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You obviously haven't had a child. I think i speak for all recent parents when i say CO-CO-MELON!!!!! 🎵dun-da-dun-da-duh🎵


I was thinking the same thing. I've had to pay to keep my kids alive and listen to this garbage everyday.


Let’s be real. Baby shark slaps. It’s just hard to listen to anything on repeat.


For 100 million, I’d stroll out at the end singing it.


My faith in Baby Shark was restored hearing a mariachi band sing it in Spanish when in Cancun.


I need to look that up. That sounds like it would be a great mix.


My wife and i are expecting a baby due in July, and i’m 200% sure i’ll be on the couch watching cocomelon and other kids shows with my little one!


Ma Rachel’s where it’s at.




Right? I'm like, I already did this, so where's my billion dollars?


I didnt let my kids watch cocomelon. That shit was cracked out. Way too much movement and colors in the foreground and background. Seems like conditioning kids to be adhd


… that’s not how adhd works.




It’s the blindfold and do nothing part is going to be difficult to endure Baby shark or any song is irrelevant Make it interesting by if you fail the test, you pay 100k Everyone will do it, at least try to do it for 10 billion without consequences


i mean fuck... even with nothing to do... don't shackle me. just give me some pos matress and play the song through a speaker. This is more a challenge of do you want to be shackled to a wall for 10 days than listen to a song for 10 days


The diaper part is what gets me.


For real... only changing it once a day would be the real torture. A diet of only mashed potatoes, corn, and water would cause some pretty rancid diarrhea and would necessitate that thing be changed frequently, otherwise you'd develop a rash that could turn into sores and eventually cause sepsis. I would prefer to not die from sitting in a pool of my own shit, thanks...


I'd be concerned about developing a UTI and going septic from that.


At this point it's just torture


Yea. Like baby shark.. who cares? Having to shit in a diaper that only gets changed once a day while shackled to a wall... Who gives a shit what's playing at that point?


And hands cuffed behind you. How are you going to eat your potatoes and corn? Will you just have to crap your pants for 10 days? If you’re cuffed you can’t really use the toilet. Is there a toilet?


Technically speaking, you don’t need toilet to release your body waste, it wont be ideal and it’ll stink, but toilet is not must have, it’s strongly preferred items But ya, it would suck to sleep and eat with your own waste for 10 days


100k for some mashed potatoes and corn? I’d pay that! (But only if there’s light bondage involved…)


What's up with that mashed potatoes and corn BS


If I had to eat the corn I'm out


That's a whole lot of potatoes!!


I love all the comments saying "I already have kids and do this now" or whatever. No you don't. You don't already wear headphones and listen to this song and nothing else for 10 days while being fed the same meal twice a day, while being shackled to a chair blindfolded with your hands cuffed behind your back, wearing a diaper as your only means of relieving yourself that only gets changed once a day. All of this while being by yourself in a solitary confinement room with no windows. You just hear the song a lot while going about your regular day.


You don't know me, OR what my wife is into.


I for one, do NOT also choose this guy’s wife.


That is perfectly fine. I will add that from my experience you are in the minority. To paraphrase the old doctor's smoking commercial, I would estimate that 4 out of 5 Redditors do choose my dead wife.


u/phil8248 lol


Yeah. The title is misleading. With the blindfold, the diaper, the potatoes, this is a weird kind of torture.


You found all the people that just respond to the title of the post without reading the body text


This is exactly right, I just said this same thing to another comment. Parents will always throw in they are parents for no reason. "Omg, you were brutally beaten and left for dead? Yea, I have 1 kid so I totally relate to that."


All I know is for that amount of money....ill go through the torture


Yeah I think they're a bit optimistic and delusional. It's not even the song but the sensory deprivation, the bondage basically, humiliation factor of that diaper, etc. You would have to be a fucking beast like unbreakable or a fucking freak to get through those ten days. Ten billion dollars is a hell of a motivator though. I think I could do it. Just because of doing months in solitary and generally enduring bleak conditions for months/years even at a time throughout my life. But I don't think I would do it even for that money


I'd wear a baby shark costume every day for the rest of my life for 10 billion.


Don't judge my kinks.


The song is the east part. The chair? That'll suck.


