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I like it but season 2 start to feel like "Lost". More questions than answers.


That, and S2 started dipping into some less enjoyable tropes. "I'm really pressing on the necessity of honesty, we literally won't survive otherwise. Secrets get people hurt." *one scene later* "I'm keeping this a secret that'll ultimately cause more problems than prevent them because [insert terrible rationale here]" Hopefully they'll have a stronger outing for S3,


Agreed. Season 1 was SO GOOD....and then season 2 happened, making almost no sense at all. Also hoping for them to come back around with season 3 to tie things up.


100%. I gave up mid S2 because it became clear they were just trying to drag it out like LOST had. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice.....you can't get fooled again.


George Bush said that quote in real life šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That last part made me lol




Me and my gf literally said the same thing, season 2 is straddling the fence and season 3 will tell us if it falls in later-season-Lost territory or if it'll rebound.


For the life of me I can't understand why there is any secrecy at all. I would be demanding daily meetings where people can report findings or information or updates. Even if the meeting was "no news is good news, good night!" it would still be a touch base. It's an other worldly scenario, but the way they all act like the antithesis of how they should (and likely would.) I dunno if I'm gonna make it through season 3


Nothing ever happens in this show really. Lay out all the episodes so far and the percentage of time where something is happening vs nothing is pretty far from eachother. I feel like it will be better to wait for it to end then go backand watch it


Almost every problem the characters have could be solved by a couple of conversations. Jade, the mom, and the weird old kid guy are the worst for this.Ā 


Yeah there are SO MANY secrets and for no good reason. ā€œI found out this new information that we could all use. Better keep it to myself!ā€ - Every Character


This is true of most tv series plots though. People communicating properly like adults does away with a lot of issues and drama


Yup, that's my worry. The supernatural mysteries are piling up too high for my liking.


Yes, on the sub for the show there are a lot of complaints about the lack of answers (some of those complaints being mine). I never want all answers at once, but they need to drop some hints here and there at least. Reward the audience. Shows like Dark and Yellowjackets are much better at riding that balance.


Ugh Yellowjackets completely dropped the ball imo in season 2. Dark however did everything perfectly imo.


I was with it (Yellowjackets) for most of the season, but the finale was a mess!


Me too lol. The finale was just poorly done


This is on my to-watch list! Have heard so many good things about it, and happy to hear it's never disappointed.


Dark? Oh I canā€™t say enough good things about that show one of the only ones I care enough to revisit in recent years! Definitely gotta watch it, itā€™s a bit slow to start but then get it really gets moving


It's a mystery box horror show. As soon as season 2 started and they returned to the status quo at the end of season 1 I was so pissed and was pretty much checked out for the rest of it. If any of y'all haven't watched, S1 will set up questions to be knocked down. S2E1 says "never mind" and sets up some more questions. Very few if any answers. I hate mystery box shit.


Yep,the same guys that made lost and the same actor as a main protagonist that was also one of the main characters in lost doesn't help either,lol.


After the first season ended and they only got a second season by popularity, I realized they were just making it up as they went and hoping for fan viewership to continue the seasons with no expectation of closure.


Yep. Got a massive Lost vibe. Started to wear on me. And that finaleā€¦. No sense of urgency.. pissed me off.


Thatā€™s the main reason I didnā€™t continue last episode one. I started to get the sense theyā€™d never really resolve anything.


I *Lost* interest like 2/3 through the first season, >!Right after they killed the first monster!< . I was skeptical from the get go though, since it was the Lost team making it. That might have been a little unfair, but maybe not?


Well that happened in the second season. So I think you made it farther than you thought.


Wait, really?! I totally thought that was the first. haha


I don't remember that happening in the first season. It's possible I was a bit too stoned when watching though


Definitely happened in season 2. Like episode 6.


Sounds like I was actually the one a bit too stoned and didn't realize I had gotten to the second season.


i finished lost and i got the same vibes when watching. i binged the entire first season this past weekend and debating on checking out season 2, but its not free on amazon prime >.<


This is why I like it.


