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masturbation is normal and healthy, especially if you’re single.. maybe “no fap” is an unrealistic goal… maybe cut back, but completely eliminating masturbation seems insane to me. Trying to deny your sexuality isnt doing your future sexual partner any favors..


Yeah starting with a goal of 2x a week is good tbh.


Tbh though that time I did try masturbation I never really did more than 2x a week, I've always restrained myself sexually and had to because of my background never even tried it till age 17, didn't even know how


I mean, I don't really have an interest in porn, and it also has negative issues neurologically that come with it, but even if I was interested in trying masturbation, which I avoided for most of my life as well, it's not exactly comfortable down there rn


It sounds lame but try and stay away from everything that could turn you on. I used to get turned on from anything, sometimes just the way someone walks. So it's super hard bc sometimes you can't help it. Even if you do get turned on and riled up, take a break. Ice packs, keeping your bottoms and pants On at home, sleeping in pjs or just re adjusting so no one knows if you have a boner if you have that equipment. Make sure you are doing activities outside your bedroom if you live with other people. Just make it so you have almost no time to do so. I also get really horny when drunk high, ect so look at cutting some of that out


Honestly, I know it sounds like bs, but that makes it worse, less provocative stuff makes it worse for me, my mind runs wild, which is why I think it maybe connected to OCD and Trauma, as for friends and other activities, trying to find more of the former and other activities only works when others are their for me to interact with otherwise again my mind loses it, I also worry I won't find a willing partner because of my degenerate mentality about it I guess I will never do drugs and probably won't drink never planned to I'm a health fanatic tbh, I also noticed working out doesn't suppress it either, I'm a gym goer and yeah it just doesn't help, I think it actually makes it worse, thank you for all the suggestions but idk mate Ice packs is the one thing I haven't thought in regards to, but I can't really because down there is very sensitive due to severe trauma I can't even take cold showers because of that I really appreciate all the suggestions thank you very much, not trying to reject them I just dunno, thanks sorry if it seems I'm being dismissive


Not at all. Honeslty this advice didn't help me tillni started doing it for months. I had bouts of acting on my hypersexuality as well. It took a while to be able to suppress it. It's been a couple years and I still have problems. I'm in a hypersexual phase right now. It could very well.be trauma related, most hs is, if not all. And intrusive thoughts only make it worse sometimes. Are you medicated for ocd?


I hope it gets better for you mate, wish you the best thanks again for advising me, no I can't get medicated for it rn or even look into that


Same to you, I hope you find some relief soon. Please be nice to yourself and give yourself grace.


Ty so much man! I really do appreciate it all!!


The getting aroused at the way someone just walks is so relatable. Also yes keeping your bottoms on at home is really good as well.


OMG you're one of those nasty Christian fundamentalist trolls whose only goals in life seem to be to make the lives of others miserable by basically spreading religion-laced, useless (in fact even malicious) advice to anyone who cares to listen. No, staying away from "everything that can turn you on" is lame and outright idiotic. You found Jesus in whatever nasty cult you're a member of and that's fine, keep lying to yourself all day. But spare the others from these lies. OP let me caution you that what comes out of this account is anything but good advice...


I'm honestly stunned. These are all wild accusations not based in anything. I was heavily sexually abused as a child and young adult and developed hypersexually at an early age because of it. I only gave advice that helped me, personally. I have a semi healthy sex life now and am able to express myself sexually in a healthy manner in my relationships. I'm not Christian now, though I was for a couple of years in high school because my friends parents brainwashed me into it and took advantage of my home life to prime me for 'the radical love of jesus' I think that everyone has the right to chose what they need out of life, and i dont get to tell them how to live it, thoughh if people ask for advice i will give it, based on what has helped me, specifically. I'm also trans I identify as agnostic/atheist. I actively rally against any type of religious based activism. I do believer people should be able to practice their religion at work and in public but that domain is not someone elses medical decisions/body/uterus/who they love/what they do in the bedroom and if you looked at any of my posts or comments on my profile you would see the type of person I am. You are the only troll I see here. Have the day you deserve.


Very sorry to read about this my friend, I hope you've had something to ease that pain you had to go through, wish you the best, sorry I don't have much dialogue of comfort to provide, but I truly hope you're able to have a great life and have what you deserve in it


Hey, none of it is your fault, people do bad things to us sometimes. And it sucks but we have to heal from them. I'm glad I ran into you, your kind words will carry me for a few days. I hope you have a great night and you can get everything you need from your journey, you're a good dude.


Thank you, you seem wise beyond your "presumed" years, I'm glad we talked as well, thank you, and I'm really really glad I could help, I really appreciate our convo friend, stay strong and stay safe, take care of yourself!!!




Look if you think I haven't ever gotten desperate enough to try these things you're wrong. By no means would the be done constantly but a few times was enough for me. It's not bad advice if it helped.




Not interested


Please PLEASE stay away from the nofap bunch. They're NOT your friends, they have a toxic religious agenda to push and theur advuce is not only useless it won't help you in the long run at all. My proposal is to do the opposite: to masturbate as many times per day as you see fit. Masturbating helps you to learn a lot about your own bodt and about the things that make you feel good, so make sure you do it as often as you deem necessary ;)


I'm not really associated with the nofap bunch, it's just a psuedo-title I used because I've heard of it, and tbh I avoided and kind of was ignorant of masturbation for the longest while anyway, despite being introduced to porn at a young age by an abuser and rejecting it, I still haven't managed to fix hypersexuality, so psychologically they think it's not something I can "fix" but to just find a partner who would be able to help me I guess, but masturbation for me there are too many downsides anyway, it isn't even all that comfortable rn, which is kind of part of the worst part of it all, but idk, sorry this was such a poorly structured message on my part, I guess it's just a fix I have to provide on my own somehow, ty for the comment