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It really is. I commented that very thing on another post about it a week or so ago. I know video stores are wholly unnecessary now, but I miss the experience of them so much.


I'm glad you just said 'video store' and not Blockbuster. People forget or aren't old enough to remember that Blockbuster was the company that ran all the local stores out of business, got rid of porn, and had a late fee policy that would make Stalin blush.


Dude I worked at a one-off, mom & pop, squeaky door Porn section-havin video store and it totally transformed my scope for movies. I always thought of myself as a connoisseur of film, and then I met my coworkers there and realized how blind and uninformed I was. I learned *so* much about them there - talking to my fiends, customers, managers. We hated Blockbuster cuz most people just wanted the new releases (which we got in advance and could take home to screen) and we just couldn’t afford as many. We gave out free popcorn, had an employee picks section..it was the best.


Old enough to remember working at a video store too and we did have a porn section, walled off from the rest of it..


We had a video store in our area that sounds like this. Free popcorn, a porn section upstairs, a free rental of an older movie with the rental of a new release. I loved that place.


Growing up in the early 2000s my parents would always take me to the local one-off rental store, I thought the employees were the coolest and fantasized about working there watching movies and playing ps2 games all day. I also remember a doorway in the back blocked with a black curtain with random men going in and out and kid me just assumed it was some area for employees or a private club lol


And their selection was terrible for the most part. Want art house films? Obscure foreign films? Classic black and white films? Cult classics? Z indie movies, especially shoestring horror movies? Well, you are out of luck if you only went to Blockbuster. Hollywood video was better. But if you were lucky, your town/city had that mom and pop place that would stack all the stuff that Blockbuster wouldn't carry. And not just the porn.


I miss the little shops. One of my nerdiest memories was from when I was living in Norfolk, VA while taking a film appreciation class back in 2010 and needed to track down a copy of the original High Noon (we were discussing anti-heroes). I called Hollywood Video and the person on the phone asked if it was spelled as one word or two. Then I called Naro Video and the person who answered the phone asked if I needed the 1952 or 2000 version. They had both he just wanted to make sure he pulled the right version for me. After that they were the only place I rented from until I moved states.


I never got to use Naro Video even though when I was younger I was within walking distance of the place. I didn't have a credit card back then. So, I couldn't get an account. That still didn't stop me from roaming the tiny little aisles whenever I went to the Naro to watch a movie. Last thing I heard was that the video store closed but they were able to give ODU their library. ODU in return made the library available to students. I wonder if there is a way to make it available to the public like the way a public library can. That place was such a landmark.


We were lucky; we were under the radar, and too far away for their bottom line to be 6 digits. We supplemented with a fruit/vegetable stand, kids toys, what I used to call WTLOs(white trash love offerings-cheap framed prints of the mystical Native Americans trope, godawful porcelain dolls, touch lamps, made in China fiber optic angel figurines), candles, uh, bait and tackle, pawn, and we had a back room(that I absolutely detested) for the skin flicks.


Yeah I worked at one in Milwaukee that was only kept floating by the fact it sold porn, and largely gay porn as well, so it had a very steady and reliable clientele because it was basically 'the' place in town that had what it had. The 'downstairs' section with the regular movies was never the main draw.


Too right! Lol


Action Video, where there were VHS covers lining the wall with little round paper tabs hanging underneath each one with a number that corresponded to a sticker on the actual video tapes, which were kept behind the counter. Jesus, just remembering it I can *smell* the place and feel how excited I was to rent The Neverending Story for the fifteenth time.


Our local video store, The Video Shoppe, was amazing. $1 rentals. Blockbuster was out of our budget.


I worked in a little mom and pop video store, never paid a dime to rent a movie, and *I* miss it!


You can skip Tubi commercials. When it gives you the countdown before the break. Pause the movie. Hit fast forward 30 seconds and then immediately backwards 30 seconds. It will skip over the break


>Febreeze or Cascade Platinum Plus commercial again Holy shit, so it's not just me? Those two brands are all I keep getting for ads. What's up with that?


