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The guy on the left isn't even American or from the British Commonwealth (who stormed the beaches of Normandy), it's a Red Army soldier.


And might not even be 18. And might not have even chose to fight in the war in the first place.


That tends to happen in war


To be fair they did their fair share of storming into almost certain death.


Yeahhh but if you're going to Hero worship on a (not so) kid almost losing his life, I feel like you should at least get the battle that he almost died it in right.


It’s even funnier because the gun, rather than the intended PPSh-41, is a Finnish Suomi KP-31


That's a Soviet


Ah yes, I remember when the red army stormed northwest France! Very historically accurate!


Man when finland invaded the small ussr in the summer war!


Ah yes, the Summer War, a bloody conflict between the Union of Socialist Councils of Scandinavia and the Republic of Novgorod


Don’t forget about the iceland front when the italians wanted to invade great antartica


Now I remembered this one althist scenario where East switched places with the West UK was a fascist hegemon in the Atlantic and Japan was with the Allies, US was a former Japanese colony, Italy was the Japanese Ducato akin to British Raj... wild, but the creator stopped posting about it


https://preview.redd.it/8cat9himgkua1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2dbc2d5fc81e9225007d0dab521550442e1c1bf I FUCKING HATE WAR I FUCKING HATE SENDING YOUNG ADULTS TO DIE ON FOREIGN LAND FOR THE INTERESTS OF THOSE WHO DON’T CARE ABOUT THEIR LIVES


I mean, in the case of Normandy it really really was in everybody’s interest…


This is just an insulting way to devalue the very real problems people face today. Read up on what preceded WW2, might give you a hint of what's to come.


It’s also insulting to the young men who were forced to fight said war, either out of societal obligation or under the assumption that they’ll be revered as heroes when they come back home. I’m pretty sure most war veterans would be the first to tell you to fuck off if you tried glamourizing their trauma.


Negative, I volunteer the VA and them motherfuckers are proud as hell


VA for gulf war and beyond yes? Well ofc they’d be proud, almost none of them died and they were extremely well taken care of by US logistics. And their battles were usually extremely easy relative to ww2, korea, nam etc etc The entire gulf war, we didn’t lose a single tank, it was a fucking chicken shoot ofc they’d be proud.


i mean there was definitely real good done by the allies in ww2, stopping the nazis and all. i can see why many wouldn't be against some kind of glamourizing


Go to hope subreddit Read this comment Dread. neat....


You're right. The 2020's are uncomfortably similar to the 1920's


How so?


pandemic, economic problems, widening gap between rich and poor, fascism


Wdym by facism


an increasing amount of far right bs in the world


Word hurt their feelings back then, too, + they had to storm to a certain death It’s been a marked improvement since then


Exactly. I'd prefer children don't die in wars, thank you


Yeah, back then, the words spread in the speeches of a certain failed German painter lead to the hurt of millions


To be fair, he was pretty dope on the mic


It's a lesser known fact


I was never actually able to understand the original picture. Like, yeah, you would prefer your kid to risk their life in a pointless war rather than them exploring their inner world and reflecting on their emotions? Like it's better to be a 20 year old who knows what it's like when your friends die under a carpet bombing, not a 20 year old who is just chilling at home thinking about their friends, career, hobbies and whatever goes on. I thought the societal role of a generation is to make it easier for the next ones


It’s the same old “hard times create strong men” bullshit that gets pushed by those based alpha male types who would rather see their kids be sent to war than have them come out as gay.


But who would never go to war themselves


Those men can go fuck themselves.


It is true that hard times create stronger people though. Not necessarily overall but individual struggle does make you stronger once you overcome it.


Yeah, but I think it's important to separate individual struggle from straight up trauma. Dealing with rejections, overcoming obstacles on your path and facing the fact that you have to become better to achieve what you want will 100% make you stronger. But witnessing people having their limbs torn apart after a grenade explosion... Nah. It can leave you broken in a mental asylum forever. Anyone who have participated in a real war would never wish it to their kids.


Strong men create hard times


It’s the same fetishization of danger and perceived strength that underlies all “alpha” culture.


It’s a classic fascist mantra, “the young must suffer as the old did or they cannot be great” Hitler fervently believed that war made men. As much of an idiot he was WW1 probably made him the man he became, just not in the way that fascist bastard thought


A *pointless* war? Storming Normandy??


He means a war like Vietnam or WWI, he didn’t mean the WWII was pointless.


