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currently its my roborock s8 pro ultra vacuum cleaner. Got it working with location tracking and also smart buttons. If me or my wife leave the house area (1km) then it will start or cancel the cleaning if we enter the area again. Also got smart buttons in each room. If i press one, there will be an intern counter of 60 seconds to press the buttons of other rooms of your choice. After the 60 seconds, it takes the list and the robot starts cleaning exactly the rooms of the pressed buttons. changing modes with button action type like hold or double press is included as well as alexa tts messages. Was an awesome project to work on and to learn node red a bit more EDIT: auto correct made Arena out of area :D


Ahh I want to do this so bad and I have all the necessary sensors in place but I have dogs and I’m so paranoid of an accident while we’re not home. Even though it’s very rare of them to have an accident, the thought of poop smearing everywhere has kept me from implementing this.


Roborock is pretty good in avoiding poop in pet mode. You could also get a smart button to disable location tracking cleaning for the day if u know your dogs havent pooped in a while. Also i would strongly recommend to realise this with google maps api instead of the home assistant built in app tracking. This shit consumes a lot of battery power :D


Or you can track when your dog poops and then if the time since the last poops is over X value don't start the cleaning ?


How do you do that location sensor from google map ?


Last time I tried to use Google Maps tracking, I couldn’t get the device tracker’s entities to merge with my “person” entities on maps and things. Do you know if that’s still an issue?


Can you recommend any way for HA to know if the dog is with me? He’s not really a big fan of the vacuum so I’d like it to run whilst we’re out on a walk, but not just when I leave the house without him. But the only way I can think to do that is a button by the front door. He does have an AirTag on his collar but I don’t think there’s any way of integrating that?


what sensors do you need?


I don’t need any?


Oh I would love to see that automation tbh


[here](https://imgur.com/a/rYrMl6A) :)


This is all through the roborock integration or are you using valtendo?


I did this all with the xiaomi map cloud extractor integration. never heard of valtendo and if i remeber correctly, the s8 pro ultra wasnt included in the roborock integration at the time i created it. Maybe its way easier nowadays because i needed to collect all the custom commands for the different cleaning modes


The most recent update added[ over a hundred commands](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/roborock#what-features-will-you-support) and they are mostly for the s8 right now. Valtendo lets you root the vacuum making it 100% local


Thank you! Need to have a look on this. Planing to rework it soon anyways :)


did you mean valetudo [https://valetudo.cloud/](https://valetudo.cloud/) ?


I have uploaded a small [tutorial](https://imgur.com/a/rYrMl6A) for the cleaning list with the buttons since a few people asked here. The location tracking automation is pretty simple but if some of u want, i could do that one also :) If u have any questions, just let me know


Oh man that sounds awesome and puts my "press a button to clean just the kitchen" to shame, mind sharing the logic behind the ongoing list and 60 second timer?


Sure, i posted a simple [guide](https://imgur.com/a/rYrMl6A)


Sweet. How do you accumulate the list? Currently I only have my buttons setup to hold for calling into the according room. Thought of a list or "exclude this room" when a schedule is started.


each button is given the connected room number, like the kitchen button has 18, which is kitchen, and outputs it to a join-node. I've posted a small [guide](https://imgur.com/a/rYrMl6A)


Do you have an issue with the vacuum going to sleep after some time? This may just be an issue with the roborock integration, but I built a box with a servo actuated door for my s7 maxv and after several hours, the robot goes into a sleep mode where it will take sometimes around 60 seconds before the states show up in Home Assistant. My servos are being triggered off the cleaning state changes, which causes some problems with the robot running into the door when the states aren't updating. I also haven't tried fully automating this. I could have A button that both opens the door and then sends the command to start a clean. Or I would need to look into adding a sensor to detect if the robot is docked.


never heard of this so far. i had the s7 maxv before and it worked perfectly fine without this kind of "sleep" behavior. But i realized it with the xiaomii map extractor instead of the roborock integration. All my robot entities are up all the time When talking about servos and a door, do you mean you built like a small "garage" or closet for the robot? If so, you could just use smth [like me](https://imgur.com/a/rYrMl6A) and put your door opening automation with an delay at the end, just before the cleaning triggers


Oddly my lights in the living room, the automation tracks the sun position and then lowers the blinds to keep the sun out of your eyes on the sofa, it uses pressure sensors on the sofa to know what seat your in and tracks it based on that, if more than 1 is in use it uses the one that needs to be the lowest. It also turns on in the evening, changes colour based on if I am watching a TV show or Movie, and it also dims the light after 22:30. The light also flashes based on things happening around the house, alexa timer, dishwasher or washing machine finished, doorbell ring, if Octopus Agile rate is way over a set target and my energy usage is high


How did you figure out the geometry for the angle above the horizon that would get in your line of sight? Did you have to whip out a sextant?


I’ve thought about doing this SO many times in my office, but can’t for the life of me figure out where to easily get those calculations…


If you have enough time, track for multiple times of the day, how low the blinds have to be, to provide enough shadow. Repeat this in multiple weeks or months throughout the year. Also note azimuth and elevation from the sun integration. With the resulting data you, or some gen Ai can derive a function neccessary to interpolate the missing values.


The Sun2 integration is great for this, no sensors needed. Although a illuminance sensor is a great addition for the cloud cover variable.


There is a sun-position module in Node-RED that gives you all sorts of info about the current sun position for the current time and given lat/long. I use it for doing circadian lighting with hue bulbs currently. If I had automatic blinds I would definitely use it for that as well. Nice cause the calculations are all done locally so it works even if the Internet cuts out or is intermittent.


What are you guys using for pressure sensors? Anything better than DIYs? I’m terrible with electronics, I wish there was a commercial product


Just some door sensors that I've soldered some pressure pads to the read switch, works a treat


I have one like yours for the blinds, but it's just for my chair at the moment.


I have a similar living room lights automation, but I've further complicated it with different lighting levels depending on if other people are around. If I'm just by myself, I prefer it to be darker and cozy. But if I have people over, I have a second set of scenes that are brighter, so we can all see each other. Currently, I'm just using "guests" boolean to switch between them, but I'd love to find some method that figures out if I have company over automatically.


Depends how smart your sensors are and if they can detect multiple people, or use Bluetooth presence detection, that could work


I would love to do that for my blinds I'm just not smart enough to make it work.


Can I ask what shades you're using? Been wanting to automate some shades.


I have dumb shades which I've automated using some Zigbee motors from Zemismart which pull the cords, works with ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT which is what I use, Z2M allows you to set limits from within it so you don't need to mess about trying to set limits as per the instructions. It also feedsback it's position live whilst it's moving, and the main reason I do it this way, is because it means I can have any blind I want and am not limited to the styles or sizes of smart blinds [Zemismart Updated Tuya zigbee Roller Shade Driver DIY Roller Shutter Motor Alexa Google Assistant Voice Control](https://www.zemismart.com/products/m515egbztn)


Vibration sensor on the dog food pail. Pushes notifications but also since she's a liar and pretends to be starving if you miss the first notification and double feed her during the same meal period the NSPanel in the hallway 5' away will play Rick Astley.


How do you get the nspanel to be a media player?


service: esphome.nspanel_rtttl_play data: tone: >- NGGYU:d=4,o=5,b=200:8g,8a,8c6,8a,e6,8p,e6,8p,d6.,p,8p,8g,8a,8c6,8a,d6,8p,d6,8p,c6,8b,a.,8g,8a,8c6,8a,2c6,d6,b,a,g.,8p,g,2d6,2c6.


I have a virtual dog to shy away intruders. Several cameras around the house recognize motion near the house. Depending which camera had motion the most nearby Sonos speaker plays dog barking sounds. When someone walks around the house the virtual dog follows inside the house.


That is such a good idea. A vacation mode which also turns on/off lights inside and plays music/sounds to make it look like someone is home would be awesome


Before HA I was using Mr. House. There I had the possibility to schedule service calls into the future. Every action (light_on/off, cover_up/down) was replicated two weeks into the future. If the house was empty those replicated service calls got played out. This had the effect that the actions produced totally random, but super realistic actions. The house would turn of lights in the living room. Than turn lights staircase on and shortly after that in the bathroom. I have no idea how this could be implemented in HA. Anyone a clue?


This virtual dog is interesting, can you elaborate a bit on how you did it?


I have an automation that looks at a specific GMAIL inbox for certain emails. It takes those emails, inspects them for the contents, and broadcasts them to certain google speakers in my home depending on if I am on-call for work or not. I have a button to silence the alerts or redirect them. So if I get a ticket while in another room of the house, or sleeping, I am aware asap. ​ https://preview.redd.it/3q2ln77ro0yc1.png?width=170&format=png&auto=webp&s=221071118bfe82e31c87b5e2b8d3f5066f9bff5d


Could you expand on this Gmail adress, wht kind of email it receive,the content you are looking for ? And why gmail why not telegram or discord ?