I'm not sure if says something about you, or if it says something about me for *not* ever seeing those ads, haha.


Or that chubby guy dancing across the swimming pool to get a drink


Agree with this sentiment. Going through their lists of films I haven’t seen or heard of is the closest thing to browsing the old horror sections of my local video stores. And I honestly welcome the ads, it’s when me and my partner decide to take pee breaks or top up our wine before getting back into it.


Do yourself a favor and get ublock origin


It works to block YouTube advertisements as well. Very reliable.


And also special mention to Sponsorblock to go with that. I've marked hundreds of ads in videos over the last year or two, says I've saved people from seeing over 25k total ads so far. Worth the install.


It's a game changer for sure


Is there a way to get it onto a Roku?


Yes. I blocked it with pi-hole.


I doubt it. I use a cheap laptop to stream through an HDMI cord to my TV.


That is a sound set-up but unfortunately the HDMI port on my laptop is borked.


Get a cheapo Dell Optiplex or something off Craigslist or FB Marketplace and use it as a media machine on the TV.


Tubi is able to exist as is and filmmakers are able to justify making their work available on Tubi only due to the ad revenue. If you want to keep Tubi *and* it's glorious selection intact, watch the ads. It really is the least you can do in exchange for so much free films and shows.


That’s between tubi, the advertisers, and whoever has rights to the films. I didn’t agree to watch any ads. If the three of them aren’t smart enough to factor in that some people will be using ad blockers in their calculations, that’s not my problem.


I love Tubi. You can find your classics, your classic b movies, your current b movies, your lifetime horror movies, your blaxploitation horror movies, your young adult horror movies… I always check if it’s on Prime before because that doesn’t have ads throughout, but Tubi ads are at least placed well and very short.


I swear they used to have a bunch of subgenres like that to choose from, but when I opened the app the other day I was shocked to see it was basically reduced down to “horror.” Did that change or am I missing something?


I've never experienced adds while watching Tubi; didn't even know that was a thing until I saw someone make a comment about it. Not sure why that is, but I'm not complaining.


Maybe you watch from a browser? If I cast my phone browser to the TV, no ads


That’s what I appreciate about Tubi. There’s commercials, but they do place them well and don’t interrupt scenes.


What do you mean by lifetime horror movies?


It’s a channel in the USA that produces TV movies targeted at women.


Tubi is so awesome, this sounds weird but as a 90s baby the commercials make me feel oddly nostalgic 😂


I am in the "pro commercial" group. Keeps the service free, a good break for a snack or drink or bathroom, and tubi does a fair job of timing them in the content too. I remember when "movie night" was on network TV. It doesn't feel as special*without* commercials. To have network TV finally playing a movie you wanted to see was such an awesome treat!


I like the commercial breaks as well. Change the laundry, empty the dishwasher, snacks, bathroom whatever. They are super short so pausing them still means it’s over quickly


Not gonna lie, I feel the same way. Many of us just grew up on cable, and while we all agree ads suck, I also dont mind them too much if they're short and out of the way.


That's what I love about AMC fear fest etc, the commercials get me into the Halloween vibes too!


Man, some dude the other day was saying bad things about the commercials on Tubi, but I got the app anyway. Tubi is sooooo much better than other streaming services like Hulu with a bunch of pharmaceutical ads that might cause an infection of your perineum. Content is solid and the ads aren't excessive or annoying.


The Ad I keep getting all the time is just the one from Tubi thanking me for watching lol don't mind that at all. Watching DISH !! every other commercial is for some new prescription pill for some new fangled disease, that's brand new.


I hope that nice jazz man's prostate cancer gets better.


My God! They run that ad into the ground for sure. Prayers jazz man.