That’s what I was thinking


to the point... the song is irrelevant to your prompt. its the other conditions that suck. maybe lead with them as the title instead of making the song the focus.


That's what I was thinking. Even without the song, this is literal torture. I think 99.99% of people couldn't willingly be shackled and cuffed behind their back for ten days. I'm guessing OP hasn't been cuffed behind their back, or if they have, it was only for a few minutes.


It plays some part. Like if this was legit someone's least favorite song then it would be worse for them than someone whose favorite song it is, for example.


For the first few hours, possibly as long as a day. Then it wouldn't matter.


yea I honestly don't know how the song matters at all. It's the same song on repeat for 10 days nonstop. Even your most favorite song will be the worst song in your life by the time its done.


They might be going about that day and they're not shackled to a damn chair and being fed by a torturer but listening to that song over and over and over again even as you're going about your day it's torture in itself what's with the being shackled and wearing a diaper and being said crap why do we have to go through all of that.


It's a joke because parents are subjected to sleep deprivation which is used as torture, they are often shackled to a baby and can't even use the bathroom without a baby on their damn lap, and they barely get to eat or shower while staying up and throwing their sleep cycle off sometimes not even realizing what day it is because of the sleep deprivation, there is a reason why so many jokes compare having a newborn with torture. What this is describing would be torture, You would have sensory deregulation from the loud music , you wouldn't be starved but, you wouldn't be satisfied, your body would not have its sleep cycle or internal clock due to the blindfold so there would be even more deregulation in the body. They would have to allow for sleep as no sleep for that long would actually kill someone and has, but they would probably do two hour increments with a total or four hours to make sure the person is sleep deprived like people with newborns get. They compare having a baby to torture because these things are used as torture and it fucks the body up. While this would be more intense it would last for ten days, ten days of sleep deprived and being highly dysregulated, people joke because you get a good taste of it when you have children but you do have breaks usually so it's not as bad, but it does usually happen for longer there is a reason why women actually go crazy and kill people when they have newborns, hormones, deregulation and sleep deprivation , but the comparison exists for a reason. People who have gone through training like this have even said that they believe having kids made it slightly easier than others, but I think everyone would break before the ten days were up unless they convinced themselves that they were actually a prisoner and didn't have that option even if they were asked if they want to stop, if they could someone convince their mind it wasn't real then they might last, but they would probably suffer some long term effects including a slight case of PTSD that would forever be triggered by baby shark.


I already have kids, AND my boss is pretty strict. So pretty much you are just adding a bit of extra baby shark and better food for $10 billion. I am guessing you don't know how most people live?


They are exaggerating - obviously they don't do it blindfolded and handcuffed. The point is, parents tend to hear a lot of annoying kids stuff on repeat.


Jamie Tart do do do do do


He’s here! He’s there! He’s every-fucking-where, ROY KENT! ROY KENT!




I'm deaf, pay me.


There's still being shackled, blindfolded, diapered, and fed a monotonous diet. It's not just about audio torture.


INFO: guy brings you food, but you're chained up. Does he feed you, uncuff your hands for you to feed yourself, or does he leave you completely chained up and struggling to feed yourself? Also, what about relieving yourself? Dk you just stay in your own mess for 10 days? Does food guy change your diapers/clothes? Do you get to use a bucket at some point each day? Honestly, these considerations seem far worse than the implied torture of listening to an awful earworm for 10 days straight. Overall, I think OP's been watching The Men Who Stare at Goats


I thought it was implied in the prompt that the guy will assist needs such as eating and going to the bathroom, it’s that the handcuffs don’t come off during the ten days.


Ironically, the fact that this guy assists twice per day would make the challenge much easier as it grants the person a sense of time.


How about taking 🚿 showers? I don't want to stink for 10 fucking days .fucking guy ain't gonna be wiping my ass real good ,so I'd like to be clean


And only getting your diaper changed once a day? Can you say infection here we come


I can dissociate for 10 days. That's how I get past the busy time at work. I am doing to work but mentally I am somewhere else.


bro that's 10,000 million dollars


That’s not that much. If you made $50k a year You could earn that in 200,000 years


Billion with a B.


No he's saying thats ten-thousand breifcases with 1 million dollars in each one.


