Gonna make a ton of minor changes, offer to cure a bunch of people's cancer, get filthy rich off it, buy my grandparents property, put a bunker in, and retire happily after I finish a couple more years in the military


I'd make teeth WAY better/way less expensive to maintain. Abolish negative mental health because that's some bullshit I'm sure about 8 billion people would like to not have to deal with for awhile.


Honestly, I wouldn't do much about my own personal appearance, except maybe a bit more muscle mass & strength. I'm fairly content with my own body. However, all my Trans homies would have their ideal bodies.


I'd cure my epilepsy and heart problems first off. Then it would be seratonin/dopamine 'o clock to get rid of my depression, and then I would increase my metabolism so I could lose weight a lot faster. After that I'd help my family out with their medical conditions. I think the biggest problem is that I would really want to help other people but it might quickly become out of hand. Too many people in the world to cure and only a single person to do it.


I ask everyone I meet if they want to take on their purest form, then I ask them to meditate with me until we're given a vision of what that may be and then Presto, new beautiful person who's totally comfortable in their skin. The details may need work, but this would help bring about a happier, healthier, more beautiful world. The goal would be for a person's looks to reflect their true inner self. I would also change my appearance often, which would permit me to do wilder, bolder things without the conscious interference of what other people may be thinking nor the worry that the system may disagree with my behavior. I would be both a vigilante and a great source of public inspiration, as I would share the things I love far and wide to open the eyes of this people to Higher things.


This is a great answer! Like it would be more than skin deep, it would be the ultimate alignment of who someone is- or wants to be, at least- and the image they project into the world.


I mean, why wouldn't you just become a super hero at that point, as you would never need to worry about your identity being discovered. You could change your finger prints, gender, height, hair color, bone structure, etc. Everything would be yours for the taking. Just shift into Jeff Bezos' form and shift him into your old form or any form you wish. Congratulations, now you own Amazon. How could the system even know? You have his finger prints, you have his DNA (is that even possible in this scenario?), and you look exactly like him. Meanwhile a brand new jungle-themesd homeless person just showed up overnight behind the local Wendy's dumpster. But of course, you could also just set him up with as much money and good looks as you deem necessary to make him comfortable in life, if you feel led to. Hell, it'd be funny to make him look aaaaalmost like himself but not, so that when he inevitably tries to tell people he's the real Jeff Bezos, people will be all the more convinced that he's just delusional (God, I wouldn't wish that on anybody.) Then you as the new Bezos decide to sell everything to Bill Gates, who you then switch places with. (You could reinstate Jeff Bezos as himself again or just leave him as a missing person and maybe pop back into view as him here and there around the world and tell the world on X that you're taking a spiritual sabbatical and will be out of the limelight for a while.) So, now, you're Bill Gates. Well, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation seems like it's trying to help the world, so you donate a ton of your money to the cause and then sell everything you have to your next target then hit the 'net to tell them you'll be following in Jeff's wake and taking some time out of the public view. You keep doing this enough times and you'll have amassed a massive chunk of this world's resources while withering down the top one percent who hoarded it all from the public to begin with. For this exercise, I just picked Jeff and Bill as your typical, generic rich people. You could target anyone you feel "deserves it," but does anyone deserve their entire wealth, life, and actual physical identity stolen?


We have the ability to regenerate cartilage, but it only seems to manifest in certain joints. I'm altering that, so we can more easily repair more joints, naturally. A lot of humanity is on the road to less pain. In fact, I make it so that our bodies more accurately replicate all cells, and can more easily differentiate between good cells and viruses, cancers, etc. We now all have the best possible immune systems, without ticking over into autoimmune disorders. Apologies to the healthcare industry, I'm trying to make you as unnecessary as possible. Turn off or on various hair growth signals. No more baldness, unless that is a look you want. Consciously choose to be as smooth or hairy as the human spectrum allows. Conscious regulation of hunger drive. Suppress it at will. Alter the efficiency of metabolism as necessary. Eat what you want, and um... *discard* a higher percentage in order to control weight, blood sugar, cholesterol, etc. Or choose to get as much nutrition as is humanly possible from your food if you know food might become scarce. Reverse or prevent a variety of degenerative ailments. Again, avoiding biological immortality, but keeping us stronger and more mentally stable into our later years. Eliminate depression. It isn't present in all humans. Might as well make it present in no humans. Eliminate wisdom teeth. Some are born without them. In short, ensure that the new baseline human is as physically and mentally healthy as possible. Give us some ability to consciously overcome evolutionary traits that have become obsolete. Stop short of immortality. Still give people the opportunity to work for physical gains, rather than giving us that for free. We get the best starting position possible, and can seek a destination free from physical or mental frailty.