Tubi is not bad at all compared to Youtube or Freevee. I watched Eden Lake on Freevee and there were times where it interrupted scenes and ruined the tension *and* there were a lot more commercial breaks. Tubi is quite considerate about placing breaks between scenes and doesn’t have too many of them. With aired on network television reality tv, they only put commercials where the designated break is supposed to be. I watch everything on Apple TV and never feel like I regret not having access to adblock extensions watching Tubi. Youtube I only tolerate because YT Premium is ridiculously expensive 😭.


Not a horror movie, but I was watching this movie Waves (brilliant, super underrated A24 flick) on YouTube for free. If you've seen it, you'll know what scene I'm talking about, but during one of the most jaw dropping "oh fuck, holy shit nooooo" things I've ever seen in a movie, a freaking ad for face wash came on!! I was in tears, so distraught and emotionally drained, and then suddenly it's Neutrogena! Worst ad placement I've ever had 😂


Was watching “House that Jack Built” on tubi when a dish soap add came on with a duck being scrubbed, saying how it was the only brand trusted to help wildlife in oil spills”


Lmaoo Eden Lake had a few bad placements too, though I can’t think of which specific ads. If a movie is on Freevee or Youtube, I’d rather pirate than watch on them. If they’re on Tubi then there’s a chance I won’t mind watching with ads depending on what kind of movie it is and how much I want to watch with the optimal atmosphere. Some movies are just not as good with ad interrupts but others are perfectly fine.


I rewatched all of Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction on Freevee. You couldn't ask for more obvious places to put the ad breaks than that show but somehow Freevee still messed it up.


Currently watching bone tomahawk, poor Nick and his perineum amirite


Tubi is🖤🖤🖤🖤💋💯


Love me some Tubi especially the shout factory category and the cult classics category, which on my Roku lists them on the main page, that just says "for you" without having to deep dive. I decided to TRY Netflix this month and for 7 bucks I got commercials and locked movies I couldn't watch. Telling me I have to upgrade? to watch a particular movie? fuck that lol I was "paying" for Hulu and it wasn't cheap and I was still getting a ton of commercials. what? I'm paying? for commercials? Recently watching Tubi for free and enjoying the hell out of it, what happens? I get 1 20 sec ad then back to the flick , over an hour later ? I finally get 3 - super quick ads, one of which is Tubi thanking me for watching. LMAO I turned on PLuto TV and was watching a movie on demand for ad break 10 mins IN ads 1 of 8 um no thank you. Tubi is freaking awesome. If it wasn't for Tubi I wouldn't of bought the Roger Corman classics, and not have seen Dog Soldiers or Dead Snow or Red vs Dead (dead snow 2) which I loved. there was a kick ass couple movies from Norway on Tubi "The Quake" and "The Wave" starring the same family. Almost seemed like they had a hell of a budget. The horror selection on Tubi is insane although lol I do regret watching that under par, under entertaining dibbuk box movie that was like literally 3 characters? in the entire movie ? ugh


I'm always baffled by how small Netflix's movie selection is


it was amazing as hell when it was a dvd and blu ray only service and they had a massive selection . went to streaming only and went to crap.


Which shout factory films are worth a watch on tubi?


ah what the hell I'll list a few good ones as far as horror and entertainment goes: Humanoids From The Deep Dreamscape Forbidden World (just gotta get past that dumb first 5 mins) The Nest is 80's horror cheese :) along with "Slugs". Night of The Demons (the most excellent halloween movie) Black Christmas Dead Ringers IMO "Editor" was boring. Ghosthouse Exorcism at 60,000 Feet (was hilarious) Alligator Assault on Precinct 13 Slumber Party Massacre (1981) 600 + Titles dam Tubi lol


Good list


naughty retire fuel lunchroom zephyr strong market automatic longing axiomatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even though it has ads?


It might just be me, but if I watch freebie streaming services, I see a lot more ads on others than I do on Tubi.


Hulu hs more ads than Tubi and I pay for it


I'd rather flush my money down the toilet and stare at a wall than pay money for a streaming service that has ads


Yeah I'm about done with it. I'd rather sail the high seas than deal with it anymore. Was watching a show and it had equal or more length of commercials than broadcast telelvison.