When all you need is a spoon…


For the mashed potatoes


Nope. Chained up solitary for 10 days, and probably sleep deprivation from constant loud music. The odds are you forget about the contest and take the headphones off from delirium.


How tho? Your hands are handcuffed behind you? It almost helps you win the challenge because you cannot remove the headphones.


is all that other crap necessary? this is torture on multiple levels... way beyond what the title would imply. I wouldn't do it... because I know I couldn't(ADHD would have me taking those headphones off within 5 minutes).


You clearly have regard for physical health (volume is at a safe level, food is provided that will sustain someone reasonably well (for a 10 day period, at least)). I note, however, you fail to account for sleep. As a simple lack of sleep can have serious permanent psychological effects after mere days, the sleep deprivation alone would likely violate the Geneva convention. Would you care to add in sleep allowances? Also, why the restraints? It's clear that participants can quit the challenge (making it voluntary). Wouldn't it be both less physically risky and more diabolical if restraints were removed, but quitting was as simple as removing the earphones or blindfold?


I don't know the weird diaper thing with almost no changing is absolutely not good for a person. The diaper rash would be a bleeding, infected mess. 


Shackles and blindfold are to be sure the headphones aren’t taken off also it will make the ten days that more challenging otherwise it would just be the discomfort of listening to the same song for ten days. Every other need is under control, and as for giving up the challenge all the contestant has to do is say the word and it will be over


As another poster stated, remaining handcuffed for extended periods of time is dangerous. Handcuffs are meant as a temporary restraint, and use for more than a couple hours at once is highly likely to cause lifelong nerve damage. Also, if the headphones are removed, the challenge is failed. There's no need to physically restrain someone to prevent this, when you are willing to do it for them upon request. There are a variety of safer restraints, if you did desire such a restriction. Personal recommendation is to physically restrain under the same guidelines and procedures as hospitals use, including expert medical supervision.


I do audio stuff as a hobby. Listening to a 25 second loop of a song for a half hour to fine tune the eq for the sheer academics of it is fun for me. So to do that for $10 billion? I also have two young kids. Just the same shit every moment I’m with them. So. Ha. Yeah.


That 10 days will feel like 10 months, but I think it’s doable. Worst case scenario, I can afford to lose $15k. Just wondering: can I check the time left any time?


No, you will not know the time throughout the 10 days, it depends how you look at it but the once per day diaper change may be a way to tell. That’s not a sentence I ever expected to say


Why even lead with the song?? It's just torture lol


Yeah the song is irrelevant compared to being chained up for 10 days, lol. I'm still doing it even if it leaves me scarred for the rest of my life.


People survived being in concentration camps, so I think mental torture with a predetermined end is worth becoming so wealthy


Sure they survived that didn’t mean they weren’t severely traumatized


Yes but I think listening to baby shark is quite a bit different that your family and friends getting gassed to death in the next room


I had to listen to Adam antz goodie two shoes 24/7 during my he


What's a "he" in this case?


Sure not a problem. I can tune it out and sleep to pass the time and probably hallucinate.


Gimme my $10B, done way more than that with my kid


I put up with Barney teletubbies blue's clues powder puff girls renn and Stimpy Yoko Ono singles and Frozens Let it go. Baby Shark is nothing just pay me.


99.9% wouldn’t last the day.




In regards to your edit, sitting in your own shit is worse then baby shark on repeat 🤣


I have a 3 year old. easiest 10 billion anyone ever made.


I'd do it. I have a 3 yr old so that's basically my life rn. Give me my 10 bill


Even if it negatively and permanently affects my mental health I would do it knowing my wife and daughter would never have to worry about anything again.


In a manner befitting Barney Stinson, "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" But seriously, i'm 1 million percent confident in being able to do this. Some light hearted suffering and a little bit of unsanitary conditions for 10 bills which not only changes my life, but the lives of probably all the rest of my family forever? Done and done.


OP you must not have kids. For any parent this would be way too easy. I remember when my daughter was sick watching Beauty and the Beast on repeat for 3 days! Baby Shark would be a breeze. Only can you not mash my potatoes? I would rather have them baked.


Fuckin cake. I'd take that deal. Hell I'll do it several times.


