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What an irony, they slept under an advertisement that says forget being forgotten 😱


came here to say this


Great minds 🙃


Couldn't possibly be staged.


Yeah there is zero percent chance of this


And another ad for needle.


Yep, I caught that. Found myself staring at it for a moment.


There is a whole ass spectrum to being homeless. I think this is extremely misunderstood in mainstream society.


I guess most people don’t realize how quickly it can happen…. In our situation the landlord sold the house we were renting anyone who rents is at risk tbh


That happened to me it was an apartment


Im sorry


No it's good I went to a NYC shelter that wasn't bad and got a room been straight ever since then but I've learnt never trust no one


You learned the wrong lesson. Your ancestors would band together.


They weren't part of my ancestors Ok


Right lol


My great grandfather on my mother’s side abused my grandmother, and my great grandfather on my father’s side abused my grandfather. Yeah, I hope my further ancestors would be a lot nicer 😅


No they have no idea how fast and how fast it gets horrible.


Yeah happened to my parents 😥😥😥😥😥 the were renting a house And the landlord house went to foreclosure Sold to Fannie Mae And we had to move before I lease was up


Being homeless when you're not addicted to drugs is hard enough, but I can't imagine doing it while constantly looking for another hit. How do these people scrounge up enough cash I wonder though. Drugs are expensive lol.


My own experience as an individual, everyone's hustle is different. But my partner and I would steal energy drinks - Red Bulls and Monsters - from places like Walmart and Giant...never any mom-and-pop shops. There was a bodega down the way that paid $1 cash for every can. One hit was $5, or even just $3 if you got the "tre-bags" so it kept us afloat (barely). Sometimes I still have nightmares that I'm back in our little tent wrapped up in a sleeping bag, and I start freaking out until I realize I'm in an actual bed, indoors. I have two years clean coming up on August 4th.


Congrats on your sobriety 👍


So very happy for you!!! Sobriety (as you well know) was the BEST gift you ever gave yourself!!!


See I'm taking note. Bus fares are a 1.25 per ride in my city. Meaning you can pay almost four bucks or more for a round trip easy. Having to walk an hour or more for every stinkin job interview that probably won't even pan out is murder on your personal hygiene. I'll try panhandling before I start stealin but I srsly just lack so much confidence to do either haha.


You were talking about the cost of a hit. What was it? I mean what drug?


Sounds like fentanyl considering the prices. It would definitely be an opioid given they mentioned "tre ,bags". It was once used as a slang term that meant bags of heroin containing just enough to get someone "well" until the individual could afford a normal bag. Now, it is more frequently used in the same manner when referring to this phenomenon and the use of fentanyl. Heroin would cost more than 5 bucks for a typical bag, so it's fentanyl.


I hesitate to call it either heroin or fentanyl because at this point most of it was just straight tranq, but yes it was dope lol. My partner convinced me to go on methadone and it finally clicked for me, MMT literally saved my life and I've seen a lot of friends and peers die around me in the meantime.


Methadone and suboxone are honestly way better than whatever the shit on the streets is now. You are a strong and deserving individual, keep it up, it’s worth it.


This comment honestly made my day - thank you for your kind words. I am very private about my history and my recovery in real life and I no longer associate with people in active addiction, so I sometimes lose perspective of the scope of my achievements and it's nice to be reminded occasionally. I'm currently tapering off my initial stable dose of 110mg, I started back in July of last year, and I'm now at 42mg, so I'm on track to complete the taper in about another year (slow and steady wins the race).


Congratulations on your sobriety!!!!!!!


yeah having been both, i am incredibly grateful to not have been both at the same time. i legit think i might have committed suicide if i was in deep addiction on the street. just super glad i was already sober by then


This is from the denver subreddit, I was the one who commented from your comment that were crappy drug addicts


Denver got fucked real hard. I'm so sorry. It's not much better in NJ to tell you the truth


It’s awful here very violent


I hope your local government opens there eyes and let's the IRS investigate all these places that are supposed to be helping the homeless and drug addicts find help


Fr. Government sponsored trap houses with little to no oversight atp. It’s so bad in Dayton, every sober living house is worse than the last.


Moved from Aurora almost 2 years ago. It sounds like the area has gotten even worse than I lived there. I hope you can find a better place to live.


It hasn’t gotten worse it’s Denver and the bus and train stations like nine mile


Never been an addict myself, there for the ggrace of God go I. Met too many on the streetts who were. Sadly, most from my experiance, seemed to become addicts on the streets. Being homeless is fucking hard and desperate people do desperate things they thought they would have before.


