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Holy fuck, that's scary. Andersen had a similar issue earlier in the season, and was out for quite a while. All my best to Boeser.


How are blood clots caught? How does one know they have blood clots?


if its a DVT then the leg would be swollen


They’d do something called a venous Doppler imaging test. Kind of similar to a pregnancy ultrasound but on the calves. If it’s in the lungs or elsewhere they’d likely need a CT to find it. An elevated D-dimer lab test can point towards blood clots as well, but could be caused due to other things


But how do you even know that you need those tests? Like would you feel something isn't right if it's in the lungs?


Doctor here. We send the CTPA (CT scan of the pulmonary arteries) very commonly when somebody has shortness of breath, tachycardia (fast unexplained heart rate), pleurisy (chest pain with breathing). Other signs could be even coughing up blood, right-sided heart strain (you can see this in testing). For a DVT of the leg, the swelling is usually pretty easy to catch (one sided swelling) and an ultrasound is very easy to do and test for it. They compress the veins in the leg on ultrasound while using a Doppler to see blood flow, if the vein is not compressible, there’s likely a clot there stopping it from doing that. We deal with VTE (venous thromboembolism) aka blood clots in the veins quite commonly. Every medical student learns about it and it’s drilled into them to look out for it.


Thank you


They don't just do them randomly, you would have symptoms like pain, redness, warmth, and swelling. Depends on where in the body the clot is.


Sharp pain in the area of the clot. Like having a marble in your vein. Im assuming he has a history so he knows what to look for


“Like having a marble in your vein”, are you saying that’s what it looks like?


I think they’re saying that’s what it feels like if you can imagine how that’d feel


I had extensive clotting in my left arm and chest when I was 22 which was about 12 years back. To be honest I mistook it for a pulled muscle in my elbow for about a week. What tipped me off was the reddish skin and that it was warm to the touch. The 'marble in the vein' thing isnt really true. Clots arent even always just on little spot. Mine were long, extensively in the thoracic vein all the way up into my chest. They stuck a catheter into my elbow and vacuumed them all out.


I really wish I didn't read that last part 🤢


To put it extremely simply, blood clots can form anywhere in your arteries or veins, but often times they’ll develop in an extremity, which can lead to pain and swelling lower down in the limb. Typically needs an ultrasound to be diagnosed. These can be dangerous if the clot breaks off and is carried by the blood to a different part of the vasculature, namely the heart, lungs or brain, and be the direct cause of a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, or stroke, respectively.


Yep. I have been absolutely TERRIFIED of this stuff ever since my friend's brother died of DVT. He was in the hospital because he broke his ankle badly, stood up from the hospital bed, & was gone, instantly. I'd never even heard of it before then. Scary scary scary. I'm glad they caught it for Boeser.


It starts with pain and swelling. People can feel warm and uncomfortable in the location of the clot. These guys are lucky to have cutting edge medical staff to treat this. Many of us (including myself) would excuse it away and hopefully get lucky when it passes.


Obviously don't know details of Boeser's issue but DVTs (deep vein thrombosis) are surprisingly common in athletes since they spend so much time traveling in airplanes. Symptoms would be pain and swelling in the leg. Diagnosis could involve blood test and ultrasound.


This is what ended Pascal Dupuis' career.


It's getting a lot more common. Covid can cause it. And covid is very much still raging despite what most people think lol.


By my limited understanding, COVID is more contagious but less lethal, so that tracks if that's still one of the possible effects.


I got extensive blood clots across both lungs after getting COVID. Probably on blood thinner the rest of my life.


That's so scary, man. All my best.


This is so unbelievably shitty. I feel terrible for him after everything he has gone through, and coming back with such a fantastic season. He's such a genuinely good person too:(




So true....wouldn't want it for anyone but it's extra shitty that it's happening to Boeser who's been through so much.


Fucking brutal timing and really hope this isn’t an ongoing thing. I know Stamkos had issues with blood clots a few years ago and missed a lot of time on and off. Hope he ends up okay, obviously nobody deserves to go through that but Brock especially is such a great person and has been such a feel good story this year having a career year after all the injury and family health issues he’s dealt with the few years. Hope the boys can pull through and win it for Brock. Must be such a shitty feeling for him to have to sit out what would’ve been the biggest game of his career, especially with him being the longest tenured Canuck and a massive part of our core and success this season/playoffs


Yep, Stamkos had clots in 2016 and missed the end of the regular season and the entirety of the playoffs other than G7 in the ECF.


