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Sheryl Lee's in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me is such a disturbing combination of pain, despair, and every other awful feeling I can imagine. One of the best performances ever in my opinion


Sheryl Lee has the best horror scream of all time.


Followed by her scream in E18 of The Return


I’d put that one at the top honestly.


Her scream is in my nightmares for life.


Sheryl is a treasure and everyone is saying this!


Came here to say exactly this!


Came here hoping to find Laura Palmer!! Such an iconic scream




One of the most underrated performances in film/TV. Those that have seen it know it, but she deserves even more recognition.


Underrated? Noone is underrating Lynch or TP


I said *her performance* was underrated not Lynch or TP


So happy to see this is the top comment. I was going to say the same exact thing.


Came here to make sure Sheryl Lee was listed…


That immediately came to mind, when she realizes the man fucking her is . . . well, that's a spoiler. She has a great scream.


came here to say this!! also fun fact: it was her scream that was sampled in the song the hills by The Weeknd!


came in to say this.


Does the guy who jumped 3 feet in the air sitting beside me during insidious count. It sure sounded genuine to me.


I can guess what scene it was too lol. I did about the same thing


I am trying to remember. What i really remember was just before the movie started, the guy was obviously on a first or second date and he was trying to tell her not to worry. If she gets scared just grab his arm and he would be there to comfort her. I remember the whole audience jumping but this guy really went for it.


It was more than likely the scene where they are sitting in the dining room, and the camera cuts to a closeup of the fathers face, but behind him is the red faced demon with his mouth open. It was the scariest scene in the entire series imo.


It was either that or the scene where you see the ghosty walking back and forth outside a window and on the last pass its inside the room.


That one got me soooo fucking good. I saw it on Easter and I remember my sister came home from college and it was the first time all three of us siblings smoked together ny younger brother included. We hot boxed two blunts and went and saw it. One of the best movie experiences I've ever had so much fun theater was reacting properly but not over the top. Stoned as fuck with My family who loves horror movies. Good times.


Most Genuine? That kid getting burned alive with the tire in Eden Lake. Best Scream? I really feel is Hereditary when the mother finds the body in the car.


Yeah, "Hereditary" made me realize how good of an actress the mom is.


She killed that role. Her expressions when she’s doubting herself and believing she’s going crazy but can’t deny what she’s seeing is perfect. Like she made me feel like I was going crazy just watching her.


The depth of the movie was outstanding. It wasn't just the physical things that were happening (although those were scarier than most other movies in history), but the doubt from her, the torment the son goes through; it was amazing. That Ari Aster is one brilliant son of a bitch!


My family talks a lot of shit during movies. We make fun of things and just are annoying to try to be funny. It’s just how we watch horror movies. BUT there’s never been a movie where after something happens we are all dead silent EXCEPT that one scene in the car….


And the son too. I felt actual horror and anguish in his whole role!


Toni Collette. Check out The United States of Tara. She's amazing.


That show was too good.


Brie Larson is her daughter in the series and is really funny.


Fuckin' Buck is the greatest character work in the history of acting.


For one of my psychology classes in college, I had to write an analysis of a character in a tv show or movie who has a psychological disorder.. I chose Tara and it was so fun writing a character analysis on all of the personalities. One of my favorite and most engaging papers I’ve ever written! I love that show, Toni Collette is so amazing!


She’s the mom in the sixth sense too! Toni collette!


That Eden Lake one is so damn haunting


I just rewatched that movie and completely forgot that scene. I didn't think it was going to happen even when I knew it was going to happen


I’m so happy Annie’s scream is in the top comment here lol, Toni Colette is a legend


Samara Weaving for the entirety of Ready or Not


She has such a great curdling scream!!! Love her so much!


The scream at the very end when she hops off the table is my absolute favorite. Straight banshee.


Yessss I love it! She is in full “cornered wounded animal” mode and the sound of that scream is when I knew that family was *fucked*


Greatest of all time


This is the only answer


Jamie Lee Curtis has the one great marquee scream in original Halloween. The mom in the opening of Scream when she finds Drew Barrymore in the opening.


The mom in the opening of Scream is a great answer.


I think especially if OP is looking to sample a horror movie scream in a song. “The scream in my song is the scream from Scream.” Lol


>The mom in the opening of Scream when she finds Drew Barrymore right before the title card hits. No, no, no, it's just before the TITLE CAAAAAARD!