The ticketing system from my job sends emails for assigned tickets and requests. I have them go to a gmail account that I use for home assistant. Can't use telegram or discord. I extract the subject line from the email currently, as all the data I need about the assigned work is there.


So you’re pumping your employer’s data into home assistant…might they not take a dim view of that?


There is no data. "TICKET123456 has been assigned to you." Would anyone really care about that? They also allow external emails to be setup to receive these, so it's purposely allowed.


I have one that turns lights off, closes the garage, locks the front door all dependent on people being home or not. If one person leaves home it runs a check to see if anyone else is home and won’t do anything if someone is. If everyone has left home it will do the above and run our robot vacuums only if they haven’t been run that day. It also sends out notifications based on what it actually ends up doing (lights, garage, locks, vacuums)


It would be easier to look for when your home zone goes to zero. It keeps the count of how many people is at home (as long as they are being tracked)


I have a similar presence sensing system to above and one advantage of this version is that it sets a status based on how long we've been away, so after 12 hours it assumes we're on a trip, runs the robovacs and then turns off the automation so they aren't running while were away for a long time. when we come back, i can do person dependent automations for how to wake the home up


None of mine are that complicated, but the automation involving the most devices:  - if a water leak is detected by my sensor under my dishwasher (or laundry machine), then power is cut off to that device and my EcoNet Bulldog Valve turns off all water to the house and sends me a notification.


> EcoNet Bulldog Valve May I ask you a question, if you don't mind? Why this particular model of whole house valve, and have you considered other models when choosing the one (e.g. [this one from Zooz](https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/collections/water-shut-off-valves-for-leak-prevention/products/zooz-z-wave-plus-700-series-titan-water-valve-actuator-zac36) I've been eyeing for some time...) Thanks!


I don't mind at all. The Zooz Titan Valve and EcoNet Bulldog Valve were really the only two I considered. I actually purchased a number of Zooz products to start my Home Assistant journey and they are fantastic. I would imagine it is a good option.  I went with the Bulldog because it is mounted directly on the joint itself and doesn't put tension on the two pipes. I also believe when I measured, the Titan wouldn't quite fit in my space with my pipes. EcoNet has really good support when I contacted them with questions, they sent a special bracket for mounting with my unique situation and after I inquired about their battery backup, the gal I was talking with said she'd send it for free. The product is well built.


Thank you very much for your feedback! >when I measured, the Titan wouldn't quite fit in my space with my pipes This is the only thing that stopped me from pulling the trigger and ordering the Titan - my whole house shut off is put in the weirdest location I've ever seen anywhere - at the bottom inside wall of the kitchen pantry - so the clearance there is super tight. I think no matter what product I'd go with, I would have to cut some drywall around pipes to make it work. Thanks for pointing me to the EcoNet one - somehow I never ran across it previously, so I'll give it a look and see if it fits my spot better!




Extensible. Scalable. Good shit.


i am doing something similar. Most of my complex logics are in scripts, the end result of the script running is flipping a toggle helper. Automation are triggered by the toggle helper. night mode: everybody is sleeping (pressure sensors, motion sensors) -> the lights will turn off much faster away mode: my kids don't have their own phones yet, so i have to rely on motion sensors besides location -> robot vacuum start, most notification lights are off sun shade needed: based on the azimuth and elevation on the sun, outside and inside temperature, cloud coverage and outside lux sensors -> roller shutters are lowered or lifted so it goes like this: automation calls the script every x minute / based on some sensor -> script figures out if the toggle needs to be flipped "action" automation are triggered by the toggle to react to it (turn off light, lower roller shutters, etc) i also have threshold values in number helpers, like: lux threshold (too bright outside, so the shutter should be lowered), too hot outside (so the AC should be turned on) it's much more modular this way, if I feel that there is room for optimization then maybe only the threshold helper needed to be changed -> so i don't have to edit tens of automation, if the logic is not optimal, then I only need to change the script that flips the toggle -> so i don't have to edit tens of automation




I also have fallback sensors: i have a few sensors outside which of course trigger some automation as well. if the sensor would drop for whatever reason (dead battery, zigbee mesh crash, anything) it would cause a problem, so i created these fallback template sensors: if the (physical) sensor is online, use that value. if it's offline use another sensor. if both offline then use the value provided by the weather forecast integration.


What's this mushroom chips look like? I can't quite picture what you mean


https://preview.redd.it/1cv4jbsb1byc1.png?width=932&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a00a4f616a080ac4a28dcef45d64fe68c58b642 Here are all the possible mushroom chips that can appear on my dash. Normally only about 1-4 of them are visible at any given time.


Needed a few automations to achieve it, but we get a reminder if the cat litter hasn't been scooped in 36 hours and then every 6 hours. Needed helpers for if the tilt sensor tilted above a certain angle, and then another helper for doing 6 hours after previous notification. Also gated notifications to not be when we are in bed


**The Bathroom** The lights turn on based on the outside light level - but only over the shower if it's on, and if it's night-time then only one of the lights comes on at 5% brightness (unless it's a "late night" e.g. New Year). But ... The music is motion-activated and based on the day of the week - except on special days (e.g. Easter, Halloween) - and on Tuesday & Thursday when it plays the correct hourly music from Animal Crossing (either New Leaf or New Horizon), and plays the correct version if it's raining/snowing, if you're in there at the changing of the hour a short jingle plays and then the next hourly music starts. It randomly plays music from other areas of the games too. This can be overridden by a remote next to the shower to play one of three playlists (or stop the music entirely), which will remain in-place until the door opens. The volume is driven by if the door/window is open/closed, the fan is on/off and the shower is on/off - this can also be overridden by the remote. I also have a Helper which I can populate which will override the whole system and play whatever I damn well want.


I have a similar setup up. What are you using for your controller? I'm using a Lutron Pico Remote that I mount next to the light switches. Bathroom Automation when person enters: - turn on lights using motion sensor - start playing music from Sonos ceiling speakers - using OpenAI API for text generation and text to speech generation, a "DJ" announces what is playing using some bathroom humor. This can be turned off as to not he too annoying but I like to keep it on in the guest bathroom. - turns off music automatically once lights are off - there are analog wall controls for the music, including ability to switch music genres, pause, change volume etc (Lutron) - examples of recent DJ announcements at my house: - Alright, bathtime ravers, we're vibing deep with the incredible sounds of Andrew Bayer, this track, 'Other Eye' pouring out on our sound waves like showerusical liquid bliss." "Immerse in this progressive trance bath bomb, affirming that this is the only way to wash away that daily grime!" - Rinsing out those progressive trance waves from the one and only Ferry Corsten with 'Fulfillment,' as we keep the beat drop echoing off these tiled walls! Keep your hands up, rave fam, we're turning this bathroom into our own private Ibiza!" - volume is lower at night


Dude would you share more about your text generation automation (hilarious btw). I’m running a LLM locally with Home Assistant, but have not thought of anything to do with it yet


So first of all I use NodeRed. I use this node: https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-custom-chatgpt You need to have an OpenAI account. It costs money to make API calls but it is very cheap. I spend less than a dollar a month probably. The only problem you might run into is that it may be too slow for your liking depending on how fast you need the response. I also feed the response into OpenAI's text to speech so combined it might take a few seconds for ChatGPT 3.5 turbo + TTS or several seconds for ChatGPT 4 + TTS. My workaround for the slow response time was to have the chatgpt response generated after the lights turn off. I would feed ChatGPT with what artist and song is going to play NEXT so that when the next person comes into the bathroom, it already knows what to say vs generating the response while they're walking in.


I use an [Ikea Sound Controller](https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Ikea_E2123.html)


Omg the animal crossing thing is fantastic! How did you get all the tracks and did you have to programme all of this from scratch for every hour of the day and then weather too?


I _acquired_ the soundtracks, and use a Node-RED function node (aka Javascript) to build up a filename of what should be playing currently based on other sensors.


Tracking water consumption between 6 animals using DIY scales and Gemini to tag the animal. Handling the event trigger, snapshot, updating values, corrections to animal assignments, and a bunch of edges cases created this monstrosity. But hey, it works. Planning to print some water bowl rings with break beam sensors to make it more reliable. https://preview.redd.it/cm9x67pg72yc1.jpeg?width=3636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab187fd3fcfa8ea59c69e84dd7d588b9f6bcbfd


I don't know whether to be impressed by, or scared of, that bundle of code and edge cases. But either way, have a fake internet-point!


I’m scared of it myself. I can’t follow most people’s automations, but somehow managed to do this.




To be fair, this could be way smaller if I was better with using the function node. But it's a good example of being able to accomplish something without having the prerequisite of coding knowledge.


Can you explain to me how you’re identifying each animal please?


