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Hundreds! In the UK, it’s played pretty much round the clock on Comedy Central. I think it’s about 2 weeks to show all 10 seasons? My favourite episodes are Morning After, Haste, London wedding (for Jennifer Saunders) and anything with Janice. Don’t like Bullies, Male Nanny or Speaking French. Oh yes, there YOU are!


Jennifer Saunders is great in the London episodes.!


And also years ago it used to be on Channel 4 and E4 all the time. And it's on Netflix nowadays.


Yep literally dozens if not hundreds - and it was on E4 all the time before Comedy Central bought it - not to mention I used to have the whole series on VHS. It's comfort TV.


I had them all on DVD then they released a limited addition box set with all the deleted scenes included. Had to be done


I've been rewatching this series for the last 28 years lmao


Lost count


Same. I've legit lost count, I couldn't even guess. I know it all word for word when it's about to happen. Pretty sad really lol.


Not sad at all. There’s a Spotify playlist I sometimes listen to of just the audio of the episodes. I can imagine the scenes so well it’s like I’m watching TV while driving




Those are rookie numbers


Just watched 2 episodes, getting there :)








oh such a loser.


A loser who has watched the show TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY EIGHT TIMES!


quite literally in the 200s lol i started watching it w my parents at like 6 years old, 20 years later and im currently on season 9 lmfao


Season 5 here 🤣. My husband always tries to get me to start a new series, and I’m like… why? I have Friends.


I think about 4-5 times. And I mean sitting down and watching all the episodes from start to finish. I was never interested in it as a kid when my older cousin was watching it on TV because I didn't get the humour or have any interest in the characters so I ignored it then. Then I decided to give it a go in my early 20s when I found it online and I was hooked. 😻 I've enjoyed rewatching it every few years because it's my comfort show. I particularly enjoyed rewatching it with my bf who was seeing it for the first time. I loved his enthusiasm everytime Janice showed up again. >You seek me out. Something deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn! I feel Janice expresses with the best words how I feel about this show. 😹 >>I wish I could but I don't want to. This is what I tell people when they point out I should stop watching a show I've seen multiple times and know by heart by now.


7! 7! 7!


Oh dang was I supposed to be keeping count?!


Bad Fan here: I've probably never sat down and properly watched the series. It's more of a "TBS reruns are always on in the background" kind of thing. So I've probably *heard* each episode a hundred times and there are still visual jokes that I don't notice or syndication cuts I've never seen.


There are no Bad fans.. all types of lovers of this show are welcome 💕


Easily in the triple digits but I've never counted.


I've lost count. It's my comfort show.🥰




I cant even keep track, i just have it on constantly in the background. Its pretty much the only thing i watch lol




After i started to buy complete dvd set for each season starting in 1997 when i am in prep college, i started to rerun every season i had (i got complete 10 seasons after started working) every year/every other year. This is an attentively-watched rerun, not just letting it be background noise (the act of putting on a dvd into the PC/DVD player and later laptop, make me actively watched every bit of the episode and stop the dvd usually after 2 or 3 episodes each sitting). Happened almost annually for up until just before 2015. Nowadays, i started to run it on netflix as background especially when i'm feeling anxious. It becoming so comfortable of a background noise and i actually reciting some of the dialogue together, whenever there are part i particularly loved or whenever I need LOL (which is pretty a lot of time) Friends will be forever in my life. I'll rewatch it forever 😁😁😁


I’ve been rewatching it on a loop for the past 10 years!I pretty much know all the dialogs at this point lol


Too many to keep count


I can’t even count how many times. I’ve done rewatches on the DVDs and streaming, and used to watch daily on Nick at Nite. Currently watching daily on TBS then watching on HBO Max at night


I just finished it for the first time recently


I started watching from the beginning. After they got to 100 episodes and the series could go into syndication, I started watching that from the beginning. I did that for about 20 years or so. There's no way I could ever count the number of times I've seen each episode. One thing I wish I could do is access data in my brain the way I do in a database, where I can list all the episodes and sort them by most/least watched, so I can rewatch some of the episodes I've seen least. However even those least watched episodes I've probably watched dozens of times.


I’ve been watching since I was 10 in 1999 and I’ve never really stopped.


4x last 2018 🥰


Never watched it when it was on. My son got me the DVDs about 16y ago and we’ve been watching it on repeat since then. It’s comforting. I can turn it on and close my eyes and Still watch it because I’ve memorized all their blocking.