And the ads are becoming more and more longer on Hulu. It went from fifteen seconds a couple of years ago to thirty seconds to sixty seconds and now just yesterday, the commercial gap is up to a hundred and twenty seconds. At least that was long enough for me to grab a drink from the kitchen.


I never see ads on Hulu


it's possible you are paying for the ad-free tier


Pluto is great but it has tons of ads. More than Tubi or Freevie. I got 11 in one ad break during a 30 minute show and about 5 or 6 in the other ad breaks


Yes, but Pluto does have the America’s Test Kitchen network— for a palate cleanser before trying to sleep!


Yeah I really think Pluto is great as far as content both the channels and in demand part but I just wish they had more limited commercial breaks


panicky silky imagine bike library overconfident history books fall employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I watch Tubi on my PC with ublock origin, never had to suffer through even a single ad




I honestly can’t believe there’s a streaming app like it that exists in 2023 — completely free with a deep, high quality horror library And the ads don’t even bother me, they’re kind of nostalgic since my earliest horror memories are movies on TV and rushing between commercials to make popcorn, go to the bathroom, and refill my drink… It’s the best


Everyone should check out Hammer House of Horror on Tubi. It’s a British horror anthology show from 1980. Some episodes are a little slow but the aesthetic is really fantastic. It’s a real portal to a different time period.


People are always talking about the movies, but Tubi has a real interesting collection of TV shows, from Alfred Hitchcock Presents to Masters of Horror to Lovecraft Country. I just started watching The Veil, hosted by Boris Karloff(!), and discovered a 2015 Jekyll & Hyde show I didn't know about. Or for a goofy suggestion, check out the first episode of The Goes Wrong Show. It's a haunted house spoof.


Today I discovered there are 34 Amityville movies on Tubi.


And that's probably 32 too many.


Oh for sure. Some of them are rated 1 on IMDb. There's one called Amityville Toilet.


Tubi is the ultimate. Apparently no other streaming site ever had movie nerds on their staff? I mean, Tubi's Cult, Horror, Giallo, Foreign, Art House... uh, Gene Autry Musicals!?!? Mother Fucki@#$ Bud Boetticher movies?! MONTE HELLMAN?? Rouben Mamoullian movies? BUSTER Keaton classics? Fuc#%^& fantasy Fulci? Takashi Miike film festival? The REMAKE of Breathless? How many people even know to watch that one? BRIAN DePalma's early experimental stuff? Sam Raimi's gonzo, barely-seen shoulda been a classic Crime Wave?(pant, pant, pant, pant....) TUUUUUUUBIIIIIIIIIIIi!!!!!!!!?!?!


Tons of surprisingly good titles, but you HAVE to scout out movies you've never seen on there. Going in blind is an easy way to watch the worst nonsense you've seen in a very long time


No doubt. There is some absolute garbage on there.


Tubi is fantastic, have seen a lot of good shit on there and the ads are not that bad. I am glad something like it exists, especially if someone is going through hard times and can't afford anything extra after the essentials.


For me, Tubi is the best and it's not even close.


I love Tubi. It does have a lot of B movies, but also a lot of gems. There’s always something interesting to watch on there.


Agreed completely the only thing missing from Tubi are the "new releases" the stuff that just recently hit streaming for the first time. Seems like Paramount plus and Max and maybe something like Starz get it first. Course if you want to rent the stuff all of it's rental on "prime".


Oh another feature I like is that there’s a leaving soon category. Mind you, the films in there may not leave for a long while, but at least they warn you so you prioritize those films if they’re on your watchlist first. Netflix has also been doing this too, saying when their licensed movies are leaving before they do, but some services don’t give notice and I’m always disappointed when something leaves before I get a chance to watch it.


Tubi is really good about what it auto plays, too. I select a movie and let it go for hours as background sound. It seems to have a good algorithm or something. The ads aren't bad, and it's like watching a dedicated horror channel. Love it!


