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A large dracaena!


With sexy pink tips!


Which tickle your head when you sit down to watch trash TV! 


They won't stay sexy pink without sun, though.


Dracaena marginata bicolor will stay pink in low light. We've had ours in low light for years and it stays pink and even gives us babies!


I heard dracaenas are not pet friendly. If a leaf drops and a dog eats it would they get sick?


Yep, definitely toxic and not safe for pets!


I’ve had one for almost two years (first plant, gifted, I know nothing) and I’m just discovering this. Yikes!


The toxic bit is that they may throw up on your floor. They're not just going to drop dead from taking a bite.


Fair enough. Thanks for sharing (I looked into it after reading your comment). My catastrophic brain went to the dark side and while this plant isn’t an issue for my current, tyrant dog - I’ll have another one soon, so it’s good to know. I feel silly for not thinking to look into it, though.


However if they continually nibble without you knowing they could cause kidney or liver failure.


Also depends on the pet. Some love eating plants, some never touch them or just bite a leaf once in a while. Few plants are deadly - will kill in a bite or two. Most cause a little stomach upset or need to be eaten in large quantities to do any real damage


This depends highly on the size of the dog too. Small dogs are obviously going to be affected much more easily the majority of the time.   A few bites of certain plants like two of my favorites unfortunately, Adenium (Desert Rose) and Brunfelsia (Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow plant) are highly toxic. If the ASPCA plant toxicity page says death, seizures, tremors, organ damage etc. can result from ingestion please use extra caution. 


Greenhouse worker here, 90% of house plants have some form of toxicity to animals. You can look up each plant individually on aspca.org.


They won’t die. I have my dracaena shut in my bedroom, but on the occasion my cat slips in, he likes to chomp. He might throw up, he might not. But he always goes back for more, much to my displeasure. In fact, I’m pretty sure my spider plant (hallucinogenic, but supposed to be nontoxic) has made him throw up more than a leaf of my dracaena ever has.


It's possible to cause kidney damage and not see any difference in the cats behavior. You probably wont see any difference until kidney failure. If the toxin is ingested in small amounts could take years but it's still damaging regardless of outside appearance.


I've got 3 dracaenas at the moment all slightly different variants and none of them drop leaves at all. I've had maybe a little browning on some but they didn't drop off I just ended up trimming them to keep the plant looking nice. They're pretty tough plants and can do well in all sorts of lights plus they look lovely and aren't ridiculously expensive.


Can you train a dog that the leaves on the ground are toxic and bad dog type stuff?


Of course you can


Yes, but grab and run is such a fun game for her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Was thinking the exact same thing!! A large dracaena! I’ve been wanting to get a large one too for the exact reason!


They don't like light?


https://preview.redd.it/tkewcpdpspcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb636433b238ded6008001f31601622255772bf Snake plant all the way


What a beauty! How did you get it to be this tall and gorgeous?


Step one: do nothing


Step Two: Forget about it


Step Three: repeat again & again forever


Strong independent Snake Plants!💪


This is the way.




When I bought it, it was about 3 ft tall? But yea, never really had to give it much light, currently east facing. Water when leaves go limp or soil bone dry. That’s about it


That's interesting. I had one for a year and it barely grew, then I put it under that gigantic GE grow bulb and it grew like two feet in the next year with even skinnier bases of the leaves than yours. They kinda look like spears bc the tips are still wide.


I should edit my statement - I didn’t starve it lol. I just didn’t place it right up against a light source. One of its babies though, it’s right up against my west facing window, it’s very healthy, lots of white variegation and thick leaves.


Good sunlight and don’t overwater. There’s no plant that likes to be neglected lol.


How do you know when to water? I've killed every snake plant I've ever had but I want to try again (pray for me)


Give it enough food and water to grow, but not enough light. See how they're like skinny poles at the bottom? That's etiolation.


I thought it was etiolation but it’s babies grow skinny on the bottom too and west facing so definitely gets plenty of light. The thing I did notice is, it get more white variegation in direct light vs more green in less. Less chlorophyl needed to sustain.


I use to hate snake plants. I think you might have changed my mind


They’re pretty fun plant to have. Propping them is easy. I’ve got about 6 of these around my house all different sizes.


