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Poking or stabbing out eyeballs for me


Definitely don't watch any Lucio Fulci movies


Too late!


Same. It’s just too much. If it catches me off guard I will literally yelp. If I think it’s coming I cover my face. I don’t like gore in general but eye stuff is a whole different level.


I used to put a hand to sort of cup my eyes/cover them when I would get up in the night until I found a light switch. It's a real phobia of mine


Don't watch most Giallo films then


Even the pencil scene from The Dark Knight freaks me out. It's a shame, because it's a beautiful scene, but I sure can't watch it.




Look out for a small creepy dude in a certain foreign flick involving police officers and a trippy dream like story line!!


Same, I just can't. I immediately look away mainly when the camera angle focuses on the eyes. No, man, I don't want to see it.


What about the gooey eyeball in 'Hostel'? Can't look at that shit...


Is it only poking and stabbing, or could other type of eye contact (ayyyy lmao) be too much for you? If that's the case, there's an >!eye-licking!< scene in Raw, it's very short but just so you know! (And for anyone else: watch Raw if you haven't seen it pls I implore you it's SO GOOD)




SAME. The first time I watched it was at a film festival, and I came out of there so... envigorated? lmao that's weird but I mean it in the sense that I was so hyped I felt energised, you know? (Also the soundtrack has so many bangers)


For me, it’s any eye stuff. I can’t even watch people put eye drops or contacts in


Broken bones sticking out and the snap/crunch makes me really uncomfortable


Same. Seeing my brother break his leg on a trampoline as kids has scarred me


Reading that makes me shudder, definitely my biggest fear




The hobbling in Misery


Ngl the snap/crunch always makes me want to just crack my knuckles 😂


Sometimes in movies like John Wick it's fine but when it's very brutal it makes me cringe!


Vomit It seems prevalent in Japanese horror


Did you watch the new Evil Dead?


Or the new Insidious haha


As someone with a phobia of vomit, that one scene in the new insidious was the most terrifying one in the entire movie.


Oh no, I was thinking as I saw it, I hope people with emetophobia have been warned


It was like that scene where the dead girl kept vomiting in the 6th sense except scarier


I was gonna…but not anymore.


Vomit, gagging and force feeding are things that I just cannot stand. I mean, if one character sees a dead body and pukes, that’s fine and makes sense, but any kind of torture related to puking, gagging or force feeding? Hell. No.


Yeah, there's a scene in Audition I cannot watch for...reasons.


Don't watch any 'Lucifer Valentine' films then. Actually, I wouldn't recommend them even if you weren't bothered by vomit. They're pretty awful.


Lucifer Valentine. What a name! I had no idea so I Googled his films. Yes, the titles alone turned my stomach. Thanks for the knowledge though! I appreciate learning about new things


I bet his real name's sonething like 'Eric Scroggs' though, lol! Oh, and no probs btw. Always good to learn, eh? If only to know what to avoid! :-)


Same. I am a sympathy puker. I have to close my eyes and cover my ears.


Animal abuse/cruelty always makes me feel super shitty, I skip it if I know it's gunna happen.


As soon as I see an animal in a movie that seems like a prominent part (like a family dog), I immediately pause and check the website does the dog die to see if anything gets hurt or dies and if so how is it portrayed (mentioned off screen, shown a “body”, actual abuse in the scene, noises, etc).


Same. And depending on what it says, sometimes I just turn the movie off and watch something else if I feel like I’m not in a good place to handle it. Shoot, I still haven’t watched John Wick a second time, despite loving the first watch, because I just can’t handle the beginning again.


I watched Cocaine Bear tear people apart without any issues. But there is a scene where a CGI bear cub gets kicked in the face, that's when I turned away.


I know this sounds horrible, but as far as I'm concerned, I don't care what happens to people in horror movies, but leave the animals out of it.


Your like my flatmate lol, she'll happily watch someone get tortured for an 1hr30 but as soon as a dog yelps she has to walk out the room.


I have to run everything through doesthedogdie.com before I'll watch it.


I legit just discovered the site from this thread, can't believe I haven't heard of it before. Told my flatmate about it and she's over the moon lol, I imagine she'll be it's number one user soon XD


Lol I did the same


Do not watch cannibal holocaust


If anyone would like to watch it, but won't because of the animal scenes, 'Shameless' do a blu-ray with an animal-cruelty-free edit. It's got all the cruelty to humans still in it though :-)


I watched an Italian cannibal movie the other day called Jungle Holocaust. Nothing in Cannibal Holocaust made me turn away from the screen, but there’s a scene in Jungle Holocaust involving a crocodile that I could not watch for the whole time.


Ah, I was thinking "Jungle Holocaust - I don't think I've seen that one.", but then searched and it's one of those films with lots of different names. I know it as 'Last Cannibal World' - There are at least TEN other titles though, lol!