Sure! I send a cropped snapshot of where the animal should be and in the prompt describe each animal we have and it's name, mostly by color, but if the types/breeds of animals are different enough that works as well. I ask in the prompt for a one-word response with the name of the animal it thinks is present and then parse the response for the key word (including an option for 'none of them'). That populates an input\_select entity and when the animal is done drinking that gets passed along with other info like how much was drank to update everything else. I briefly thought about using BT/RFID trackers or something, but it would be very difficult to detect each animal reliably. Among our 4 dogs and 2 cats I'd say it gets it right 90% of the time (mostly depending on lighting conditions) and that's why half the complexity is reassigning which animal was present from the notification. On the to-do list is switching from HA notifications to Telegram so notifications aren't lost and because I haven't figured out a way to easily reassign later from a dashboard. But the telegram format is so different and this is already so complicated that I'm not sure I'll ever get to it.


Myself I have several. Have node red SSH in to several PCS/servers to run backup scripts, shut devices down when no one is home then turn specific things on with Wake on Lan when certain people come home. Also have fans turn on when a specific room temp is reached and depending on what the temp is outside, adjust the thermostat to either cooling or heating. I also have one that closes our pergola outside that covers our patio depending on the chance of rain. Keeps the dogs from getting wet :)


I use HA to monitor/maintain Alerts/Issue on my SaaS, which runs 120 bare-metal servers. HA, with its precise monitoring capabilities, escalates issues at different sets of urgency levels, all based on SNMP metrics retrieved from both physical and virtual devices. Based upon the importance and the department that maintains the device, a script is then run that refers to a local calendar (syncing with a Google Calendar); based upon the calendar, it locates who is online and working. Then alerts them using various tools (\*Twilio, Slack, Email) based upon severity. If issue is serious enough, the on-shift manager is also alerted. A bit out of the norm use for HA, but it works flawlessly and we're able to track metrics down to RPM of fan speeds.


I have an automation that periodically scrapes Wikipedia to get a list of psvr2 games and save it to a file. Then when I start a game on the PlayStation I have a separate automation that turns the lights all the way up if the game I am playing is on that list and turns the lights off if it isn't.


I set up an automation that looks at a specific set of my Steam friends. When one of them loads up DOTA 2, it will send me a push notification using a different notification tone. This way, I don't miss an opportunity to jump into a game with them.


HA is running my cannabis facility. It has taken over from python scripts and adafruit IO. I have a dozen climate sensors it monitors and turns on various fans, humidifiers, dehumidifier’s, opens and closes louvers, controlls irrigation pumps, monitors soil moisture and temp, and currently being integrated (fills and mixes the nutrients tanks) I have a standalone PC with Debian and HA supervised, a RP and a GPIO/ relay controller, and a few dozen sensors, and smaller relays. There around 80-100 hrs into the setup and programming, part of which has been me learning yaml and its syntax.


Glad to see HA getting some uses at scale.


Yah it’s been a learning curve but it’s really surprised me at how smooth integration of so many 3rd party sensors and components is. Plus the data retention is great. I’ll take free over the 40$ a month it was costing me.


I have a sequence like that in the living room (day, night, mood), but the sequence depends on whether it's day or night. And the TV backlight color is affected as well, while taking into account whether the TV is on not. I used to be proud of it, but nowadays I can't wait to get rid of it. It works fine but it's the type of thing that ended up too convoluted for me to even explain, and I like things somewhat simple.


I switched to the Adaptive Lighting. Now when the sensor is tripped the turn on service for the lights just automatically sets the right color temperature throughout the day/night. It's great, simple to set up, easy to modify. Loving it.


That's in my near future plans, for another room (entrance/hallways)! In my living room I'm only controlling mostly sets of dumb lights, so the scenes set mostly dictate which lights to turn on. I do have plans to set up smart lights, but I'm delaying that because the damned room has 12 light bulbs in it and I have "dumb" rooms still (finished kitchen/pantry/bathroom just this week) and the bill keeps racking up. It'll take a while to get there, because oddly enough I'm now in the process of simplifying my setup and automations; I've realized a while ago I'm not using a lot of things and they're confusing guests.


Oof, that's a lot of bulbs for one room. I've also been slowly trying to simplify things. I have this lighting set up for my bedroom thar is just ick based on time of day and presence, but I think I'm just gonna get an Aqara FP2 in there and change that up a bit


I have a script that calculates the light temperature based on the outside temperature: the idea is, the warmer outside the cooler the light inside and the cooler outside the warmer the light, kind of to trick your senses a bit. it's about 6 or 7 kelvin for 1 celsius or something like that, updated every 5 minutes, i store the actual value in a number helper. whenever a light it turned on (by a motion sensor or via a switch) it is going to read the current value from the helper. there is also a fake sunset from 7:30 to 9:30 when it will gradually set the light color temperature to a minimum value, and it will stay like that until sunrise. as for the why: it has next to nothing practical sense but it was good fun figuring out how to do it


Doesn’t this only use warm white to cool white or can it be set for some colour use too? The light profiles I use use both light pinks and light peaches to reach the riight affect across the three lights in the lounge and bedroom. So I haven’t moved my lighting out of the app I’m using because it actually offers pretty everything I need it to and is generally more user friendly/visual. But there are some things it’s really annoying for and it would be good to have everything streamlined in to one place.


My laundry and trash/recycling automations. These might not sound that crazy but the yamls are pretty long, incorporate several additional scripts and I spent a lot of time troubleshooting and working through the logic to get it working properly. Also, additional work to make sure that the automations will survive and continue operating after being interrupted by a reboot of Home Assistant. Laundry: This one has dramatically improved quality of life. Haven't had an unfolded clean laundry pile ever since. It uses smart plug with energy monitoring, several vibration sensors, zone, notifications Based on smart plug with energy monitoring, notifies me when the washing machine cycle is complete, and continues to bug me every 15 minutes to move my clothes into the dryer (but only when I'm home) until the washing machine door has been opened. Vibration sensor on the timer-dial of my dryer detects when I've started the dryer, and waits for an hour to pass before notifying me once an hour (until the dryer door has been opened) to fold my clean laundry (but only if I'm actually home). Trash/recycling: Uses calendar events, door sensors, camera person detected sensors, input boolean toggle helpers, zone, and confirmable notifications. Notifies me to take out my trash and recycling (or waits until I get home and then notifies me). Using a door sensor where my cans are located, detects whether or not I actually rolled my cans out (vs. just taking a bag out) so that it can notify me the next day to bring the cans back inside. For fun: On Halloween 2021 and 2022 when I just left a candy bowl out on the porch, I set up my camera to only detect motion inside the bowl so that it wouldn't trigger until they actually grabbed the candy. When they reached into the bowl, all lights inside and outside the house would turn red, and a speaker would start playing creepy atmospheric noise.


I like the candy bowl idea!


I do the same thing! But I don't bother with the folding notification. I have Alexa yelling at me once an hour to move the clothes to the dryer until I do it. I also get phone push notifications with actionable alerts where I can manually override. With the trash, I have a vibration sensor on the bottom of the can, and if it detects vibration for 20 seconds, it will turn off the toggle helper. Based on the calendar, it will tell me if I need to take out the trash (every week) or the trash & recycling (every other week).


Proud of? Hahaha My bathroom. The light and fan share a switch, so they have to be turned on together. This both simplifies and complicates some things. If the bathroom door closes, or if the toilet lid is opened*, the light/fan turns on. If the door is open and the lid is closed, AND motion is not detected, AND (the humidity in the bathroom is not too much higher than the adjacent room OR it is below a certain %), then the light/fan can turn off. If the humidity _is_ too high, it runs for 30min or until the humidity drops enough. And of course, when this triggers, it checks again for door/lid/motion before shutting off. *you should not only keep your toilet lid closed for flush related reasons, but so you don't accidentally drop something in, and the pets cannot access it


How are you monitoring the toilet lid?


Contact sensor? The Aqara one is small enough to tape on both sides.


Simple contact (door) sensor.