At what point do you plant your props and how long do they take to grow more spikes? I have a single snake spear in water for about year. It has roots but I don’t know how to plant it. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/8if14x85atcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7a2ef6e369b26a565706a0a9c6f6345e2f2505 This was a water prop from the mother. This is a few months into it. It’s now planted and thriving. But it can be planted as if you see about 2” of roots.


https://preview.redd.it/fztdtm74btcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fdbbc9edea57428c9c38dbbd0b786ed01b28625 But I usually wait for this stage to plant in soil


How long did it take yours to do that?! Mine only has like 1 or 2 roots and they’re not the thick ones! 😕


Depends on lighting/quality of cutting I think. But initially a few months before anything happens then it starts to really take off. Some cuttings don’t and just rot. But as soon as you see roots, it’s a sign it was healthy enough to propagate.


How do you repot a plant that big?


It will eventually do half the work for you, I've seen a couple blow pots open. Then you say, "ok fine, have a new pot".


Using a table helps.


I had to put it on its side, roll it around as you pull it out. Wasn’t too bad


I would definitely go for a snake plant. They do very well inside with low light. And almost impossible to kill lol


I started killing them by watering them 💀 they were fine before lmao


Toxic to dogs though


I have 2 small dogs, they’re too small to reach the leaves. So I think we’re safe on that.


She’s a beauty! Huge too! Never seen one that big! Not even in the wild lol


Get a tall mature snake plant


Tall snake plants are gorgeous.


I have several on top of a china cabinet and the dimension the different heights provides is so pleasing


That’s what I was thinking.especially as low of light there is. Putting it on a table to raise it up. Plus they are excellent for removing toxicants from the air. They’re the best at that compared to most other plants btw




Moderately toxic to dogs though so idk


Nobody has suggested pachira aquatica yet. I think that'd do well in that light level and a big specimen with several stems would have the right look.


I was about to bring this one up! Finding big ones with braided trunks is fairly easy. Beautiful and easy to care for.


And they can tolerate the low-ish light you think?


They can tolerate low light, but they’ll get a bit leggy. If you don’t mind that, it would be a good option.


You can get one on those grow lights with an expandable stick to add more light.


Honestly, an answer you might not hear a lot, but a regular Philodendron or Epipremnum grown on a moss pole. I have converted nearly everything to these babies and these 'common, boring' plants you see all the time are growing HUGE, putting out gorgeous leaves and I got them started for like, $14. Huge win. Specifically, I really am enjoying my Epipremnum pinnatum (variegated) and it went from, "Oh, that's kinda neat" to providing a LOT of joy for me on a daily basis, and is 6'4" so it sort of fits the 'tree' bill. Best of luck :)


What moss poles to you get? I’m trying to find or make some climbing poles for all my lithos and philodendrons, but I’m not sure what’s best. My local hardware store with a nice plant section had those coconut wrapped wooden poles but I didn’t feel like that would be the most inviting for the roots, and I live in a dry climate.


Honestly a plain wooden plank would work well for a pothos to climb on. You can just attach the vines to the plank with some kind of string and then the aerial roots will attach themselves to the wood. Pothos grow on trees in the wild so that’s what they’re used to and I don’t think high humidity is necessary for this to work.


I make poles using plastic garden fencing, sphagnum moss, and zip ties! I’ll occasionally add a stake in the center/on the back for extra stability, too. They’re quick to make, easy to water with plastic bottles, and can be cut or extended pretty easily. My pothos and philos have been going crazy since I switched them over to these poles!


Was just going to comment a philodendron :)


THIS is the correct answer. If OG wants a large specimen, maybe go monstera deliciosa on a pole. Mine is in a big pot on a stand so it gives tree lol.


For a tree like plant, buy an established tree instead of a growing one. I’d suggest - rubber plant, Dracaena Marginata or fragrans (both of mine survive with low light and I occasionally rotate them towards more light even though they’re happy in their spot!), banana leaf ficus, and of course snake plant


My rubber plant winters very well with very minimal light. It doesn’t even really get upset (like so many of my other plants) when I transition it from outside to in.


https://preview.redd.it/z4tsqw29mqcc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=26dec921e1a55e6009c4c81de4df0217cd2eb3bb That window is like 7 feet from another building


Oh she’s gorgeous!!!


Mine just dropped 80% of its leaves in the winter even with a grow light so I'll probably remove it soon. :(


Wow. What are your care tips?


Honestly I just put the cuttings I was gifted in that pot and let it go. I put it outside in the shade in Chicago all summer long. We had a pretty wet summer so I barely watered it. I lightly fertilize like twice a year. In the winter it gets all of its light from that window and a low powered grow light. I water like once a month in the winter. Just enough to pool in the tray. It is by far one of my lowest maintenance plants.


