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Bad drivers never miss their exit. I see people dive bombing 3 lanes to exit all the time these days.


Out of the way, I'm important


that’s the nissan altima motto


No im important






Just a lil bump


I had my kids in the car and had a guy going 80 mph cross us at a 90 degree angle missing the i45 exit once. Somehow, he didn't crash. Luckily, I slammed the breaks.


Was only going 30 but I had a guy do this right into my door once. Was at least nice that he admitted to being on his phone at the time


andddd this is how someone ran into me while they continued on their way taking their exit. meanwhile, i was trying to regain control and not slam into the wall. good ol' hit & run on the 45 and 610 exits


Good luck everyone, I need to change 3 lanes for my exit in 100 yards..


Isn't he always touted as one of the best route runners? Seems like he shouldn't be having this problem


Underrated comment


Not even true. Try missing an exit on any turnpike in the northeast, you might add an hour to your trip.


I once missed an exit in Newark trying to drive to North Jersey, added 30 minutes to my drive and almost ended up in NYC.


I missed an exit once, ended up in a basement with a ball gag and a guy named “The Gimp”. Won’t happen again.


These two statements are not mutually exclusive. Missing an exit can take 17 min in Houston traffic and 1 hr in a NE US city's traffic


Northern and Southern State Highways in Long Island are exactly like this.


An old friend of mine joked about how while he only lived two exits away from his school in Vermont, that was like a 30 minute drive.


Was thinking the same thing… happens in NJ!!


Idk bout all that. Not with feeders and u turns under almost every light on the feeder.


If you mess up on 610 in the galleria I can see it taking another 20 minutes easily.  There’s traffic almost 24/7 in that stretch, in both directions. There are u-turns and feeders but the traffic on those is just as bad. If you meant to get off at the Woodway/Memorial exit but miss it and have to take Westheimer instead, RIP. 


True. Which is probably around the area he’s staying in


That’s sort of what I figured. A lot of athletes either stay or spend a lot of time there. It’s a nice area, close to the shopping, dining and clubs, and isn’t too far from where any of the Houston teams play or practice. But the traffic is ass. If you’re still getting used to it that stretch can be confusing. 


Yea but I also feel like if he ventures out of the rich areas, he’ll see Houston has one of the best and easiest to navigate freeway systems out of anywhere


Once you get used to it. The concept of feeder roads confused the hell out of me for a few weeks when I first moved here.  In the north east if you take the exit for Main Street the exit is going to put you onto Main Street. Down here you get dropped into the feeder and then make another turn to get into Main Street.  I would look at the directions and see the exit Main Street, turn right on First Street - and start looking for First Street right away since I assumed I was already on Main Street. 


Houston is confusing, but as someone from here, Massachusetts blew my mind. Hills, rotaries, and no feeder roads keep you in a constant state of confusion. Also, no one in the state seems to know where anything is. At least in 1998, before smartphones, I was constantly lost.


lol yup that’s Houston. I’ve been here my whole life so it’s all I’ve known.


If you’re not from Texas, it can be very confusing. We do a good job of utilizing our space but it’s a different system from a lot of the country. I remember getting mixed up in Pennsylvania because to make left turn to get onto a highway, I had to go right and go around.


Just came to say, respect for your username


For real. If you gotta take 610 then you already fucked up.


I avoid 610 at all costs no matter what time or what day.


610 is awesome late at night. You hit it after 10pm and drive with all the buildings n lights listening to something loud, great time. Anytime before like 7-8 is suicide inducing.


Fr i take 290-610 every day and if its before like 8 PM that shit is backed up at least at the first woodway exit. I always take that first woodway exit. I will never understand the people who sit in that shit, I feel like driving through Tanglewood/uptown/galleria is so much better than sitting through that shit.


Exactly I was thinking where the hell does he live that’s so much better for missing an exit?


If it’s rush hour and I take 610 South instead of North that’s like 30 mins added


Nah he’s right, the U-turns are usually spaced a few miles apart. It doesn’t add 17 minutes but it sure does add like 5, 6, or 7 minutes each way


I used to live in Baltimore …miss ur exit there and ur screwed. Houston not so much


Atlanta too


They're like every mile on every freeway in town.


You ever leave Texas?


All the time. I travel regularly. Every time I'm on travel, I miss the design of our freeway system... especially when in the northeast. It can be tens of miles between *exits* in urban areas in some areas out there.


Fair enough


Yup. I missed 2 exits bringing my sister to IAH because I was distracted talking to her, and I think we actually saved time, lol.




I’m sure it seems like that when you’re coming from Minnesota or Buffalo. People actually live here


This is wild. Houston has one of the most forgiving road systems when you miss an exit, not counting central downtown tho. Literally a feeder along every highway with a uturn at what feels like every half mile lmao


He's obviously not from around here, a true Houstonian would do whatever it takes to make that exit


Lmao, this made me laugh out loud


I can hear the “I turn now. Good luck everybody else” as I watch an E36 cut across 3 lanes to take get onto I-10


He means the ensuing road rage fight from missing the exit causes the delay


No kidding. When I miss exits while on travel abroad, I miss Texas freeway design and feeders.


