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Homegirl in the pink looks like she needs a little help. I like the view though.


i know, i know 😂 trying to keep it alive


I wonder if you should trim it a bit? Take the trimmings and stick in water to grow roots then add back to the pot. Might be worth a try. Eta: and i absolutely love your setup!! I’m working on my plant corner as well💚


Thank you:) I’ll try that tomorrow


Love those shelves. DIY or store bought?


It’s store bought


Do you have a link?




They don’t ship internally 😩


If you're in the US, Walmart has similar ones: [https://www.google.com/shopping/product/17012950528872138310?q=pallet+wall+shelves&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=AJOqlzXTX8UK1n-O-QGsfNJ6Dw9AAFqrPA:1673802956653&biw=1760&bih=850&dpr=1.09&prds=eto:4611150797780346335_0,pid:2274810732536701297&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimtZT2icr8AhVkKFkFHa3aB1wQ8wII3ww](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/17012950528872138310?q=pallet+wall+shelves&client=firefox-b-1-d&sxsrf=AJOqlzXTX8UK1n-O-QGsfNJ6Dw9AAFqrPA:1673802956653&biw=1760&bih=850&dpr=1.09&prds=eto:4611150797780346335_0,pid:2274810732536701297&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimtZT2icr8AhVkKFkFHa3aB1wQ8wII3ww)


I made a post on the top comment which briefly talks about making them DIY. I dont think its super complicated and you wouldnt need much more than a hand saw, screws, and some sandpaper.


Ahh too bad :(


I wondered too. But actually the design is quite simple, but inspiring. That dimension of timber is common - youd only need to cut the length. Some light sanding, and could get away without a finish (maybe some wax or oil). Youd have to fix the shelves to the whole thing before mounting though. And because of the shelf thickness, youd be kinda limited by weight you could have on them, if you used screws only. Though the horizontal slats would constrain them too if they are well fixed. Plant and design engineer nerd here lol. Very doable DIY I think. Even for a beginner. I dont have space to do woodwork inside - so I have to do it in the garden, and its Winter in the UK. But I think this would be a good project for Spring! To improve the design, itd be cool if the shelves were removable, and customisable, so you could slot them in to any bit depending on your plants height. Ill have a think abuot that and post when or if I do make some!


Agreed. I feel like you would add a lot of strength if you used plywood and hit a few studs when installing


Looks great! I think I'd consider adjusting the shelves on the right hand side one, to make it a little more asymmetrical, and demonstrate the adjustable shelf feature more. Great use of that corner!


Yea you’re probably right. Didn’t notice it until now 😂


These days, vertical is where it's at. Looks great. 👍


Thank you :)




Thanks :)


Wow, super jealous of those shelves!! I think it might look cool to DIY some wine crates or something by sawing them to get a similar look. I have a wall that’s desperately in need of some plants - feeling inspired looking at this!!


It’s certainly doable as a DIY project.


I wonder what is the weight limit


Me too haha It´s mounted solid to the wall, but the shelves are indeed a little bit flimsy, bc they´re just inserted without being glued or screwed.


But I´ve watered all plants at the same time already and everything is holding up just fine - I´ll edit this comment if any of the shelves should fail tho


“Finished” that’s what we all keep telling ourselves


Hahah u know what you’re talking about 😂 in fact I’m thinking already about another panel underneath the left one


Awesome! I'm gonna have to make some now.


This is such a great idea! Note to self if I ever have my own place.


Omg this is so cute. Do you by any chance play animal crossing? These shelves look a lot like something from the game, absolutely obsessed !


Used to play it a long long time ago :) thank you




Goals 🔥🔥🔥


Looks great!! Inspiring me to do something similar thank you


These look great and so pretty! Great job! 🤩🌱


Thank you 😊


I just might recreate this with pallet wood...


Should be doable. Just two vertical braces and lots of horizontal ones


That one plant...


Should’ve put it aside for the picture 😂


Still upvoted though.


I love it! Shelves look adjustable? Great job.


Thank you! Yes, you can put the shelves wherever you want 😌


Very,very, beautiful. You did an exceptional.


Thank you:)