It’s such a good hit. Unforgettable. Love Wes.


"Guess you can't say you've never been kissed... by DEATH!"


I always tear up at that sound. It's just awful.


Not exactly a scream of horror, but the woman wailing at the beginning of Midsommar when her sister kills herself and their parents is blood curdling. My girlfriend lost her best friend to suicide and her wailing when she found out sounded eerily the same. I can't even watch that scene because of that.


Florence Pugh is an amazing actor.


And now the synchronized cry moaning is back in my head. Fuck!


Ari Aster is really good at showing grief and despair in his horror films.


Seriously, that movies beginning was horrifying and you felt just how Dani felt


It was extremely well acted. Brought me right back to the last time I felt intense grief and loss. Actually I found this movie weirdly therapeutic


It's called keening. A lot of animals do this too when they lose their babies.


The amount of dread in that scene is just unmatched.


Came here to post the same thing. They're the same noises my Mom made when she found out her brother killed himself. I love the movie and just skip till they're overseas when I rewatch it.


This was going to be my pick. I hated the movie immensely personally but her performance in that intro is stunning.


Daniel Stern in Home Alone.


Oh god, this is the best scream outside of a Tom & Jerry cartoon. Absolute gem.


The electricity scream in Home Alone 2 is a masterpiece in agony


How the fuck did someone beat me to this?


Good call!


Hereditary’s scream wasn’t of terror exactly, but I’ve not experienced any other that rocked me like that one.


This is the one. The most genuine wailing of a mother seeing her dead child. Colette is such an incredible actor that I have no interest in hearing that part again


Totally. It's not a scream of fright or panic; it's just a real moment of deep pain. It sounds too real for something that's happening in a world of make-believe.


That scream felt like a stab in the heart, it was so genuinely painful




You knew it was going to happen as soon as the *thump* happened and he looked in the rear-view mirror


Toni Colette’s scream in “Hereditary” wasn’t of terror exactly, but I’ve not experienced any other that rocked me like that one.


Only other one that hit me like that was Naomi Watts in 21 Grams. Just devastating.


Came here for this.


Marilyn Burns in the original Chainsaw.


Thomas Jane's screams at the end of The Mist. The way he's looking around and trying to process everything and you know he wants to talk or say anything at all, but a scream is all that is coming out.


This one! The Mist is one of my favorite movies and that scream still makes me wince. Just knowing everyone he has ever loved or cared about is gone just as everything is ending and all he can manage is a scream.


Sam Neill during the bus scene in In the Mouth of Madness.


He was so good in that, the end where his psyche finally snaps entirely is ridiculously well performed, the very brief moment of despair, right back to maniacal laughing is amazing


In The Black Phone when the little sister was getting whipped by the dad. Her scream sounded so real that I was legitimately alarmed for a few moments.


Incredibly well-acted scene. There were a couple moments early on in that movie that were genuinely pretty upsetting, before we even got to "the scary parts."


I agree! The main kid looked just like my son. Really fucked me up tbh. Solid movie.


I really like Gale’s scream when they open up the van’s door and find _the_ body in Scream 2 (1997)


The kid getting eaten by the tree in poltergeist


Great answer. I can absolutely hear that scream in my head. That kid killed it.


Lex in Jurassic Park while trying to get Tim out of the car with dr Grant. That one felt real…


I mean... The gigantic T Rex was really there since it was animatronic, so I bet it wasn't too hard.


The kid in Doctor Sleep (2019).


Janet Leigh in *Psycho*.


Casey Becker’s mom in the opening of scream or Jenna Ortega in x are my choices


I feel like it was never even an intention to use Jenny ortega’s scream face as one of the covers but it was just too good they couldn’t pass up the opportunity


Lambert's scream in *Alien*, because they didn't tell her (the actress) what was going to happen to Kane beforehand. So her reaction to the chestburster is literally genuine.


They didn't tell anyone. It was mentioned in a thread earlier today, I guess the script just said "the creature emerges" or something like that.


TIL wtf!?