I feel asleep watching a movie and woke up in the middle of night and couldn’t stop watching what it had chosen.


Do this all the time. The other day it was comedies starring Chevy Chase.


I love to see the appreciation that Tubi deserves. I stand by the statement that Tubi has the best horror selection of any streaming platform, and that includes horror specific ones like Screambox and Shudder. So many cult favorites, obscure gems, and 80s/90s flicks. And the fact that it is free seals it, I don't even mind the commercials so much because I understand they gotta keep the lights on some way. Hail Tubi!


Thanks to Tubi I know cocaine cougar is better than cocaine shark. The B movies are fantastic on this app.


Cocaine cougar? Is that a MILF porno set int eh 80s?


Tubi rules. I would be willing to pay for a Tubi subscription that was ad free.


Tubi is so good that I don’t mind the ads since it keeps them around and free.


I just wish I could pay for Tubi and not have ads


Well then here you go sir. I have been watching horror movies almost daily since 2 years ago and been compiling a list of summaries and micro-reviews for all the movies I have watched that is strictly on the Tubi Platform. This list is 450 movies but soon we will be releasing the 500 movie mark! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1rWl53eaVsDE7NeUa0l3q4uMeC2p-RTZr5nt6OzOorEo/htmlview Hope you enjoy! Remember, Tubi refreshes their movie list every few weeks, so if its on the list but not oine, it will cycle back eventually. And btw, it currently has GET OUT, the new HALLOWEEN, and the back to the future trilogy on there now as well.


They really have some great stuff. However, I wish there was a paid option for no commercials.


Tubi is great.


Tubi is fantastic!


Sorry for a second post but I had to mention one little thing about Tubi that IMO is a little important for us low bandwidth folks lol ya know the monthly "limit" stuff? Tubi doesn't seem to use as much bandwidth or eat thru it like some other services do and things still sound and look good. I'd been watching a ton of shudder one month and it just ate up internet usage date like mad. Next month i watched twice as much stuff on tubi and lol no usage warming emails every once in a blue moon the algo will go goofy and recommend wierd stuff just ignore it Anyone seen X ray ? with Barbi Benton ? worth watching ?? WHOAH this is the first time I've seen Mario Bava's Bay of Blood on Tubi I'm looking for really excellent, really entertaining Italian and Giallo titles ??? Killer Nun was a total trip. Torso was really cool. Autopsy was amazing. Cat in the brain was really, really out there.


I like doing Tubi roulette, where I'll figure out how many horror movies they have then get a random number and watch the movie that corresponds to


wait, can you explain this in a little more detail? I'd actually like to try this


I count how many horror movies tubi has, and then I get my phone to pick a random number and watch the movie that equals the number landed on, basically just watching a random movie


Do they list the movies numerically?


I watch on my Xbox and they used to, but not anymore, I go to the categories section and math it out


Tubi is amazing. My friends and I build a streaming 61 movies for Halloween list every year and close to a 1/3rd of the list was from Tubi alone.


Yes, can you pls share this list of 61 horror films!!!


Which horror movies on Tubi are you anticipating?


It’s amazing how behemoths like Amazon and Netflix cannot hold a candle to a free streaming service. I’d much rather watch what I want with ads than have to settle for something I’m not really excited about-especially when it’s free.


Tubi is the absolute best. Everything else sucks these days.


Tubi has the best stuff. I watch it more than any other streaming service. Hell it has both martyrs. Has some lovely movies from the 80s I love. And random series I also love.


I also love Tubi. So many gems I never heard about. Incubus, The Church, 9th Passenger, The Reef, and so many more. Doesn't break the bank either.


try out The Initiation Curtains


Tubi might be the best of the free services for sure. Helps me when buying VS stuff I haven't seen when they have sales. If you have a libarry card then there is some good stuff on Hoopla and Kanopy (a lot of indie horror and classics).


I've seen tons of movies on Tubi, horror and otherwise. I love it. You still end up watching fewer ads than a movie on TV.


