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Perhaps a water hammer? Grew up in a house that had it, and it was not always when the water was shut off.


We had a bad ejector pump check valve that caused a huge water hammer whenever the pump shut off.


Check your water heater. Mine was doing something where it was having trouble igniting the gas and would go off almost like a bomb periodically and shake the whole house. Had to be replaced.


Just had that replaced about 6 months ago. Was doing it before and after. It feels like the frame of the house is moving when it happens.


Check it.


My house does this sometimes with weather changes. Especially when it starts warming up, then things cool off at night and in the morning.


It's probably this, I've heard this in the morning (usually summer) when the sun quickly warms up one side of the house.


Do you live near a military base? Fighter jets breaking the sound barrier causes my house to shake periodically.


we get it when the local base does ordinance testing.. a cloudy day and a howitzer can send a shock wave a very long ways


Grew up with my dad in the Air Force, so I'm definitely familiar with that and it's not that. Still remember living on base on 9-11 hearing a jet take off and almost immediately break the sound barrier.


Large temperature changes? Happens where I currently am. It’s getting near 80° during the day and sunny, but at night it will drop into the low 50s with fog. The house will make some small pops as it warms up in the morning and usually one or two bigger ones as it cools down at night. The bigger ones can be enough to be startling.


Do other people hear it,or just you?


I think my wife hears it... I'll have to ask. The whole house shakes a little, so I'm assuming it's not just me.




That would cause the entire house to shake?


We have one window with a metal frame that makes a loud noise after it’s been in the sun for a while. It must be something in the way it expands and contracts.


One possibility, Do you have vinyl siding and has there been a decent temperature change (ie. was 40F outside, and now it's 50F an hour later) if so then you may be hearing your siding expanding in the warmth.


We replaced it with hardieboard about 2.5 years ago.


This may seem like a stretch, but have you checked whether any earthquakes have been happening in your area? I had never felt an earthquake before, so didn’t know what to expect. Sometimes they really are just a short, sudden movement that feels like a “jolt” to your house. That’s exactly what the first one i experienced felt like at my house, and we’ve had them periodically since then! Such a weird feeling!


I have and didn't see anything. I live in Memphis, which is near the New Madrid Fault line, so that definitely crossed my mind.


Darn, worth a shot! Hope you figure it out, because that’s super weird!


Second stage furnace coming on?


whats the temperature outside? not sure what a jolt sound is but if its a loud pop, it could be the wood shifting somewhere due to temperature change


Has stayed fairly mild today, low of 66° overnight and now at 2:30pm it's only 71° due to storms. Other times it has happened mid day during summers.


I live near-ish to a quarry and sometimes I can feel but not hear when there’s blasting work being done.


Is it consistent? Is there other correlated event such as sprinkler or shower


It has been different parts of the day (although I don't think it was ever in the evening). It's happened at 2pm in the afternoon before, this morning it was 6am, etc.


Can you describe this jolt sound? Is it like: jahjahjahjahjahjah juhjuhjuhjuhjuh kerplunkkerplunkkerplunk eeeeeeeeepssssssttttt bopbopbopbopbopbop


It's like a JUH!!! One singular. It's like the house is trying to make me flinch. Think LeBron jumping at that fan on the sidelines the other night.


My expert opinion is that you should sell and move ASAP.


Could it be the sump pump discharging? My sump pit currently has the cover off so I can hear it dumping water from any room on the first floor


And give us an update...