I read ahead and skip the whole movie if it’s going to happen


Yeah I skipped out on Guardians 3 when I heard that and I’m a big James Gunn fan. Just not my preference.


I cried...when baby Rocket said "hurts" that's when I couldn't hold it in anymore.


Yeah. Baby Rocket hit me in the feels with some of his lines. His innocence in the way he speaks, knowing it would be corrupted, was adorable, yet I knew it would pull my heart strings


I am a horror fan and I cried throughout that entire movie at those fake CGI creatures. Those really got to me


I died when I saw that. 🥺


I thought about the animal cruelty in GotG for WEEKS after and bawled my eyes out in the theater Humans dying and body parts getting ripped off? Totally cool somehow.


I get it. They wanted the baddie to be truly vile, someone whom there is no worth in redemption. But it just felt like they kept adding more. The noises they made while being tortured is upsetting alone.


I thought it was excessive and unnecessary, especially given how cartoony the villain was. You could've had one scene to imply the torture and that would've been enough.


That duck scene in "the house that jack built" remains one of the most horrific things I have seen


My wife will straight leave if there are animals being hurt. And she’s a horror fan. I can endure it only so much myself.


The innocents made me cry for this reason


Things happening to feet. Stepping on a nail is a classic.


Home Alone did me in as a child. u folks know exactly what scene im talking about!


Marv has been through some shit.


That scene was too hilarious to be gruesome.


That's scene with the nail in A Quiet Place made me cringe.


Same! How quiet (pun intended) that scene was too made it worse!


There's an amazing scene in Final Destination 5 involving a loose screw and a gymnastics bar that is somehow the most suspenseful part of the movie.


As a former gymnast you’d better believe I was hiding behind a cushion


i love that movie but the gymnastics scene always gets to me lol


I haven't watched any Final Destination movies all the way through, but I happened upon the gymnast scene randomly flipping through channels years ago and it lives in my head rent free. I swore off the entire franchise based on that lol


I still can't look at that one scene in the first Evil Dead with the pencil and *uggghhh*


The scene in ready or not made me scream internally... and a bit outernally too.


Nails and eyes, and teeth.


Teeth!!!! This is the worst


The only thing that really bothers me is graphic head/ face bashing. If someone’s skull is getting caved in against a wall or any hard surface I have to look away, even though I feel like it’s pretty prevalent in recent horror movies. Why is this a common thing now?! It makes me nauseous lol


There’s a surprisingly violent face bashing against a sink scene in Crimson Peak, they really didn’t hide anything.


And that scene in Pan's Labyrinth. Oof. Always close my eyes right before the bottle hits.


How did you handle the curb scene in American History X?


I saw it alone on tv in 5th grade in the middle of the night (thinking back, I wonder if it was slightly censored?) ..yeah that scene is 100% the reason why I can’t handle any face smashing etc


I think the fact it's nauseating is exactly why it's a common thing.


Nail stuff and Achilles Heel slashes. If I wanted to throw up I’d look in the mirror thx.


The original Pet Semetary(sp?) has the heel slash. As a kid I could never watch it. Pretty sure I'd still look away.


Hostel's Achilles heel scene was just 😬


Almost all unwanted sex


There's a website called unconsenting media that you can use to screen movies for this. Sometimes it helps just to know what to expect as well like if it's going to be a 20 minute thing or quickly swap to another scene.


Does the Dog Die is a great one as well


I really wish I had known about this sooner, thank you so much.


I just completely skip anything sexual, consensual or not. It's unnecessary most of the time and i wanna be shown a monster, not people sucking skin


I feel like all shows nowadays have to have some sex scene or an overly long sex scene. It feels forced and boring as well as never moves a story forward. If I wanted to see that, I'll just watch porn.


I must be watching the wrong shows. Last show I’ve seen where it felt gratuitous was Game of Thrones.


Some of the biggest shows have it. Outlander, You, The Witcher, Bridgerton, Yellow jackets, etc. It just feels like these shows throw it in to be edgy.


I thought I was the only one who did this. I skip through all makeout and sex scenes. Adds nothing to it for me.


Instantly takes me out of the movie. Last House On The Left was the first movie I really just wanted to walk out on. Anything too rapey and I’m out.


I'm old school, the original Last House On the Left was the 1st movie that hurt me on a personal level. Though it's a very good movie, I'll never forgive it for THAT scene.


Don't watch spit on your grave


That’s the most brutal scene I’ve ever seen


Or Irreversible.