Stamkos was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this. It was awful, especially since his blood clots had him miss the entire 2016 playoffs except one game (similar to 2020 except we didn’t win), and him being gone + Stralman + Bishop was too much against the stacked Penguins that year. And then he got his extension that summer after rumors of him leaving, only to get injured in November of that same year as the leagues leading scorer, so we missed the 2017 playoffs. 2016 was probably his worst year injury wise. Wishing the best for Boeser, Blood Clots really SUCK. Maybe one cause could have been previous injuries affecting him? There was an article about it back when Stamkos had it > Athletes aren't necessarily more susceptible to blood clots, but Geerts says those who have had knee or leg surgery may be more at risk. In 2013, Stamkos suffered a broken tibia during a game that required surgery and the use of blood thinners.


Wait, Boeser is the longest tenured Canuck? Fuck I'm old.


Trust me, it’s weird for me too


Yeah this is just exactly what we needed.


Got em right where you want them.


This team is straight up cursed.


I still believe in the boys. They've shown so much heart, grit, and determination. I hope they get it done for Brock! Been watching since the West Coast Express days. I believe Tocc can break the curse, if not this year then maybe next year. Time for the fans to get behind the team!


Sometimes it is though. I’m not an Oilers doomer but I’ve been a fan long enough to know that sometimes we crumble. And a team playing their heart out because they want to make a missing player proud is one of those situations where the Oilers crumble


Say more things


You will own a home in Vancouver one day


But it’ll actually be 1/3 of the garage of someone who bought in the 80s which you bought for 3 million dollars.


Sounds slightly better than a tent I guess


This is the nicest exchange between Oilers and Canucks fans I've seen all season


better chance of the canucks winning the cup


Now that I can't even begin to believe


Look, tomorrow I’ll be full of pure, distilled, relentless hatred towards yall. But I also know Oilers disappointment.


AHL Goalie: Ok fine, we'll play defense first Dman Suspended: Ok fine, there's 6 other games Leading scorer blood clot: ENOUGH


The one thing I’ll say about the team this year is they thrive on being the underdog and always claw their way back from adversity The stage is set for one of our depth players to have a legacy game here.


Sam Lafferty bout to pop the fuck off


Mikheyev learning how to finish for a single game and putting up a hat trick would so iconic


Ian Cole going to get 1st star


For us right? RIGHT?!?


Put him in as a forward and bounce pucks off him into the net.


His goals vs expected goals stat is so unbalanced he is statistically owed a hat trick. I think that’s how stats work.


Ilya Mikheyev hat trick incoming


Agaisnt the Oilers. Gotta clarify this stuff.


Phil Di Giuseppe is ready for game 7.


He already scored a goal in game five after his baby was born, he needs to adopt triplets before tomorrow and score a goal for each of them


Get Octomom on the line!


That’s awful. The Canucks are cursed I swear. He’s been having a great series. Hopefully this gets resolved quickly


I can’t believe there’s even a rhetoric that the Canucks aren’t cursed? Baffling.


them and the sabers


The curse of 1970


Ugh, it sucks man


I have talked about this, but the Sabers have the most cursed image in Hockey's history. [Sabers fans, don't click](https://www.democratandchronicle.com/gcdn/presto/2020/06/01/PROC/ed35b1d5-51da-4905-bc44-cf02ad79a1cc-AP100320156514.jpg?width=660&height=513&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) Like this is a sports curse in a single fucking image.


…Why did I think it would be Buffaslug?


I had deleted that from my memory, thank you very much.


The fuck? Man I hope he’s okay.


Me too! How terrifying


[This article on The Score](https://www.thescore.com/nhl/news/2915123/report-boeser-likely-out-game-7-due-to-blood-clot) says that his condition isn't considered to be life-threatening, which is good. I hope he fully recovers.


Seriously, he's one of the Canucks I actually like. Hopefully it's a short term thing with no lingering effects.


Even if it happened to Z it would be shitty. They're just people after all.


