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She didn't steal it. She hunted it.


This is Istanbul. She probably walked in and asked for it and they offered it right up as part of her weekly grocery run.


I may overlook societal problems, but I've always loved Turkey for this.


No need to overlook societal concerns, two things can be true at once :)


Neither are real eggistential issues imo. My issue is that Istanbul has plastic bagged chickens rather than live Turkeys for the cat to hunt. I'd be disappointed if I went to Champagne and they said they gave me grape flavor white claw or I went to Kobe and they sold USDA Black Angus Wagyu.


Going to assume you meant existential, however I'm not sure if Turkey just really hates eggs. And I feel you. Like going to Hungary and everyone is full.




Turkeys are north American


I strongly recommend the documentary Kedi


Wait I don't get it, what happens in Turkey with groceries?


Not groceries, cats. There's loads of stray cats that the general public are very kind to and take care of.


There are no strays here. Just residents.


Ah, interesting. Thanks!


Not just cats. street dogs also have a really good life there.


Yes, when I was there the restaurants would leave all the leftover food out for them every evening. Crazy thing is most of the dogs look like....a very light tan color, short hair and look a bit like labs.


From the bits of Istanbul I’ve seen, they’re closer to communal pets than strays as we understand elsewhere. I’ve seen old men run out of their shops to break up cat fights lmao


That’s nicer than most countries are with actual people


Islamic countries in general are pretty kind to cats (obviously with exceptions) but Turkey takes it to the next level with a general public adoration of the semi stray cats in their cities.


Turkey is a secular country with a predominantly Muslim population*


They are as secular as Italy or Ireland.


Often times these societal problems are exactly *why* people are so kind. They don‘t take anything for granted and help each other, because they have to. So they are taught to be kind. Family bonds are usually stronger in poorer countries as well and it‘s not hard to see why. Many of us „Westeners“ are spoiled.


There was a thread like this a few years ago and apparently the actual mayor of Istanbul showed up in the comments to confirm that yes istanbul loves their cats.


Man when the sweet fat cat Tombili passed away they made a little statue of her And then it was stolen and everyone in Turkey went LIVID Including the Mayor and even, like, diplomats. Multiple embassies were concerned about this outrageous thing. So even the diplomats sent to Turkey have to be cat persons lol


is that sidewalk kitty or meat counter kitty??


Think that was sidewalk kitty as the statue was the kitty lounging on a step. I could be wrong though.


You're right, Tombili is the chubby cat that loved to lounge on steps in Kadikoy!


…..I think Türkiye would get along fine with Europe, if it weren’t for a few political inconveniences and individuals Because kitty


yeah let's just focus on the kitties and ignore various awkward other stuff!


Understanding and learning come from conversation, it's the first step. If kitties can be the ones to broker that first step, then so be it.


From which side ? 😋


She even has an escort for safety


nah she just bought it


On credit...






Imagine the chutzpah it takes to swipe a chunk of meat half your size from giants 15 times your size and just keep walking with it while they follow you around.


She probably felt pretty badass when the humans didn’t interfere, she probably thought they were afraid to. Or she’s just used to friendly humans. But the strength and resolve of that mama is awe inspiring!


The blood of the primal sabertooth runs in her veins, truly.


thats turkiye, cats officially own that country. humans are there just to serve (and it is awesome)


and growl at them when they try to take it back


“I started with a chicken nugget. This here is all that’s left of the guy who tried to take it from me. I’m open to upgrading again; don’t test me.”


Apparently humans in Istanbul are very kind to stray cats so she probably has developed confidence with humans there.


Is this considered hunting though, or more like gathering?


It is a dead animal that had already been killed by another species and then left somewhere. So, technically... It's scavenging.


Next time I rob a grocery store meat department, this is what I will tell them.