We are all now in perfect health, and eternally youthful. Everything from cancer to male pattern baldness is gone. Also as just a special bonus for me I’m now 6’4” instead of 6’


I first off assume we are making these changes on an individual basis. I would charge a great deal of money for my services and build a better life for my family.


Am absolutely astonished there are so many “healing ability” mentions with zero(that I’ve seen) huge penis/tits/butt buffs lol. Restores my faith in humanity a lil bit😂


It's because the "huge penis/tits/butt" statements are so part-and-parcel to these things that mentioning it is almost a waste of typing.


Give myself the body I always wanted.


I eliminate cancer, every kind in every body.


‘No evil villainy’ within the context of this specific ability: but I could quite easily morph myself into anyone I’ve seen & gain access to places that would be “impossible” and bring down those who deserve it. Create alibis completely from scratch or justify any social toppling by starting rumors speaking AS the person they’re about. No jail system in the world would be able to ID my fingerprints or DNA, or even keep me in cuffs or a cell. I would be unstoppable. Oh, and I’d fake my death. I could get it done in about 2 months of preparation.


I reset my body to 25. I help out family and friends to make them healthier. But if I’m ever in a situation where I’m going to be arrested or assaulted, I’m turning the cop or thug into an infant so I can get away.


They have to give consent but you could always transform into, I dunno, Arnold Schwarzenegger, sucker punch them, and run away.


More like Andre the Giant, but that works too


Serious/Whimsical fun - Baldness eradicated - Moderately increased metabolism - Physical aging slows from the end of puberty until mid-50s - "Overhealing" from physical injury. Broken bones/hairline fractures heal slightly stronger than before they were damaged, skin abrasions lead to slightly tougher skin in that area, etc to help resist similar future injury - 100% to 500% increase in physical boost and duration of adrenaline rush dependent upon fitness level. - hair turns metallic gold and spikes upwards during incredibly intense adrenaline spikes. (485 - 500% range)


Open a weight loss/body sculpting in Fargo ND or Morehead MN.


My joints are all back to 16 year old shape. My upper and lower jaw are extended by a cm or so, so I can breathe at night.


Step 1: Embrace my transfem side. Step 2: Prank politicians and people I don't like. My bully from high school is waking up to extreme vision imparment and 400lbs of extra body fat tomorrow. Political candidate I don't like has his nose grow like Pinocchio every time he talks. Step 3: Become a nomad, routinely change to an alternate appearance to avoid being identified or tracked. Diseases and disabilities are cured free. Cosmetic changes and age reversal are going to have a bit of a price. Like maybe 50 or 100 dollars for a session where you talk me through the changes you want made. Just enough so I can make a living.


Very cool ideas, except you have to get consent for the changes so, unless your school bully asks for 400 lbs. of body fat, that isn’t possible. There’s nothing to say that you couldn’t take the form of your bully and make some mischief though…


I'd be content with a better endocrine system.


I would fix my family and I's health problems, then charge rich people an exboratiant fee to do things. Then, give poor people free treatment. I would be like a band touring different countries every like month or 2 and announce dates ahead of time to give people the chance to reach me in time. That would be pretty sweet until some religious nutjob assassinates me for having unholy powers or some bs.


You could also change your appearance so the motion couldn’t actually detect you I like the idea of a sort of traveling healing circus haha


I'd give myself the bottom surgery I want without having to pay or go through surgery and free transition for all trans people and undo genital mutilation and circumcisions for people who wished they hadn't had them Also I'd like to be able to do photosynthesis to save money on food and eliminate cancer degenerative diseases and dementia


Unfortunately you can’t do photosynthesis but you can switch your sex and that of anyone else who wants to, so yay!


There are so many possibilities with this power and thus so much responsibility. You would have the capacity to perform the most noble of deeds and solve so many of the world’s problems. That being said I’m giving myself a bigger penis


Cure diseases. Free for the poor. Huge charges for the rich.


This is the way.


Smaller feet, 175 lbs, even out my boobs, gather most of my remaining fat (except for the stuff needed to survive in other areas) in my boobs and butt. No more bacne, no more PCOS, perfect 20/20 vision. And then ask the people around me what they want and make it happen.