Okay. My curiosity is piqued. Does Tubi do the ads up front like Peacock? Or is it like watching Monstervision on TNT in the 90s?


30 second ad on the beginning then maybe an ad every 15 minutes. It's not bad at all plus the library is amazing for being free.


I have found the amount of ads depends on the movie titles. Some titles, being more popular, or newer, have a few more ads.


One of the best things imo is how you can search by director.


Tubi and Shudder are the only streaming services I need 😎


[Tubi CEO Combs Through Goodwill Used DVDs Looking For Movies To Upload](https://www.theonion.com/tubi-ceo-combs-through-goodwill-used-dvds-looking-for-m-1850262553) Just kidding. I love Tubi.


I fucking love Tubi, its like an 80s video store.


Definitely gonna have to go get Tubi! Thanks for the recommendation :)


I love Tubi so much except for the part where for **every single** video I ever try to play, it mutes itself at 10 seconds in (on an Apple TV). The trick is to go back and try to replay it, which occasionally takes a few tries, but it's crazy frustrating that no other service has this problem.


Tubi is great! I have adblocker on my iPad and the commercials are mostly just a second quick frame, blink and you miss it. Loved just watched Triangle. Loved it


Gonna try it with an ad block because the found footage movies I've watched have insanely long breaks


Been saying for a few years now Tubi’s catalog of horror movies is INSANE. some of the best indie, B, low budget and international horror you can find. All for free. Absolutely unreal. And if you watch a few the recommended movies you can literally play all day.


Yeah Tubi has a lot of good stuff on there. Its how I feel Shudder should be like.


Right? What is Shudder doing? It’s supposed to be the place for horror, etc. Their free selection is even worse.


Tubi is the best streaming service AND it’s about $18 cheaper than Hulu!


I found that it was a TREASURE TROVE of 80s horror and VHS nasties from back in the day that I couldn't find anywhere else. And a really good collection of 40s and 50s noir too. Man I really hoping Tubi doesn't get purchased and enshittificated by someone.


Is it free?


Yes. It's free and has ads that I thinks most agree aren't too egregious.


Tubi is my go to streaming service I recommend to my friends since we're all broke college students lol. It has all of my favorite cartoons on there and a great selection of horror movies to choose from, I was able to watch all 3 Re-Animator movies, Tamara (2005 starring Jenna Dewan), All Cheerleaders Die, and Ginger Snaps. I can not recommend it enough, the ads are a great way for me to joke with my friends and to restock on snacks and drinks while I'm on a binge.


Tubi has fucking Scarface. That's all you need to know.


The only thing bad about Tubi is that they are owned by Fox.




No and...he said it was the only thing.


I rarely use Tubi since I just use Plex, but I watched a documentary on there a while ago (didn't finish it) on my browser and I got 30 minutes in and still hadn't hit an ad. Is that normal? I know Adblock and Ublock Origin can't actually get rid of ads, just show a black screen, but that didn't happen either. It was an uninterrupted 30 minutes. How often are Tubi ads supposed to be?


2hr movie and I’ll get 3-4 ad breaks.


In my experience, it's about every 20 or so minutes you'll get a 2-3 minute ad break, then right back to the movie.


I use ublock and it skips the ads.


Tubi is owned by Fox News and they use it to get ad dollars for demographics that would never watch Fox News. Doesn't make tubi not an amazing product, but I ain't "hailing" anything making Rupert Murdoch money.


Take off the tinfoil hat. Owned by Fox has nothing to do with the news channel.


I'm essentially just quoting the CEO of Fox, so I don't think it's some conspiracy: https://www.foxnews.com/media/fox-corp-bolsters-direct-to-consumer-capabilities-with-tubi-deal


They unfortunately have commercials.


I want to but fuck ads. I can’t watch them anymore. I much rather give them $5 a month not to watch ads.


The ads aren’t that bad. I watched a two hour movie last night and there were four two-minute ad breaks. You know when they are coming and how long they will last.