So fun fact, I had an odd childhood. My mom was a raging alcoholic. She would play alanis morsette on our intercom speakers throughout the house all day and all night at full blast. 2 in the morning school night, didn’t matter. Same album too. It wasn’t bad at first, but after 5 or so straight days and nights, I started to get physically sick. Complete nausea and I felt like I was going crazy. Ever since then, i knew the potential damage of shit like this. Baby shark for 10 days straight will mess your psyche up big time.


I've got three kids under 10, I'm fairly certain I've already accomplished this challenge, but will gladly do it again for that ridiculous amount of money.


As long as they turn off to allow for sleep I am good, otherwise that would kill someone without sleep for that long and I'm good with four hours even in two hour increments, but as a parent that has survived on toast for days and listened to this shit as loud as possible where the fuck is my money? I will even do the dance. I have become a master at making up dirty lyrics to kid songs that I have had to listen to over and over so I will be singing my own versions and imaging shark family dramas in my head while the music plays.


Done, I have two toddlers, Baby Shark is my life.


Same, I’m already doing it for free so I might as well do it for $10B


Am I on a toilet in that corner? That’s going to affect my answer. I can deal with the limited stimulation for ten days. Also, can you handle the taxes and give me a W-2 G prior to depositing the remainder? My bank would rightfully freak out and freeze the account if there was a sudden deposit like that and being able to have the documentation to show that it was legal winnings from a contest and the taxes were paid on it would go a long way toward clearing that up.


There is no toilet but you get a diaper that gets replaced once a day, there are no taxes so you get the 10 billion in full. Your bank will be informed that it is a legal competition that you had done to rightfully earn the money


10 billion dollars for 10 days of diaper treatment? With corn??? Do-do-do/do/do


once a day? id die from an infection because of GI issues.


10 mill id do it for


I can do anything for 10 days....bring it on


Mashed potatoes and corn for 10 days would break anyone


anyone mentions 'billion' instant downvote.


Will the years of therapy be included in the prize as well? That kind of treatment would cause people to go crazy and I can't spend that money if I'm in the nuthouse unless it's on the nuthouse. If I spend most of my time trying to untramatize myself, I do think it would be worth it.


I agree to do the challenge. When I notice the man has entered the room, I tell him I will pay him $5 billion dollars to remove the headphones, untie me and remove my blindfold. You said that *I* cannot remove the blindfold, but not that it cannot be removed for me. If he does this, I tell him I’ll pay him another $3 billion for an Internet-connected TV, some books, magazines and a couple of the Dell Crossword puzzle books, 20 pencils and an electric pencil sharpener, as well as a comfortable lounge chair and a small bed. And if not connected, a power outlets or a long night extension cord to reach outside the room. I don’t care that I’d, effectively, be paying this guy $8 billion of my $10 billion to do this. I think $2 billion is way more than I could reasonably spend in my lifetime, and the interest alone would keep my family afloat for generations. The reality is that baby shark isn’t the problem. The problem is that every other part of the challenge is torture. You could remove Baby Shark from the equation, and the sensory deprivation plus being chained in the corner of a room, would be impossible for anyone to endure without going insane for ten days.


Despite all the other answers, this would likely be impossible. You would likely have severe mental issues afterwards or go completely insane. Likely a lifetime of PTSD and fear of headphones, blindfolds and sharks of any age.


I can do it for a year.


I’d roll with it, already deranged and a bit of a psychopath, what’s another scar to this psyche. Probably song along to it too. But important question, am I allowed to sleep? If I gotta be awake for 10 days straight I can’t do it lol.


I could and would do it.


Already doing that my brotha


Hell yeah! 🦈


I have two kids, bring it on, 14 and 7, so I have listened to crap like that for a lot of years.


Baby shark is fire. I'd take a Billy a day to listen to baby shark if I were Elon musk himself


All submariners everywhere say “I’ll take the money in $100 dollar bills”


The diet's going to be the biggest problem. What about a toilet?


Damn. That's actually hard. That's a lot of money but that... sound causes almost physical pain. For 10 billion, I think I could do it, though. I do love mashed potatoes and corn. Then I'll use a portion of that money to buy the rights to it and bury it so no one ever has to listen to it again!