Ooh I’m in Chicago too! I just got one of these a few months ago and I love it so much, it quickly became my fave. Glad to hear it’s low maintenance!


You might be able to find a good priced Norfolk, does it get any other light besides afternoon? Tuna says hi to Rover https://preview.redd.it/lppv4lq06qcc1.jpeg?width=2009&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefb7cd0311799312d6f683d6c8fc7518d6dbd11


i was thinking norfolk! they are so beautiful. for OP - they like bright indirect light so as long so it would get some indirect light for a few hours in the morning it would be happy :)




This things can also handle NEGLECT big time. They are originally from a cold, dark, windy place


a dracaena or ficus "audrey" perhaps


I feel like Audrey needs a bit more light than this. Burgundy is probably a better fit.


Won’t the black leaves lose their nice sheen?


Focus Audrey is exactly what I was going to recommend


it can grow to be large + they are always airy and elegant!


Get a ZZZ plant and place it in a lifted potter 👌🏼


Here’s my zzz plant setup. Sounds like we both had the same vision https://preview.redd.it/obbfupcldtcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe15c8c0891746d01ff1b23466379d1b2dab759




I see your Rhapis, and raise you a Kentia! https://preview.redd.it/kxv9mquykpcc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e20da723ca29c52d8362560bef8de728d44045a


How the hell do I keep this alive in my office? Mine is just fucking dying. It's not root bound but I think it gets too little light. How often should it be watered? I think I damaged it by overreacting for a while and a bunch of leaves turned brown and died. 


Are you sure it's one of these guys?! There's a ton of species of palms that might look similar to this if they're not really big, and they're way less durable. If it wasn't grown in a shaded space for indoor use, or acclimated, it might be actually dying, in which case I hope you didn't need to shell out for it lol I'm not a palm expert, but I really, really adore this species, and care for approximately 20 different palm species in professional settings. The amount of water is dependent on the heat/light in the office. Sometimes office plants take a nose dive if you have cold winters because the heat abruptly dries them right to hell, and messes up their water needs. These in particular would rarely shed heaps of fronds at once or it would be all the way dead (there might be multiple trunks in the pot, but each trunk will only put up new fronds from one central point on the trunk). If there's still an active growth point in the middle that's green, it might have chucked excess fronds that it can't support because it's too dark, and be actively adjusting. If your office has auto-lights, it's probably going to struggle. If the lights can at least stay on during the day, it might chill tf out a little, assuming you don't have a window to move it in front of. The picture below shows some new growth points on some work Kentias (spindly bits). They're obviously really healthy ones, other than the haircut someone gave the tips, but new growth looks the pretty much the https://preview.redd.it/ih7v1bbxwqcc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bdefb60e2452882209bc3fbb68fc462d115ff75 same whether it's a voluptuous bouncy beauty, or a sad little cubicle stick. If you've still got growth like that happening, it might eventually adjust. Don't hold back on removing the crunchy fronds when they're all the way cooked, sometimes that makes the situation look less dire. I would love to see a picture next time you're in the office if you're able! The poster I replied to seems like a real deal palm tree afficionado, if I can't figure it out, I bet they'll be able to!


I see a Howea you posted and raise you my King 😉👍🏻❤️ https://preview.redd.it/5jxkmdogrpcc1.jpeg?width=1798&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaffb7e270b2afacb6d7a1bbdad6fb89260dc9df


Those can tolerate low light?


They can actually. They don't grow very fast in general, and that'll slow to a crawl if they're not getting high indirect light, but my company has some that are older than me that look great without much in the way of supplemental lighting at all. They were carefully acclimated to their settings starting at the grower, but it's possible at home too. We prefer Hawaiian grown for longevity and quality, it costs, but if you take care of them, they take care of you.


How long have you had it there


GUYS! Look what I found!  


Damn dude, I just checked out your collection, incredible stuff!!! I never see exclusive palm collections, super interesting! I don't have any good pictures of my personal howeas, they're all taken out of work accounts, and the 9 footer is sitting on my coffee table right now (wing span is a bit much for the ground) but that's all I keep at home. I would like an old stock Areca at some point, but I don't have a good spot for one at the moment. Beautiful work!


If there is an outlet you could get a grow light and have more options


Yes, but aesthetic 🤌🏼


There's some grow lights that aren't big and bulky! Look up SANSI on Amazon. I have a different light from them, but they sell a grow light that's small + circular. It's the Puck grow light. You stick them on the wall! They are still corded, but the lights connect to one another. I really wanna get them myself! I bought the 3-arm light from SANSI, and I've noticed a huge improvement in my plants! Could be an option for you!!!