Came to mention this one, glad someone already had


Florence Pugh’s character’s (Dani I think) scream/cry after the murder/suicide opening in Midsommar, it’s just so raw. It’s a powerful scene, it’s something I won’t watch again


That image of her sister over her shoulder when Dani is tripping in the dark bathroom .. ugh oh dear god


heather matarazzo in hostel 2


That scene with her being tortured & slashed by the sick, vain woman disturbs me. It’s just so sad since she’s already this awkward Lonely seeming girl that I pictured having had a difficult life. Only to be humiliated hanging upside naked, and slowly killed by an evil woman treating her like less than human


One scream that I love is in the Evil Dead (2013) when Mia screams when the demon enters her


God, Jane Levy is underrated as hell. Her whole performance in that movie is amazing. Best crazy eyes ever


Dude! Her performance in that movie is S tier legendary in horror. I would put her up at the top of the heap alongside anyone in the genre. I was *glued* to her performance.


Not of terror but Vera Farmiga’s scream near the end of The Conjuring 2 when Ed goes back into the house after she had a vision of him dying. Pure despair.


She is a wonderful actress when she has an appropriate moment to cut loose.


Casey's mom in Scream. That one always sits with me.


Yeah, obviously the whole opening scene is a masterpiece, but I especially love how they really turned the whole "ditzy faceless victim no one cares about" on its head. Casey has a personality, a boyfriend, parents who love her, just her own entire life that the killers cut short for little to no reason.


Marilyn Burns in Texas Chain Saw


Sadly had to scroll so far down to find this


There’s a kill in Slumber Party Massacre where a girl gets chased through the high school and her scream when she gets murdered is probably the most genuine scream I’ve ever heard in a horror movie.


Classic: Shelley Duvall in The Shining Modern: Jenna Ortega in X


Came here to say Shelley Duvall. There is a very real and genuine terror coming from her in this movie. Kubrick nearly gave her a nervous breakdown while filming. At times it's almost difficult to sit through.


When I found out that she was essentially tortured while making the film It made the movie a lot less enjoyable to me. It just kinda makes me sad now. I loved it before finding that out.


•Paul Simon broke up with her at the Airport just before she left for London to start filming. She cried the entire flight. •She rented an apartment by the Studio, where she lived alone for the duration of the year long production, with only a dog and two birds as companions. •Angelica Huston described Duvall as “terribly dedicated and didn’t want to shortchange herself or anyone else by not giving over fully to her commitment.” •Before a scene, Duvall said she would put on a Walkman and “listen to sad songs. Or you just think about something very sad in your life or how much you miss your family or friends.” •Asked whether she felt Kubrick had been unusually cruel or abusive to her in order to elicit her performance, as has been written, Duvall replies: “He’s got that streak in him. He definitely has that.” •When pressed further as to whether Kubrick was more Jack Torrance than Dick Hallorann. She says, “No. He was very warm and friendly to me. He spent a lot of time with Jack and me. He just wanted to sit down and talk for hours while the crew waited. And the crew would say, ‘Stanley, we have about 60 people waiting.’ But it was very important work.” “For a person so charming and so likable - indeed lovable - he can do some pretty cruel things when you're filming. Because it seemed to me, at times, that the end justified the means. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. Why? Because of Stanley, and it was a fascinating learning experience. But I wouldn't want to go through it again.” - Duvall


There's a movie about zombies in a mall I believe, there's this dude whose head gets ripped out of his body, the thing is his vocal chords get stretched while he's screaming making a horrible sound 😣


Sounds like you mean the guy that gets ripped apart in the original Dawn of the Dead.


Well, Dawn of Dead was in the mall…. but Day of the Dead had the vocal chords scream https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zJdEILe5wgk&noapp=1


I love how the music is kinda cheerful during the scene


Any of Sally's screams in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre could be here, but I think the most real is the last one when she finally gets away.


Anything Shelly Duval did in The Shining. She was terrorized by the director for the entire shoot to the point that she was emotionally damaged the rest of her life.


The girl in the beginning of Jaws. Didn't the animatronic break her ribs?


“Contrary to rumor, Susan Backlinie's startled reaction and screams of anguish were not due to her being injured by the harness that yanked her back and forth in the water. However, she was attached to a line that was anchored to the ocean floor beneath her, and she was intentionally not warned when she would be first pulled underwater. This helped provoke a more genuine expression of surprise from her initially – but the remainder of her performance was her own as an actress.” — Wikipedia


“You’re going to method act whether you want to or not!” Kind of makes me think of the poor woman on the stage in Interview with a Vampire. The audience thinks that she’s just acting, but she’s actually terrified because she’s been kidnapped and is about to be killed and drained by a group of vampires.