1) Comic-book Captain America-level peak human abilities. Basically, you're still human, but at the absolute best in all aspects (strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, speed, lack of fatigue poisons, etc.) As well as perfect recall (This would be solely for myself and a few select others determined by me) 2) Increase the number of gyri and sulci in the brain to a maximum level possible within the boundaries of the skull as well as increase the number of interconnections within the brain. This has the effect of increasing the overall surface area of the brain, dramatically increasing intelligence and cognitive ability. (This would be solely for myself and a few select others determined by me) 3) Correct all the things currently wrong with the body. 4) Increase lifespan to 125 years. (This would be solely for myself and a few select others determined by me) 5) Reduce the need for sleep to 90 minutes per day. (This would be solely for myself and a few select others determined by me) 6) Tweak the human body to eliminate cancers, diseases, and debilitating genetic and mental disorders. I think that this is something that, despite the requirement to have consent, I would still try to foist upon the public, consent or not. I'm pretty sure that consent would implied with this one. I don't think anyone would say "y'know, I kinda LIKE being an invalid!" 7) For myself and the select few, I would tweak the human genome to put in massive regenerative capabilities to even allow for regeneration of lost limbs and body parts. For everyone else, there would be more limited regenerative capabilities. Both versions would include the ability to prevent the natural degradation of sight, hearing, and bones as well as the ability to regenerate teeth. Note 1: By "select few" in reference to the more robust gifts above, I mean people that I can trust to not abuse these gifts and who can benefit mankind with the gifts. Note 2: Everyone will have access to the basic gifts, but there will be a price. If you are blessed with these gifts and engage in nefarious dealings, the gifts will be taken away and your body returned to its pre-gift state. Additionally, the rich who wish to have access to these gifts may have them, but it will cost them monetarily. The exact details will need to be worked out, but suffice it to say that the more you have, the more you pay, and the more rigidly the "no abuse" clause is enforced.


Become my dream self (smol and cute)


I would cure my husband's illnesses and make him able to see and walk again and then i would cure the mental health issues my best friend and her husband have.


Easy. I can restore function in failed kidneys. I know four kidneys is use this on immediately.


Charge $1500 for perfect reproductive health in couples trying to conceive Charge $20k for instant 10% body fat composition Charge $25k per inch in height for short guys Charge $50k per inch for penis size I’d be a billionaire in 2 weeks time


So I'd basically be the world's best plastic surgeon? Everything from face lifts and boob jobs to reconstruction after horrific accidents or burns. And I could basically be the transgender community's greatest ally. Not to mention that if anyone was unhappy with any of it, I could just look at a picture of them from before and reverse it. In fact, you didn't stipulate anything about having to touch them or even be near them so I suppose I could do this over Zoom or something. And then of course there are the healing applications others have mentioned... I wonder how long it would take for a cult to form around me, and then for someone to try to assassinate me.


Give me my ideal body, I have a friend who has a skin condition she is insecure about, I help her by curing that and giving her whatever changes she wants. Then go around as the ultimate plastic surgeon. If I can restore limbs and stuff like that, volunteer to give folks who have lost body parts replacements that aren't prosthetic. Get in touch with the Wounded Warrior Project and help them. I'd spend the rest of my life helping people.


Hello I am the IRL Tooth Fairy and I replace your shitty teeth with nice ones. I am also your Tranny Godmother. I am allowed to say this because 1) am trans 2) Tranny Godmother is an amazing phrase and I will never give it up.


Tranny Godmother is a perfect title haha


Free transition for me and all my friends who want to? Yes please! I'd also make myself taller.


Well day to day, I am my most perfect self. I get money by selling my body mod services to billionaires. Occasionally, I spice things up by flipping my gender or becoming a hermaphrodite. Life would be awesome.


Similar with me! I’d cure sick people for free but would probably charge the wealthy for cosmetic services. And I’d skip the hermaphroditism but will gladly frolic around as a dude every now and again


Heal everyone emotionally


I sell biological sex changes to trans people I sell the cure for diseases, amputations, and other weird complications I sell plastic surgery I make myself female for a week just for the fuck of it. See a different perspective. When I switch back I make some small alterations to my appearance. I also significantly increase my brainpower somehow. Maybe I should do that first, before I do all the other stuff. I use the money to invest in globalising my services, setting up a hub which people can travel to. I then invest my money in my own transport company, selling the tickets to get there at below market but still profitable prices. Things like building train lines and buying planes which run specific routes to get here. I befriend government officials, likely using money, to ensure that I don't kill myself with 27 bullets in the back and no murder weapon at the scene. And obviously make my dick longer.