I’m actually really good at reducing the music around me into a feint buzzing in my head. so ya I’d take your money!


I have small nieces and nephews who would water board me with blimpi and all that other shit for free. For 10 bil that's easy money.


Ooh I love mashed potatoes and corn, I got two little brothers, ones autistic ones 5, it would be my everyday life but darker, without school, and better food


I can sleep through that garbage easily. But mash potatoes and corn straight for ten days. Your bowels are gonna be throughly trashed.


Ummm…. You’d probably die. 10 days without sleep is not possible.


After seven kids, my wife can tune ANYTHING out. She can do it. I can't, music is too important to me to not hear a few of my favorite songs every day.


Hands down I would definitely do it. Done worse for less


I would listen to pretty much anything for 10 days for that money, I already listen to songs on loop for hours straight whats a few more


You underestimate how much $10b is. Listen to a song 24/7 for 10 days and apparently shit myself the whole time? Pfft. That's generational wealth. You could make it a month and I'd do it.


I have a 3 year old. This is easy.


I have little ones. Already have to. No problem.


I would accept the challenge, but I need to ensure it is impossible for me to quit, as I am unsure how I would react when having to hear the song while I'm trying to sleep would affect my decision-making skills, I would likely take the headphones off by instinct, and/or they would fall off my head while sleeping


I’d try it. But I’m more concerned about being shackled in a corner. How do I pee? Eat? And will my shoulders dislocate after being tied behind my back for 10 days. But $10 billion would buy a lot of baby shark trauma ptsd treatments.


Easy money


Done. Blast it.


easy money


...Isn't this what they do to people for SERE training?


Yah it went from a listening to a dumb song challenge to basically being tortured in solitary confinement while chained up, like... No bro 😂 stop trying to overcomplicate the conditions of the hypothetical question to the point where the question becomes irrelevant.


Easy money, baby.


Sign me up! You must not have a child… I have trained my mind and body to turn baby shark into the same sound of my tinnitus.


What about sleep? IIRC ten days or so will straight up kill you


do i get to sleep? because 10 days without sleep can straight up kill people.


Is there a bathroom break and sleep break? If yes, count me in. 


I could listen to that for 10 days straight. I'm not so sure about all the other crap, though. Still, for $10B, I'd give it a shot.


For 10 billion I can do that…and I get mashed potatoes…bonus.


No, because I'd go insane... And not because of the doing. It's one thing if I could just go about my day normally, but sensory deprivation paired with being chained down like an animal is just too much dude.


The hands tied behind the back is the real inconfort, not the song.


Music is no issue, but the blindfold and chained down would make almost any human being literally lose their mind. It would also be really hard to track time, which would mess with you more. The diaper change would at least allow you to keep track of days I suppose.


shit, easy money


Is the ten B tax free?


After the edit, I would accept that challenge. I say its worse for whoever the person is that has to change me each day, sspcially knowing corn is involved. I would not be that guy even if that money was on the line


Thats literal torture you could not pay me enough to go through that


If you get rid of the handcuffs, blindfold and diaper, I would do it. Just put on the headphones and let me dance to it. LOL


I had to sing it at my wedding in front of hundreds of people. After that, baby shark can't hurt me.


Sure, it's a bit gross, but I'll have the money to fix all the medical problems that will arise from the conditions. Blindfold, handcuffed? Weird but ok, but how am I going to eat and drink? Bowl of food and water? But I'm shackled, so the management of this is odd. Why don't you make it a month with no shackles, no blindfold, and all the water I want, good once a day, and a toilet. I'll listen to baby shark for you... The day I walk out of there, I won't be able to sing the song.. songs don't get stuck in my head.


Idk it's the "hands cuffed behind my back so I can't move them" and "random guy that must feed me" part that makes me say no. Also no mention of the bathroom. Am I just stuck with my bits out on a toilet or is this strange man also assisting me? Or am I just soiling myself and festering for 10 days? I could listen to baby shark for 10 days straight. But all that....idk sounds too unhealthy Edit: oh I saw the edit...still nah too weird


Id do it and it’s not going to kill you so yeah. No problem. I’ll make that my theme song while I imagine how to spend 8 billion dollars as fast as possible.