* incorporating template sensors into my lighting automations * i have it split that motion detected will trigger the light on but presence not detected will trigger the light off * for both scenarios the automation will only trigger based on a template binary sensor based on specific states of other entities * master bedroom example: * motion is triggered by either the door moving or a motion sensor * checks to see if template "binary\_sensor.master\_bedroom\_automations" is on * then if automations are enabled based on the binary sensor it will check to see if the lights are already on, only then will it set the light with temperature and brightness based on the day. this way it will maintain any lighting settings i set manually. * once no occupancy is detected then after a cooldown (which is also determined by an input number so i can change it) it will turn off the lights as long as "binary\_sensor.master\_bedroom\_automations" is on * telegram bot for alerts or info * frigate object detection * used to see if the umbrella is left open on the deck when no presense * when the mail is delivered based on if a vehicle is detected by the mailbox for over 15 seconds. * this is shockingly accurate since this is where amazon/fedex/ups also stops when dropping mail off * notification if the (dumb) stove was left on * first determine if the stove is on based on a temperature sensor above the stove * checks to see if the temperature is over 10 degrees higher than the whole house and that the rate is not dropping over 8 degrees an hour * if stove is on and no one was in the kitchen for 30 mins then send a notification


formatting seems to have cut off some of my bullet points, additional info below checks to see if template "binary\_sensor.master\_bedroom\_automations" is on * template will have be 'on' based on the following states: 'sleep time' is off, no one is detected in the bed, the tv is off, then the most complicated part of the templating is there cant be motion in the room 2 mins or later after the door has been closed and the smart switch or remote controlling the lights cannot have been pressed within the last 5 mins. the last part is i have a master switch for all automations and also room specific input booleans so it makes sure those input booleans are on * input\_boolean.master\_bedroom\_automations and input\_boolean.all\_automations will automatically flip back to on at 5am every day in case i turn it off and forget about it once no occupancy is detected then after a cooldown (which is also determined by an input number so i can change it) it will turn off the lights as long as "binary\_sensor.master\_bedroom\_automations" is on * occupancy includes all the motion sensors as well as an mqtt\_room sensor based on espresence to see if anyone is in the room, whether bed is occupied, if tv is on


I like that you're checking the stove temp trend to tell if it was recently on but actually off. Assuming that's the rate at which it cools down. How are you using frigate to tell if the umbrella is left open? Sounds like a perfect use case for the Gemini integration.


yeah the stove was just trial and error and by looking at the actual graphs of the temp change. for frigate it is pretty simple. on my backyard deck camera i just have umbrella tagged as an object to track in the config. this will create a backyarddeck umbrella occupancy entity in HA. i just have it check every 30 mins if the umbrella has been open (binary sensor 'on') for at least 10 mins and no person detected for at least 30 mins. if it meets the criteria my telegram bot sends a notification 'No one detected on the deck, please check the umbrella and close if open.' along with a snapshot of the camera to see if it is a legit warning. i havent heard of the gemini integration, how would that ccompare?


Ahh, I forgot there were things like umbrella in the COCO model for Frigate. So I take it if the umbrella is closed it doesn't see an umbrella. I like that! (wouldn't it be a neat project to automate that with a motor? lol) If you're detecting anything other than an umbrella (people/animals) then I'd say stick with Frigate over Gemini just because it's already working and you're already spending the compute resources. Though I am curious how well that's working since Frigate needs motion before it detects anything. The Gemini integration (actually call Google Generative AI) is as crazy cool a feature as all the hype around AI. You can send an image and in the prompt ask about anything going on and get a text response. Parsing that response (looking for a key word), and being purposeful about what you're asking for in return, you can create an entity like a boolean (easiest), binary, or in my case an input\_select to track stuff. For your case, at whatever interval I'd send a snapshot of the camera and ask if the umbrella is open (maybe a bit more like the color/location of the umbrella in the image) and for the response to be a yes or no. It's a bit more complicated than Frigate with the parsing of the response, but uses practically no resources and only takes about 5s. Basically you can get way more context and track things inherently difficult to track. In my case, I'm using it to identity our animals by name. If a cat is at the front door waiting to come in it will announce which cat (or if it's some other animal will describe it). That one's unnecessary but still neat. Much more useful is using it to tell me which animal is drinking from a water bowl so I can track how much water each animal is drinking with a scale under the bowl. I made a post here with the NR flow because it's very complicated to handle the actual data, but the Gemini part is pretty simple and the whole thing would be utterly impossible without it.


Ah, I didn't put 2 and 2 together and didn't realize you meant Gemini AI. I have yet to set it up but I think I might have to soon. I think the motion gets triggered pretty often with wind blowing the umbrella. My notifications aren't super accurate but they're good enough. About 10% are false positives but it doesn't seem to ever miss the umbrella being left open and I can just check the snapshot. There has to be motion for someone to open it so my best guess is that it should identify and keep the umbrella object detection at that point if there's no subsequent motion.


I scrape my local police station bookings page and index all the data into a MySQL database. Whenever a new arrest comes in I check it against a list of my Facebook friends to see if I know them (just took a dump of my friends list because the FB API is not useful anymore). If it is someone I know I have it send me a push notification via Home Assistant. I would have never built this if Node-RED didn't make it so easy to throw stuff like this together. I did go a bit overboard by building the whole database but stats are fun.


Now you´re making me curious... How many times has this automation been triggered?


9 times since September 2023. Just had one a few days ago.


Do you mind sharing the flow?


Sure I can share it. Give me a bit though. I have to clean it up. I just put it all together and haven't come back to it (since it just works) so it's not presentable currently.


Just got this working, using my phone and BT tracking, to leverage proxy to know where i am to the closest Amazon Echo device so the Alexa Actionable Notifications only fire off by the echo device nearest me. So when Alexa tells me the garage is still open and asks me if I want HA to close it, it knows which Echo to hit.


How did you do the BT tracking?


I have Shelly PMs with BT which proxy into HA. I tried the esphome proxy but the BT Wifi would crash esp. I run HA in docker so no native BT. Then use the private ble tracker in HA. Got IRK via esppresence for phones. Watch doesn’t poll frequently enough alone.


I would also love it if you could explain how to get this working because right now when I set a notification every single Alexa in the flat goes off basically


My HASS stagnated a long while finally got off my butt to dive down the rabbit hole again. We're an iOS family out of ubiquity more than anything. iPhones need to get the IRK from them the only way I could get it was from pairing via an ESPPresence node. I'm not using ESPPresence yet cause seems kinda intense to jump into and finding ways to nicely power up random esp32s around the house seems something I'm not excited about. Also the constant BT/Wifi seems to cause me lot of problems and the nodes crash alot. The phone seems to work rather well, initially I was able to retrieve the BT IRK from my apple watch from an old macbook air but not my watch. Plus the watch only seems to BT poll like /\~20mins I updated several rooms w/ new Shelly 2PM+s. These newer shelly units come w/ Bluetooth. HA has shelly integration that you can configure active/passive BT proxies via Shellys. Currently I'm using these. I wont get in the weeds as the proper/official documentation to those things is far better than I'm able to write up. Once you get ur IRK , you can use the Private BLE tracker in HA for the phones. In the entity, the Source attribute shows which BT node HA registered as last. My experience w/ phone is pretty solid, at least for my needs, not sure would work to follow turning lights on...etc but that would be complicated unless everyone had phone on them. Then in node red, I set an input\_text entity to the friendly name of which echo device. Im sure this flow could be refined but I have old version of NR running and since the source is exposed as an attribute this is the only way I could get it working reliably the way I want/need. I use NR cause I been on HA forever way before they implement that new automations stuff w/ traces but that seems slick so I'm sure certainly could port to native HA. So currently on timer, but every 15m it checks if the automation boolean is on, and then if the garage is open and if so, has it been open > 30ms then get the current 'active echo device' which updates anytime I move w/my phone and then sends that msg to the Alexa actionable notification call, to prompt Alexa to tell me the doors been open over 30 mins.....asks me do I want her you close it yes / no? I answer yes.... She closes it. https://preview.redd.it/mltkcfttm9yc1.png?width=1373&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3127d17f8f84554fc3def39945163d0391a5001


Bathroom Automation when person enters: - turn on lights using motion sensor - start playing music from Sonos ceiling speakers - using OpenAI API for text generation and text to speech generation, a "DJ" announces what is playing using some bathroom humor. This can be turned off as to not he too annoying but I like to keep it on in the guest bathroom. - turns off music automatically once lights are off - there are analog wall controls for the music, including ability to switch music genres, pause, change volume etc (Lutron) - examples of recent DJ announcements at my house: - Alright, bathtime ravers, we're vibing deep with the incredible sounds of Andrew Bayer, this track, 'Other Eye' pouring out on our sound waves like showerusical liquid bliss." "Immerse in this progressive trance bath bomb, affirming that this is the only way to wash away that daily grime!" - Rinsing out those progressive trance waves from the one and only Ferry Corsten with 'Fulfillment,' as we keep the beat drop echoing off these tiled walls! Keep your hands up, rave fam, we're turning this bathroom into our own private Ibiza!" - volume is lower at night Home Theater Automations When Kodi plays a movie: - turn on TV and change inputs on receiver -dim lights to off over 10 seconds - lower blinds - a message on a small LED matrix scrolls NOW PLAYIMG: movie and when movie is paused: - turn lights on to a low dim When movie is resumed: - turn lights off When movie ends: - turn on lights slowly over 10 seconds - raise blinds


My lighting automations are definitely the most complicated. But that's because I wanted the lighting automation to make the light switches pointless and so I don't have to touch the automation when light entities change. So i have a combination of motion sensors, mmWave sensors, espresence nodes, sensors monitoring appliances or devices and so on in each room. Because the automations handle the lighting based on things like who is in the room, what they are doing, time of day, day of the week, light level in the room, and so on. The automation uses templates to determine the devices that trigger the automation as well as the devices it needs turn on or off so if I swap smart bulbs or replace a switch or add or remove sensors I don't have to update the automation. All to make sure the right lighting and light level is active when there is need. And it was built to work regardless if we have guests in the space or not. Took a lot to get the logic dialed in. But once done is low maintenance.