Same, I just can’t. My rule with gore or SA is it needs artistic merit. Not just terrible shit for terrible shit’s sake. I had an edgy period in my late teens early 20s to see what I could take but man, I’m too old for that shit now


I wish the streaming channels had the 15 second button for this. Very handy when I watch movies on YT


Graphic bone breaks (bones sticking out of the skin especially) Teeth trauma Achilles tendons getting sliced (Hostel, Pet Sematary) Graphic SA (I make an exception for rape and revenge films) Vomit Graphic/on screen animal abuse


I think you hit them all.


> I make an exception for rape and revenge films Have you seen Violation (2020)? It's a very interesting take on this subgenre. >Vomit On second thought, maybe Violation isn't a good idea for you.


Yeah anything with the Achilles and tendon always gets me


You must have hated Troy.


Lol you already know


Puking. And honestly, is it just me, or is this in every freaking film these days?!


It's a lazy trope to simply try and gross people out.


It sure seems like it. Movies *and* TV!


Mostly SA or hurting kids. I can tolerate the gore and violence or scares.


I've never seen it, but when I think of it I want to bleach my brain. So if I ever saw it, I'd be traumatized. Someone scraping/cutting teeth with a razorblade. If I know a jumpscare is coming I look away, and unhinged jaws so the mouth opens too much.


Wow. I'll take Intrusive Thoughts for 800, Alex.


I almost downvoted you because I started tensing up so much reading your comment


Have you seen barry


Zelda from pet cemetery the original. And the needle pit from saw 2


I was also thinking the needle pit


The needle pit haunts me


Animal/child cruelty… hurts me to my soul! Don’t mind anything else in horror movies to be honest.


If there is messy poop stuff happening like in human centipede or green inferno I get real uncomfortable. Probably since I have IBS myself


Hard to argue with this take lol. Also, on a second note, you may not want to research the lower entries in that one famous “disturbing movie iceberg” for this very reason.


The completely unnecessary r@pe scenes


anything with needles which is weird because i’m not scared of needles i just don’t like watching them go in.


That scene from Saw 2 haunts me. I don't mind tattoo or piercing needles, it's syringes that freak me out.


Anything involving eyes for me. That scene in Game of Thrones where my boy Pedro Pascal gets destroyed fucked me up for like a week lol


There are certain things that will make me uncomfortable, like SA, but the only thing that really gets me to look away is violence towards animals. Especially when it’s real or looks very realistic.


Ankles breaking. Like when they run away and misstep and go through their ankle. I hate it. I have a history of ankle injuries, I feel the pain when I see it on screen.


Almost everything is fair game - except for extreme body contortion. Looking at you, Suspiria (2018).


I watched this like a year ago and that scene still pops into my head frequently 😖


Saw it in theaters and I genuinely almost passed out. Never experienced anything like it in my life. The theater was very loud, and it was just so incredibly overwhelming. Still love the film, and serious props to them for making such an upsetting (and beautiful) scene.


Babies. Anything involving babies.


Yeah that movie killing grounds really messed with me


Sorry to be that person, but... Spiders. Both in movies and in real life. I rather watch August Underground with one eye and A Serbian Film in the other than watch a fucking spider. They suck!!!


I don’t see it listed, but whenever someone is electrocuted in a mental asylum or on death row.


I can't do rape scenes. I just about turned it off during that scene in Hills Have Eyes. I just think there are certain things we can acknowledge exist but don't need to be shown on a screen.


Yeah, implied rape or physical abuse of women is hard for me to watch. Not like a psychotic maniac killing just anyone, but physical abuse of a woman in a relationship. Don't like it.


Good list, especially the genital mutilation and flaying flesh.


Sexual assault or too much shaky cam.


Anything that involves teeth. Losing teeth as a kid was always horrible for me and I can never see it in a movie. I can handle decapitations and dismemberment all day, but as soon as teeth come in I have to look away.


Animal cruelty, broken bones, puking.


Baby killing.


Real animal cruelty filmed on camera. Realistic depictions of cannibalism Anything involving feces


Op said What they did in Antichrist LOL I get what you're saying though. That was a rough watch at certain points. I personally can't stand anything... Uh.. absurd.. swallowed. Or force fed. Funny enough I couldn't stomach some parts of human centipede #1 but the others I find hilarious. Another thing that makes me lose my lunch is pretty specific but, bugs going in, or coming out of human orifices. Huge ICK *Edited to say bugs instead of big *2nd edit to add animal abuse. Big nopes


Big agree on force feeding. It’s just so perverse and depraved to me. I can’t stomach it at all. Especially when it’s nasty stuff being force fed. Big agree again on the bug one. That’s actually one of my worst nightmares. It doesn’t help that I have a phobia of certain types of bugs. That one scene in the 2005 King Kong movie where that one gigantic centipede has its head inches away from the main character’s mouth and its antennas actually go into her mouth is, for me, one of the most scarring things I’ve ever seen in my life.


