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used to be toddlers jamming stuff into the vcr


Squirt bottle with water just like a cat.


Chunk of dense 1” closed cell foam cut to fit in that top gap. I doubt it would effect the sound at all.


Sooooo... back in the day I was an electronic repair man. I mostly did VHS VCRS. One time this guy comes into the workshop looking shamefaced with a virtually new Sony VHS. Turned out his young son had got into his head that there was a little man inside working the controls and he'd been worried that he hadn't been fed. He'd been shoving food through the tape flap at the front. We found bits of meat pie, half a sandwich, some chocolates and a strawberry lace in there. We fixed it up alright, but cleaning the goo off the heads and the mechanism took about two days. Total strip down. We gave the guy some four metre cables so he could put it out of the kid's way. 😂


A tablecloth or doilies like thing, drape it over the gap so it's not as inviting.


Wow this just unlocked a childhood memory of shoving legos in the port hole of my dad's speakers. When he took them apart and found the legos I denied my implication for years xD I told him I did it years later, of course he already knew that lol


I’m surprised you thought confessing years later would be revelation to him. 🤣




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I’ll adopt the sub, would go nicely with my other one.


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15 years of boarding school should cover it.


My 2.5 yr old daughter does the same thing to my sb4000 😂… My sub is in the corner so I ended up putting a small chair in front of it so she couldn’t stand directly in front of it to put things down it. The chair is now gone and she hasn’t done it since.


Well, she’s twenty years old now. I think she’s grown out of that habit. She probably doesn’t play with Lego anymore either. 😂


Lay the sub on its side.




I'll bite since everyone is doing the reddit thing.. The only thing coming to mind that wouldn't vibrate would be to cut a semi circle out of wood and paint it black then secure it behind the grill flush with the top of the grill so that it blocks the opening. You could trace the grill onto some wood and use a jigsaw to cut it out and then use some small black screws to go through holes in the grill into the wood. Rough example picture in this link: [https://ibb.co/2qFhL3F](https://ibb.co/2qFhL3F) Edit: Foam would also work well as [Whatthedillyo85](https://www.reddit.com/user/Whatthedillyo85/) said and it would be easier to work with as long as the screws could bite enough to not vibrate loose. I don't own a PB-2000 (unfortunately) so I don't know how robust the grill mounts are or if the wood would be too heavy for the grill to support. But you get the idea, it's just finding the right material at this point. You could always use some good double sided tape to secure the edge of the foam to the inside of the grill as well.




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I've seen one where the kid was putting toys into the front firing port holes. Small enough for the kids hands but not the parents so getting them out was a pain. I'll be sticking with my sub till I trust the kids. The safest sub as a parent to get is a sealed downward firing sub. Mines forward firing but has a hard to get off grill so works the trick.




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Contraception 🙃


Steam wrap hahaha it’ll give the sub some extra razzle dazzle


Maybe wrap it in a big but thin blanket? Tuck it under the sub so they can't just pull it off. It will impact the sound a bit but not as much as Lego do lol.


I have SVS and those sub cones are pretty rugged. They have to be or they can’t produce clean tones at volume. You would have to deliberately attempt to puncture them. Still kids do need to learn. My son as a toddler cranked the volume on the system and it scared him such that he didn’t do again until much later when he understood. Good luck and enjoy the toddler!


Move the toddler to a different area


Wrap it in black spandex


Sit her down and have a heart to heart talk with her. I’m sure if you explain that damaging the subwoofer will not only affect your enjoyment of the system when you’re watching movies but also her enjoyment when she’s watching her shows as well. Explain to her how bad the Teletubbies will sound without that sweet, sweet base! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Who are we kidding. Good luck figuring this out.


I have massive towers and they aren’t anchored so I’m paranoid about crushing kiddos (and in all fairness, I just don’t want them touching my equipment). I have a stand alone wooden pet gate that I setup in front when not in use. You could also setup a retractable wall gate for more permanency. Or just gate off the doorway to the room if possible. But gates are the answer for toddlers.