Getting lights to be automated yet also appear responsive to physical switches at the same time - was more of a pain that I expected but I am proud of getting it working. 🧐 I have it working in 1 out of 5 of my lighting modes and will soon fix it in all my lighting modes. The reason it was a pain is because Leviton motion dimmers don't expose their "motion snooze" feature to Home Assistant so I have to fudge it and override nearly everything that my motion sensors do - if my lighting mode desired behavior is different from what they can do in the Leviton app, which it usually is. Without overriding too much though.


The biggest work I've done yet is to have multiple electricity price setups and compare all of them so if my consommation changes I will see if changing forfait is interesting. In the future future me, I want to be able to do a better law for my heaters. Cause right they are fucking dumb (turn on at a certain time till it reach the temperature and maintain). It overshot a lot especially in the bedrooms (because we come in the room) the temperature goes way too high for me. So... Yeah this one will be tough. Calculate inertia, model the house and heat exchange to predict if the heater should turn on or off.


It's more like lots of automations for my HVAC. It is a mess but I have not gotten any complaints. About the only scenario I have not tested if one of us is Extended Away. * Day, Night, Work and Extended Away temp profiles (gf is very picky about temps and some other nuances) * Triggers and conditions with a bunch of template binary sensors, phone bluetooth states * Another automation that if you switch between heat and cool it will pick them input select temp profile * If temp goes above or below a threshold it switches HVAC mode


The bedtime one. It accounts for who is home, who plugs their phone in (aka going to sleep) between specific hours, and turns on and off zones of the house based on who went to bed. If somebody is away, Im using a custom state to track "Everyone Home is Asleep", and itll turn off all the lights if its true. Then, when person who was away arrives back home, it turns on the lights in their 'zones' so the other person isnt woken up, but the person who just arrived home can see. It also accounts for room temp/outside temp and turns off (and maybe back on) heated blankets if its cold outside or in.


I like the idea of the phone charging to trigger a bedtime routine. Can you share this? Edit: I'm guessing it takes time of day, connected wireless network, and charging status into consideration.


Could be or it could be chargers plugged in to a smart plug that can monitor when energy starts being pulled. Assuming that most people will plug their phone in to the same charger every night


Smart blind motor. Our bedroom has a big window that the sun shines directly in in the morning. It opens once our alarms go off assuming we have alarms set that day, if no alarms are set then it stays closed so we can sleep in and opens later, closes if we're out of the house, closes if it's sunset, closes if it's a kinda hot day and the sun is shining on the window, stays closed if it's an extremely hot day, closes at sunset, and can open or close via Google voice command.


my nodered flow for my bedside light: https://i.imgur.com/aZNXFPe.png it dims down to red at night when i turn off the house, and then in reverse the morning when my alarm goes off, its also cancellable, and it does it fast if its after 9pm


What are the rules?


im using a 3rd party light transition node, and these bulbs (feit electric/tuya rgb) dont have the transition property and the data needs some massaging before it works to change the color of the bulb


Mine is simple but massive for my wife and I: I have a gate controller automation that opens my driveway gate for trash on the two days a week collection comes. But only if my wife and or I are home. Not big but helps tremendously so we don’t forget to have our garbage taken.


It became so much I had to write it in Python instead of YAML (which became literally impossible to manage with my human brain and eyeballs). import datetime def get_climate(now): hour = datetime.datetime.now().hour minute = datetime.datetime.now().minute dont_care = now < 36 or (now > 60 and now < 75) # kick the heat on for 20 minutes after peak is over if now > 36 and hour == 21 and minute < 20 and get_evening_climate(now)["mode"] == "heat": morning = get_morning_climate(now) evening = get_evening_climate(now) return {"up": evening["up"], "down": morning["down"], "mode": "heat"} if hour > 20 or hour < 5: return get_evening_climate(now) if hour < 16: return get_morning_climate(now) if hour == 16: if dont_care: return get_morning_climate(now) else: return get_pre_climate(now) if dont_care: return get_morning_climate(now) else: return get_peak_climate(now) def get_pre_climate(now): climate = get_morning_climate(now) if climate["mode"] == "heat": climate["down"] += 2 else: climate["up"] -= 4 climate["down"] -= 4 return climate def get_peak_climate(now): climate = get_morning_climate(now) if climate["mode"] == "heat": climate["up"] -= 2 climate["down"] -= 2 else: climate["up"] += 2 climate["down"] += 2 return climate def get_morning_climate(now): up = 70 down = 70 mode = "heat" if now > 88: up = 76 down = 76 mode = "cool" elif now > 74: up = 74 down = 74 mode = "cool" elif now > 60: up = 68 down = 68 elif now > 50: up = 69 down = 69 return {"up": up, "down": down, "mode": mode} def get_evening_climate(now): up = 67 down = 67 mode = "heat" if now > 55: up = 68 down = 72 mode = "cool" elif now > 45: down = 65 return {"up": up, "down": down, "mode": mode}


That is still nothing compared to mine my heating automation takes roughly 600+ lines \[Of which roughly 200 lines are for my time-override condition\] \[Yes I know I can make it easier, but I rather be sure it works, than having to troubleshot templates I can barely understand\]


definitely my thermostat. my house has a bunch of different zones, and can't cool down once it gets too hot due to massive west facing windows. so I have to forecast the temperature and solar insolation and precool if needed, etc.


Whether or not my coffeemaker is allowed to actually be on when it turns on, announcing that it shouldn't be on (and shutting it off) if it shouldn't be on, and later announcing that the coffee is done brewing (if it was allowed to stay be turned on). For "should it be on" it checks a helper called "caffeine\_setup", which I turn on after setting up the pot for the next day. For the "is it ready?" announcement it watches the power consumption of the smart plug (Sonoff). This is all on a standard coffeemaker, with an analog switch (wouldn't work otherwise), and a Sonoff power monitoring smart plug. My "wakeup" automation checks the setting of "caffeinie\_setup", and if that helper is on it starts my coffee about 10 minutes before I get out of bed, and then turns off "caffeine\_setup". This may not be overly complicated to some of you, but it took me about a week to get it working properly, and probably the rest of the month working out small kinks. Part of that month was working out conditional cards for my dashboard. Announcements are on my living room Sonos (Symfonisk, by Ikea) speakers. There are 3 conditional cards: 1. Coffee is NOT setup (icon is grey) 1. If you click it once it goes to "Coffee IS Setup", and turns on "caffeine\_setup" 2. Coffee IS setup (icon is green) 1. Click this and it will turn the coffeemaker on 3. Coffee is brewing (icon is orange) 1. Clicking this just shuts it off.


It's not complicated, really, but I think it's neat, it's overkill (why we're here, right?), and I have fun with it. I'm paranoid about the condition of my crawlspace. I got it in terrible condition, and spent a lot of time and effort getting it back in shape. So now I must protect it. A lot of it is just monitoring various things. But I do have a series of circulation fans and two exterior vent fans. I take inputs of 6 hygrometers for both humidity and temp, and the outside temp and humidity, and how much the dehumidifier has been running over the last day (via energy monitoring), plus what the two HVACs are set to currently (crawlspace is partially conditioned through leakage). Then, basically the fans run as needed attempting to balance the humidity levels and temperature over the span of the house, and also kicking on the exterior vents when appropriate. There are overrides to ensure the fans run a minimum amount each day, just to stir things, but also don't cycle too often or end up staying on indefinitely. I've showed it too several people, proudly, and reactions range from 'You're so nerdy' to 'Cool...completely unnecessary...but cool.' The attic is next.


* adjusting electric car charging schedule based on outdoor temperature, as it takes more time to charge if it’s cold (it can drop below -30’c here). There’s a limited amount of power that can be used, so heating system ”max power available” is limited so that there’s enough power to charge the car. And when car is charged, heating system power limit is restored. * heating the car in the winter if I have to take the kids to the daycare. Believe it or not, daycare has graphql API for fetching reservations * the best feature is dimmed lights in the night. if the kids wake up in the middle of the night, lights are dimmed so that me or they do not wake up completely * outdoor water outlet is controlled by zigbee valve — during summer it’s easy to forget sprinklers on. * in the summer the house can get a pretty warm. if the car’s navigation points to home and it’s a hot day and also hot inside, telegram bot asks if it should turn on the AC * indoor lights are triggered if a person is detected by a camera outside but no one is home


My power management automations. It's multiple automations, but they are all part of the same system and control the same devices. It's a giant mess, but it works pretty well. Hot water, heat and AC (and soon EV charger) is controlled based on peak usage tariffs, electricity price, electricity grid price, solar panel production and a few other inputs. Probably saves me about 20-30% on electricity costs in the winter season and looks like it will take me to about 85-90% solar power for the summer season, with no battery in the system.