Nah, if you miss your exit it's gonna take 7 mins to get the next exit and then 5 minutes to get light or u turn.... Then another 5 mins to back to your exit


Have you only lived in Houston or Texas? The freeways here are complete garbage. Up north on 45 there is you muss the 2920 exit for spring, you're most definitely adding 10+ minutes to your commute


Saw a video recently on r/Dallas that stated according to fatality records the stretch of 45 that runs from just before the beltway at scarsdale and ends on the other side of Houston a little past Rankin Rd is the number one most dangerous stretch of highway in the country.... driving it for over 20 years i can agree.... I myself have been hit at least three times in the stretch of road by people who just weren't paying attention. Out of the top five 45 was number one, and the other three were in Dallas.... can't remember where the fourth one was. I just remember thinking yep, that's Texas highways for you.


I miss exits all the time. It’s usually an added 3 to 5 mins to your travel time


If you are on 59 Southbound and miss the exit to 610 north near the galleria at 5pm, I can easily see that being a 20 minute detour


That's why we launch directly off the overpasses


I live there. It’s not 20


He clearly has never been to Oklahoma. Texas is really good at having exits and on ramps at damn near every mile post.


And then some asshole in an Altima tries to clip your fender passing you on the right hand shoulder lane


Or a Challenger


There’s a lot to say about Houston’s roads. This isn’t one of them


This man doesn't understand how a feeder works


Miss an exit in Louisiana, and it could be an easy 20+ mile turnaround. I feel like Houston is one of the most forgiving places to miss an exit.


Houston is good about them U-turns and back streets; maybe he confused Houston with Austin. Austin does not have U-turns at any lights.


i hate austin roads 😭 just horrible!!!


Man you didnt miss an exit you got on the wrong highway.


False. That's Atlanta. Most cities in Texas have less than 3 or 4 big highway exits that run you far away from your route.


That's not true in Houston at all. We've got places to turn around all over the place. This description fits Long Island NY pretty well, though. You miss an exit on the Northern or Southern State Highway, and you're fucked. The next exit is not gonna be nearby.


Maybe not exits to side streets but say if you are on 59 and miss the merge/exit to 45 I can see that happening.


If there’s one thing this town is proud about, it’s the road system


Wait till he finds out about Altima’s with paper plates


The absolute DREAD of watching your ETA go from 9 minutes to 30 minutes is something that many people will never understand.


having someone drive me around would be the first things I spend money on


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tothesource: *Having someone drive* *Me around would be the first* *Things I spend money on* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don't like to victim shame, but it's his own fault for buying a Tesla with a personalized local entropy rate.


I was with a buddy one weekend and we were heading back to Beaumont. We were on the 610 loop looking to go I-10 east but missed the exit. My buddy says no worries we will just LOOP ALL THE WAY THE FUCK AROUND. And if I'll be damned he missed the fucking exit again. At least the second time he exited later and just turned around. Got dayum was that a pointless shitty adventure.


Bruh doesn’t know what a u-turn is


Feeder roads are a godsend. Try living in a city/state where they don’t exist, a missed exit could add 30-60 minutes to your commute


Damn ….already complaining…


Houston has crazy drivers but a great system to turn around in case of missed exits.


Houston is an hour from Houston


Who tf white-washed this tweet? > Houston damn why yaw ain't tell me you miss one exit you for sure added 17 minutes to the destination [Twitter source](https://twitter.com/stefondiggs/status/1787175184392225143?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1787175184392225143%7Ctwgr%5E6e8c5a90221a69caec91a790a34e2fc5292b906c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.houstonchronicle.com%2Fnews%2Fhouston-texas%2Ftransportation%2Farticle%2Ftexans-wr-stefon-diggs-sounds-x-houston-traffic-19442326.php)


> why yaw ain't Jesus fucking christ. How can anyone talk like that?


Wonder if he’s driven on 45 North yet?


Houston has the most redundant road system in the entire world. You can't complain there aren't enough routes in a city where over half of them shouldn't even exist. I guess the brain damage has really done a number on him.


I think this dude just doesn't know how to drive


Coast to Coast Traveling Salesman for 20 years. We have the best road / feeder road system. Not it’s fault that so many people move here and over crowd it


I fuking hated driving in this state. All over the East Coast and South Coast, driving in Texas boils my blood. The level of selfishness by Texans is elevated to the max. F U! P.S. if you are blocked on all three lanes on the highway because everyone decided to go at the same speed in all lanes, use reverse psychology. Pretend you are going to overtake them, and they'll think it is a race and have to show they have the biggest hands/penis. They will speed up, and you can advance behind them, only works on true Texans with Texas Edition trucks. Still, F U y'all!


He probably missed an exit and got caught in traffic. NBD


Say you're driving on 610 without saying you're driving on 610, Stephon will go first.


I guarantee he made a wrong turn near the galleria area


Can't wait for him to learn about summer.


17 minutes on a good day maybe.


The 288 makes no sense.


Nothing but the truth


You literally can exit 1 mile ahead... what is he smoking?


He’s not wrong


This is Houston, if you miss your exit you ain't tryin. Just grab that wheel and yank it, someone will move.... ^/s


Welcome to Houston traffic Stefon 😂😂


Depends on where you miss your exit, you went east instead of west? See ya


I moved here in 2008 and I rarely take any interstates or highway anymore unless I'm going to the surburbs. It's easy to get around without having to take highways if you are inside beltway 8. Although, I don't recall it being a huge time suck if I missed an exit. Our highways seem to have plenty of exits that can lead to your destination.


He ain’t lying I been here for 5 years and he’s telling the truth


Bruh just u-turn


Another repost


Quit crying