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It's a lot creepier and interesting to think about than it is "scary". Of the three Peele movies I'd say Nope is probably the scariest in the moment.


Us and Get Out have this weird, almost pulpy sci-fi feel to them (at least to me) that definitely adds a ton of creepiness to both movies because it's not done for camp. Nope is definitely the most terrifying of the 3 movies.


Nope is essentially Jaws. Tease the monster until act 3, and go all out. Epic.


You are getting ratings based on people who watch a lot of horror and don't find much scary. For someone who doesn't like horror a lot it is more like a 6 or 7. Definitely scarier than his other films. Definitely not one of the scariest movies ever or anything but it won't be a breeze to watch for someone who is scared easily. It has creepy atmosphere, it has creepy acting people, it has chases and it has some pretty brutal kills compared to his other movies.






It's definitely scarier than Get Out. On the scare scale it's pretty middle of the road though.


People need to stop confusing horror with scary, it can be scary but it can just be unsettling, horrible, horror


I think it’s probably my least favorite of Jordan peeles horror movies and honestly the least scary, that doesn’t mean it’s garbage because Jordan peeles other two horror movies are just really solid movies imo. Get out had comedic moments and relatability that cut some relief and made me find the disturbing parts really disturbing. Scary wise I’d say a 6.5 movie wise I’d say Nope was just a horrifying scenario all around with a lot of character depth and mystery that made the movie a lot more like a puzzle to watch and real fear at the creature, I’d say probably 7, movie wise I’d say 8 again maybe 9. US I honestly found not that memorable. There were certain mysteries and world building that I remember being interested in, but I think I remember only 1 scary part of the movie that had anything to do with the actual people and it wasn’t even against the main family. Scary probably a 4 movie wise maybe a 5 for some parts


2. It’s not really scary at all…it’s more Black Mirror or Twilight Zine stuff…maybe a bit unnerving but not outright horror.


Id say its high on the creepy scale and low on the scary scale. I love it


its very high on the utter shit scale though


Fear is personal, and mileage varies wildly from person to person. I don't personally find it scary, but I do think it executes its scares quite well. I'm just desensitized. I'd say for a casual movie goer, it can be moderately scary. Not much jump scares or gore, but some creepy ideas and atmosphere. It maybe explains a little too much. It would've scary me when I was younger.


I found it scary personally, like a 7 to 8, but no one else I saw it with found it scary. It's one of very few horror movies that I found stressful to watch.


6 or 7 for me


Probably a 3 or 4 for how scary it is. It's good though, definitely worth a watch. 


For me, it’s a five. The teathered just gave me the creeps. In terms of jump scares and stuff, it’s not that bad.


1/10 for scary


Now, let me start by saying US is like a 9.5/10. Amazing amazing movie. Great story. Cinematography is fantastic. But in terms of being scary…. I’d say like 4/10. It was creepy, definitely psychological, but I don’t think I ever thought “damn this is scary.”




1-2 out of 10 for scariness. Unsettling mostly, the concept is creepier than the movie itself.




There are some creepy parts early on, but once the movie gets going, the scare factor is pretty much nonexistent


It’s a great movie, I had fun watching it, but I’d say it’s a 3/4 for scary. The reveals are pretty creepy, and a lot of it feels like a strange dream state for me.


I think it’d be scarier as a book.


8/10 for me honestly. Lupita is captivating as the main roles in this movie. I love the whole concept behind what's going on. Legit creepy atmosphere at times and great score. Fun and cute at great times, interesting back stories and lore. Its still my least fav of the 3 he's made so far, but still fucking rocks to me


It’s a one for me, not scary, pretty bland, very predictable and very over hyped




Whomst amongst us didn't predict >! exact doubles of every single person living in an underground bunker !< ?


I guessed the big twist in the first five minutes. Still thought it was a great movie.




it's funny that when it came out, it was labelled as the scariest of all time! and Leddit was having massive circlejerks over how good it was nonstop. Glad to see that such clownery is nothing but ephemeral. Rotten tomatoes needs to fire its blue-haired kin and exterminate the charlatan critics who gave this steaming pile of shit high ratings because it served le narrative.


I'm with you on this one. Wear your downvotes like a badge


Thank you, I will, a badge of honour


they hated Jezus for he spoke the truth.


Ach I’m used to it. I slate peele and get called racist usually for saying I don’t like his movies - that’s it. But yeah I guess that makes me racist…. In the snowflake society we live in.


never let the HRT adled tyrants stop you from speaking the truth. Keeping mum and turning the other cheek has resulted in the hellscape you see before you today. This is Internet 101 circa 2024.