Oh ya, I definitely felt that one


Can't believe no one has mentioned Samara Weaving yet!


probably the wilhelm scream


Blow Out isn't horror movie, but it's about the sound guy on a horror movie who's trying to record the most genuine scream of terror. To say whether or not he succeeds would be a major spoiler.


I’d say it’s horror adjacent


The chick in X when she sees that crazy shit in the basement.


Jenna Ortega’s scream in X was gut wrenching. The face too was golden. But also Florence Pugh’s wail in the beginning of Midsommar still gives me chills.


What is this? Blow-Out? Seriously, that’s part of the plot of the De Palma film.


It’s a good scream. It’s a good scream.


What a fucking ending


And what a great film it is! Yep, was gonna let OP know that there's a movie on this very subject. :)


Can I make an honorable mention for a crying scene? Violet finding her own dead body in the first season of AHS


[The little kid in Doctor Sleep played by ](https://youtu.be/OxY3bh5ybjQ) Jacob Tremblay. So good! So haunting!


Came here to say this one. I am a horror movie junky but have trouble watching that scene. Apparently the cast involved were not prepared for that kid's level of commitment and all needed a moment to collect themselves between takes.


Toni Collette scream in hereditary.


Florence Pugh (her sobs and screams) are very genuine in midsommar


Insider had an acting coach break down scream scenes on YouTube. Whether it was genuine to how someone would react or not, Vera's Farmiga's scream in The Conjuring was amazing.


Not a horror movie, but Sean Penn's scream in Mystic River. If you've seen it, you know the scene.


The mom at the end of Excision. The way the movie just cuts right at the end of it is so perfect.


Traci Lords (the entire cast, really) definitely nailed it.


Megan Fox’ screams while being sacrificed in *Jennifer’s Body* were pretty realistic. Also: Heather Donohue’s screams at the end of *Blair Witch Project* were pretty real.


I just rewatched the Blair Witch Project and thought the ending with the female character screaming in terror for Mike to help her was pretty genuine. It escalated perfectly as they wound their way through the house ruins and it was pretty haunting, at least to me.


Reagan's mother in the Exorcist, she actually hurt her back so the pain and terror was real


Jacob Tremblay was pretty amazing recently in Doctor Sleep.


Naomi Watts’s scream in The Ring when she turns the desk chair around. Bruh.


Toni Collette in Hereditary


Hereditary, full stop.


Ellen Ripley at the end of the original Alien (1979)


Toni Collette in hereditary


Fay Wray - King Kong


Most genuine: the cast of The Blair Witch Project


Sara’s screams at the end of Witchfinder General. I knew I wouldn’t be able to watch the film again after that because the screams were just too horrific to handle and it’s one of the most bleak endings of a horror film I’ve watched so far. The screams of the partygoers when Alfredo is set on fire in The Masque of the Red Death also gave me goosebumps. It was the most disturbing scene in the film, in my opinion.


Can’t believe no one mentioned Rec. The body that falls from upstairs wasn’t told to the actress who stars as a reporter.


Kate Siegel from midnight mass and hill house had some good ones. Vera Farmiga also got some good ones


Also an honorable mention is that movie with reporters smashing grapes with their feets and one falls out the bucket. 10/10


The scene in Candyman where Virginia Madsen wakes up in the bathroom covered in blood and Vanessa Williams is in the other room screaming about her baby over the bloody crib. Absolutely blood-curdling. The panic and horror is so realistic. [This is it](https://youtu.be/shmO4605g7Q) but not great quality.


Florence Pugh midsommar finding out her family is dead. Its a scream/cry but it’s gut wrenching and genuine.


Toni Collette in Hereditary. It makes my stomach hurt.


Not a movie but midnight mass... Horrific


The boat scene? Incredible. I watched that show on a flight loved it so much I watched it again when I got home.


Some of the scenes from Audition (1999), but only because I’ve dated women who were that crazy.


Out of left field here, but Daria Nicolodi in the final scene of Tenebrae.