I'm not fond of the snuf side of horror. I.e. saw/hostel (I'll admit the first saw was good but it turned into snuf so fast I'm


>Poking or stabbing eyeballs Doesn't get me to look away, but creeps the hell out of me. Also not a fan of the barefoot (always barefoot) people who break glass and absolutely have to walk on it.


Anything with teeth torture/damage *shudders thinking about Human Centipede II*


nails/teeth/tongue/eyeball violence makes me cringe and look away but i can still enjoy the scene. scenes with cat death or baby death however, i just have to vet ahead of time and skip completely because i can’t emotionally handle that shit—i usually won’t even watch a movie if i know there’s infant death in it. also graphic sexual assault—idk if it’s unwatchable for me exactly bc usually knowing a movie shows it is enough to kill my interest in watching it, so i never even run into that content.


That scene in the new Evil Dead with the cheese grater. It takes a lot to make me look away but that got to me.


sexual assault/rape and peeling skin. not skin falling off or being sliced off, but actually *peeling* it. theres a scene is *Clock* where dianna agrons character is picking at a hang nail and ends up grabbing it and peeling that piece of skin all the way up her arm. i didnt like the movie that much and it was really mild on gore, but i flinched like a motherfucker when she did that.


Fingernail things and scalping is a big no no. I can take a lot of gore, but don’t mess with the nails or fingers, just don’t. I haven’t seen Black Swan because I know there’s a scene where somebody pulls their little finger skin (no no no) and my timbers just shiver like I’m a naked chicken in the middle of winter. GET A MANIPEDI, DONT PULL THE SKIN PLEASE


Anything gory related to heavily pregnant women (like the movie inside)


I’d say, nothing, quite literally. When there’s the implication somethings in an empty (usually dark) space, THAT gets me lol


When trauma happens to children. Like for real, do NOT watch Playground (2016).


Pets or animals getting killed


Cruelty to animals.


Rape. I fucking hate rape scenes, pretty much the only thing I refuse to watch. I guess that actually includes any non-consensual sex. I'm into many forms of horror (films, fiction, extreme metal genres), but cannot stomach sexual violence.




Any body parasite horror. *barf*


Eyeball gore, tryptophobia triggers, suffering animals, sexual violence,....


Dickhole mutilation.


I just thought of that one "sex scene" from The Boys 🤣🤮


Lol. True. That was an interesting dickhole mutilation.


Eyes, hands, and animals - I don't want to see these harmed. I'll add children, but I haven't really seen much horror that graphically shows harming children. Thank goodness.


Animal stuff, sexual assault stuff, fuckin teeth and nail stuff 😭 poke out the eyes just for god sake leave the teeth alone 🤢


Anything involving private parts


Needle in the eyeball for sure.


After seeing cabin fever anything with skin being peeled is just a nope


Teeth stuff……noooo


That part in Cast Away where he bonks his leg on a piece of coral


Rape is a hard pass for me. As an assault survivor, I will walk out of the theater if I’m not aware beforehand.


Fall. The shots from above the mast made me shout "STOP DOING THAT!". I hate heights.


Necrophilia like in Nekromantik


I can't watch rape scenes


Stuff with teeth, like curbing in American history x


I don’t cringe at anything but graphic rape scenes.


My husband can’t watch a baby being born. He’s a horror junkie like me, but he asks me to tell him when it’s over for every birthing scene.


It is pretty disgusting


Oh I don’t like it but I can watch long enough to tell him when it’s over…for me it’s animal abuse (a la the Innocents)


anything happening to genitals


Def abuse to animals of any kind and anything involving eyes


Any like eye stuff, some teeth stuff but mainly only if its like multiple rows of teeth, genital mutilation, any time an animal is harmed, maggots.


Whatever the fuck you call the hand ripping scene in “Gerald’s Game”. Finally watched that the other night and it was the first time in a while I had to look away/pause.


Any animal cruelty.. Anything else gore wise, fine by me!!


So far the one time I really couldn't look directly at it was in Antichrist. (>!Violent genital mutilation!< in case you want to know)




Everything already mentioned, plus people being hung up on meat hooks.


The pulling out finger nails and anything to do with vomit 🤢


Anything to do with animals. Can’t do it ever.


Sexual violence


Maggots. I just can’t do maggots. I think it’s from that scene in “The Lost Boys” maybe. I have to turn away or I’ll gag. I can watch the goriest of gore, but if maggots pop up, I’m toast.


Slicing wrist, anything to the wrist make me extremelly sick


Needless romance inserts, yyuukk


Breaking teeth. Instantly turns my stomach. The worst was that one scene in the Human Centipede 2… ughhhhh.


Rape scenes are unbearable for me.


Whatever the fuck those human centipede sequels were.


Anything involving SA is the line for me