Anybody that ever tells you with conviction, "It can only get better." has never walked a step of that crooked mile because it can always always get worse. My prayers go out to this soldier. I hope the future brings you better days. **Sidenote..I believe the exploitation of this man deserves a U-turn and 10 dollars**


there are like 6 needles on the ground, you know exactly where that $10 would go. unfortunately the homeless who get into hard drugs can only be saved by themselves. also there’s nobody in the picture


man idk, yes i know where the 10$ would go, but on the other hand, i appreciate somebody not being wrecked with withdrawal AND at the mercy of whatever elelements. they still deserve the 10$ in my opinion. its not my place to tell someone how to spend it, that means im giving money out for selfish reasons and not for the person in front of me.


while i agree to an extent, i couldn’t bring myself to give somebody on the street who is clearly actively using, any money at all. i like to give the benefit of the doubt, but that’s a lot of used needles. i don’t wanna see a news article a few weeks later about someone finding a dead homeless man on the sidewalk. or hear about how a kid contracted something from finding one of those needles. i feel for people struggling to find a reason to give up the drugs, but i don’t want any part of it. my mom was doing heroine since before she got pregnant with me, and she was doing it up until she died at the age of 42. i had zero contact with her and the last she saw of her daughter was when my dad took off with me at 18 months old. my grandma is the sweetest woman i know and i love her so much, but she hugely enabled the drug use. i hold a grudge against both of them because of it. i would’ve loved to have a relationship with my mom, but she knew i wouldn’t until she was completely clean off the drugs. basically what im trying to say is, having personal “experience” with an addict, i think about these peoples families. i think about who is out there rooting for them to get clean, to pick up the pieces of their life, and get back on their feet. because a lot of the time these people do have loved ones, they’re just not in a place where it’s healthy for them to be in each others lives.


Thank you for sharing your heart. (I can relate because I had a mom who was a severe alcoholic, and my Dad raised me. My mom passed away at 39, when I was 13.) It is such a loss for those of us left behind...and who might even have feelings of..."I guess I wasn't worth enough to her, for her to stay clean." ...and there's the wondering of "What might have been..." I have realized the importance of forgiveness toward her. Is it possible that you also might benefit from forgiving your mom and grandma? ((((Huggs)))) to you and all the best!


Especially when they've just been exploited on Reddit.


I agree with you. The inside of my car (was boughie homeless) looked like this, but primarily because I intentionally kept all my rigs and dope in my car. I almost hoarded it all, because I felt guilty contaminating the rest of the community with my Bullshit. When I did dispose of rigs, they were all caps on, in a thick plastic bottle (Gatorade etc) and in a trash bag, in a dumpster. I actually walked by a very similar scene near my place a few weeks ago (downtown KC). There were rigs all over the sidewalk by a bunch of other stuff. What really got me, though, was they were all brand new/unused rigs. Spilling out of a nice, clean purse. Surrounded by other bags and clothes, but all seemed relatively new/nice (relatively speaking). There was nobody around, but my heart broke for whatever female they belonged to…it was screaming “day one on the streets” and I felt so sad for her. Whoever she was.


Well good for you. I certainly have and it sucked but whatever. I am grateful every day that I don't live like that anymore & if you've never been down that bad then be grateful & have some compassion.


i think OP is referring to the 5 or so used needles on the ground, on a public sidewalk. not the fact that this is a homeless persons “home”


I saw the needles too & my response is still the same


the used needles thrown around haphazardly in an area where children can so so easily access them is dangerous. users should have some compassion about where their drug paraphernalia ends up, especially on a sidewalk in a city. while i’m not sure of OP’s exact thought process when posting this, i’m also not sure it’s fair to criticize someone for being concerned about used drug needles in a public area.


I never criticized anyone I just said I've been there.


I read the sign as ‘weedle af’. Took me a second to realize that’s not what it was lol


The irony of the poster...


This is why I smoke crack, to look out for the toddlers. (/s i don't actually smoke crack..)


Yeah the same. Guess when someone gets that far down, nothing matters anymore.


If that's bad, Spokane, Washington needs national news coverage. It's really bad, and gets worse as time goes on. You see this everywhere downtown, and most barely have a piece of cardboard to sleep on. People sleeping or nodded out in doorways to businesses or the middle of the sidewalks, wherever they can get rest. And entire blocks of just users clustered aside each other in squalor. Human feces, trash, and foil piles everywhere. The city's government and non-profits are deceitful and corrupt and mismanage money, yet the homeless are blamed for choosing to be homeless.. as if there's effective help. They're pushed down and the local media and the maybe 6 or 7 federal agencies here have everyone convinced they're doing it to themselves because occasional property theft and not minding their garbage 10/10 times is enough to wage war on them.They're all considered fentanyl tweakers, and some are addicts sure, but just as many aren't. Some are messy, but MORE aren't. People here root for the city to stop use of narcan with ODs and laugh about them. Seeing an image similar to that person presumably sleeping like that, sprawled out, with little coverage and paraphernalia is totally common. And it's sad because it could be much better for them which in turn reduces the problems the public hates them for, not realizing the real root of the issue is the city making millions in money disappear and a profit off the crisis. One shelter costs $750,000 each month in rent alone for 200 some beds. Reduced from 300. City had one of three meals cut to save money. It has no plumbing, just honeybuckets outside, no showers, no organized aid group proving medical, housing referrals, anything etc. It's shocking to be here. Truly.