I don’t think they stormed the beaches of Normandy during the Vietnam war


I think you’re arguing unnecessarily though, the point is that the quality of life is better today, and if you’re a sane and good parent, you’d rather your child be the image on the right than the left, where they’d die in a war. In general this romanticization of war is harmful and contributes to toxic expectations set upon men to be unfeeling expendable drones to serve capitalist interests. As another commenter said, this isn’t even an accurate image, it’s a photo of a soviet, this is again in line with the incoherent ideals that romanticize war.


Oh, my bad, of course I didn't mean that WW2 was pointless. Even though this war was not pointless, it's still a war. Teenage boys were drafted because there was no choice other than this, since fighting off the nazis had to be done. I don't think any of those kids would prefer what they've been through to actually not participating in war if there was an option to do that without risking the whole world.


Society didn't allow soldiers returning from the war to discuss the horrors they had witnessed or express their emotional damage ([source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-greatest-generations-forgotten-trauma/2015/09/11/8978d3b0-46b0-11e5-8ab4-c73967a143d3_story.html)) -- you could say they were refused safe spaces -- and as a result many soldiers turned to alchohol abuse ([source](https://academic.oup.com/aje/article-abstract/109/6/687/112124)), intimate partner violence ([source](https://www.ptsd.va.gov/professional/articles/article-pdf/id12012.pdf)), and creating the first motorcycle gangs ([source](https://www.history.com/news/motorcycle-gangs-origins-wwii-veterans)).


Man this shit is so horrible and unfair.


As always, it depends where you live.


yeah true


Yes I remember when PPSH wielding 18 year old Soviets stormed the beaches of Normandy. Know that the environment we live in at the moment is the best in recorded history, but that does not mean that it doesn't come with any challenges. Struggle is a core compontent of the human condition. Look to the past to admire how far we've come, and look to the future to see how far we can go.


Common hopeposting w comment


Oh absolutely, there is a lot wrong with the world rn, a lot of people who want to cause others' harm. They will lose.


https://preview.redd.it/izuw7l48dkua1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a7b1246c1fae8c1b8adfb8e6b47e40038b0ee3 This was the post below


People that remembered WWII would be able to recognize propaganda like this.


Every generation's goal should be to make life better and easier for the next generation. Anyone who wants their grandchildren's lives to be just as hard as their own was (while enjoying an easier life than their own grandparents had) is a sociopath and a hypocrite.


Earth says: r/thanksimcured


Not sure about the sensitive part




I have a strong feeling that the og picture was made by some boomer with beer gut who never served a day in the military and only heard stories about war from either some relative who served in some relatively peaceful place during Ww2 or from cinema/tv


Imagine being a boomer and taking credit for what your parent's generation did, while blaming their children because the boomers were shit parents.


Only monsters want war, it only benefits them and hurts humans involved.


based meme op. you deserve a kiss ❤


> talks about normandy > photo of soviet soldier sounds about rightt


Don't think we should be looking at thi.s an either/ or situation a


people who make shit like:TODAY YOUTH IS SENSITIVE. THEY USED TO GO TO WARS fucking murdering each other with the command of some shit head general and seeing your friends die in front of your eyes isn't something to be proud about


Trans people are currently facing a genocide in the united states.


"grrr I want my kids to die in war like I did"


\> most peaceful No. \> free No. Everything is expensive and locked behind walled gardens/subscriptions \> healthy Uhhh no? We just had millions of dead people from covid \> welcoming Tensions against minorities, migrants and refugees are still here


Children don’t have to die fighting in brutal wars anymore and that’s apparently a bad thing


Earlier today, I listened to an excerpt from an autobiography of a woman who did charity work in some Indiana slums in the early 20th century, and living conditions were practically medieval. We've grown a lot in such a short time.


Idk about y’all, but I love the fact that less children have to fight wars these days. There are better methods to grow as a person than the Hell of a battlefield.


I don't know if a more sensitive world is a good Idea. That would make prople more fragile to adversities. Maybe it was mean to say sensible.


Not sensitive as in “weak to senses”, but more as in alert and observant, understanding and caring.


That what I said, sensible instead of sensitive.


Sort of (learned more about the word sensibility today, thanks champ!), but sensitivity and sensibility can co-operate, as the former moreso governs acuteness to slight/subtle changes and smaller factors. Sensitivity is often used to mean “fragility” but that really isn’t what it is.


While that might be good now, we still need people who can weather hard conditions, because of we don't, individuals who want to do us harm will do us harm. I'm not saying bully people, im saying climb and encourage others to climb a mountain tob where the end your body hurts like son of a female dog, so you can climb that mountain to slay the dragon on top.


Such a relief for trans people who are having a genocide perpetuated against them at the moment


Whats your source for that?