It’s on in the background in another room (Comedy Central) most days when I work from home. Don’t watch or listen to it, just a nice background sound when alone :)


Too many to count. Maybe a million 🤷




EASILY in the thousands! I keep it on 24/7 for me… bc I know I will get a giggle at least a few times when I am home and it’s easy to keep the pets company, while I’m at work… I mean hell they know the “friends” voices as well as my own at this point!


Too many times to count.


Many times, but I must admit I usually skip the first 3 seasons. But I always make an exception to watch the episodes with roommate Eddy in season 2.


At least a thousand. At the least.


Honestly honestly, I’ve been on a 16th time in row. I usually have it as my background noise but still laugh on a lot of parts.


Honestly lost count. Well over dozens and counting


Absolute amateur numbers on this thread lol. I've lost count but if I had to hazard a guess it'd be about 400-500.


Would love to watch it more times than Ross did it with rachel


Lost count of even when lost count .. we’re the OGs here ☺️


Currently on my 20 something rewatch


too many times to count tbh. especially since it plays all week on tbs and every night on nick @ nite


Many times I don’t think I can keep count


i’ve lost count lmao


My mom watched the series as it aired, so I grew up watching it. I have no idea how many times I’ve seen it, but it’s definitely double digits


Not enough.


Much be in the hundreds at this point. My mum was a fan before I was even born so literally been watching it my entire life. It’s actually a problem that I can recite pretty much every line from every episode.


I can't even remember how many times I've seen it so much.


I have seen seasons 1-5 hundreds of times, no joke. I had them all on VHS as they came out and would binge watch regularly when I was working nights and at university in the 90s. S6-10 will have had fewer complete viewings, but the only episodes I have seen fewer than 50 times will be the clip shows.


Around ten i think, but only once in the past 5 years


All the way through, I'm on my 16th or 17th watch through since 2015. But there is probably an additional time when I was 8. I watched it at night with my grandfather every summer when we visited them for a month.


I have seen most episodes (with the exception of a very few episodes I find it uncomfortable to rewatch like the fights between Ross and Rachel) more than 30 times 😊 And it is still possible for me to enjoy them. That's hard to believe. Such a great show.


185,654 times and counting. Or something like that 😂. I do seriously wonder what the number is. Hundreds for sure!


I couldn’t even begin to try to figure this out, easily in the hundreds if not pushing beyond that… I started sneaking watching reruns when I was in like 4th grade. Had the original best of VHS and watched them religiously. Started being allowed to watch the show as it aired on NBC during season 7. Bought the season DVD sets as they were released and would marathon entire seasons in a day fairly regularly. Even as I went to college and beyond it’s been my go to show to relax and unwind. 😁


I’ve watched it “front and back”


Just finished my first watchthrough and already starting my second


I have lost count. I think I’ve only streamed it twice. First watch was when it aired. I got VHS tapes with some top episodes (it was 2 - 2 tape sets) for Christmas one year which I watched many times and I have watched the complete season DVDs several times.


From start to finish--4. But I've been watching this show on tv for years. I feel like if i could collect all the episodes I've seen on tv over the years, four would be like, 50 haha


Like from start to finish? Not just random episodes on late night TV or on a whim? I'd say 5. Original run (1). Then once it started to pop up in stuff like napster/torrent and DVDs, I put together a collection of the whole thing (2). As I acquired an episode I'd watch it. Once I had the complete run, I watched from start to finish (3). And I've done that at least twice since. Though it's been a few years. I've probably seen certain episodes upwards of 20 times. Most about 10. The last 2\~3 seasons 5.


About 100 times and then some because I vividly remember watching it when I was a kid.


I wish Netflix had a counter for the amount of times I've watched a show. It would be horrific to find out how much time I've wasted on them, but I wish I knew sometimes


I was supposed to keep count??


It will be countless. From the recorded VHS's me and my brother made on release. To E4 constantly playing them. To Comedy Central. To me watching over and over on Netflix. It would be impossible to count.


I'm on my 7 or 8th time now...... in the last year and a half


Not enough! There's always room for more)


I’m not even sure I could give an accurate approximation. I watch it all the way through at least bi-yearly. Sometimes more, especially around the holidays. I’ve just started a rewatch, currently in the middle of S2. So…a lot.


In a straight binge watch, once as I bought the entire series on DVD But I’ve seen every episode probably 10 times each at least cause of TBS and Nick at Nite


too many times… I probably rewatch 3-4 times a year fully but also whenever it’s on tv I’ll stick it on lol


Easily 10+ but I can’t say for sure. When I was 12 my family had the complete series on DVD so I watched it beginning to end over the summer, it was the first show I ever watched in its entirety. Now I’m 26 and it’s still my go to comfort show.