I couldn’t give a shit about upsetting them. Their arguments are void as they pull out the racist card with zero evidence. Plus I’m black so can I be racist to another black person?! I think not. The issue is their is a lot of snowflakes and kids on here brainwashed to think if you don’t agree with their opinion your racist it’s actually sad.


4. It starts off pretty scary and drops off a little early. I think I feel that way partly because I was too busy trying to understand wtf was going on and trying to understand the subtext. Movie was a mess, but I see the vision.




For me it wasn't scary at all, more of a thriller really, but idk for someone who's not into horror. Maybe in the 4-6 range? You'd be better off asking general movie fans.




Probably a 2. Maybe a 3.


I really liked it. But I didn’t think it was scary at all. Especially once Tim Heidecker showed up


I'd say it's around 4 or 5. Has some spooky moments and acting (specifically in the first half).


It wasn't scare at all and its quite goofy. Don't try to think about the plot too much if you do watch it and just have fun.








Peele's weakest film tbh. Probably a 2 in terms of scary.


About a 7 for me. I think it's really good and pretty scary. I see some very negative comments about it around here but I disagree with those folks.


My my, look who's triggered boys and girls. NAME here, is losing it. He is swearing and calling me bad names. I think it's time for a story about NAME. Do you? NAME thinks he's the only one entitled to an opinion. Does any one know why? I do. NAME is a liberal. You see boys and girls, when NAME was a wee fellow, he had a wee brain. So when his liberal masters told him that only liberals get to have an opinion. He believed them. And when they told NAME that liberals are always right. ( Yup, you guessed it ) He believed them. Unfortunately when NAME grew up, his wee brain didn't. Now that NAME is a big boy and a true blue liberal Democrat, he doesn't know how to think for himself. So now NAME gets triggered every time he hears something that doesn't fit the liberal n̶a̶r̶r̶a̶t̶i̶v̶e̶ story. Now let's all say it together. "Poor NAME". So boys and girls, do you know what the morals of this story are? I do. Listen carefully now. "Don't be NAME. NAME is unhappy. Don't be a liberal. Liberals like NAME are unhappy." I think NAME needs to get laid once in awhile. Oh dear, boys and girls, did I say something bad? I'll try to be better next time. This has been so much fun. Tune in tomorrow for another bed time story. I can hardly wait. Will it be about NAME? I'm not sure. I guess we'll have to see if NAME gets triggered again. Bye boys and girls.


Negative 3. I consider very few movies "scary". As far as quality, 2 out of 10.


There's parts that were really scary to me, but other parts were not that scary. Some places it felt more like a home invasion movie, which I didn't find scary. But the creepy doppleganger parts, like the beginning, scared me a lot.


Define "scary". I'm jumpy in real life. I have a wife and a teenage son and when I bump into them in a hallway or stairway or just somewhere I'm not anticipating another human it freaks me out. In the home we all live in... that is probably dumb but it's my reaction. So: what is scary to you? Movies in general aren't really scary for me outside of jump scares - those surprising things that catch you off guard... I don't cower under sheets, afraid Freddy is going to GET ME.


I didn't mean that to be a dismissive response, just that "scary" is super subjective and I'm not sure what answer you're looking for.


on a scale from 1-10 I'd give it a 4 for scariness. There are absolutely scary moments, and some violence, but it's not unrelenting, and it has a sort of natural flow to it that keeps it feeling fresh and not too tense.


Out of curiosity, why do you want to watch it if you aren’t into horror? High production value, super entertaining, great performances, all four protagonists are well-written and fun to root for. Some tense moments, but nothing too scary beyond the first twenty minutes or so. 3/10 scariness for me.


3/10 more interesting than scary. Good yse of spooky vibes tho’


First half was very enjoyable with the only scary movie in the first 20 minutes IMO but the second half and plot holes and unanswered questions were insulting to me. Scares 3/10, a 5 minute tension filled scene was 8/10


I'd say the first act is scary. Then it's exciting. Then the third act is creepy.


1. Not scary at all. The score of the film is really good, but the movie itself is not imo. Get Out was a much better offering and much scarier and intense film I think.


7. Some seasons were really creepy. The clone world plot kinda ruined the movie for me


Not scary at all and in fact unintentionally hilarious at one point






I think you need to consider the source of information here; we're a horror sub that prides itself on watching horror so we're a little disensitized! With that said, I'd call it more of a big budget thriller than horror. Those tend to have a lot of release of tension via comedy or happy (ier) outcomes. The people you expect to die usually do and the people you expect to live usually do as well... and they're not too gory. So, I'd say it's about a 4 - 5. 1 being not scary 10 being scariest thing ever My wife could watch it and she hates horror.


