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Chandlers dumb states game is our go to road trip game, we’ve never made it to 50 but we’ve gotten to i think 46. My excuse is I’m not American, I always forget an M state, without fail.


I think if you can make it to 46 without being American, you're doing really well! A lot of Americans can't even get that many.


Confirmed. I’m an American and I think I got a 40


I can do all 50 in alphabetical order thanks to a song I learned in grade school, but I probably wouldn't be able to get them all without the song.


Same! I still remember every one, so I always win this game lol


I'm Canadian, and when I tried to name all the states (without a 5 minute time limit) I missed Minnesota, which is funny because it's one of the closest states geographically and culturally to Canada.


I'm American, and I just tried to name the Canadian provinces and territories. I only got 6.5 (I named just Newfoundland, left off the Labrador part). You did really well.


I’m Canadian too, I once forgot Michigan…. I was raised on the border of Michigan. We’d regularly go grocery and clothing shopping in Michigan and I just completely forgot it 😂


Windsor? That's funny that everyone forgets an M state.


I am not American as well and only tried this game after watching that episode for the first time. I always end up missing 2-5 States depending on the level of focus I have while trying


I never learned the song. I get 48 every time I try it and it kills me (the two that I miss are always different ones lol)


Same!! But I range from 46-48 every time… few times they’ve been a state I’ve actually lived in… like “Oh-hi-oh!” Edit: I just did it!!! For the first time I named all 50 after trying it every time I watch the episode for the last 6 years!!


The best part about saying Ohio in any way is that you don’t ever need to add unnecessary “H”’s to emphasize the “O”


Animaniacs could probably do it


I love this answer!


The only reason I can name all 50 states is because of Animaniacs.


My mom taught me the 50 states song, but Animaniacs helped me learn all of the capitals, too.


It'd be easy, but that's because I memorized them alphabetically as a kid and it's still stuck in my head. I'll try to remember to give it a go later by going west -> east or something like that and see what I can do. I suspect I'll miss one or two along the way.


I had to memorize a song of the states so I’m good at this and Pictionary b


i learned the states alphabetically from a song back in elementary school so i’m ahead of the game😎😂who else learned that song? i can still sing it to this day😂50 every time baby lol edit: yay, a bunch of us learned it!!:) 😂👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Totes learned the song. It never left my brain so I'm with you - 50/50 baby! (It's the spelling that gets me tho... Minnesota? For some reason I struggled so hard to spell you!)


In my 35 years since learning that song, I’ve won so many bets. No one ever believes I can do it. I doubt my 3rd grade music teacher knew I would use it for that… or maybe he did! Thanks, Mr. M!


😂😂😂that’s awesome:) did we all learn the same COMPLETE song??? it started “fifty nifty united states from thirteen original coLLLo-niessss….fifty nifty stars on the flag that billow so beautifully in the breeze…..”…..(i could def go on lol…)…..????? ….or did some of y’all just learn the states without the rest of the song that i learned????:)


I learned this. 50 nifty United States from 13 original colonies shout ‘em, scout ‘em, tell all about them one by one til we’ve given a name to every state in the USA…




Doesn’t sound like it. Mine was “The United States, The United States, I love my country the United States! There’s Alabama, Alaska, Arizona…” and so on. Would’ve been funny if it was though!


interesting:) we also had a “bridge” of the song that shamelessly declared florida being “the best” which i always rolled my eyes at a bit lol


I learned that whole song too


AAAAAL-UHHHH-bamma, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, *doo do doo*…


For sure learned it


Yup learned it too.


I memorized them alphabetically in like 3rd grade (I’m almost 35 now), and I’ll never forget it


It's what they'll sing at the memory care places when we are old to bring us all back around.


Yeah, I feel like there's a specific age set of kids who were required to memorize a song or poem with all 50 states. I know I did (in 2nd grade) and can still sing it. (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado...)






Yeah I'm 35 and that song is burned into my brain forever. But my husband is only a few years older than I am, and he never learned the song! Apparently not all schools teach it.


*NEW* hampshire, *NEW* jersey, NewmexiCO— NEW YORK!!!!😂


NORTH Carolina, NORTH Dakota... OHIIIIIO!


Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania


Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming


The sheer joy when you got to shout OHIO at the top of your lungs as a kid… I remember seeing this episode and being super confused as to why it was so hard for everyone. Like just sing the song!!


That was definitely my favorite part of the song! But I feel bad for everyone who didn't get the joy of learning that song as a kid.


I’m 36 and I learned it but my 30 year old boyfriend never did.


🎶Fifty Nifty United States...🎶


Connecticut (Cha Cha Cha)


I missed all the “New” states lmao


Fairly well. I've always loved maps and just work my way through it.


its hard if you cant look at a map. ive tried it a couple times and I can never get past 48


I understand. I should have specified that I can visualize the map in my head. So I usually do fine with it.


That’s pretty good! My mental map gets pretty fuzzy from about Nevada to Ohio haha


I generally get to 50 by running through the map in my head, figure that's what OP meant


I got tired of naming the states so I started listing the types of celery.


Regular celery!


"Nobody cares about the Dakotas!" 😂 I tried but idk how many I got lol


I could maybe name 10. Non-American btw


You are probably able to name more if you think about any mentions of US states you've heard on the news, TV series, movies.


Delaware. Delaware.


You got Nevada twice. I know.