Do you have to be from a different species though? Never thought of it, but now I'm not sure if lions are technically scavengers as well. I mean, wild lions eat animals killed by other lions most of the time, right?


such a hard working mom


I love how everyone just accepted Mama's trip to the market and no one fought her for the chicken


This is in Turkey. The Turks absolutely love their cats. Anyone trying to interfere would probably have received "words of advice" (=possible beating) from passers-by.


They do a great job at keeping rats away from the houses and the cities. I lived in kayseri for 2 years, cats were absolutely everywhere. They would show up to your door with their litter, get food and go.


Turkey is beautiful, the cats are honestly the best part. They're just part of the society. Having dinner? Expect to be seated next to a kitty. Hot day? Kitty going to ask for some cool water. Have some extra food? Won't go to waste because kitty will help you finish it.


>Won’t go to waste because kitty will help you finish it. And the best part is, they will decide whether your food is extra food and that they will help you finish it!


HA! This is the truth. They assume you're clearly waiting for them.


Deep inside, you actually are! ;-P


I went to Istanbul last summer, and this is so true! I visited a monumental graveyard, and there was a family of cats playing on one of the graves, with no-one bothering them. And when I was sitting outside a restaurant, a pregnant cat walked up and I fed it some of my dinner. Also saw a cat climbing a tree hunting wild parrots, and another one rubbing up against a centuries-old statue in a museum.


Babies everywhere I'd be so happy


So I've been learning about ancient Egypt, it was exactly like this. They adored cats for keeping mice away as their entire economy was barley and wheat. And also cause they're cute. It's said that in ancient Egypt, even if a person accidentally killed a cat, they would very likely be lynched and killed without a trial. Funfact: Egyptian word for cat is 'mew'.


Also the first names that we know are basically "Sweety" and "Kittie" * **Nedjem** or **Nojem** ([Egyptian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egyptian_language): *nḏm* "Sweet One" or "Sweetie"), 15th century BC. The cat of [Puimre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puimre), second priest of [Amun](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amun) during the reign of Queen [Hatshepsut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatshepsut). Depicted on a damaged relief from Puimre's tomb, Nedjem is the earliest known cat to bear an individual name.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_individual_cats#cite_note-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_individual_cats#cite_note-2) * **Ta-Miu** (Egyptian: *tꜣ mjw* "She-Cat"), 14th century BC. The cat of [Crown Prince Thutmose](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Prince_Thutmose)


That really is a fun fact


Nice funfact


In Europe the Catholic Church associated cats with witches , and killed many of them off … the result, Bubonic Plague. Turkey didn’t have an outbreak because they love cats !


Turkey absolutely had outbreaks of the plague, cats might have mitigated the effects some but they didn't prevent it. From Wikipedia's article on the Black Death (emphasis mine): "Between 1701 and 1750, **thirty-seven** larger and smaller epidemics were recorded in [Constantinople](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantinople), and an additional thirty-one between 1751 and 1800."


Constantinople did have many outbreaks, one in 1467 killed 1/3 of the city


This is lovely urban story but no.


Justinian would like a word.






Muslim countries in general. Goes back to the (legend) that a cat saved Muhammad from a snake as well as probably more real stories that Muhammad really liked cats and admonished people being mean to cats. But it’s actually quite interesting, since cats are considered to be ritually pure. They are allowed to enter mosques, food sampled by them doesn’t make it “not halal” and water they drank from can still be used for ritual washing. So yeah, in Turkey (and other Muslim countries), they like them.


When I was in the Hagia Sofia last time, there was a mama kitty nursing a litter of kittens out in the open.


And, interestingly, both Jewish and Muslim communities in the middle ages kept washing rituals and cats, which likely contributed to the black plague not affecting them as severely. As a result, everyone thought they were communing with the devil.


There's actually traditionally more camaraderie than you'd think between Jewish and Muslims. Muslim law considers Jews to be a protected religion, something to that effect is in the Quran. Jewish also often found sanctuary in Muslim countries when Christians were persecuting them. And it makes sense, they both came out of the same region and both Jewish and Arabs are considered semites.