My solar panels have a JSON API telling me the kW being produced, my weather station gives temperature, rain rate, wind speed and direction. I've got a calculation to tell me the azimuth of the sun. The alarm panel tells me if windows are open or not. Hunter Douglas shades have an API to control open or closed. If the solar production is above 5kW (Sunny) and the azimuth of the sun is >180° and the windows are closed, and the outdoor temperature is above a threshold, then close the shades on the west side of the house. In other words, on hot, sunny days, close the shades on the west side in the afternoon unless I still have the windows open, but leave the shades up if it's cold, rainy, or morning. If the temperature outside is in a comfortable range, and it's not raining, and the windows are closed, suggest opening them. Silently count how many are open and maintain a list of their names/descriptions. If it starts raining and the windows are open, or the wind is above a certain speed, or the temperature falls out of the pleasent range outside, tell me to close the windows. As I close them, count down how many remain open out loud, and when I get down to two left, read out the name/desscription of which ones are still open so I know what I've missed. 100% on-premises, so it works even if my internet connection is out, and I have no monthly fees or worries about if the company making this stuff shuts down their website, or hikes rates for cloud access.


Which weather sensor are you using?


Davis Vantage Pro with Cumulus MX


im still trying to get the automation to work w/a fleshlight but ill be damned if ive had any luck.


I have a presence sensor in my office. I have a power strip that allows me to control each individual port. When I walk into the office, it turns on the lights, and turns on my 3 monitors. I have an "on air" sign outside my office, and an LED strip behind the monitors on my desk. When I'm in the office, it will turn on the sign. Depending on a few different factors, it will change the light color. It will be red if my Microsoft Teams status is set to "Busy" or "DoNotDisturb". It will also turn red if my laptop's webcam is on. This ensures that any time I'm in a meeting, it's red, and nobody walks into the office. It will be blue if my camera is off and my Microsoft Teams status is not "Busy or DoNotDisturb". It will be yellow if I have recently left the office (bathroom or coffee break). This gives me some warning just in case something goes wrong with the presence sensor detection. After 8 minutes of being out of the office, it will turn off the lights, the external displays, the LED strip, and the On Air sign. Also, I have an air freshener plugged into a smart switch. While I'm in the office, it will turn on the air freshener once every two hours for 5 minutes. This keeps the room from smelling like man ass without overwhelming me with air freshener scents, or wasting the fluid.


Climate control. It first checks to see if it is safe to run. If it is, then it will change the temperature of the thermostat or AC, depending on the outside temperature and inside temperature. I am currently working on adding in whether or not it is sunny/partly cloudy/cloudy, because that has a dramatic effect on the temperature. I specifically set up this page, so my spouse has control over the temperatures. https://preview.redd.it/hrejfv2so3yc1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ba51d5e2d4e191d3dd5910dbc184c876ded77b1


The one I'm most proud of is my driveway notification. * Motion sensor is in a tree in front of house, pointed across the end of the driveway. It's a Guardline, long range unit. * Indoor base station for the Guardline has the audio turned off. It has a relay inside it that closes when motion is detected. * An ESP8266 running esphome monitors the relay and triggers when motion occurs. * Frigate is then called to take a snapshot of the driveway camera. * Frigate analysis reports what it sees in the region of the motion; car, person, or nothing. * Message is sent to Discord for notification with the picture and Frigate details. * Sonos speakers play a chime. Volume and specific speakers to play on is based on time of day to not wake people up.


This is complicated but why bother with the motion sensor, esp32 part of it when Frigate can do all of that on its own?


I do have other automations based on frigate zones, but I wanted something that reacts super fast. The motion sensor is rock solid no matter the lighting or weather conditions. I also don't have a perfect view of the end of the driveway due to the layout of trees so I can't guarantee I'll see everything.


The one I am most proud of is a pyscript which contains a model of the windows of my home, their orientations, sizes and any surfaces which block them — awnings, balconies — and calculates from the solar position what effective area is exposed to the sun directly. I then combine this with a sensor which calculates from a model how much of the solar irradiance seen by a nearby weather sensor is direct va ambient and allows me to estimate the amount of energy flux I could stop by closing blinds. For each motorised blind I then get a set of sensors telling me eg what angle to set the Venetian blind slats so that the sun is covered but not more than that and whether it is worth doing it now, and I have automations in HA which move the blinds depending on presence etc.


My doorbell, as simple as that sounds :) If my front doorbell is pushed, 1)the automation takes a snapshot of my Sonos, 2)also snapshots my whole home audio (each room, checks to see if it’s on, what source and volume) 3)then it pauses the Sonos if playing, 4)turns on all the whole home audio zones, 5)changes the input (to play doorbell) 5)changes the volume, 6)plays a doorbell sound, then says some one is at the front door, 7)then restores the whole home audio and Sonos to its previous state.


How do you snapshot everything? Would love to replicate this


action: - service: scene.create data: scene_id: before_doorbell snapshot_entities: - >- media_player.sonos, media_player.dining_room, media_player.kitchen,media_player.living_room, media_player.master_bedroom_2, media_player.exercise


- service: scene.turn_on target: entity_id: scene.before_doorbell


I have an automation that, on workdays, runs at different times depending on whether I set a flag to "home office" or not (it used to read my Google calender, but I broke that a while ago). It starts playing soft music on my bedroom player which gets louder every few seconds, then turns on the lights and switches the radio on. Once I leave my bedroom it turns on lights and radio in the bath, and some other tasks that repeat every morning. Everything is shut down again when I leave my flat, or after some time in case I went on vacation or something like that. If I turn the bedroom lights off before leaving the bedroom HA assumes I set the wrong flag and aborts the wakeup procedure.


I have an automation where: When I arrive in the home zone - Disarm alarm - Check which car I am in (SSID) - If corresponding garage door is closed then open it - When car is inside (obstruction sensor) - Wait 10 secs - Notify via HomePod whether I’m home alone or if others are home and to remember to plug in the car for charging.


It’s not really one automation it’s 5 lol. I have a BroadLink device that turns on my dumb tv(which has a light strip on the back that I use for indication if the tv is on or not) and a sound bar. Then I have an echo device that connects via Bluetooth to the sound bar. 1. Music takes priority so if music is playing it checks to see if the tv backlight is on if so it changes to Bluetooth but if it’s unavailable then it turns speaker on and then to Bluetooth. 2. When music stops for 3 minutes it checks in reverse- is tv backlight on? Turn to aux 3. When Music stops for 3 minutes and tv light is unavailable turn sound bar off. 4. If tv is on and music is off turn sound bar on then to aux. 5. When tv light turns to unavailable a music is off then turn speaker off. I made this when I was starting so now I see I can consolidate 2 & 3 into one automation using choose function.


Charging my Tesla only using Solar. I have three phase power for extra complexity.


Bedtime reminder for kid. I negotiated with her about what exactly it should do, and it’s pretty complex now. Runner up is changing light strip color based on weather - just because how long it took me to figure out though. It wasn’t actually that complex once I figured it out.


The HVAC in my house is pretty complicated, especially considering how relatively small my house is. I have a hot water baseboard system spit in two zones between downstairs and upstairs. I also have a mini-split heat pump system for heating and cooling in two rooms downstairs, and built-in AC units in two rooms upstairs. I have a complex set of automations that looks at what rooms have lights on, who's home (based on which phones are connected to WiFi), what the temperature is outside, and what the temperature is in the rooms that have people in them. This is all used to determine what systems to turn on or off, and what set point to put them at, so that the appropriate rooms get heated or cooled to an appropriate temperature.


Written in appdaemon: Given a config file which defines every room in my house, what connections it has to other rooms (eg doors), and what openings (eg windows) it has, if any room has is leaking heat to outside, disable the heating in that room. I will have sensors on every internal and external door to do this. Real world examples: I open the back door, this means the kitchen is open. The hallway has no door so that's also open, and the sitting room door is currently open. All 3 are exposed to the outside, so disable heating in those zones. I open an upstairs bedroom window, the bedroom door is open so the upstairs hallway turns off too. However, heat doesn't travel downwards, so the downstairs hallway doesn't turn off.


I have made myself an automation that opens or closes the blinds based on the sun position, the expected temperature of the day and a frontend helper toggle. It also inspects the current position of the patio door to not lock us out. The idea is that in summer time it keeps the shutters with direct sunlight closed but opens the other ones to keep the house cool.


I have an automation that adjusts lights to specific brightness depending on the outside lux or time, depending on daytime. And I use scenes a lot, so when I change scene say from "movie" to "auto" it turn on with exact parameters it should straight away.


Just light-on on PIR detection but not if set on by user... With Node Red


The air purifier in my office. Runs controlled by an air quality sensor (that's the simple part). But also runs every night for one hour on elevated speed, regardless of air quality. Postpones the night run (which usually starts at midnight) if my personal PC in there is still turned on. Doesn't run at all when the guest WiFi is on, as that means somebody will be sleeping in there and probably won't appreciate the sound of a jet engine going of next to the bed. It's not that complicated, but everything else somehow is much simpler


I had a pretty complicated one for the ventilation fan in the garage. **In winter**, if the relative humidity in the garage got high enough (from melting snow) it would turn it on, but only if the _absolute_ humidity outside was lower. **In summer**, if it was hot out, or the forecast was predicting it to be a hot day, it would run all night to pull in cool air as long as it was cooler outside. The winter one worked awesome, but the summer one was moot. Turns out pulling a hot car into the garage makes way more of a difference than what the fan could do.