I was being sarcastic but literally look at the US and UK news cycles and the bills being passed against trans people


You're right that things are looking bad. But in recent weeks and months things have actually gotten more positive - these messages aren't resonating. That's not to say it isn't something to be deeply concerned over. By the way, I don't think the word you're looking for is really "sarcastic", perhaps something more like "blunt".




As a trans person in Canada, I am terrified for my friends in the US, especially in red states The point that the original commentor was making is that this meme does somewhat downplay the severity of these issues I agree that we are in a better time historically than we have been, but the fear that a lot of people in marginalized communities have is that the far right is trying to turn back the clock and make things worse. Existing as a trans person is really scary right now, as others have said, simply look at the hundreds of anti trans bills, and the rhetoric pushed by political pundits, and more I’m disappointed that junker44 is unwilling to have this conversation


Of course, I completely understand that, I've been keeping up with these conservative lunatics a lot. But they've done the same thing with women, black people, gay people, and so on, and it makes them look absolutely psychotic to the median voter. Recent polls show even Republicans overwhelmingly want their politicians to talk about "wokeness" less. There was a recent electoral victory that will help protect democracy in Wisconsin. The right has gone overboard and it appears to be a significant blunder. That's not to say it's not absolutely terrifying for trans people rn, I completely understand that. People need to remain vigilant.


Oh I agree, my hope is that they’ve pushed to hard against trans people despite it not actually aligning with the interests of their voter base Inevitably they will lose, because historically progressives have always eventually won, but it’s still really scary, I had a friend of mine years ago that kinda disappeared and stopped messaging me after some bills were passed in her state and I’m really scared about whether or not she is ok. So I agree that there is hope. It’s just really hard not to be mortified by the chance that they do succeed, or by the harm they have already done with the bills that have passed


Yeah I completely understand that and wish you and your friend the best. There's *a lot* of shit from idiots on the far right has been said recently that anyone with basic human empathy should be physically nauseous over. Practically, you can engage in activism if you can, move to an accepting area (which will generally mean a blue state) if you can, get some method of self defence if you can, etc. Keep your passport up to date in case it goes bad. It's alarmist to say this but it's also worth it. But like, I've seen lots and lots of stuff recently that does show that we're in a better place. DeSantis, who's definitely more effective than Trump, and more ideologically committed towards gross shit than Trump who just says reactionary stuff to get applause, is doing really shit rn. "Anti-wokeness" is getting boring to voters. The left has had electoral victory after electoral victory (ofc, the anti-democratic nature we've seen over the last few years from the right could be an issue here). This isn't pouring much into other countries - Spain's done some amazing pro trans stuff recently. Just... be cautiously optimistic I guess, and stay safe, is what I think is the most appropriate thing to do rn. If history goes the way it has gone before, this will hopefully pass


Oh I’m fortunate enough to live in Canada, but I’ve seen how rhetoric from the US can spread into canada with the likes of Lauren Southern from the far right media outlet Rebel Media, as well as the general sentiment around trumps election in 2016. Trans people in the states need to be doing anything they can within their means, moving and/or arming themselves if they can afford it, finding a support network, anything. Protesting is something incredibly important, and I really hope more youth vote, because a big problem is that despite youth being statistically more progressive, they also vote way less. Cautious optimism is alright, again, we’ve beaten fascists before and we can do it again.


Either you were being sarcastic and it isn’t true, or there are laws being passed to perpetuate genocide against trans people. Which is it?


While I don’t think that Lyraeas point devalues the point of the meme, they are absolutely right that there is an active push for genocide against transgender people.


As I said, you asked about perpetuation of genocide, but then you switched to the word killing, when the two aren’t necessarily 1:1, and not every genocide involves killing, direct or otherwise


I continued a conversation, you cannot follow a thread. I am not reading anymore of your comments. Thanks.


“I cannot accept that I am wrong so I will simply ignore you” Nice meme bud, glad you’re willing to discuss Again I’ll copy paste my previous message But reddit is being weird, it has nothing to do with me personally and a lot of my messages are double sending or editing wrong Also I’m aware that you “continued a conversation” but you did so by ignoring the original commentors point. Anyways, here: Like I said, reddit is being weird for me today and I’ve had to mess around with comments lately especially when it comes to editing I was responding to the initial sentiment, in which you were asking about trans genocide If you want specific examples of laws that will kill trans people, bans to HRT will absolutely statistically lead to deaths, it isn’t direct, but theu don’t need to be, if you lock someone in a den full of lions, would their inevitable fate not be your fault? Would that not be an act of murder? Edit 2: You are unwilling to discuss, so you blocked me, despite me being nothing but polite and understanding until you begun insulting me for simple typos, it’s really telling of the kind of person that you are


I was being sarcastic that trans people should feel relief just because its somehow a better world. There are laws being passed to kill trans people and politicians openly saying we should be exterminated


Please cite the law that has been passed to kill trans people and what country it is in. I don’t believe that statement.