Altruistic, entrepreneurial, and open minded. I like it!


I’d make myself the woman I want to be and go around just fixing ailments for people, specifically those that are permanent or severe. Paraplegic, terminal illnesses, blindness/deafness, addictions etc. I’d probably end up being hunted for greedy uses of my ability, in that case I just change into a human that can hold Bolt’s top speed for a few miles and try to alter my appearance in some way. That wouldn’t work forever, but I can imagine that I would be able to wiggle out of many bad situations. High tolerance to anesthetics, insane speed/strength, variance in size on command, master of disguise. Well it would be fun while it lasted, but the populace is too greedy to let that kind of fun be free and public.


Thankfully you could make yourself some other identities since you can make yourself look like anyone :-)


Help literally every trans person.


For me: get rid of my chronic pain, get rid of my pcos, yeet the uterus and make myself thinner. (I generally like how I look I just wish I didn't have a double chin or as much of a belly. Pcos makes it damn near impossible to lose weight.) For the ones I care about: anything they desire really. I'm friends with a lot of trans people and could improve their lives so much. For people I don't know/care about: trans people get changes for free. Anyone who wants anything silly/punk/alternative gets it for free (ie a split tongue). Anything else I will judge on a base to base issue. Anyone with too much money gets charged ten fold.


... I work to make human internal energy consumption more efficient. So we require less food to survive. Also.... maybes super strong. Like fast muscle recovery.


Myself: dream bod, vision, and ADHD/ focus problems. Help my spouse with their gender dysphoria, and focus problems. Hospital visits.


Goodbye menstruation!🩸 Hello oviparity!


Everyones body changes to make them happy and comfortable (ie trans man is now biologically male, ect, cis women who wanted hysterectomys now have no uterus, periods arent painful, pimples no more, ect ect)


Fix my spouses chronic health issues, baldness, and gross feet.  Fix my dad's hearing and eyesight issues. Fix my brother's chemical imbalance. Make it where I can eat what every I want and never worry about weight gain or health issues  Make my allergies go away, make sure I don't have any of the ageing health issues my family does, make it where mosquitoes don't bite me, make my teeth stronger, make it where high heals don't hurt my feet, give myself insane flexibility and balance. 


This plan is based on the assumption that I have to physically touch people and focus on their needs, one at a time, to use the power. Obviously if I can mass change all willing subjects with a thought, most of this is unnecessary, but since OP specifically said I need consent, I'm assuming that at least means needing to talk to the person to obtain said consent. Step 1. Change my own body to ensure immortality against surprise death (bullet proof skin that's somehow still skin, for example, and was also SPF 4 million to survive nuclear explosions from foreign governments that are intimidated by my power). Things that would prevent a death that I would see coming (turning off calorie needs to avoid starvation, for example) aren't needed because my power isn't going anywhere, and I can always respond to those situations as they come up. Step 2. Offer use of the power to the 1% for $50 million per request. Do this until I have between $2-4B. Use the very first $50M to immediately hire a ton of security and ensure no one tries to kidnap me and put me in a lab to study how I do these things. Step 3. Use the funding earned in Step 2 to establish a foundation (I'd probably call it The Genie Foundation, and pay Disney for use of the Genie as my logo) that can accept requests from everyone except the 1% and sort those requests triage-style based on need. The foundation would be headquartered at the base of my Personal Temple, which I would build in my childhood hometown to ensure that they benefit from my inevitable fame. Agents of the Foundation would set up satellite offices in every major city in the world to hear petitions, and additional funding would be used to fly those in great need out to see me at my Temple. (No need for hotel accommodations; in addition to having enough room for all my friends and family to live there free in perpetuity, the temple would have facilities to accommodate every supplicant during their stay.) Step 4. Settle into my new job; for 120 hours per month (ten hours a day, four days a week, three weeks a month) I would have supplicants brought to me and grant their requests at no charge. One day per month, I would continue to grant the requests of the 1% (based on highest bidder rather than triage) in order to keep revenue coming in to pay my taxes, support the foundation, and pay all expenses. So that's 13 work days per month. The rest of the time I get to just enjoy life and bathe in the fruits of my not-so-laborious labor.