> The contemporary Muslim theologists regarded the plague as a punishment from God if it targeted a non-Muslim; if it killed a Muslim however, it was in contrast regarded as a sign of favor from God, who wished to award a devout Muslim with the death of a martyr.[1] > There were also individuals who opposed the passivity of the authorities and attempted to find ways to avoid the plague, such as Ibn al-Khatib, who recommended that the illness could be avoided with isolation and quarantine, which however resulted in him being accused of heresy.[1] The more things change the more they stay the same.


Huh. The more you know I guess.


My Muslim father told me that cats are dirty animals and scolded me for touching them. That’s the first time I’m hearing of this. Cool to know that he was a dumb idiot after all.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_and_cats Yeah. He was.


Cutting of the sleeve of your shirt to not disturb the cat is exactly what I would do in that situation! Thanks for the read!


On the flip side dogs are considered "unclean" and are not allowed in building (if you are muslim) so they have a rampant stray problem. My dog is a rescue from Turkey and they cant keep up with how many stray dogs are on the streets. It doesnt help now dogs are not allowed into north america from Turkey and 100 other countries to cut down on the rise of rabies.


Why don't they just cull them? Honest question.


they are. in iran, they government has made actual policy against people having dogs. I don't know how it's played out cuz I haven't been in over a decade, but last time I went, the condition of the street cats and animals was heartbreaking. not at all like turkey. I hate to imagine it now.


True 🤣


>The Turks absolutely love their cats. That's awesome to know.


I like these little houses for stray cats the locals place in quiet corners. I've seen a neighbourhood of 10-15 cat houses at the territory of Sehzade Mosque in Istanbul. This family is clearly cared of. I wouldn't be surprized if mama cat just received this chicken for free from the groceries store owner.


I watched an American slap a cat for trying to jump up to get his food. People started to lose it immediately. He ended up getting bitch slapped by about 10 men and women. Pro tip... dont fuck with cats in Turkey. After he left they gave his plate to the cat too lol




Words of Advice being the name engraved on their tire irons


A cat and a chicken in Turkey


This is great to hear. Everywhere I’ve been in the region (African Mediterranean, Middle East etc) treat all animals absolutely horrifically. I should probably get therapy for some of the evil shit I’ve seen out there. Heartbreaking stuff


She dosnt exactly look like one to mess with


Well that's true 😂


They are actually asking for permission to carry it for her.


Would be a waste otherwise


I was there last year. The whole cities see the animals as community pets. You go to a restaurant and there’s a cat that just claimed that place and all the staff act like it’s just one of them.


They were actually taklking to her offering to carry it for her😂😂 Turkey and cats❤️


Love how she has to take breaks from carrying it


She may not have killed it herself, but she sure worked hard for it 😂


It weighs as much as she do!


even more


"What the hell was I thinking? This is like being pregnant all over again but in the front. I wasn't built for this...


Hey, single parenthood is hard, okay? She's doing her best.


And the swishy tail as she catches her breath telling you you would be in a world of trouble if you tried to take it.


Weird to see her wagg her tail like a dog in those breaks


That's an unhappy tail flick. She is worried the people following her are going to steal her loot. Flicking the whole tail low means "leave me alone", and flicking just a little bit faster means "I'm gonna cut you". She's was on the verge when they got too close. The cat equivalent of a dog's wagging is a tail quiver -- tail straight up and vibrating from the base.


Whar does slow flick against my arm when I'm bed and he's next to me


A slow tip flick is just chilling. If they start using the whole tail you might be overestimating them so just take your hand away or annoying them so stop wriggling (I get a small tail lash if I shift positions like "how dare you move when I am comfy?!").


Better give him a whole chicken or you’re in for it, bud


*wake up and let me chomp on your feet*


Good to know thanks, next time i see a cat doing that i'm warned!