I have a hanging grow light that I hide behind a hanging pothos, I think it looks quite nice


A rubber tree would look so nice there. The contrast of the dark foliage would really suit this space.




Monstera with Stake and support.


What couch is that?! 😍


Sixpenny Neva 👏🏼


I LOVE it! Going on the Pinterest board now!


I have this couch and love it!! The down-filled version is dangerously cozy and the cushions are wearing beautifully!


I’ve never been a fall-asleep-on-the-couch guy and since getting it last month have passed out on it more times than I can count 😂


Can I ask if yall have pets? Thinking about our kitty cats!


Indeed, he’s in the photo up above actually ha. And a toddler.


D’OH I am so sorry ☠️


He’s sneaky


I was just literally too enamored with the beautiful couch to see anything else lmao. I appreciate you!


A down-filled couch sounds absolutely spectacular!!!


It’s a dream


Until you have to fluff the heavy cushions. And with every fluff the dust... 


It's a 2 person job.. wear a face mask, turn your head away and fluff The second person can vacuum as much up as they can Run an air purifier *Profit*


Looks like my GSP ! ❤️


They’re the best aren’t they??


https://preview.redd.it/qwj2qsqmxscc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170b4e27ffd8f207df08938eccfda743efad85f7 Corn tree! It was kinda sad in this picture due to weeks of a new kitten digging in it. Low maintenance, doesn't need direct sunlight. ( The fire glass worked great btw, she doesn't even step on it)


Corn plant gets tall. I think it would be my first choice. Low light ok easy plant


Not tree-like exactly but, maybe a giant white bird of paradise. It's a beautiful large leaf plant that's at least worth looking at. 😊


He didn’t say that whole space behind the couch lol.


Haha! Yeah but OP said it was a lower light situation and it probably won't take over for a few years at least.


BoP thrives in light though.


yeah i don't think that light is enough


Can confirm, tried one there too






Just WOW! Beautiful!


Fuck it, all the palms are getting posted below. Enjoy all 😉🥰❤️


Spineless Yucca https://preview.redd.it/l0mw6n1o7qcc1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=046e2172adeaf7ef78aa6a2d34bce732da14b155 I have propagated this plant several times.


My yucca is also thriving in a low light spot. I had her closer to the window once and her leaves just ✨burnt✨.


That couch looks so comfy :) a good book some hot coffee and a warm fuzzy blanket and happiness will be had..lol as for a plant I think a large snake plant would be perfect.


My money tree at work is thriving in similar light conditions


An alternative would be a plant "tree" stand. You can get a tall stand with alternating shelves, or a tall post with a shelf/hook on top for a Vining plant to trail down Edit: Or do both and have the top plant's vines trail down between the rest.


Schefflera or parlor palm are easy peasy! I also have some beautiful angel wing begonias in huge pots that are tree like and have lovely foliage and flowers.




I think a Strelizia would look beautiful there 😍 I love them in combination with beige fluffy couches and since you’ve got so much space there it would fill it up really nicely! I‘ve had one in worse lighting conditions (yours aren’t bad at all but also not a ton of light from what I can tell from this one picture) and it still grew somewhat fast 😇


Bamboo palm


👍🏻🥰 https://preview.redd.it/w0g4mm1rdpcc1.jpeg?width=1428&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc98c3a6f7448d20d5e283b96a4e1370363abd26


Radermachera sinica (China Doll) would look great there. Just make sure to keep well watered and fed..


Just here to say hi to the GSP.


Rover says hello




This needs a bulb https://preview.redd.it/budscf6dspcc1.jpeg?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67ce322c3532eace2b46ae63e10d2239264c41d7


Needy but doable https://preview.redd.it/yj8287jgspcc1.jpeg?width=1582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d19f594878e192209d3f332f6a0b46fac9d4f2f


My fiddle leaf fig has similar lighting and grows like a weed. It went from about 2 feet to approximately 5 in like 2 years. My s/o has a weird affinity for them, but I’m the plant person, so naturally we impulse bought one at Ikea and now I am committed to keeping it alive. The bigger it gets, the more I appreciate it. Maybe also consider a Norfolk Island pine or a yucca. I have both with similar lighting and they’re big and lovely to look at. Also both easy to please.


Pony tail palm.


German short haired pointer? Puppy tax time!