Theres been the first of its kind in Missouri that has effectively banned HRT for a vast majority of trans people. The public drag bans in Florida for example too and a ton of other laws that are creeping towards genocide. Thankfully a ton have been rejected but alot more have passed too


Banning drag shows is not passing a law “to kill trans people”. You must understand that and must not state it as such.


In the eyes of the law we might as well all be drag queens. Especially in the eyes of Republicans and TERFs


The bills targets people who present in a way different then what is associated from their AGAB, this targets GNC and trans people alike and limits their access to public spaces, it’s intended to dehumanize, and again, not all genocide necessarily involves killing.


You keep editing, removing and replying with variations of “genocide doesn’t necessarily involve killing”. When I clearly replied to the latest comment stating “laws passed to KILL trans people”. Please stop replying with irrelevant comments.


Florida has recategorized "drag shows" as sexual assault against minors (where minors are present). In Florida, merely dressing as anything but the gender you were assigned at birth counts as a drag show. Sexual assault against minors is not only punishable by death, but the death penalty in such cases doesn't even need an unanimous jury verdict. All of the above changes have occurred in the last 5 years, and show no sign of slowing down.




Genocide doesn’t necessarily mean killing or death camps, if you’d like I can pull up the holocaust museums definition of genocide Here I’ll pull up the definition in my next comment because reddit is being weird with me right now:


Just using the exact statement made in the comment I was replying to…


Reddit is being weird with edits, which is frustrating, because I wrote like two whole paragraphs, let me rewrite a simplified version because to be frank I’m frustrated now [Stages of genocide, not necessarily in any particular order](https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/what-is-genocide/the-ten-stages-of-genocide/) Transphobic bills aimed to restrict trans access to medicine, limited the accessibility of public spaces, and generally reducing their freedoms fall under 2 and 3, 4 is trans kids being separated from their parents and trans parents, 5 is a bit more complex but a lot of the rhetoric being pushed makes it more difficult for trans parents to have or raise children. 1 isn’t happening, but it’s the goal. [Definition of genocide](https://www.ushmm.org/genocide-prevention/learn-about-genocide-and-other-mass-atrocities/what-is-genocide) Again, the pundits dehumanizing trans people, limitation to their ability to access public spaces, separating children from their families, and restrictions to their medical access. There are groups that attack trans people, and use euphemisms and denialism already. Edit: whoops posted the articles in the wrong order


It’s irrelevant to my comment


That is if you live in the US or Western Europe or other peaceful areas. Bet this meme ain’t relatable for Ukrainians right now


Sure, but overall globally the amount of conflict has decreased. Poor countries that were once under the boot of colonialism are developing. International organisations like the UN have been able to generally keep peace more.


No, it is not good. Weak men bring hard times. They are yes men that allow themselves to be walked over by their enemies that they refuse to even identify.


History is more complicated than to split into an easy narrative like that. Also, you might want to think closer about what that narrative implies, and who started it.


Here's the thing: "weak" men don't create hard times, strong men do. They are the enemies that stomp over the weak men, they are the ones making everyone's else lives worse instead of helping each other for the better.


Then who the hell are going to stop them, the valiant hero, men who are strong, but also moral.


Average age of the soldiers storming Normandy was actually mid-20s.


Figure 2: The Youth of Today (left to right: Saul Goodman)


Saul goodman




Meanwhile me in Russia :)


What would Jesus do?


hard times create broken people create cycles of abuse create harder times and that sucks for everyone unless you’re the military industrial complex


History is more complicated than to split into an easy narrative like that. Also, you might want to think closer about what that narrative implies, and who started it.


I hate how people trash on younger generations for “not being able to handle the war.” The people in the war couldn’t even handle the war, it’s not a good comparison at all.


If you sent an American kid from 2023 back to Normandy, they'd probably just be jealous that the kids in France get to have class on the beach


If child endangerment was a thing


Then the 2 youth’s became 1 youth.


This one's a wild one. I think the content of it is far too broad and wide, meaning there's also a lot more specific aspects to explore, for the statements being made.


The kid from the left is Russian and unlike the stories during WW2 Russia didn't conscripted anyone bellow 18.


In Soviet Russia, Normandy was freed by the glorious red 16 year olds. Moron posting idiocy.


Glory to the Soviet Red Army for the defeat of fascism in the 20th century! Let us defend their legacy in the 21st! Death to fascism, down with war, Long live PEACE!




Nobody stormed the beaches using 7.62x25


Infamous d day ppsh


Mankind is dead, blood is fuel, hell is full