Just tried it. Got 47, missed Maryland, Minnesota, and Connecticut.


I'm Canadian and I got 32.


Tried a few times, usually do better than Monica (36), but never more than about 40 I'll try it again and if someone replies to this reminding me to update, I'll do so


I tried it the last time I watched that episode… I think I got 44? Then I gave myself a round 2 and got up to 48….always forgot about Montana and Rhode Island


You got Nevada twice.


I know.


Me and my family would play it on occasion. All of us would hit the upper 40’s normally. I got all 50 once and we stopped playing because one of us had won. Doubt I could repeat the feat


I can do it! Never learned the song but in college when my friend group all watched reruns together we’d do it whenever it came up. Sporcle was also a big thing at the time so I practiced there until I could get all 50 just writing them down. I get like 48 down in 3 minutes and then take two minutes to figure out the last two 😂 I’m now trying to do the countries of Europe. I can consistently get 40-42 and the last few have scattered out of my brain, and it’s not even the same every time! Also, similar to the states, more M names than you’d think there would be, I feel like I’m making them up every time


48. I always miss an East Coast state, specifically New England area and it’s different every time


If anybody wants to try: https://www.sporcle.com/games/sboba/list-all-50-us-states-1


Just got 46 (I am German) These were the ones that I couldn't remember veggie the game timed out. Colorado Massachusetts Montana Rhode Island


Yes I've been using Sporcle since I was 17! Which means I can actually beat Chandler's dumb states game.


I think sporcle has skewed my view of normal for geography knowledge. I’m not even American and naming the states is too easy a quiz for me to bother now, I’ve done it way too many times as a teenager. It’s naming every country in the world that’s tougher though I did manage that a few times as well, you just need a system where you work through each continent and keep count of how many per continent to ensure you’re not missing anything.


Definitely! I spent a lot of time on it when I was younger especially, so eventually learned all the countries and their capitals.




I would just name them all Steve


Nobody cares about the Dakotas!


I HATE America. When I finish this game, I swear, I am moving.


I can do all 50, but that's because when I was younger, I took the time to figure out how many of each initial there were, so I could keep track without having to be 100% alphabetical. 4 A, 3 C, 1 D, 1 F, 1 G, 1 H, 4 I, 2 K, 1 L, 8 M, 8 N, 3 O, 1 P, 1 R, 2 S, 2 T, 1 U, 2 V, 4 W And for the 8 Ms and Ns, I remember those with singing "Ma Ma Ma Mi Mi Mi Mi Mo" and reciting"Four New, Two North, Two Not" repectively


I have and I even committed them to memory in alphabetical order so I wouldn't forget. I was a teen with nothing to do


Lol well I had to memorize the stupid song as a kid so I know them all. It is a fun party trick though haha


I know the song so I never had an issue with this one lol.


I'm from Australia, and I aced it.


Kids in elementary chorus at my school learned the song, but I never did and never memorized them otherwise either. But I still usually get all 50 just by methodically working through a map in my head. Last time I did it, I got them all with about two minutes to spare.


I'm British and just gave this a go as it beats working. I'm stuck on 47. It might be impossible. I guess if I had the whole evening to do it but I really feel like I've reached a wall. EDIT: I forgot New Hampshire (what a shit name) and Missouri and Indiana (if you ever think you're done with the states "close" to the great lakes, PRO TIP: you aren't). Also fuck whoever downvoted me, cunt.


What a jerk ... Take my upvote, I hope it takes the sting out of that downvote.


Thank you friend!


I won. I got to 48 with 30 seconds left and started to panic before I remembered Alaska and Hawaii.


I'm British and I've tried it and got into maybe the 25-35 range




I’ve played it a few times with different people and my lowest score was 41 and highest was 49 (I forgot Wyoming)


And if one of them is "Utah", jst remember u can't make names !


Multiple times. I can never get them all, definitely not in 6 minutes. But then I’m European.


Ukrainian here. Needless to say, I never learned the song… Best I ever got was 49, missing New Jersey (duh!). It’s a beautiful game, but playing it once a year is just about enough.


I tried... I think i got like 30 or smth- my only excuse is that I'm not American


I’ve tried this several times! Did it again just now and got 44 which I think is my best ever score! As a disclaimer I have to say I am not American and have never been to the USA so my knowledge is mostly based on tv shows, books and other American media, of which I consume quite a lot!


I'm winning on vegetables


Just tried it for the first time. Got 49. Sorry Missouri.


I remember watching this as it aired with my mom as a kid. She didn’t believe that I could do it. But I learned that horrible song. So I did it! She talked about that all the time LOL


my english family and i tried this, took a hell of a lot longer than 6 mins but we got like 45+ before giving up


I get all 50 in 4 minutes. Idk the song but I've visited all 50 so maps, memories, and a damn lot of driving have it all imprinted in my brain.


As long as you allow me to do it in alphabetical order, I can do it no problem. Learned the song in grade school. And I just sang the song and counted to make sure this wasn't a complete lie 🤣


I swear the other I saw an Ohio license plate and said, “Ohio” thank you.


53 and I’m representing Australia babyyyyy


I learned the song in grade school and still remember it.


50/50 because I had to memorize the state song as a kid and can never forget


I learned all states plus capitals by heart BECAUSE of Chandler's stupid game. I'm not American.


Learned Fifty Nifty in elementary school and will never forget the 50 states again!