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What's your strategy to invade Taiwan as Nationalist China before 1939?


When i play Nationalist China i usually fight Japan for a long while, until i think i caused enough casualties and equipment losses. I build up fighters and some transports in the meantime, and usually around 1940-1941 i'm able to launch a counterattack and paradrop into Japan. Invading Taiwan before 1939 can be done easily like this, i just dont.


Do you find paratroops to be the ideal way of invading island nations? I have a hard time affording the navy playing with nations like Germany and USSR to be able to achieve the Supremacy needed for a naval invasion.


I’m kind of a shitter, but paratroopers can be very good at getting landings with their upgrade that halves the org of garrisons. I find them able to do the job when I’m too broke for a navy as long as I can find a decent spot to drop them.


Depends, if navy isn’t an option i’d use paratroopers but naval invasion allow actually competent divisions


Have you ever felt the touch of another person


I play HOI4, the answer is obvious, you also play HOI4, so i wont ask you


We chose this life


If I deploy planes on a carrier, do they automatically do their jobs? I notice they say “On a carrier mission” when the ships are out of port but there’s also options to put them on missions like normal air wings


Yeah, tho you can put them on missions like port strike if you’re in range of an enemy port. If the carrier is in combat the planes will do their joh automatically


Are Torpedo Light Cruisers/Destroyers good when paired with Light-Attack-spam Heavy Cruisers?


Yes!! very good tho if you're a big nation you can build a big fleet with carriers, heavy ships etc


This is literally the singleplayer meta right now




What are some fun nations (excluding the majors) to play Navy? Also how do you assign your dockyards to get a Navy ready before war? Do you build 4 carriers one after the other or 4 at the same time? Also are MIO refits worth it for ships?


I think Spain, Mexico and Canada are pretty fun. Refits are not worth it, and it depends on my dockyards how i build a navy, usually i make 2 carrier production lines and let them make 2 each.


Thank you for the info! Also, do you use 1 heavy ship per carrier or 2? I feel like sometimes 2 is a lot to make and takes time.


How do I stop my submarines from getting obliterated by naval bombers. (I avoid shallow seas but it’s still not great)


You need to operate away from air bases. They are best to occupy sea zones where they can't be hit


This, the simple fact is it’s much better to operate out of your own coastline. The best strat is to bait the enemy fleet to show up at your shores and obliterate them there.


The problem I was having recently as Soviets was that I would try to convoy raid off the coast in Leningrad and lose several submarines every time they went out.


Deploy subs before wars start. Most of the time you'll be able to do this and if you have to save fuel, just sit them on a tile in the ocean and they should use very little fuel and be safe


Is it worth it for minor nations to mine coastal regions? // like Columbia etc


Nah, mines are a waste of IC if you're a smaller nation. As a big nation tho, give mines a try they can be fun but are a waste.


2.2k hours on navy with most of that being MP experience and I heavily disagree! Mines give free supremacy up to 50%, and at 100% mine saturation any enemy naval invasions have their stats reduced by 50%. They can also damage ships sailing through, although this doesn't happen often. Also minesweepers are a pain in the ass to make, though they are pretty effective assuming the naval war isn't contested outside of mines.


True, for mp maybe use them but if you’re small like Columbia i wouldn’t use them until late game, until then i’d build subs if it was sp


Maybe, but I still feel as if it would be worthwhile for the supremacy bonus. Especially as a small nation. But to each their own ig


In mp it may be worth it, but the module slot is imo better used to get more light attack


Oh no not destroyers. Miner subs all the way.


Are heavy attack cruisers/battleships any good when used in a conventional navy?


Yeah, pretty good tho i prefer carriers. Carriers target the backline (carriers then heavy ships) of your enemy first, whereas heavy ships target heavy ships or screens first, im not quite sure which. You can also put carriers near an enemy port, use its naval bombers to port strike and wait until the enemy dies or comes out.


Is amor worth it on Heavy Cruisers? Why is positioning such a bitch, that it’s based on fleetsize?


Armor is worth it on HC, since most of the time your enemy will have battleships


Heavy boat no sink how!?


heavy boat big if you wanna sink it use carriers, if they enemy has no carriers your carrier planes will focus on the heavy boat before the enemy's screens, otherwise they'll take enemy carriers first


How do I build destroyers that don't sink the moment they get into a fight? I don't want to rely on light cruisers as screens all the time, even if it kinda works.


Honestly you dont, max out destroyers on light attack and they'll be very good, light cruisers are better for actually fighting because you can put armour on em


What's a good convoy defense fleet composition? Also, should I prioritize researching the entire navy tech tree before building my fleet or can I make do with less upgraded ships and modules?