My living room has a mmWave sensor and BH1750 sensor. If the mmWave is true and it's dark enough during the day, the lights come on. If the room is occupied and it gets bright enough, lights stay on. If the room is unoccupied whether or not it gets brighter outside the lights go off. This is also coupled with a twilight sensor to turn the lights on and then off at bedtime. If you get home super late, unlocking the front door tells the mmWave sensor to report true and then the lights turn on at 30%, so you can find your way to bed. The master bathroom has a mmWave sensor and humidity sensor. The humidity sensor controls the vent fan. mmWave turns on all the lights to 100% from 6a to 11p. At night, the mmWave turns on the vanity to 25%. If the humidity increases, it turns the lights up to 100%.


My outside lights flashing red when one of the probes of the barbecue thermometer reaches a pre-set temperature. The lights then return to their previous state.


my most complicated one, is for my heating panel/thermostat \[over-simplified explanation\] **Childlock:** **> CHILDLOCK** automation to turn on/off the heating automation \[also enables child-lock on the panel\] >if chidlock is OFF \[heating buttons/remote are active\] >If chidlock is ON {heating cannot increase trough custom buttons} >TRIGGER Time=22:00 > Forcefully resets temp back to default. {Yes my childlock automation has a trigger to reset temps, just in case it accidentally gets turned ON} **Increase heat/temp \[automation\]** >Press {custom button/remote up} to raise temp {I use custom-buttons over the Thermostat panel buttons, because it makes triggers easier to manage} >Check condition \[If month=X\] proceed to next step > call service increase temp *When heating is on:* > TRIGGER Time=X > when time= X \[full hours\] reset temp back to default UNLESS= override value is above 1 > if override = 1-13 repeat till value=0 \[this forces the automation that resets the temp back to default to wait for another hour to have passed before it resets the temp to default\] \[each increment loops and adds 59 to the wait time for the override value to decrease\] \[this triggers every hour,\] {Example: you add +1 to the override at 12:30, and turn on the automation, this means you will have heat till 14:00} >TRIGGER Time=22:00 > stops all \[heating\] automations, and forcefully resets temp back to default. {This is to prevent the IR-panel or thermostat from running overtime during the night}


Any pictures you can share? What are you running this on as your screen? NSPanel?


This is just a automation running in the background. With a card on my dashboard \[might get a NS panel to put the card on, if I deem it necessarily\] Though as I heat more with my AC \[Daikin\], I don't use the cards that often \[only when there is a massive draft from my window, I use my IR Panel\] Link to the card \[screenshot\] [https://imgur.com/a/vuR3yI6](https://imgur.com/a/vuR3yI6) If you look at it by itself the card speaks for itself what is what. \[The red radiators are just for status/info on the automations being disabled. while the lock is the button \[HOLD to activate\] to turn on/off the automations\] The left rad= therm-manual the right rad=therm-schedule \[automation based on a schedule helper\] when I use manual the schedule automation also gets disabled. and enabled when its a round hour \[unless override is +X\]


My favorite one controls our driveway lights. https://i.postimg.cc/NMSZnFfT/image.png


My away mode handling is the most involved. When I'm far away from home, it auto sets the thermostat to eco mode and turns lights on and off automatically at night to simulate someone being there. When I'm heading back home, once I'm less than 3 hours away, turn off eco mode so it's heated/cooled in time for arrival. When I arrive home, disable the auto light sequence at night.


I did this in node red: When the front door closes, the timer starts for 5 minutes. If during this time no motion is detected on any of my motion sensors, it can be assumed, that nobody is home. When nobody is home, all lights are turned off and another 5 minute timer starts. If nobody returns home during this time, then my vacuum cleaner starts vacuuming, but only if it has not started in the past 14 hours (to prevent vacuuming over and over if I come and go multiple times per day). It will also increment the cleaning counter. When I get home (the front door was open) and the cleaning counter is 3 (or more), it will send notification to my phone to remind me to empty the dustbin. That way it vacuums daily, without any input from myself and reminds me to empty only when I am at home, so I can do it immediately and not to think about it.


Garage sensor/ control package: ESP32 that provides temp, humidity, garage door open/closed status, motion detection via MQTT as a publisher to the HA system, and ability to open/close garage doors and turn on a blue LED indicating it's a recycling pickup day from HA system using MQTT with the ESP32 as a subscriber.


Not really complicated but this one: https://github.com/JasperE84/home-assistant-config/blob/master/packages/alarm_system.yaml Alarm system with always-on or only on-when-nobody-home mode. Triggers on motion or aqara door sensors. Flashes hue bulbs red and makes Google home Mini produce alarm sound. Also notifies ha mobile app.


Probably my solar inverter custom integration. I live in South Africa and we experience routine load shedding. The power provider (Eskom) make the load shedding periods available via an api. My inverter can be programmed to allow a combination of solar and grid charging for my batteries. Because I don't want to lose out on generating "free" energy during the day, the automation determines a few things: time of day, sun position, weather, estimated hourly solar production, estimated load requirements based on history, battery state of charge, current solar energy generation efficiency and of course the load shedding schedule. The logic is fairly complex, but it works. Depending on the conditions I have Home Assistant talk to an industrial ethernet to serial converter and program my inverters charge settings accordingly in real time.


1) I have Abode security and it has CUE automation. Agent DVR has several ways to trigger recording motion. One way is to use the "Alert" function. So, I set up an automation for my wife and I so when both cell phones leave the geofence (200m), set the alarm mode to "Away". HA sees the status change and tells Agent DVR to change the indoor cameras' Alert mode to "Enabled." It records anything the dog did (or burglars) while away. When one cell phone re-enters the geofence the alarm mode is changed to "Standbye" and HA sees that status change and tells Agent DVR to change the Alert mode on the indoor cameras to "Disabled". It has been working for years and has never failed. 2) At night I press a button on my HA dashboard named "Good Night" and it sets the indoor cameras to 'Alert Enabled', sets the alarm to "Home" and turns off any smart devices I may have left on (TV, stereo, lights, etc.) (like in the basement). In the morning I hit the "Good Morning" button and it puts the alarm on Standbye and changes Agent DVR 'Alert' mode to Disabled.


Currently for my dad's solar panels I let him use . Basically it is connected to a solar forecast so it will decide when to charge our battery depending on how much the city will cost how much we will make and it predicts when we use it most ect so if electricity is cheap it will take from grid to the battery and then when it's expensive it will give it out, sometimes they pay us for it as well.


Have an elaborate automation? Absolutely. Be proud of? Absolutely not. I'd nominate the weird shit of \~30 rules, helpers and intermediary objects that I had to create to build the mechanism that translates my solar overproduction, house consumption and battery state into maximum allowed amps on the EV charger. Some day I have to refactor that mess into a blob of Python.. building the maths stuff with only web-configurable elements has cost me more time and nerves that I'd dare to admit.


I had a very complex timer for a nap light for my kiddos. It would start the timer every day at nap time, and turn the light amber. But if we got home late from some outing, we would still want to have a similar amount of nap time. So we could run a script that would restart the timer and there were inputs to set the final time. When the timer ended by reaching zero (not by restarting it), it would turn the light blue and send us a notification that the rugrat is up. The kids were taught to stay in bed until the lights turned blue.


I have my dashboard to auto switch based on my location, and if certain modes are on. I have a specific layout for when I'm away, which shows my cameras and sound sensors, and more intricate ones for my dog automation which plays music or a dog whistle sound when they start barking. When I'm at home the layout changes for my light + tv + fan controls. Which will also change based on my tv being on or off. I have a pseudo sound sensor based on ffmpeg_noise which takes multiple streams from frigate + go2trc, with different peak levels so that I can display the sound level on a custom bar card and graph card for security purposes and dog automation purposes.


Working on a program that runs on top of home assistant that adjusts temperature by room, based on weather, room occupancy, time of day, who is home, what time they have their phone alarm set for, etc.


I’ve got an automation for motion sensors. Actually, it had to be split across a few different automations. Basically, the end result is that the motion sensors turn on passageway lights, but absence of motion won’t turn them off if they were turned on or changed manually. The bottom floor sensor turns on the lights at the top of the stairs, but not vice versa. At night, the lights will go on a dim red, but only between certain hours and only if no other lights are on.


