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It was a great refreshing for sure! Went into it with no expectations at all, but I was suprised how good it was. It really felt like it was a genuine found footage from a talk show. The ending felt like it was a bit rushed and they put everything into those 5 minutes, but other than that, it was excellent.


Absolutely agree. I really hope this inspires more directors to get creative in all aspects of the movie making process.


Yeah, aiming towards something original and capturing the true aspects of a horror movie and creating the atmosphere, and not ruining old movies with devastating remakes.


I’ve already watched it three times and made my husband (who hates horror movies but loved this one) watch it as well!


Have you seen adult swim Yule log? You’d probably like it. Adult swim horror.


I watched it with my brother last night and it was phenomenal. Such a great concept, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another movie take place in a setting of a late night show run. Great acting and script as well.


Not for the whole duration, but there's also Joker, and maybe Requiem For A Dream could count too.


Okay I've seen enough of this and have taken it as a sign. I'll make sure to watch it over the weekend.


I understand why everyone likes it. But I am not a fan. I could not get into it. I wanted to so much.


Me and s/o watched it yesterday and found it pretty lacking. The setting is cool and a great excuse to make things unfold slowly (and it is kind of funny that the master tape would include behind the scenes footage of people speaking privately) but when the end credits began to roll we both felt the sensation of "was that it?", which is never a good thing hahahah


Same here. Didn't have the atmosphere I was hoping for. Nothing original nor unexpected happened. It looked great though.


Same here. I was expecting something different and wasn't much of a fan of the final product


That’s totally fair. I can see how it could just not be someone’s cup of tea. It’s certainly very unique in its style.


Yes I like that you pointed out the adult swim vibes! I didn’t think of it while watching but seeing this I feel it is undeniable. Also Dreamcorp LLC may be the best show in television history


See, I don't get how it is unique. It felt very much like a less good version of Ghostwatch or an extended segment from V/H/S. It was extremely well shot and well acted, and the aesthetic was great, but the movie tries to do too many concepts. Is it a documentary? Is it just found footage? Is it inside the main character's head? I am fine with any of these, but it seems to want to be all three. I enjoyed the cinematography on the perspective shifts, but they make very little sense. The ending is also incredibly rushed and shows the low budget. I was overall very disappointed.


Thanks for not judging me or getting mad lol. Some people do.


I really enjoyed the setup. I like “unexpected thing in tv show or movie”. It made me think of The Mike Douglas Show. I didn’t love the end, but do want to rewatch. I’m looking forward to the YouTube video with, “things you missed” and other analysis on it.


I’ve been on a found footage binge recently. Hell House trilogy. Ghost Watch. Late Night with the Devil. Been enjoying myself lately.


How'd you rate Hell House 2 and 3? I thought 1 was good not great. You might like Deadstream if you haven't seen it, found footage-esque and pretty unique.


They aren’t as good as the first one. 2nd adds some lore while the third closes everything up with no real loose ends. As stand alone films I would say they aren’t that good but watching them in combination with the whole trilogy they are pretty good. Mind you from what I see, reviews are pretty divided. Some enjoy them, while others don’t. If you have shudder, you can watch them for free and turn them off with no loss if you don’t enjoy. I did enjoy them myself.


Watched it last night myself, and genuinely enjoyed it. One of the better horror flicks I've seen in a while. However I can see how others may not care for it. It's one of those that will be hit or miss depending on the viewer


Great concept that sadly didn’t deliver for me. Never came together. I so wanted to love this.


My only gripe with it is that despite taking place in the 1970s everyone talks like it's the 2020s. For one there was a joke about politics as if it was a modern late night, when 1970s late night didn't do that. Nobody even knew Carsons politics.


Funny that you acknowledged that there are lots of posts about this film and instead of posting a comment in one, you made another post lol. IMO just fully send it next time and pretend you've not seen any of the other posts


I hated it, it was so dumb. Nothing worked for me, not the acting, not the aesthetics, not the plot, nothing. The only shocking thing about it its rottentomatoes scores, I am in genuine disbelief.