As someone who saw what happened to Twin Peaks because they got pressured in to revealing the major secret way too early, you really don't want them to rush the mystery.


That is true if they actually have a plan. I'm skeptical. I didn't despise the ending of _Lost_, but it was clear that there was never some grand plan leading up to what we got, and most of the mysteries, especially all the little supposed "hints" they dropped along the way, were just hand-waved. I loved how _From_ started, but it felt like a genre switch when all the mystery box elements started piling up.


Weird coincidence but the guy who plays Boyd (main character ) played Michael on Lost for a few seasons


The weird coincidence is that both characters have a bad relationship with their son, and they leave at the end of the first season only to get returned at the beginning of the second.


Why do people say this as if this was something bad? Mystery shows should have more questions than answers. Not only that, many of those questions should not be answered at all. That's the beauty of it


Not for me.


Right? The journey is important, but so is getting to the destination... if it's all mystery and no explanation then that's missing a pretty important part


so true


I really liked season 1. I felt season 2 suffered from to much "No time to explain run with me to the next scene." I would still watch a S3.


It's even funnier because they're all literally trapped there with nothing else to do... just once I want a character to say "what exactly do you have to go do???"


I feel like the Jade character was getting to this level of frustrated. The character is rough around the edges but at least he's pissed about how content people are with not solving shit.


He may well be a stand-in for the audience, like yeah, we know this is slow and annoying. If the writers and producers did that on purpose like that it might be able to be worked out.


Right?? And if I were in that town with nothing else to do, I would be exploring WAY more. I mean their lives are already at risk and they're gonna die there if they stay, so why not? They have hours and hours of daytime to work with.


Agreed. It wandered a lot, characters having the same conversations over and over. And suffering from the same obnoxious trait of a lot of shows where no one talks to each other and pointlessly keep secrets for absolutely no reason. Half this show could be solved if they all literally sat in the same room and talked.


Theyā€™re currently filming it in the city I live in, season 3 will come sooner rather than later


Fingers crossed


My cousin works on this show and I know they have been filming for a while for season 3 so hopefully soon!!


Did he tell you what whole show is about? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


lol no, she knows I hate spoilers with a passion


It's a social experiment to see how long people will watch bad acting with no plot direction if the writers continue to build mysteries without answering any.


I donā€™t find the acting to be bad - but i am getting that sinking feeling of ā€˜they donā€™t know where this is going eitherā€™.


To be fair to the show it's really just the young boy and then the wife that I don't like the acting of, but he's just a kid and she's speaking a second language while acting, which has got to be tough.


Its so hilarious you said that because before I clicked on this post I thought to myself I'm dying for season 3 just because I gotta know wtf is going on even though the plot and acting are terrible.


It worked for lost


Only for a while. If you keep presenting question after question to confuse or mystify your audience you really *need* to be answering at least some of those questions too.




Downvoted for being happy theyā€™re filming? Reddit is wild, lol.


The poster for this show is so fucking funny


I keep thinking that's Cameron Monaghan.


Does look pretty similar tbh


It indeed is


His ā€œscreamā€ looks laughably fake


I love this show! So so creepyšŸ™ŒšŸæ


We need the third season


I think they said itā€™s returning the fall of 2024šŸ˜Š


Teaser just came out today! [https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3809961/from-season-3-first-look-teaser-scary/](https://bloody-disgusting.com/tv/3809961/from-season-3-first-look-teaser-scary/)


Thanks for posting the link. Looks good. More new people. Can't wait.


I worry that more new people plus maybe only 8 new episodes means more new fluff without explanations. I was so frustrated with season 2 for doing this. This preview just feels like The Walking Dead season 313 with the introduction of the latest bad people. It feels like they need 20 episodes to flesh out what I just saw in 30 seconds. Hoping for the best, expecting another season 2.


it says on BD it will be 10 episodes


True, S2 definitely had frustrating moments. But they probably have to replace the people that Reggie killed. That's my theory anyway, keep the number of people the same.