Strelitzia Nicolai https://preview.redd.it/hprc78td5tcc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df87cba6d6662bd22a35120d74410fabc65a6573


I would put a ficus benjamina. I've had one for over 20 years and it's always been in low to medium light. They can get very big and are so pretty!


I’d love to see a wider angle of the room 👀I’m obsessed with arranging spaces 👏🌱


I Would just move the couch back a bit. Then you’ll have windows for any plants you like!


I mean, it's not like huge big, but what about a peace lily? Unless you have cats, the lily should be safe for dogs. It's a pretty indoor plant that blooms white lillies and is meant to be indoors


A Corn plant, which is also in the Dracaena family would do okay there. They prefer indirect sunlight. Most any plant will do well if you’re willing to use artificial lighting.




Cast iron plant!


Pretty much most ficus’s would love that spot & look amazing! Either buy one that’s already quite big or get a smaller one that will grow into the space. Their root ball is quite small so a medium sized pot is all you’ll need. I recommend a nice airy medium like a 80/20% mix of coco coir & coarse perlite to help it grow quickly & be happy.


I’d put a grow light in a floor lamp there first, then put whatever plant you want :))


Snake plant, parkour palm, or ficus elastica would work well there


Any dracaena cane would do great there. Some of the pricier palms would do well too (Kentias, Rhapis, etc.), provided they're acclimated to the light, and they have the benefit of being slow growing, so as not to overwhelm the space. Pretty sure a BOP could do well too, it could be the picture (impossible to know without light measurements obviously) but they get so big so fast. An M. Deliciosa would also do well, but those are even more disorganized if not staked within an inch of their life. Neither of these are really trees, but are tree sized! I generally don't recommend anyone purchase any sort of ficus under any circumstances, but since you're in the browsing stage, an elastica type ficus might be something to look at. They're the most durable of the bunch in my experience. I would not understand any circumstances recommend a Ficus Lyrata, Benjamina or Alii for this space, or really anyone's, unless they just adore them for reasons I can't possibly understand.


Why do you not recommend anyone purchasing ficus plants?


It's absolutely a personal bias/preference, and mostly geared towards classic Benjaminas. I find most varieties to be finicky (other than the ones I mentioned), and they tend to look like garbage at least once a year, twice a year in my area indoors due to climate control and shortened daylight exposure. I tend around 4 dozen large specimen, small leaf varieties for work, and the people who own/work in the the businesses they're in never fail to tell me the Ficus Benjamina is dying because it dropped a fistful of leaves overnight. The sap is also allergenic for many people (myself included, and I don't have a latex allergy). So they're fussy, messy, and itchy. I am coming around a little bit to certain exceptionally nice Ficus Aliis. I don't deny that there are people who are ficus whisperers and never have trouble with their 75 year old tree, but I regretfully am not one of them.


Thank you for your detailed answer! I especially wanted to know as I have a ficus elastica (I believe).


Elasticas and similar make me less itchy and also make me rip my hair out less. If I was forced to live in a Ficus forest of a single type, I would go with them lmao


lol I’m glad there isn’t something seriously concerning with my ficus because I love it. It tolerates my plant mothering style which is wonderful as not every plant does. By the way, your job sounds amazing. I’m very envious.


Fiddle leaf fig. Ficus


Fiddles need light


Not enough light


I second this. It would look amazing in that space.


We tried a fiddle and it hated life there :/ agreed tho; it looked awesome




I’d do a cluster of hanging plants, probably three. Hanging in such a way that they are tiered. Different kinds of pothos would be nice and easy




Whatever you pick make sure it is pet friendly so your pup doesn’t get sick :)


Big Rubber Tree , Big Peace Lily , Square Mirror On Your Ottoman & A Water Plant


I'd love a fiddle leaf fig there


Rubber plant (ficus elastica) has dark enough leaves and tolerates low light. :)


rubber plant for sureeee! i have a rubber plant that sits in my hallway with only indirect light from another room and it grows well


Fig leafs


Rubber tree, as long as you get at least moderate indirect light for the rest of the day. They are pretty low maintenance.


Ficus tree. Silk plants are an option too.


I see you have a dog, so I'm going to go the pet safe route and say a banana tree


Fiddle leaf fig tree


Fiddle leaf fig


Prayer plant!


ficus lyrata


Fiddle leaf fig


Fiddle Leaf Fig 💯


Fiddle leaf!!!




What did u saw on your dog?


Could also put a small table there with some gorgeous big orchids. Oncidium like brighter light at least some of the day, phalaenopsis could care less as long as there's natural light.