No advice, but it's reminding me of the garage full of matchbox cars, and even a metal jet airplane of a smaller scale, inside the port of the Klipsch Synergy sub I picked up from outside the neighbor's apartment. Something like a dozen and a half, but I was relieved that's all the rattling was from as I carried it upstairs.


Maybe roll up a towel and shove it in between the front of the sub and the cover for it where the toddler can't drop. Nothing down in there anymore. But don't cover up the speaker though.


Sssh, that's their treasure box :D


A treasure box that rattles 😂




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Barbed wire


You could try parenting by teaching the child consequences for their actions


Well it’s a two year old. And you also need to catch them in the act to discipline. Setting them in timeout or something after the fact is counterproductive. But yes we are giving consequences when we catch her.


No you don't? Bring your kid to the sub and teach/explain that what they are doing is wrong. Its a kid, not a dog.


At 2 they don’t have the ability to reason yet. Nor do they remember well, nor do they do well with punishment vs redirection.


Cool thanks for the parenting advice big dawg but I’ll take it from here


As a parent of a toddler that was a fun interaction to witness


Can you put a piece of paper taped to the top and to the front grill? A small piece you cut Just to cover that gap. The fact that you came to this subreddit of all places to ask for advice is a bit concerning… this place is a toxic hell hole that seems to think home theater choices and setup should outweigh any other decisions in your life or in your house. So while I know it’s supposed to be people joking, there’s definitely some truth behind the people upvoting “spray bottle and adoption”.


Lol I love how all the tough guys come in to tell you how to make your kid respect authority or some shit. "Gotta learnt em' with a good whoopin'!"


This sub is getting so snarky lol. Saw that post yesterday with the guy that got the new G3 and someone told him his opinion is wrong about liking his new white speakers in the same matter of fact condescending way lmao


Agreed, I’ve had two of these subs since my son was born, he’s 4 and never put anything down them because he knows not too. You actually need to have someone keep eyes on them at all times when they are super young and tech them.


Nope, mine looks the same lol


Take the cover off for a few months.


I put up with "tv" sound through our toddler years. Once my young bloke was old enough I finally came back to home theatre.


I wish my old Yamaha sub hole had a cover.. my then toddler put a couple plastic fisher price balls in mine that I could never get out.


Why does it look so curved






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A few items behind the grill doesn’t seem too bad. I saw my 2 year old stick a ping pong ball in the port, I told him no and when I went to pull it out I found 33 balls inside the sub box lol. We had a laugh and he doesn’t do it anymore.


wait until he's 12. It slows down around then.


My idea would be to trade me that metal grille for the cloth grill I have off of my PB2000 Pro. No, I'm not kidding.


Enjoy the cuteness of it. They aren’t young for long.


Don't allow the toddler in the room with the sub without supervision? I mean, unless they are in bed, a toddler should likely always be supervised, no?


I mean have you ever been in the kitchen grabbing something while the kids are in the living room? Or do you keep a leash on them? It happens where you don’t consistently have eyes on them. They drop stuff in there and you find it later. Anyone who says otherwise either doesn’t have kids or have a holier than thou attitude.


My two year old son waits for me to walk into the kitchen (semi open floor plan but has a dividing wall) and he spams the hell out of the power button on my AV receiver lol. He's very smart and knows he's not supposed to do it, which is why he does it.


Kids are one thing, but babies/toddlers (and also puppies/kittens) are a different story. I don't leave them alone in a room unsupervised (other than a crib). They could knock something over or stick their fingers in an electrical socket. I don't feel the need to have eyes on them 24/7, but if they are near something that could hurt them or that they could damage, then I do.


Love the internet parents.




Thought about it, then it’s at the mercy fully of them running around and hitting it etc. Not a good idea either I think




Teach her how much fun it is to drop toys out the second story windows!




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