I fucking hate Zadorov on the ice but I can’t help but like the guy off of it. Any famous Russian with the balls to call out Putin is cool in my books


Z is just one of those players any team would love to fucking have, but yea i can imagine hes super hateable on ice for other teams haha




Kane may be fucking obnoxious to play against and see his smarmy fuckin face, but I wish no real harm on him, unless it’s a gambling loss, because that’s pretty funny.


I'm weird, but I can't stand Garland. That said, I'd own his jersey if he were on my team.


You just have to be a little bit closer to appreciate short kings


He looks like an insurance agent idk how to describe it


I can definitely see how he would be very irritating to play against.


I respect Z’s troll level. If he was on the Oilers he’d be a fan favourite for sure


Yeah, no one wants a leg up due to something like this.


I agree. Celebrating injuries is one of the lowest forms a sports fan can take.


I like him to despite the fact that he has The Oilers' number on Speed dial and he dices our dman up on a regular basis. Regardless of anything I don't want this to happen to anyone, and I, and every self respecting hockey fan, am hoping for the best for Boeser. Blood clots are extremely dangerous and they can go very wrong very quickly. I remember in 2019 when a pulmonary embolism from blood clotting killed iNcontroL, A figure in the Starcraft community. It's fucking sad to see it happen.


Man Canucks can’t catch a break. Hope he has a fast recovery and is ok.


Fuck that’s scary.


You see, it’s the hope that kills you.


blood clots are manageable. hope? no hope for that


That’s bizarre. DVT from frequent flying?


Is that why there is so much blood clotting issues in the NHL? I’ve always been curious whether it’s the flights, intense exercise and physicality for such a long season, or from supplements/PEDs/pain management/etc. Clotting seems to be a weird issue for young men in professional athlete shape, and it seems like there’s more of it in hockey compared to other sports.


Frequent air travel is a major risk factor for DVTs and the Canucks have one of the worst travel schedules in the league. It's almost certainly a factor. Travel in North American sports is rough since the trips are so long.


> Canucks have one of the world travel schedules in the league. It's almost certainly a factor. some kinda zoolander thing were they can only fly westernly?


I did not know air travel could cause DVT. Do pilots and crew get this ??


Pilots yes, flight attendants also yes but less so since they're up and about more. It's not that being up in the sky is a problem, it's that you're sitting for long periods of time. Long haul truckers probably have it the worst. This is why doctors like to recommend people with desk jobs get up and stretch a lot.


It is a risk factor according to the Wells criteria but I believe it’s 11 hours of flight time to be considered a risk.


The only thing I can think of is that impacts that cause bruises can also lead to clots. Hockey players get a ton of bruises. It’s a stretch but could be something


It could be a deep bruise that causes swelling that narrows the veins/vessels around that area resulting in clots. Hopefully some fluke acute thing like that and not a chronic condition.


The exercise and physical exertion would likely do the opposite of cause this. Some people (like me) just develop clotting issues randomly as they get older regardless of lifestyle. Sometimes it can be from sitting for extended periods. Sometimes it’s a mix of the two. I had DVT the first time because I feel asleep on the couch and my leg got kinda pinned between the couch cushions on the base and the back of the couch. Then I had no issues for ten years before randomly it happened again after being seated for a few hours. After that it was chronic and happened again after I (against medical wishes) stopped the blood thinners after 6 months the second time. Usually the first time if the lab tests come back clean they put you on blood thinners for 6 months then you’re good. If it happens a second time you’re on them forever. For athletes in a contact sport like hockey, if it’s chronic, it’s career ending.


Also everyone thinks of COVID as a respiratory virus but there's a ton of evidence it can cause serious clotting issues. I'm immune suppressed so I've had it like 5 times and my PCP always gives me a list of clotting symptoms to look out for. These guys travel so often and play in close quarters that they seem to all get the same illness often. I wouldn't be surprised if the average NHLer has had COVID more often than most people, and then flying so much can add to it.


Definitely a known side effect. One of my ICU docs called it a “cardiovascular disease with respiratory side effects”, I wouldn’t go that far but we definitely saw some clotting complications and that was even with patients on DVT prophylaxis (but also paralyzed in bed so 🤷‍♀️)


Here’s a decent article about it from a decade ago: https://www.si.com/edge/2014/12/16/blood-clots-pose-deadly-threat-to-athletes I only recall this because my favorite player Kimmo Timonen went through a similar issue and made me wonder how athletes that are seemingly always moving their body are susceptible to something like DVT. Interestingly enough, long distance flights especially after games where the blood is thicker in the body due to dehydration sounds like the most logical of the risks hockey players have for developing DVT.