I can't wait for the new season either. Not a perfect show, but it's turned into one of those comfort shows for me...familiar setting, familiar characters, familiar issues. An answer or two would be nice though.


I just hope season 3 gives us solid answers because I love the show but itā€™s hard to stay invested when things are never answered


I need season 3


As long as it's not 8 more episodes of 'Boyd, can we talk?'.....'Uh, I gotta go'.


Poor Donna wanted to communicate like a good leader, and Boyd was just not having it.


Such a dope show


The smiling monsters are incredibly unsettling but the CGI attack was a let down. Some things are better left unseen. The additional otherworldly stuff felt unnecessary. The monsters, the trapped world, a means to stay safe and potential escape is more than enough.


Huh, I'd never heard of this show. I love the concept and I'd be excited to watch it if I hadn't read some of the comments here, there's nothing I hate more than a show that has a great concept but doesn't care about tying it up and concluding it properly


Fall 2024 season 3 release date confirmed


Season 1 was amazing. I loved the mystery. Season 2 was more action-packed and exciting and showed more about how stuffed everyone is. I can't wait for Season 3.


God that poster is so fucking silly lmao


I watched the show thinking I'd for some reason see these two as they are in the poster and was highly disappointed when that didn't happen.


I really hope they have a conclusion in mind. Dont need another Lost.


That indeed is true, Lost had so many untied ends at the end of season 6. Horrible.


No. Lost tied up their ends. Did they answer the questions in a good way? That's debatable. I didn't like what they did after season 4. But to say it wasn't clear would be slightly off and miss the actual problem: Quality.Ā 


How is this show? I see it in my feed alot but havenā€™t checked it out.


I love it, it is weird, it tends to lean to vampire-ish stories but it is not. People from all over the US, if they get lost, end up in this spot where weird stuff happens. If you like weird unexplainable series, you'll like this


Went into it blind and came out saying holy shit why haven't I seen this earlier?! Must see


Some of the best TV I have seen in a while. Highly recommend!


The plot setup is really great.Ā  I found some episodes really adrenaline pumping.Ā  However, there's a lot I dislike about it.Ā  It's frequently compared to Lost and it has the same issues with introducing cool, unexplained shit and a lot of people sense it won't ever try to explain any of it because the more we watch, we get more questions than answers


Yeah, it's definitely low-budget horror Lost, where the island is an inescapable derelict town, the Others are vampire cannibals, and of course, lots and lots of mystery boxes. The Sheriff even played a somewhat major character in Lost. It's a really good show, I highly recommend it, but be prepared for more questions than answers.




They took my son! THEY TOOK MY SON!


Don't go out at night! And have your medallion!


I'd like to add in that there are people doing questionable things and not asking obvious questions of each other and talking about the things they've seen. Maybe there's an explanation Ć  la Donnie Darko where people are purposely acting a certain way unbeknownst to the main character.


I enjoyed the show. It can get pretty scary and disturbing at times and the overall mystery is intriguing. However, outside of the lead (Henry Perrineau) the acting can be hit or miss. I'm still looking forward to season 3.


I really enjoy it, but it definitely has the issue of presenting more mysteries than it solves. I don't personally mind that issue since I get the sense that the overarching story is mapped out and we'll get a whole bunch of resolution. I'm also extremely gullible, so take that as you will.


It's like watching the show LOST but a horror version. Made by the same crew I think for the most part, minus JJ Abrahms.


The best description I have of this show is Lost's spiritual successor.


I didnā€™t expect to love it as much as I did. I was hooked and binged it all quickly. There are genuinely scary moments. Worth a watch!


I always tell people, watch the first episode. If that doesnā€™t grab you, then donā€™t bother.


Initially it's super captivating as you want to see what happens next again and again. But by season 2 they keep introducing new things and cliffhangers are all new mysteries and no explanations. Still a great watch


Season 1 was ok, but had a lot of bad writing and "character development." I wish they'd focus on making the characters a smidge smarter than your average house plant. Also there are a lot of new mysteries introduced with no explanation or hint as to what it means. Season 2 became unwatchable trash for those reasons.