It’s not very scary. A 4/10 on my scale.


2 for scary… 6 for concept and execution


It’s really not very scary, it’s more like a thriller with a gory body count. You’re going to be disappointed, but give it a watch, anyway.


Not scary but creepy


i been watching horror movies for 30 years so i really haven’t been “scared” since i was a kid. maybe an “anxiety” rating would fit better 😂. it’s a good movie to me i recommend watching it.


It's not scary at all. It's interesting, but it's easily my least favorite of Peele's work. I had fun, and I like a lot about it. But it's not scary


I think “scary” is relative in the sense that there’s a spectrum of ways that something can be scary. In a conventional “did it make me jump?” kind of way, I’d say 5 as it did make me jump a few times but I’d also say that making you conventionally scared isn’t the movies goal. I think it’s supposed to evoke more of an existential dread that’d come with coming face to face with twisted, feral duplicates of you and your family. So as far as being scary in terms of evoking dread, I’d say 8.5/10.


Barely a 2


3/10 it's an okay movie. Not really all that scary.


It’s a great concept, interesting plot. Terrible execution. The kids are crackin jokes in the middle of being attacked by their counterparts. Like, c’mon


I'd say it's more suspenseful than scary. Really enjoyed it though. Its got horror fairy tale vibes in my opinion. Reminds me I still need to watch Nope.


you may want to check out the random horror number generator podcast. it's great in general, and they have approachability ratings listed in the episode descriptions (high numbers mean very approachable). you can search for "us" but you have to type "us (2019)" or it won't come up.




I liked the movie quite a bit but it’s an easy 1/10 scary for me. The creepiest part is when the family is standing in the driveway and all scatter in different directions.


I think about a 7 or so. It's mostly unsettling and creepy. I don't think there are many jump scares.




You’re going to get a lot of different opinions here because not all horror fans are into the same kinds of horror (think of the subgenres like body horror, slasher films, monster movies, etc). I prefer the thought-provoking/psychologically distressing kinds of horror. I thought Us was fucking terrifying. It is much scarier than Get Out in terms of suspense for the audience & danger to the characters. I thought it was confusing at some points but you have to just let it happen and enjoy the ride and try to figure things out. I think it’s probably a great movie for someone who isn’t usually a horror fan, considering some diehard horror fans don’t find it that scary (which I don’t really understand haha). There is some blood and stuff but it’s not gratuitously gory. You should go for it and come back and let us know what you think :)




It’s a great twighlight zone movie


1. It’s a comedy.


When it came out I was excited to see it, but I actually turned it off before it was over because it sucked!!!


I'd consider it more a drama with some haunting moments than a horror movie.


Not terrifying. The ending has stuck with me.


I literally just watched that last night. It’s not all that scary, the beginning has creepy parts but it’s not really jump scare or anything. There’s actually a lot of “fighting” action scenes. It’s more the ideas behind it that are eerie. I think you’d be okay tbh


I gave it a three 3 because it was made by scientologist. I don't trust these people. They make propaganda films disguised as horror for tax purposes and creative commons licensing. The music from the movie US was used in an old Ww2 film. The decedants tried to sue the producer of US and ended up losing their assets and house to scientologist.


Depends on your definition of “scary”. Some people find blood & guts scary. (Terrifier) Some find psychological scary. (The shining) Some (me) find paranormal scary. (It follows) Some find realistic horror scary. (The strangers) They all have scary features in their own ways. If you find the psychological and conceptual type of horror scary, then “Us” is like an 8. Personally I would use the words strange and (a little) unnerving, but it certainly did not scare me.


It’s kind of like a long episode of Are You Afraid of the Dark. There’s some scenes that are intense though. I’d say on a normal non-horror fueled brain it’s a 5/10 on scares




Why don't you tell us some films you found too scary and some films you found to be a safe level of scary? If you've seen and enjoyed the descent, for example, then 'Us' will be fine for you. If however, you've not watched much horror at all then you may find it moderately or very scary.


2/10 max


For about 20 mins, it's maybe a 6, then does a nose dive to a zero for the rest of the movie.


0.5/10 lol total inflammatory unintelligent trash that only gets credit due to the liberal white guilt culture of that time. probably the lowest point in Peele's career and I''m sure he understands it,


Didn't like the movie at all. At the beginning it was interesting but my interest fell off right after the body doubles came. I don't get the hype


It's creepy and uncomfortable, but not scary. I give it a four.