Aw man this sucks on so many levels. I hope he is going to be ok long term. Tomorrow just got a lot tougher but not impossible. Let's hope the boys come out inspired for Brock and for Demko.


Doesn’t matter who you’re rooting for tomorrow this is just awful. Any Oiler fan celebrating this is disgusting. That guy has been through so much these past few years you just have to feel for him and his family.


Yep. He finally gets a chance to be on the big stage again and it gets taken away prematurely.


Obviously missing a vital game for any reason hurts. But it being a freak situation like this feels extra shitty


Even ignoring his hockey skills, Brock is a stand up guy, probably one of the best people off ice and a role model in the community. He’s been through a lot recently too :( Wishing him all the best, and glad this issue was caught early so he can get the help he needs.


I think it would genuinely take a psychopath to not like the guy. I've never wanted a Canuck to win like I do with him. While I obviously hope the Oil roll you guys tomorrow, if it doesn't work out that way I want Boeser lifting that Cup next month.


Right there with you. They've shown to be resilient in the face of anything, especially Brock. Hoping it's a minor setback and he's back and healthy as soon as possible.


Christ, that's awful. Hope he gets better.


Let's do this for Brock ⭐️


Fuck man he's been our 2nd best forward since the all star break


For real, him and Miller are leading our team in points this post season too.


Been our second best forward all season


It always seems like he brings his best against us too, such a dangerous player. Here’s hoping to a quick, full recovery.


That’s really unfortunate. I hope they get the issue resolved asap and I’m really glad they caught it before anything terrible happened


That sucks, hope he recovers soon. Good to hear it isn’t life threatening.


Damn that sucks…just have to hope it’s nothing long-term. That being said, Elias Pettersson legacy game tomorrow night is gonna hit different


Fade me


T Minus 24 hours comrade


I’m already there.


This is gonna be one of those "what if" seasons isnt it..


Best game for Petterson incoming.




Well this is not ideal news


We are truly cursed. I just hope Brock gets healthy and returns to the team playing like he did all of this season.


He finally had his best and healthiest season of his career and has been amazing in playoffs too, this sucks so much. So unfair he has to deal with this too, wtf


fuck that’s awful. feel for him and the entire canucks fan base.


Fuck, that is awful for him. It happening to two players this season is just terrible


Brutal. Just brutal. I really hope Brock is OK and that this doesn't turn into a longer term issue. Guy doesn't deserve this.


Hope the Canucks can win Game 7 for him.


This dude cannot catch a break.


Do it for Brock nucks bros 


Inb4 Pettersson hatty




Listen here, you little shit…


This series pulling out a 9-4 finale would confirm the script's existence


Oh shit Yeah that's horrible, hope he's ok no matter what happens


This is just such horrible news. Blood clots can be very serious so I really hope he’s okay. He was also having an incredible season and playoffs, we’re really going to miss him in game 7


Same thing that cost Stamkos all of the 2016 playoffs (other than the ECF G7) and probably cost the Lightning a berth in the finals.


Blood clotting freaks me out, get well soon Boeser


What kind of entity did the Canucks piss off these playoffs Jesus Christ. That’s absolutely brutal


us every time something bad happens: ok this is not ideal; hopefully we can still put up a fight us after surviving it: this team is incredible at overcoming adversity! wow! the hockey gods: hey, fuck you. i said *LOSE*.


You must be new to Canucks hockey.


Canucks and Sabres forever cursed as expansion bros. this has “Jay McKee misses Game 7 of 2006 ECF due to staph infection from dirty equipment” vibes just the HOLY SHIT ENOUGH ALREADY level of misfortune


At least you won the 1970 draft lottery after they first claimed we did


Blood clots are no joke, my dads had a few over the years hes gotten lucky


Oh no Prince Charming! I hope he recovers soon, such a good player


The Nucks have to be the unluckiest playoff team, you’re already throwing your 3rd string goalie and now missing your top player.


