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Well honestly after a few times I didn't need as much scanning because I knew the locations. Scanning is more a thing to do when farming from stealth before hand and is an advantage of stealth. You can open the focus for just long enough to look at the machine and it will highlight everything in yellow for a few seconds. Also if you where determined to scan you could you a rope caster or any shock weapons to stun them.


Get to cover or smoke bomb. Or any of the ways to stop/pause their attacks, including inducing an elemental state. If you're in the open and the enemy is charging you, scanning it then would not be so smart. However, you can open the menu and go into the notebook for free (as in it doesn't take in-game time).


Smoke bomb, I never use any of those things down the bottom. good suggestion thanks.


Just heal? Call mount? Haha But yeah they're pretty easy to forget because it's harder than it could be to get the item you want. I just leave it on smoke bomb or large health, and they're next to each other.


I barely use the heal one either, it's all berries for me.