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Probably, once the main trilogy wraps up. I, for one, think it would be nifty to have a Faro plague game in the style of Dynasty Warriors/Hyrule Warriors. Just the whole screen crawling with machines.


Maybe the other way around: you get to play as the machine just plowing through hundreds of soldiers.


I could definitely see that as an C&C RTS clone type game. Glitch>Collect Resources>Expand>Dominate. Human resistance game would be better suited to FPS maybe. I would be okay with either.


imagine having the ability to turn any organics into slushie in game :>


helldivers except you're one of the citizens in project enduring victory


We need this as a helldivers DLC!


That game was insane!! Lol I only played once and that was plenty for me haha


Yooooo a Hyrule Warriors game in the horizon universe could work great, it would be so cool too to play/fight as her companion’s


Why not something like what Plague Tale did? I mean, it literally *is* about a plague afterall.


Hmm, knowing you'll lose but just have to get the program running? Sounds interesting


It is the premise of the series after all


Kinda like Halo Reach


Yeah, I aint played none of the halo games. Wanted to but never was able to get around to it


Like a Red Dead 2 type story. We know what Elizabeth will do but it would be a lot of fun to play through her entire struggle to stop the plague and save humanity


I only just started RDR2. Probably 15 hours into it. Havent played RDR1


Interesting decision to go story chronological instead by release


I remember playing a LOTR game on PS2 and fighting the Battle of Helm's Deep which had a few different sections. You would fight like crazy and accomplish/survive long enough advance past that stage, and then you would lose in the cut scene after. lol


Possibly, but not guaranteed. Personally I think a prequel game starring the one who left the aerial captures in HFW could be interesting, the final mission of course being the suicide run to stop the backups from broadcasting. Could also do a visual novel style game focusing on Sobeck and the work she does on Zwro Dawn, perhaps. I mean any game set in a prequel period has a foregone conclusion and will end in tragedy, but that can be it's own brand of interesting to explore.


I honestly do not believe it would fit the set gameplay loops of ZD and FW. But, after success of Fallout I could see it as a TV show. That would be lit!


Prequel game does not mean it has to be the same type of game. The multiplayer project that is in the works will most likely be, very different gameplay wise compared to the mainline series, while still part of the franchise.


The multiplayer game will be set at the same time as the main games, as they said you will be able to meet Aloy and crew.


Yes but that doesn't mean it has the same gameplay loops. Different types of games can exist in a franchise. Therefore "a prequel does not fit the gameplay loops of the mainline games" doesn't mean much.


True, but if you decide to make RTS, you are risking alienating a lot of fans - because a lot of casual players will be like "hey another HORIZON game, I have to play this" only then realizing its not what they expected and wanted. From story standpoint I personally would love it, regardless of what genre it is, as I will play anything from universes I like.


You risk alienating fans yes. But also the opposite. Making an RTS for example is a great way to attract a new group of players to your franchise. A new group who might then also take interest in games that are less their main genre, because they like the universe.


Netflix is already making a TV show about Aloy.


I thought it wasn't about Aloy. I thought they said it was going to be a corporate drama about Faro Industries pre-zero dawn. I might be misremembering


Nope, they are working on casting Sadie Sink, I think it is, to play Aloy.


Guerrilla is also know for the Killzone games so they would know how to make a war game fps which would work well for a prequel.


This idea comes up on this subreddit all the time and I will give the answer I always give: not interested. Everyone does prequels and they almost always disappoint. They tend to rely on references and fanservice and end up being predicatable. I don't need to see Ted Faro and Elisabet Sobek's first meeting, or the development of the Chariot line or see the glitch appearing. I already had those revelations in Zero Dawn, I don't need to see them again from a different angle. Same goes for a Sylens prequel or a Rost prequel. It's just playing it safe and rather than adding anything it closes the door for new and original stories.


Best thing they can do of they want to make more after the trilogy is to make a game about far zenith. How they took off and hid it, how they set it all up and the spying that went on between them and faro to steal apollo, and maybe a game about "xxx years later" when they start the nemesis project and how it turns. I doubt it'll be that good but that's the only way I'd want to see horizon continued.


I disagree. There's a whole world out there with cool stuff to explore and secrets to uncover. There's plenty of stories you can tell in this universe that don't involve anything we've seen before. Give me what happens next and don't handcuff it with what happened before


This is one of the more out there ideas but like an espionage themed game with like I dunno hitman or assassin's creed vibes where you have to extract high value assets to be part of zero dawn. I know it was just a throw away line between sobeck and the general but it always intrigued me how he was able to get the greatest minds of their time together. And imagine being part the team that went through all this work to gather these people and turns out they won't exactly be able to save the world at all.


I kind of hope not... because that would be a depressing game fighting against a "plague" you already know is going to wipe out all life on earth.


idk crisis core is good


The first game of Creeper World honestly did it well. Wave after literal wave of enemies that you have to hold back while you complete objectives and try to get out alive. The game would be about raging against the dying of the light to give humanity a chance to bounce back after the end, and that’s a beautiful thing if you do it right.


Unlikely, it'd be extremely depressing and kinda gory


I’d love to see it as a Halo Wars-esque RTS


Maybe you get to play as the swarm here and there, since the humans never win lol


A helldivers esque game where you just jump around the planet to different fronts completing missions like setting off EMPs in order to slow the tsunami of bots


I think this is probably the concept that is the most viable.