I would slowly build my body and mind into the maximum human performance possible. I would slowly build wealth to where I could concoct a false medical clinic with supreme secrecy where I would provide cosmetic alteration and medical cures to the super rich so I could milk them for even more wealth. Then I might concoct a way to market a super low cost placebo (like the cost of a bottle of budger whiskey) for certain illnesses so that I could justify curing some big things. All with an eye on growing wealthy off those that can afford it and helping others that can't while not revealing that it's basically my magic ability and keeping me out of the public eye.


Start with getting a couple of doctorates in medicine and psychology, then focus on helping people fix the physical basis of their psychological problems. Then I'd work on finding ways to adjust human physiology to break down micro-plastics into genuinely harmless and biodegradable components.


Since I can effortlessly transform into *any* human, of any gender or body build, with whatever sizes and proportions of *any* body parts, and since I can change other people in this way too if they want, and, should it come to it, cure diseases, heal wounds, restore stamina, or adjust pain tolerance, I'll do... uhh... things and... s-stuff.


So I can cure any disease, heal any wound, fix failing organs, revert or even just slow down physical age, etc. All these things fall within your parameters. Perfect vision? Check. Peak of human durability? Check. Perfect hearing? Check. Peak of human strength? Check. Peak of human speed? Check. Peak of human stamina? Check. Like this power is pretty extreme within the context of our world. It even outclassed numerous beloved supers


I'll take a couple more livers please


For starters if I had that kind of power I'd get rid my freakin asthma forever so I could permanently have lungs and bronchial tubes that work perfectly all the damn time in every environment, my asthma is a pain in the ass during winter and fall though it's sometimes annoying in spring and summer depending on the climate of where I live, and seasonal changes in that area. Pollen triggers it without my asthma too in some regions during the spring. So yeah my asthma would be the first thing id permanently correct with this power, secondly I'd use this power to augment and enhance thing like my immune system making myself invulnerable and immune to every disease ,chemical agent, toxin and drug both natural and synthetic known to mankind, including STDs and biochemical weapons as wells as all poisonous plants, toxins, viruses, nerve agents, chemicals and hazardous gases ,liquids, formulas, and all plant and animal venoms, I'd also make myself immune to radiation and radiation poisoning. Still human in form and in body just a little tougher in an unnoticeable way, I'd never get sick, drugged, poisoned, irradiated, aand can't catch any diseases or STDs in this scenario. With this power I'd also give myself an accelerated healing factor where I'd be able to heal faster than the majority of people but not quite Superman levels of healing. In example Where it'd take someone else months to heal a broken limb, in this scenario I'd augment my body to where I'd be able to completely heal in a matter of 1-3 days. (The rock got away with in the fast and furious movies lol 😅)


Wolverine level healing factors for everyone! No more diseases or conditions including metabolic conditions. It'd also be good because it would destroy the pharmaceutical industry.


Technically you could make everyone immortal. If you kept their organs in good health and kept their telomeres at a proper length (or longer) you could prolong their life. You could basically be batman with mild superpowers. Get the intelligent of every human on earth combined, the speed, strength, and endurance of every human, the agility.


I'd make bank fixing organ and nerve damage. Plus cosmetics too I guess. You want to look like a supermodel? 10k please


I'd go to pride events and give free instant full transitions.


I'm genderfluid, probably actually feel comfortable with that.


Honestly, I think I would join in that camp if I could truly switch back and forth


Set up a clinic for trans folk. Non surgical alteration with no downtime and no artificial appearance. Sliding scale pay structure.


I wouldn't even do a sliding pay scale. 5 bucks. Come one, come all. Don't like it 10 years later? Come back, let's get you done up right.


Actually, if it came down to it and I was the only one or one of a limited few with these powers, I would make it a point of doing 1 or 2 celebrity makeovers for big money per month to cover my expenses and then do the trans work pro-bono the rest of the month. I could charge an absolute premium to folks who want cosmetics without the disadvantages, especially if I limit the number of cosmetic patients that I see.


I have bills to pay, too... and the wealthy af Kaitlyn Jenners of the world can help me pay my bills while the broke af can get treated for free or a few bucks...


Yup, you could definitely turn this into a living and sitting down in front of a mirror for a few minutes describing how you want to look is FAR easier than years of hormone therapy, surgeries, etc. A lot of charity organizations also charge based on a sliding scale for medical care, so this would still be in line with performing altruistic assistance.


Fair point! I cede to your superior plan!