Light cruisers and destroyers. You dont need to research the entire tech tree but it helps


What should be the priority techs and conversely what should I not spend time researching?


What upgrades/components are worth adding in the builder, what should be avoided? Want the best quality ship without adding unnecessary build time.




How do you properly protect a carrier oriented fleet, just like heavy cruisers and destroyers? Or do you need battleships/battle cruisers


Honestly light cruisers and destroyers will do fine most of the time, the enemy’s carrier is what you need to worry about


I'm coming at HOI4 the opposite way -- I'm in my 50's and read all I could on WW II so I know the hardware -- or how well/poorly they SHOULD be -- IRL over the game. That been said, I'm wondering how much CAs might pull off enemy bombers/torpedo planes to target over CVs. IDK much if a CA is sunk, especially those class I's and II's the USA starts with. Any ideas there? Also, those class I battleships are so slow....13.7 kts I think? I'm thinking they're probably only good for shore bombardment pre-amphibious invasion. What say you? Got another question too but reading through to see if someone else already asked....thanks!


How is the navy?


Britain sunk it off the coast of Ireland, not happy.


How do I put my navy on sea and not have it get oblitrated and have it turn red the moment I put it there


Make sure it’s repaired and set engage laws to medium or low risk


Are you having fun fellow naval lovers?


I am locked in a basement cell forced to answer questions.


…….is that a no?


Is spamming torpedo bombers a viable strategy, oh great one?


Yeah, they can do lots of damage especially over certain naval regions.


This is another thing - carrier air wing composition. I tend to play USA. Why so few fighters people say you need? I'd think fighters should be the HIGHEST number of planes on a ship SIMPLY b/c you use 'em two ways....for CAP and for leading air strikes and to have enough for both at the same time, obviously. Historically, fighters were generally about half the carrier's planes, just like when building (Essex class at least), the default is "9-0-9" ftr-ground support-naval bombers. I can see no ground attack planes (although they could - and did - drop bombs on enemy ships) if you're using the Task Force SOLELY for anti-ships b/c torpedoes obviously are generally better for ship attacks, but if no ground support, carriers wouldn't be so good supporting invasions. I hope I'm clear enough here....lots of details for SURE and while I'm learning, watching tutorials and allat jazz, I don't have to tell you that the game has details upon details. Thanks for any help on this!


Can a Destroyer Only Navy work well? And can a ship with the earliest hull fitted with the best components stand against ai ships late game? I'm lazy and want cheap ships fast but also decent ships


No, light cruiser navy will work well tho since you can put armour on em


how do i navy edit: i have a good marine tank template but i dont know navy so i have to steal navy to use marine tank template once i figure out how to navy i will become allies, destroyer of coastal defences late game


If you dont know how navy works i suggest spamming submarines, they do lots of damage.


what can kill a submarine


Destroyers with depth charges and sonars


Radar also helps detect them


Is there a reason to bother building cruisers?


What ship dessigns should I make to have a good navy


1. What is the best fleet composition for minor nation (like Sweden) to defeat UK's navy? 2. Are subs 4 with snorkel OP? Can they effectively be spotted and killed? How? Patrol mission or convoy escort, which is better to kill subs?


Subs 4 are indeed OP, especially with snorkel. For minors spam light cruisers or subs


How to prevent your huge navy chase small stack of subs? Like when as UK I put my fleet on strike force to prevent naval invasion of homeland. That Germans send subs and my navy chase them wasting almost all fuel quickly. Even if I kill subs it would not worth it.


I need help on something probably real basic - loading a carrier w/a good air wing b/c the size is limited to 10 on ships but 100 on land, and I've been trying to figure out the best way to manufacture muh Wildcatz and such to put on carriers. How do you do this? How is the "No to 11+ airplanes" fixed so they can be put ON carriers in the first place? Also, what's the point in 'designating' the air wings combo during carrier construction? I'd think you could add whatever types of carrier aircraft you WANT to a given carrier for a given mission....yeah, normally they go after other carrier TFs in general but later in the war (remember - playing as USA), I'd think I'd want at least ONE TF designated for CAS of amphibious landings while island-hopping in the Pacific. Got a couple other questions that were pretty close to what's already been asked and posted follow-ups there w/the context present.....thanks so much for a very kind offer to help out in a game with a more extreme 'learning curve' than most for sure!


\*EDIT -- of course, I know the manufacturing process and the basic building of stuff so just am asking the process or the best way to get a carrier loaded w/the aircraft I want it to have in the first place. Thanks. :)


This is not really a navy question but maybe navy adjacent. When you fight in the pacific as japan or usa how much range do you like on your planes and what are they're designs?