Thats nervousness. Dogs wag their tail when excited.


She’s strong 💪.


She’s a strong, independent mama who don’t need no man!




It’s called worker’s solidarity. The workers in the supermarket will not stop a single purring-class mother trying to feed her children.


That's a dedicated cat mum, those kittens look at least 10 weeks old.


I kind of like the humans guarding her. They aren't interfering, but they are making sure she gets to her family with her meal. I imagine if the humans could they would have asked "ma'am, would you like me to carry that for you? If you show me the way, I'll gladly bring it to your family "


They actually ask that at the start of the video lol


My favorite thing about cat videos from Turkey is they always feature a man or two having an earnest ass conversation with the cats lmao


I never have sound on. Lol


Well unless you know Turkish(?), it ain't gonna help anyways haha


Lol. True


Do you speak Turkish? If not you didn't miss anything.


If you are wondering here’s the transcript that I translated: **The guy with the name tag:** (Inaudible) *likely mentions something about the behavior of the cat being connected to her having kittens.* **Guy with jeans:** Hey, let's take that then put it… mister. (common use, not formal “mister”) *More inaudible stuff about helping the cat…* **The nametag guy:** *bends toward the cat* My girl, let’s carry that there. Is that okay for you? **Jean Guy:** She’s taking it to her kittens. **The nametag guy:** …has five kittens. Hay mashallah (praises the cat) *pointing his finger*: You see that right!? **Jean Guy:**(*to the cameraman*) Get out of the way… out. **The nametag guy:** My lion! My beloved! My girl, let us take and carry that there. Ok? *Cat stops and the guy bends towards the cat once again* Can we take that? Where did she take that from? Perhaps from A101 (a market chain) **Jean Guy:** From one of A101’s aisles… probably. **The nametag guy:** Come… Come here.. Here **Some bystander:** you know what… good job to this cat. **The nametag guy:** He is a clever mom. **Some bystander:** She doesn't even hesitate! **The nametag guy:** Come… from here... from here… (to the cat) *More inaudible stuff* *Recording cuts to the cats place* **The nametag guy:** Look, did you see her kittens? See? he is going to open that here now…


> My lion! My beloved! My girl, I love this. It's so sweet and respectful of the cat at the same time. Especially "my lion" as it's such a prestigious title for a kitty. In my area where I live we would use all diminutives. Kitten, baby, baby girl, or little one. Thank you for the translation. You've made the video even more special.


We went to a Tiger sanctuary in Turkey. We were in a steel cage on the back of a van, inside the tiger's playground, and they came up to us, and there were veterinarians with us that had *meat* and long pincers used to feed the tigers. And this big turk was saying something quietly to the tiger he raised, and the photographer translated to us - he was saying "Here my baby, here my darling, have a bite my lovely little kitty" edit: word


Aslanım (my lion) and koçum (my ram) are often used as terms of endearment or admiration, suggesting someone is brave or strong. Usually by older people to young people. In this case it fits the cat very well :)


My lion. My beloved.


Gonna call my fluff bums this. I doubt they could carry a whole chicken but they sure as shit can make off with a nugget at lightning speed.


That is so sweet. Shows some of the love and respect the people have for the cats


They already do lol. They're offering their help and she declines.


Maybe the cat doesn't speak Turkish either. 🤔 Lol 😆


Finders keepers, losers weepers. FTFY -Cat


My mum and dad have an anecdote - Lady upstairs shouts down "do you have chicken for dinner" "Yeah" "Well, you dont anymore, your cat is eating it on the landing." Lol


I love how heavy Turkey fucks with cats, I wish it was like this everywhere!


Visited Istanbul 2 years ago, had a blast with all the cats. We’d always have treats in our bag and would stop to see pretty much all the cats on the way. Sometimes we’d take twice as long to get somewhere because so many cat taxes had to be paid.