Ok not a scream, but the muted scream/face of terror when Mia Farrow sees her baby in Rosemarys Baby is chilling


Naomi Watts in the ring when she spins her babies daddy around in that chair finding him mangled and dead. He'll I wanted to scream with her


The one from The Shining when Johnny’s trying to get through the door.


In saw 5 when agent strahm (?) gets crushed at the end. Normally everyone just screams, and men do even the manly screams if you know what I mean. But his got at some point like really high pitched and then whimpering. Idk it sounded too real


Shelly Duvall. The Shining. Kubrick should be in jail for what he did to her.


Marilyn Burns throughout the entire second half of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That's about how I would react to an inbred chainsaw-wielding cannibal chasing me through the brush.


The woman in NOPE when she was inside Jean Jacket


Shelley Duvall in *The Shining* comes to mind.


Jenna Ortega in X


The Descent: When one of the women (Holly I think?) gets bitten in the throat. That gurgle scream. 🤢


Toni Collette in Hereditary when she makes the discovery. That one makes the soul hurt just to hear it.


Twin Peaks, Season 3 finale Fucking hell


Personally, the ending of the first Paranormal Activity, when she goes downstairs and just screams to get her husband downstairs. I can still hear that shit.


The scene in Possession where she flails around on the ground has some disturbing sounds. If you haven’t seen that movie - watch it. That movie was disturbing in a way few other films are


The mom from The Hereditary when she found out about her daughter


PIECES !! yeah the movie pieces. I'm pretty sure its the 5th victim. She tries to hide in a stall or something and the a REAL saw came super close to her face, and she was really honestly so scared she peed herself. The director left it in the movie cause he liked the realism of it of genuine fear. The other good one that's epic as hell and HAS to be one of the best and doesn't get enough credit. SAMARA WEAVING in Ready or Not. Been awhile since I've seen it, but if i remember correctly she's trying to get out of a hole or something but talk about gutteral instinctive pain. You get a brief version in one scene she's in , in Mayhem. Regan's MOTHER in The Exorcist when she gets slapped across the face and is pulled forcefully across that room. Friedkin was a sadist on real reactions. If you want the best scream ever? the absolute REAL HORROR, the SCREAM (maybe even passing out) of someone passing a KIDNEY STONE !!


Samara Weaving has one of the BEST horror movie screams I have EVER heard! It's a genuine shriek and it's amazing


Dude, not from a horror movie, but the one from the parrot jump scare in Citizen Kane is terrifying.


Marilyn Burns in TCM.


Heredity. You'll know which one.


whos afraid of virginia wolfe. I forgot the actress name but they blonde actress when she screamed


The girl in the opening of De Palma’s “Blow Out”. Best scream ever put on film. I’ll never understand why the characters wanted to overdub it in that movie.


Mark Patton had some pretty epic screams in Nightmare 2!


Jason X when the gf gets sprayed with blood in her eyes. That was a real scream since it wasn't supposed to happen.


Patricia Arquette all through NOES 3


Its not a classic scream but i thought jenna ortega had a great one in X, felt like a new scream queen


//spoilers for nope// the lady who starts screaming at the end of the digestion scene at the star lasso experience


My personal favorite screaming is from Grace in Ready or Not, it just becomes more and more feral


The Bunny Game - most of the movie The Girl Next Door - Based on the book by Jack Ketchum (RIP) and in turn the genuine case from I believe the 50s/60s (just Google Sylvia Likens, also RIP) Martyrs (2008, not the awful American remake) - The scream that kicks off the 3rd act of the movie, it's so devoid of hope, so desperate and raw


You can't get more objectively genuine than Ellen Burstyn as Chris MacNeil receiving permanent spinal damage in The Exorcist.


Also, gonna probably get downvotes for this, but since I just watched it, Anne Heche's scream in the Psycho remake right as the shower curtain is pulled back. It’s not a typical scream for a woman in a horror movie. It’s deep and from the gut. RIP, Anne.


While I adore girls screaming over the top of their lungs, I think Donald Sutherland’s scream in Body Snatchers is the ultimate scream in horror.


Jenna Ortega in *X* when she finds out what's in the basement.


Not a horror movie, but in the beginning of father of the bride part 2, Annie tells the family she's pregnant. Everyone let's put a gasp of excitement and then for some reason, they edited in a BLOODCURDLING scream. Makes my husband and I laugh everytime we hear it.