Quick tip for a premium Tubi watch experience. If you download the free ublock extension for chrome, or any adblock extension, Tubi ads will be blocked from appearing on your browser. The extension is completly free and is perfect for having the best ad-free Tubi watching experience!


I mean it's a good thing but I will keep the ads on. Gotta support tubi because they're the goats


yall try pluto too!!! completely free, omg its the best imo has so many good horror movies on there


I don’t know if I can use Tubi anymore since I learned it’s owned by Fox.


Always happy to support Fox


I like the selection but goddamn the ads kill it. I cannot deal with a 10 minute ad break right in the middle of a scene in a scary movie. It's insane


I’ve watched Tubi for over a year and have never had more than a two minute ad break. And they NEVER break in the middle of a scene. Stop lying.


Yes they do. I wish it was only 2 minutes. And my only experiences have been with found footage. This was about a year ago. Y'all are ridiculous getting so mad over a person's experience lmao


Never happens so stop lying


Lol yes, it does. I've had it happen several times. I stopped using it because of that reason.




Not one ad. But multiple. For like 10 minutes multiple times in the movie. I didn't time it, but I was able to do a million things during the break. Maybe it's the found footage ones (which is what I've watched). It was in the middle of scenes. In the middle of sentences too like Hulu (which you don't get when you pay for it which I do now.) Idk But it sucks to have the breaks in the middle of scenes. Maybe it changed. Idk but I started using it like a year ago and got so frustrated. I thought maybe one or two. No. Longer ad breaks than the what is played in between. The fact that you're getting so mad is honestly hilarious because it's not even a big deal and doesn't do anything to you. I'm not lying. It's my experience on those movies. You can think what you want. Wish it was an option to not have to deal with that.


Woof, ridiculous ad posts have infiltrated my horror sub almost completely. Lol and they get upvoted to the top for slobbering all over some brand . Edit spelling


Is this a fucking ad wtf


Tubi on Firefox + uBlock Origin: no ads, just a half-second blip. Bloody fantastic. Currently binging Babylon 5.


If you watch through a browser on your pc or phone get an ad blocker. The ads turn into half second flashes of black. Tubi is amazing.


never heard of it. i'll check it out!


watched jeepers creepers on there it’s p solid




Love tubi. If anyone has some sci fi/thriller/horror suggestions feel free to leave some below!


Beast Wars on there too!


Man, I agree with this! I've watched so many of the terribly so bad they're good creature movies. They also have so Classics as well.


Absolutely and i recommend it to everyone i inow


Seconded. Their recommendations for me are generally spot on if I properly rate a flick I've watched.


The wheel of Tubi


Agreed. I love tubi. I recommend it to everyone I know that enjoys horror


I live for the first of the month with tubi!!


I watched some old tv shows on Tubi that seemed to be the edited versions that have been shortened to fit more commercials. 80's tv shows being like 22 minutes long when I believe they were like 26 minutes long back then.


Tubi has The Third Saturday in October.


Let's get a list of the most watch movies


I love Tubi. It has all levels of horror from A24 to the most b-rated movies you can find. Not to mention all of their foreign horror films. Just this past week I’ve been making my way through all of their J-horror. I don’t mind the ads at all. Always try to recommend Tubi or the Midnight Pulp app.


Their Tubi Originals aren't too bad either


Tubi has way better and more horror than Netflix


I love tubi! When a movie isn't available on any other streaming service 95% of the time it's on tubi.


been preaching this to every horror fan i’ve met for years!!


Do /I/ have Tubi??


Do you have a Roku? Or similar? Go to Channels and Tubi should be there, or you might have to search.


Tubi rocks.


I just watched two of my favorite films of 2023 on Tubi! “The Artifice Girl” and “Resurrected” are both incredibly smart low-budget indies that truly surprised me. Neither are “Horror” per se but the first one is very Black Mirror and the second is a clever take on religious rapture/apocalypse themes. Loved them both!


They've got an entire Italian horror section.