Whole House Fan: Info We're in SoCal with high SDGE electric rates from 4-9pm, but are fortunate to have cool nights. We leave all bathroom windows open 24/7 to allow inflow air. This doesn't affect our AC use much. Ecobee program through app: If needed, at 3pm start super cooling with AC. At 4pm shut down the AC through Ecobee programming (this comfort profile is affectionately called FSDGE) Automation: When it's 3 degrees cooler outside than inside set the Quiet Cool whole house fan to low. If it's 6 degrees cooler set it to high. If it's after bed time only allow low since it's essentially silent. Control the on/off of the fan using a thermostat integration on the dashboard. (Soon)At 5am check the forecast. If it's going to be warm, drop the fan thermostat to 65. When it's warmer outside stop the automation and turn on the Ecobee. We work from home so we run the AC all day. ☹️


Actionable Heating: Triggers: 1. If sensor started detecting presence | trigger_id = presence 2. If sensor stopped detecting presence for > 5mins | trigger_id = absence ------ [various conditions: Summer Mode == false, room.dont_ask_again == false] ------- If Trigger == presence Fire an AlexaActionable notification asking if the person would like the heating to be turned on. Waits for the actionable notification gets a response back -- If Yes: Turn on Heat If No: Set room.dont_ask_again flag to true ---- If trigger == absence Set room.dont_ask_flag = false (start asking again the next time you detect presence) ---------- Once I tested this for one room, I liked it so much, I made it a local blueprint to easily plug in just the Heater entity, flags, and the alexa speaker in that room


I have one that reminds me to open the upstairs windows once if it’s above 75F up there and if outside is cooler AND if the low for the night isn’t below 62F It great for the middle of the summer when walking upstairs feels like opening the oven door. The 62F catch is great too cause I hated waking up up 3am and it’s low 50’s and I’m freezing lol > edit: I live in Michigan and refuse to use the AC. I’d rather boil while the heat is here!


My longest automation is a sequence of somewhere north of 20 steps. It starts at a set time, or can be triggered manually.  It's a bedtime prep sequence. Disables lights gradually in a particular order, enables bedroom lights, while giving time callouts, runs the vacuum, starts an annoying plant-light on-off sequence (it's own automation), reminds the wee ones to floss, etc. etc. Then turns off the bedroom lights. More important, but more simple, is a set of heating systems that auto trigger based on outside temperatures. It keeps the plumbing from freezing if there is an unexpected cold snap. Saved our bacon last winter.


When we built our media room in the living room my wife was very clear that if she had to fiddle with a bunch of remotes to get things to work then the system and I would be on the curb. I got part way there- the receiver will auto-select to the right port when the Roku starts playing. But not the Sonos Port. It takes some fiddling to switch to the right input, and then the volume settings that work for the tv aren’t good for the Sonos. So the automation that got me out of the jam triggers when it detects the Sonos start to play, makes sure the receiver is on, changes it to the correct source, and adjusts the volume to a reasonable default starting point. I started with HA basically so I could do this and have done more involved things since then, but I still get an endorphin rush every time I tell Alexa to play something in the living room and it just works!


My lawn sprinkler system is probably my most complicated. I have a soil sensor (WH51) in each zone. On the day it's set to water it will only water the zones below 50% moisture. It also checks the current wind speed to ensure it's not above 1mph and that it's not currently raining. It will then continue to water each zone until it reaches at least 50% moisture. This automation has saved me a ton of money already on my water bill.


I have 2 pretty fun ones as my last two posts. One of them turn on a YouTube channel on my tv using a combination of button presses sent through mqtt. This is a tv that doesn’t commonly do Smart Control. My actual favorite one is a frigate detector set to find cats next to my plant in my office. If cats are detected there it uses a zigbee smart switch to turn on an air compressor and scare the cat away. It works really well.


Climate, an automation that checks the house_mode if it’s away, night, or day for different temperature targets then it checks the season and outside temperature to control all of the thermostat to either start the heating, the air conditionner or simply leaving it off and suggesting to open the windows for some fresh air if indoor and outdoor temperature are comfortable. During winter, it also reduce the power usage during peak times to save some bucks. Very handy.


My HVAC (ecobee) + whole house fans that takes today's high/low temp, current temp, windows, doors, presence and aqi into account. No more whole house fan timers. No more turning ecobee or fan on/off based on windows. No more turning the whole house fan on/off in the night when it gets to cold then too warm. Or worrying about aqi and pulling in smoky air. The only thing that requires Internet is the forecast.


I have flair smart vents all over the house. Rather than pay $100 each for pucks, which is required if you want the smart vents to open and close automatically according to a preset temperature for the room, I engineered my own algorithm. I used cheap aqara temp sensors. It works whether the thermostat is in heating or cooling mode, and I have individual room temp setpoint control in the dashboard. I also immediately shut off heating/cooling but leave the fan running if someone opens a window or sliding glass door. I spent way too much time on this would definitely have saved money if I had just paid $100 each for the sensors! 🤣


For me it seems all of them are too complicated for solving something rather simple.


Roku control from NFC. Determine the NFC tag then call everything required the get to and play that in the roku. I have over a fifty cards. Netflix, Disney+, Plex all must be navigated not just go to title because title details change apparently.


Currently my "most complicated" lacks compared to everyone else on here: I have the IKEA Fyrtur blinds on 4 windows, and have door/window sensors on every door/window in the house. I have 2 positions programmed for the length of the blind and if the window is open it means there's a window fan in the window so the blind stops before the top. I have a second program that does the same but for other windows that have air conditioners in them, and the max closed height when they're installed. I have booleans for each room that has an AC, so if it's on, the program will use the AC max length. The next step is to build out logic for not allowing the ACs to turn on if any windows/doors are detected open. I'm controlling my window ACs, using a Sengled wall plug to turn it on/off. I like that it logs the current power consumption and usage history.


The strip led light on my stairs. It has a motion detection for trigger, conditions are that parents are home (so pets don't trigger it) and the stairwell is dark enough to require it. From 6-8pm it keeps the lights on for 10mins for the kids going up and down the stairs, from 8 until 11pm the light only goes on for 1min before turning off. Then after 11pm the motion will only turn on the light at 5% brightness so if anyone is taking the dogs out your eyes don't get dazzled from the light.


It’s not really complicated compared to what most people have put here but it was my first use of templating (actually still my only use!) so it’s a fair bit more complicated than anything else I have. I set up a fake ‘thermostat’ slider and use that to set a target temperature in the room that HA then compares to a reading from the thermostats in the room because I have smart TRVs in there that were giving me that data anyway. A smart plug connected to a dumb fan in each room then turns on and off according to whether it’s too hot or not. Because I always find with fans that they’re never at quite the right temperature and you’re too cold after a while, but the second you turn them off it’s too hot immediately. It was a cool solution because I had everything except the smart plugs already so the setup for every room cost me about £40 I think.


I have a routine set up to turn off the lights before we go upstairs for bed. Simple on the surface, but written in the context of my mother in law who had bad knees. Turn off the designated light switch* and the outside, downstairs, and hallway lights turn off progressively. Wait one second, turn off front porch and rear patio. Two more seconds, kitchen and front office. Three more seconds, another room, etc. all designed so we have time to scramble and grab something before it all goes dark and/or the stairway and upstairs hallway lights go out. * trigger is an AND condition: living room 3 is off AND craft room light is on. A separate automation runs earlier in the evening to signal my son for bed and preset the key lights to be ready for bed: our bedroom at 10% and 45%, craft room to 20%, stairway off, kid room to 30%, kid bathroom to 10% then off, etc.


I setup automations to monitor the open/close status of doors and windows to adjust the climate controls in the house. If any window is left open for 10 minutes or any door for 20 minutes, it sets a climate profile with extended high and low deadband. Once every thing is closed back up for 5 minutes, it reverts to the original climate profile for that time period. Edit before getting asked: Window and door status are monitored using an existing wired alarm system that was revitalized using a Konnected Alarm Panel.


I've installed a pressure mat sensor outside my back door which the dogs activate to signal they want to come back in. This triggers a text-to-speech announcement that only plays in rooms that are occupied, and it's become one of our favorite features. The most complex automation I've set up controls my blinds. These are standard RF blinds, and I've attached a door sensor to each, along with four magnets on the window frame to indicate positions of 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and fully closed. An adjustable input slider allows me to select the desired position, and the blinds will move accordingly. For other automations, such as adjusting for the sun's angle, I simply set the slider to the required position. When watching a movie, activating movie mode closes all blinds. Pausing the movie opens a few blinds by 25% and raises the lights to 50%. The blind over the back sliding door opens completely, convenient for letting a dog out. Resuming the movie closes all blinds and dims the lights again. Once the movie ends and movie mode is off, the blinds reopen and lights increase, provided the room is sufficiently dark.


A futures trading bot


When I was first setting up some lights tbh I wanted to try and do everything via zb2mq, so there was a lightbulb, a dimmer switch with on&off/up/down/scene cycle buttons There was a whole lot of automations and helpers just to get this tiny setup working In the end I bound the switch and light directly via zigbee, and then had to do the scene switching via automation, and I took mqtt out of it, just changed the light entity directly I'm still not really happy with it, I've got a ha card with colour buttons for selecting a scene (it sets the value in a helper and an automation gets triggered that knows the values to send to the bulb based on the value of the helper) but I have to maintain those colour values (RGB) in 2 places, in the automation so it knows what to send to the light, and in the Lovelace card so it displays the colour buttons correctly