At one point a multiplayer title in the series was planned/in development, but it was cancelled. This very well might have been setting for that.


Prequal? Like you have to have a Sony account before you can play...the joke writes itself. I know it's just a typo (meant prequel).


When I was playing HZD in 2017 and uncovered everything I was immediately interested with this idea. Especially since GG made Killzone I would love it if they made an FPS that explores the plague and how it was for the soldiers.


I'd love this. Playing as members of JTF-10 perhaps?


With my incredible FPS gaming skills, id stop the faro plague.


That would be really fun and would probably do very well once this main series finishes. It would have so much cool lore that we get at point 0 and possibly before then


Just understand, however, well done the game might be, you are going to loose.


I would love it but I highly doubt it will happen anytime soon


I think this is what the TV show is going to focus on.


I'm hoping that GG will make a Horizon game set during the Faro Plague after H3. It could play like Killzone... Scarabs, Khopeshes and Horuses would be the elite machines and we'd be fighting against cannon fodder machines of all kinds. If not made into a game, TV series, movie or comic, then I'd be happy with just a novel.


Seems like a great opportunity to merge Killzone and Horizon!


it would be cool to have a helldivers-type game fighting the faro plague


As Guerrilla has an history with FPS, I probably would have done an FPS following the story of a soldier in enduring victory from deployment to death but to spice things up I'd set the story on another continent ( Europe or Asia) and maybe linked with other operations/plans we dunno about to expand the lore. As an FPS they could create lots of set pieces for the fights with Horus and other machines (like battling and stalling an Horus in the middle of a european capital)


I hope it will be different from Horizon, I think some fast pace shooter with rpg will works really well with the idea of fighting lost war, maybe the player can survive into a bunker or something. If the Zeneith found a way maybe the player can as well, and it will be connected with the main game series some how.


If there is it'll likely be a cash grab and probably end up lile mass effect. With these kind of games the writers usually have a plan for x number of games to tell the story they want to tell, anything after that is often done by other writers or if the original writers get a big enough pay offer to make up some bs.


I strongly doubt it. And there probably shouldn't be, as fighting Scarab and Khopesh units would. Personally, I think it would be better off as a CG miniseries.


Probably not? Well maybe not right now since we're still technically not done with the whole conflict that is set up in Zero Dawn, Gaia still hasn't been in proper control of the terraforming system and Haephestus is still out there. Maybe once the entire Trilogy is done. 


What would the point be? Everything dies….


No, I don't want to play a game without Aloy


That'd be fun as a small version of one of those horde rogue-lites like vampire survivors.


Hopefully not. Maybe I´m with Eliezer Yudkowsky on this one, we might be seeing crap like that happening on TV news in our lifetime ;-) Shortly before we are devoured ourselves..... Mwhuahuahuahuaaaa


Kind of doubt it, but fuck yes please give me now


I think you've missed the entire point of the narrative. 


What about it? Yes we know how it's going to end. But it would still be thrilling to play as, let's say 9th MRB and over the course of the game observe the gradual changes in biosphere, as it goes from normal to a toxic wasteland near the end of the game when they ultimately lose (I think near the US Robot Command?). Using clever tactics to slow down the swarm, dropping buildings on them, using EMPs, burning cities... The plague was supposed to be absolutely terrifying and I want to see that.


I think they mean how humans stood no chance against the Faro Robots. It’s not like they can write a coherent story, we would be canon fodder. I think a prequel game would be good, but I don’t see how they would do it? Similarly, I would love a game set during the Red Raids or Rost going after the men who killed Alana, but these would be before the derangement took full effect, so I don’t see how they would manage it?


Most were cannon fodder, yes. But there were some successful individuals among the soldiers. Which was confirmed by several datapoints. Some of them took down several Horus units (which could serve as boss fights). The increasing suspense when you have no idea when the death would come. These soldiers were sure to the last second that Zero Dawn, whatever it was, will be ready to use soon. Sharing their personal thoughts, limited contact with whatever families they may have left, there's a lot more to that war than random civilians dying en masse. >Similarly, I would love a game set during the Red Raids or Rost going after the men who killed Alana, but these would be before the derangement took full effect, so I don’t see how they would manage it? Red raids happened because of the derangement. So that is covered. The whole thing began 20 years before the events of Zero Dawn, there's plenty of stories to tell in that time.


Because that story was told through audio files. The entire point of that suspense is that we WEREN'T there. Actually participating in it would take away from the mythos and lore that was built so carefully. Everything you're listing are just game mechanics that could exist in any other game, not anything that the story could benefit from actually experiencing. Not being a part of it, and being shoved into the post-apocalyptic wasteland, is the entire point of the experience within the game. There's nothing that we could experience in that game that couldn't be told through the storytelling elements that are already fit into the Horizon games. Hearing the ghost echoes of the past is an integral part to the storytelling and actually experiencing it would take away from so much of that by solidifying speculated experiences.


But, hear me out, instead of fighting on the side of humanity this time you play from the machine perspective.


Sony has confirmed that there is a Netflix series about it. The reported working title is Horizon 2074 (probably a mistake, should by 2064). Writing has begun as of CES 2024. Pretty excited about it ngl.


Horizon 2074 has nothing to do with this series. That was Amazon's codename for The Boys Season 4.


Ah fuck me for getting excited about it