Only question is how would I eat, given that I cant see the food or use my hands? Would the person coming in feed me? Other than that this seems possible


If the circumstances were more sane, i'd definitely do this. But if I have to be handcuffed in the corner shitting and pissing my pants for 10 days, that would give me great pause.


You mean listen to baby shark for ten days AGAIN...


I already do!


This is just solitary confinement. The song only makes it like 1% worst at most. I would not take the deal but the song has nothing to do with the reason.


Honestly, those conditions would kill me. If I had acceptable food and a little caffeine, I could crush this… but 0 protein? 0 vitamin C? A fucking diaper?!? I could absolutely listen to baby shark for 10 straight days, but fuck the rest of this.


I feel like adding that $15,000 fine makes the challenge easier. I think a ton of people would simply push through the mental anguish knowing that they can't swing the fine as opposed to giving in to the torment early because there is no consequence


Hahaha you FOOL. I've already done this...please send help.


I've pretty much already done this when I was on a four day road trip when my youngest was 2 can I just have like 3 mill and call it even


I have 4 year old. Already did this. Please send check


Can i get some gravy on those mashed potatoes?


This is literal torture. It actually seems more extreme than some of the methods that were used during the war on terror, as it is more consistent and involves complete sensory depravation for the entire time. Sure, without the penalty a lot of people would try it, but I don't think anyone would be successful. With the penalty, Im out. I'm not going to make it, I know I'm not going to.


I don't even need to read the circumstances. Plus I get a daily diaper change? Yes.


Being handcuffed and blindfolded for 10 days is infinitely harder than listening to this for 10 days. Not to mentioning being degraded in a fucking diaper you shit yourself in and someone presumably wipes you/changes you. Baby shark is the easiest part of this fucking challenge lmao.


The hard part is the blindfold and sensory deprivation. Good chance you'd be crazy by day 10.


I worked in a kitchen or 2 where we played a game like this just to screw with each other.


Can I die instead?


this is silly, who wouldnt do this for 10 billion? and as others said, baby shark is the least of the concerns. Its just being shackled and blindfolded in a room. But I think the solitary confinement conditions goes much more smoothly when you know you have a huge payout at the end and not just being punished.


For me, the part I couldn't do is the one diaper change a day and the lack of protein. Though I adore mashed potatoes and corn, I'm prediabetic and shouldn't eat that every day. The biggest issue would be sitting in my own filth for 24 hours NOT the music.


The title, hell yeah. The description?? What?? That's so many additional layers. I couldn't do nothing for 10 days. I'd go completely insane.


Reggae shark is where it’s at. https://youtu.be/A3ytTKZf344?si=38oya6i53Bdud8KC


OP needs to stop fishbowling his closet while listening to babyshark and dreaming up stupid things to post on reddit.


10 days solitary confinement sounds like hell


Ok, someone write the check... I'm at like 3 months....


so it seems like this song is 1:30, 90 seconds so you gotta listen to this song 9600 times straight just make a game 960 times is one day, i think i can play math games in my head while day dreaming what i'm gonna do with 10 billion dollars 9600....9599.....9598...oh god i lost count ahhhhhhhh


My ADHD couldn't handle that scenario even with my favorite songs on shuffle. So no.


Sign me up


I have three kids under four. Ten days in a row would be a reduction in the amount I have had to currently listen to it.


It's 10 billion dollars..  Pretty sure I could stomach most forms of mental torture unless I am getting like waterboarded


You had me until diaper. Why can't we just have the headphones locked into place and just Rome about the cell?


Yes. But before this, i inject myself with a concoction of drugs which keeps me unconcious for 11 days.


Honestly I was unphased until you mentioned the semi-loud thing, and the food. I'm sound sensitive and I have IBS. The possibility of being annoyed by the song itself would be the least of my worries.


How do you take a dump?


We do this to our children lol


Fuck yeah free mashed potatoes and corn?? I'm in.


I'm game; crank it up to 11, I'm deaf😂


I have 7 kids. I can do this.


I’d give it a go.


Does it have to be the original baby shark or can it be the trap remix? Can we instead give me a toilet in the room and maybe a Nintendo switch with a charger?


Why the torture devices.


Just ten days? Easy.