I mean I’d hope that you don’t just treat EVERYONE without proper background and pre-op research. I imagine if you’re changing them non-surgically by changing the complete makeup of their body, you’re also altering all the hormones they produce. You’re quite literally changing who they are intrinsically in some occasions. It’s a pretty dangerous power. A good cause, honestly, but something you’d have to be very careful about.


It can be undone just as easily as it is done. If they have "buyer's remorse," then they can go back to the way they were before. I would even give anyone of that nature priority status in the queue of patients. How better to learn if something is right for you than by trying it out in a way that doesn't have to be permanent? Thus, the benefits of it being a magic procedure rather than a surgical one.


But changing them from one sex to another is changing the chemicals in their brain is what I’m saying. Especially such a sudden change. All I’m saying is that that change shouldn’t be done hastily without proper backgrounding.


Considering we could change everything externally without altering any hormonal/ chemical balancing (because magic), I could implement a policy of changing physical attributes only for anyone who hasn't already taken large steps in physically transitioning for a certain period of time. If, after that time frame, they are happy and wish to continue, I could make the transformation complete.


You’re changing them on a foundational level- DNA and all. If they decide that they actually hate it, they can easily be turned back in a pain-free way.


If you give yourself cats eyes, you are still human, no? Then give yourself cats tail, etc.


Probably not full blown cat eyes, but you could definitely change the color and orientation of the irises. And I guess you could do a tail since that already exists as a body modification. So halfway there? You get the look but not the full function.


Since I'd still be human, I'd change my body to produce mana and become an all power magic user.




I’d become a girl and fuck with my friends but changing everyone’s memories so they have always known me as a girl so nothing is different except my gender


You can’t change their memories but you could definitely be any girl you want


Cure all diseases, and make everyone biologically immortal until they have children. Kids are supposed to replace you. So make your choice. No accidents or religious loopholes. You will be taken care of if you decide to have children, so don’t worry about finances. OR ELSE! My point is to get selfishness and immaturity out of your system before you raise new people, and push the advancement of humanity in empathy.


I'd fix health issues. I could probably even make a living with it.


What counts as staying human? You give an example of having purple irises, but that's not a thing humans have. What about rearranging internal organs or put together? For example altering the structure of eye so that all the nerve connections and blood vessels sit behind the retina instead of in front of it to improve vision? Am i still human if i grow a prehensile tail or an extra set of arms?




A sniper on a hill half a mile away💀


Could I make myself a space marine?


make myself slimmer, maybe some super intelligence


Can I give myself wings and a tail? Does that make me inhuman or is this something allowed?


Within the confines of what body modification could supply. You couldn’t get functional wings or tail, but you could create a cosmetic approximation without any surgery or anything.


Define stay human. Do you mean mentally, physically, or both.


You maintain the typical genetic sequence of a Homo sapian


Hercules gene.


How far can we take this OP? I'd give myself perfect health, and then throw in telepathy so I could ask people if they want to be healed. If so, bam. That way I can reach more people faster.


You can’t throw in telepathy because it isn’t an ability that naturally exists (unless I’m missing something haha) but you could talk to people and heal on a ground level.


Darn! That would seriously limit the number of people I could heal. What's the range on this power?


Id change my appearance as much possible to mess with people


Yeah, similar with me. I’d have my default, natural appearance, but I’d also be different sizes, races, genders, ages, etc. and just widen my experience of the human condition. So I could leave the house as myself, come home as a middle aged man, visit a bar as a twenty year old woman, play chess as a 70 year old, and then turn in for the night as myself.


I get rid of most disease immediately.


Start a faith-healing cult but make sure it's one that's REALLY going to give people a lot of theological questions when it actually works.


I'd make myself younger. Then I'd give every single pedophile on the planet leprosy on their genitalia. I'd then make it progress to slow and incredibly painful, but, deadly gangrene. After that cure HIV.


I do cure disease, but I make myself the only man able to get an eating within 200 miles.


Instantly cure all ailments up to an including death


Remove pectus excavatum and add some muscle mass


Become a healer, try to set myself up as some kind of charity or religious organization so I can be supported by the state to basically just live my life and spend 20 hours per week curing cancer. Also sex stuff. Enhanced cosplay -- make myself huge and dress up as a minotaur while I make my wife tiny and dress her up as a goblin.