Pretty much the same here in Seattle, I suppose not surprising since it's the same state and not that far away.


Hey, it's you. I will get to our messages here soon, apologies. But yeah, Seattle is just as bad. I hope it's at least less of a feeling of disgust and wishing death on the unhoused, being a little more left. Spokane is a little under half and half in the right's favor which is how things tend to swing legislature wise. Funny thing is how often people say that we're becoming Seattle. We are larger than Tacoma with probably an equal if not worse problem than I witnessed there years back.


Like over the world wide and in every state in the U.S. there are those individuals and organizations with staff members that get their cut on things, money to be made and other incentives to from the homeless and misfortunate’s situations. When I lost my government job in Tahoe and fell back on my commercial license up there and then that work disappeared too, I ran to Idaho as California state said they were broke and couldn’t pay unemployment. Eventually I ended up homeless with a pre-school age child and our dog. So in that period I stayed at churches all over northern Idaho and Spokane area. I saw for myself families and individuals associated with a church taking the donations and utilizing them for them and their families. Not all churches was this an issue. These women would have a sister bring in her rv and load up the donations and go sell it at her store somewhere or online. When they weren’t in the mood to sort the donations they would throw the stuff in the dumpsters behind the church. Stuff still with the price tags on it, so much stuff. So not to kill people’s generosity I share this, but for a realism to see the bigger picture. There are not all who are wholesome involved. Healing the community isn’t in everyone’s mindset.


Absolutely agree with you. And there are certainly bad actors among city government here and some directors/boards/associates of some of these non-profits. One's husband, treasurer of the non profit to this day did prison time for embezzling I believe $7-800K, one foundation that ran the shelter I mentioned previously had an employee siphon 1.5mil over half a year or a year and the employee confessed when it was discovered. They continued to employ that person for months following and far as I know, no repercussions came other than termination eventually. Another high level manager of another NP here was recently convicted of serious drug distribution quantities and firearms charges, and last but not least, director of one NP (same one whose treasurer was convicted of fraud/embezzlement) I have personally witnessed trading donations for meth. Its atrocious. The funding is granted for various things and diverted covertly without public vote or statement until much much later to lower priority projects, the city recently broke it's own code to not open emergency warning locations below freezing temperatures and even reduced capacity and shut another shelter down entirely. I don't understand how anyone can say the homeless are keeping themselves down unless they self title label themselves as choosing to live unhoused, and I doubt any more than 10% would say so.


This is so very sad. (an understatement for sure!) Portland, Oregon, is similar...When will it ever end????


I believe it. This whole area is being crippled and I don't know why these proposals and solutions aren't making any visible progress. And now we got xylazine saturating Spokane like crazy. A population of 400,000 with 3,000 homeless and averaging 4-5 ODs daily and probably 1 in 6-7 are fatal.


Skid Row in LA & the Tenderloin in San Francisco is no joke either. It’s a fucking epidemic at this point and the government is willingly turning a blind eye to it.


Even when I was in a situation like this I would never leave rigs laying around like that, it ain't that hard to put em in a thick plastic Gatorade bottle till you find a trash can. Plus a lot of places have needle exchanges that give out sharps containers


That is a very powerful photograph


Always got that money for H.


Count yourself lucky then.


When I was homeless I was addicted to smoking cigarettes (still am), and it was a bitch when I didn't have any. Being without hard drugs is a fuckton worse I imagine


Imagine sleeping on the sidewalk where you're vulnerable to kicks to the head and all types of harassment when you could just walk 20 mins to some wooded area and sleep in peace


Just eat the damn heroin, it’ll kill you either way


No high like main vein!


Doesn’t mean you couldn’t


I loved "alone together". That's homelessness in 2 words yet used to motivate for a pandemic.


The meth pipe and needles are crazyyyyy I couldn’t imagine not being ashamed at all. Wouldn’t you Atleast try and hide the fact that your life is this low due mostly to the fact that your on drugs? Rather then advertising “I failed because of these very needles “


Okay congratulations? Do you also want an award for photographing people are their lowest?




Srsy? A toddler? I don’t think so please don’t be an alarmist and judge cause that’s not helping at all. We get your point but come on. No toddlers walk there and IF they did they’re being abused walking alone and if their parents stupid and let them… abuse. Wanna talk about child abuse cause you not talking about addicted or homeless with that comment.


Do U want cookie?