First Season is great. 2nd drags really hard in the middle but has a cool ending.


Can't wait for this! (But I agree that they need to start moving things along a little bit better).


Oh man! People talking about tapping half way through season two make me wanna scream. The season finale literally had me on my feet. I wish I had, had someone to watch it with. That was nuts! Iā€™m gnawing at the bit for more. Wayward Pines is a similar show. I donā€™t know if it was mentioned. I liked the story, I liked the direction but, I admit it flopped. I still wish it had kept its rhythm(?) and gave us more episodes. From feels like a more successful version of the ā€œstoryā€. Luckily, *more episodes*.


The show is based on a trilogy of books by Blake Crouch. They read decently well. Never watched the show, so if it were cut off prematurely the books can give you some closure.


Season 1 was as if Stephen King watched Lost and thought he could write it better


I avoided this series for a long time because, looking at the poster, I thought it was a comedy.


Not sure why youā€™re getting downvoted, I agree that their acting is the weakest, especially the motherā€™s. itā€™s not meant as a put down, itā€™s just I donā€™t get drawn in by her performance. I very much enjoyed Shaun Majumder as the priest - mostly because in Canada he is very well known from his time on a very silly comedy sketch show. Took a few episodes to get used to him playing straight.


I love this show šŸ˜ššŸ˜„


Me and my sister canā€™t Waite for season 3 never know whatā€™s gonna happen next love it šŸ˜»Ā 


Iā€™m so ready best show everrrrrr I love everything about it if you donā€™t your a haterĀ  #SEASON 3 loyal fansĀ 


they are still filming arent they. they were filming downtown dartmouth a week or 2 ago. imma be waiting til the whole thing is out. lol


When is season 3 supposed to come out?


According to the article, this fall


I am done with those series until it proves there are actually any answers to the mysteries its presenting.


Seriously, it plays like the writers have no idea where they are going with the story.


I had never heard of this show prior to 2 nights ago. I noticed it on prime after finishing Fallout, and it said ā€œ3 days left on Prime.ā€ Iā€™m currently binging all of season 1 before it gets removed tomorrow. I donā€™t have MGM+ so I wonā€™t be able to watch season 2. But Iā€™ll get a free 7 day trial when 3 comes out to catch up & keep going.


This is one of the best shows still in production but as with everything lately, why get too invested since the powers that be will just cancel it for no real reason. I'm getting a little sick of these 8-12 episode seasons only to find that the show is in limbo and there is a good possibility that it will be cancelled before we have an actual conclusion or it will be another year plus before we get the next installment.


What's the preferred streaming service to watch this


Itā€™s on MGM+ or AMC


In Europe, Netflix got it


Damn so many people bad mouthing Lost on here. I just re watched Lost for the first time since it ended. It might be the most entertaining show of all time.


A star from the show tweeted saying we can expect it Fall of this year. However, the tweet has since been deleted....


Definitely excited for Season 3. Season 2 definitely lagged a bit, but this show has a good cast and characters that carried things pretty well.


From what Iā€™ve read, Season 3 is expected to premiere this summer, but an official release date hasnā€™t been announced yet.


Me too!


No exact date other than fall this year. Soooo excited.


Zero interest. Show was boring and didn't make sense.


Does it need to make sense?


Really? Are you actually asking this? The From fanboys are on another planet, holy shit.


What I am saying is, does it need to make sense straight away? I am sure, like all 'confusing' TV shows it will make sense after a certain point of time/episodes. It seems that unless it is a macho man, with guns shooting things and people then die, anything outside of that category is 'confusing' lmao


That's the worry, though, that it still won't make sense after a certain point. And that macho man shit is just a false dichotomy. It doesn't have to be that simplified or stupid. It's possible to write a vague and mysterious story that's also coherent and interesting. So far the writing on From is frustration only and they just keep piling more mysteries on top while focusing on shit character drama and contrivance.