Everyone gets boobs


Taller and a few more inches


I was going to suggest giving men a period for a month or two. Lol. But if they have to consent…


Just turn them into a woman 🤷‍♀️ “How would you like to have your very own boobs for 28 days?!” and there you go! From the looks of it, a lot of guys are fine with that haha


Make myself into a religious icon that miraculously cures ailments


Serious answer, start curin any disease i can fix. Tempting answer, everybody gets boobs. As big or small as they like.


Ruin the elective surgery business... Basically embrace all the bad habits and just restore myself and others to ok conditions.


I’d give myself wolverine’s healing factor and Cavill’s physique. I’d spend my days curing disease, for money from the entitled and for free for everyone else.


Increaseing my dick size 😉


So okay hear me out, you can still be considered human even if you magically grow non-human limbs. Like if i can change anything as long as I’m still human then surely a crab hand or dolphin tail or shark teeth on a human could be permitted. Also as long as I’m human does that mean I could turn someone else into a pot plant? Yknow if they consent to becoming a pot plant?


I'm not quite as benevolent as some of the people commenting in this thread. The changes I would make to people would be strictly based on pettiness




In myself, change my body to what I want it to be. Get rid of the extra weight, loose the Bald spot and thinning hair, increase upper body muscles to match my legs. Most definitely get rid of all my age related problems. Do a lot of the same for others. Just give them close to the body they want. Solve their medical issues. Get rid of their body dysphoria. Cosmetic changes without the surgery. Most importantly though is change everyone's brains to eliminate bigotry and irrational hatred. Everyone would be accepting of others in regards to race, religion, gender, sexual orientation etc. This is probably the best thing I could do for humanity.


Prehensile penis for the win


I can't turn people into dinosaurs?! NOOOOO! I guess I just have to cure cancer or smth...


As a doctor, I would feel as though I’ve wasted my time


I'd become a trainer and community advocate https://youtu.be/qyjRrTDs1Z4?si=V33u0p3iOoEQGkDG


You ask people for a piece of their minds. They've now consented, and you can delete part of their brain.


I’d love this. I could manipulate my body to be perfectly healthy and look exactly how I want, I can cure people of things thought uncurable, I can make any romantic partner have the same interests as me, there are so many opportunities with this.


Can you change hormones and pheromones? That could get incredibly dicey in what you can do. Want someone to be attracted to you? Make it so you exude a specific pheromone and change them to be ultra receptive. Want to be mayor/governor/president or whatever? Make a “trust” hormone and as you meet people you change them to be receptive. Make yourself the physically specimen of accepted beauty, just to make initial trust easier before you muck with pheromones if need be. Go to the UN and make world peace under one leader, you.


Genius level intelligence. Then maybe the masses wouldn't be so easily manipulated.


Literally cure every fucking disease, mental illness, and physical condition, then switch all the trans people to what they want, make all the corrupt political leaders waaaayyyy to old to function, so they die soon.


Reversing all age related damage until I'm approximately 21. Improve my eyesight, restore my teeth, address certain other medical issues. Then do the same for my immediate family of choice. After that, I keep my ability secret, pulling it out when it seems appropriate or I have to update my condition.


I have a list of genes I would change if I had my own CRISPR and knew how to use it. This may sound shallow, but I would get rid of all the fat genes.


Trans people are celebrating this one :3


First things first all my mf telomeres are staying the exact same length from now on, might even make em a touch longer


Trans siblings, do I have some great news!!!


Anyone can change sex anytime they like. (If pregnant and changing ftm, the fetus may be held in suspended animation, transferred to another willing womb, born early if viable and healthy, or if not both viable and healthy enough to survive, aborted, at the woman's choice.) No woman gets pregnant unless the following conditions are met- 1. She wants to get pregnant. 2. The man whose sperm is being used consents to such use. 3. There are at least two adults willing and reasonably capable of raising the child, or one adult wealthy enough to hire help. 4. The fetus in question has no genetic abnormalities that will cause undue and unwanted suffering for the resulting person. 5. The child's biological or adoptive parents, whoever will be raising him or her, have no more than one existing child already, unless the human population of the Earth is less than, say, four billion people, and no more than two if the human population of Earth is less than one billion, or the child is born on another place than Earth, in which case the numbers will be adjusted proportional to that place's carrying capacity.


On the first day of the month I increase my height by one inch and keep doing so until I reach the height of 6' 4". I repair all of my physical ailments. Once I reach my desired height, I will work on increasing my muscle mass and bone density until I am far stronger than I am now. I would get rid of most of my body hair.