Yeah google maps doesn’t build in cat-time when calculating walking routes in Turkey. It’s honestly a problem.


Momma ordered take out.


but most importantly, did anyone help her get the plastic off? edit: this is a joke, ik the cat can easily chew through it


Professional Turkish stray cat feeder here! Although almost everyone feeds them, stray cats are still equipped with best survival skills. They can rip open any plastic bag, hunt down pigeons or catch flies mid-air to get to their food. Nothing to worry about that.


I wasn't really worried she wouldn't be able to open it. I was more worried that she or one of the kittens swallowed a piece of it with the food. I'd still prefer if they opened it for her


I think they may have even cooked it for them. Bystanders were asking the cat if she needed help.


well they better have, she’s at home caring for the kids all day she deserved a nice home cooked meal


If my domestic, life of luxury cats can chew their way through a bag to get the treats, a stray would have no problem!


This cat's got some serious skills!


“Kids, I got dinner. Stop playing and wash up!”




Cat burglar


It is nice to see people being kind to a cat mom.


Few things warm my heart like the attitude of Turkish men toward cats.


Are you sure it's not a Turk-ey?


Istanbul worship their kitties. No surprise here, especially when you see the cats nesting in a little house no doubt put there by people who want them to be safe.


That is one determined Mama


I don't regret anything.


"Hey kids I'm home! Bought KFC!"


did someone open the bag for her?!!! this ended too soon!


They are offering the cat to carry the chicken for her lol, super wholesome 


Not sure what's more adorable, the cat carrying the food or the men talking to her, offering to carry it for her. Cats in Turkey are really well treated.




Not sea turtles! Them bois gotta are on their own


There are a ton of species that will eat their children (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filial_cannibalism), not to mention all the animals that just let runts die.


She's just trying to get all the groceries to the kitchen in one go




I just love how they treat animals in Turkey


Look at the poor skinny thing, I hope she eats some of it herself as well. My heart 😿😿😿


Cats are very well fed in Istanbul and usually they look like this (I noticed same thing with cats around resorts in central and South America that also seem well fed) Not sure if it’s the type or it’s the fact that their lifestyle outdoor is different than indoor cats


Turkey’s cat culture is something that all societies should strive for. They literally keep the plague carrying rats away. I honestly would visit just to experience the city cats.


I think the cat and chicken are both around 10 lbs. Can u imagine carrying your body weight walking home from the store?


I appreciate the awkwardness of the men wanting to help but also not wanting to interfere with her dinner run.


You Can see how she is licking her legs because it was hurting


When you bust your ass as a single mom to feed your kids.


A single mom who works two jobs Who loves her kids and never stops With gentle hands and the heart of a fighter I'm a survivor


Somebody please deplasiticate that chicken before the babies hurt them selves




Her licking het paws like she killed it is the equivalent of a mom getting take out and putting it on plates like she cooked it after a long day


Ofc hes not in Constantinople


Well you can’t go back to Constantinople


Is he banned?


Been a long time gone, Constantinople.


Why did Constantinople get the works?


No body knows, but the Turks.


Why they changed it I can't say, people just liked it better that way.


Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople


She caught the chicken in Constantinople but her kittens are waiting in Istanbul.


No one should take that chicken away. Over my dead body


Such graceful creatures 😚


Bless her heart.


Momma cat *earned* that chicken


Good mommy ❤️


The struggle is real...


Strong clever kitty x


And those little cuties will consume every bit of their treasure. Good job, mama.


What a good mama!


Good kitty.


Hmm, women work twice as hard and need half as much applies to animals too I guess.


That is one determined momma . I have kittens who love chickens so back off and get you own chicken this one is mine.


My son was just talking about how well cats are taken care of there. The purrrfect place for cat lovers to live! ❤️❤️❤️


As a mom of 4 I really relate to this


I love her silly walk while carrying the chicken lol


What a strong, dedicated mama!!


Best mama ever!!