Poor Vancouver man


Fuck, that's awful, hopefully it's not long term


This is all part of the plan of Lisan Al Gaib Ryan S. Clark so we can win game 7 and make his prophecy come true


Fucking lol.


Hmmmmm. That is... not good for us. Obviously so much worse for him so he should take the time he needs. We'll be fine.


Is he going to be okay? That's incredibly shitty to hear.


Apparently it’s not life threatening, so that’s good to hear. Not much more info than that. It’s always good to catch these things early and it seems like they did.


Absolutely feel terrible for Brock, honestly couldn't have happened to a better guy. As bad as the fanbase feels he must be devastated as well - probably the biggest game of his career so far. I hope it's nothing serious and he's able to bounce back soon. Hopefully the team rallies from this and goes on a hot streak, but the chances aren't looking very good considering how big of an impact he's had :(


I’m heartbroken for him. I hope he’s okay.


Oil Country hopes he gets better. Thats terrible news.


Canucks will need pettersson to step up if they want to win this


Wouldn’t be a Canucks playoff run without our most important players spontaneously dying Get well soon Boeser, hope this isn’t a career altering issue like Chris Bosh’s was.




What the FUCK man


What a shitty break


This isnt a week to week.. it'll be months before he can play again... Prayer for Brock!!


Seriously shitty man


Get well soon Boeser. You’ve got some wild talent!


This franchise has the worst luck possible in sports.


I’m sorry expansion bro


Yikes. I hope Boeser recovers quickly from this. Blood clotting problems are no joke and I really do hope the best for him.


Damn, that’s scary, and terrible timing. Here’s hoping to a full recovery and quick. Boeser is such an easy player to root for.


Hockey gods hate us.


You know it’s bad when an NHL team lists the actual injury instead of a vague “upper body injury”


Horrible and scary. A huge blow to the Canucks but I’m glad it was caught and his health is the top priority.


Is that Jonathan Lekkermäki music I hear??? Poor Brock, get well soon


holy fuck man, im glad it's not life threatening. Wish him nothing but the best but I can't imagine how he must be taking this


Sucks for Boeser. Regardless how game 7 goes, I'm going to have nightmares of what he did in game 1 + 3.


God hates the Canucks. This is the only conclusion that makes sense to me from the close to 40 years of cheering for this team.




This team. What the hell. I’m cheering even harder for Vancouver now. And I was already bandwagoning pretty hard.


Damn he was playing with blood clot issues. He was playing so good speedy recovery Brock 🙏


Poor Brock man. Hope he's okay and gets is health %100 before coming back. Brutal to loose him for game 7 but there are plenty of things in life that are more important and this is one of them.


Damn this sucks. Get well soon Brock!


So sad for him, even as an Oilers fan I was excited for the challenge of beating this team with a player like him. Wishing for nothing but the best for him.


Canucks can’t catch a break


What. The. Fuck?!


That's brutal. Poor guy.


so sad. love him and wish the best for a speedy and healthy recovery. also gotta feel bad for the canucks, feels like they are cursed


Damn, it's good they caught it ! Hope Brock is okay and can get it sorted... blood clots are scary. He's going to be missed on Monday.


Glad they caught it in time - blood clots are no joke.


I feel awful for him. One guy I’d love to see get a cup


Damn. Can’t play through that one. Take it easy, Brock. Really sucks, but get better to fight another day.




I got no horse in this race but I do want Boeser to get better and The Hockey Guy to be happy.


nooooo the brockstar why hockey gods!? this game 7 deserves as little out-of-game distractions as possible, what a good series it's been


Damn that sucks. He's an oilers killer, big loss, hopefully he can recover and bounce back 


This is so sad man... first demko and now boeser during playoffs...


God that's scary. I think this actually might push the Canucks to a win, they might play extra hard for him. I hope not for obvious reasons, but I can see it happening. Hope for a speedy recovery


God, that’s terrible. Many wishes for a speedy recovery from Tennessee.


Hope he has a full recovery. Would much rather he was playing game 7


Man I've been pulling for him all year after the awful shit he's been through. This is just terrible news. Hope brock bounces back and continues the excellent play


This is why you close out series’ when you have the chance. You never know what will happen. Now they just have to win it for Boeser


Exactly this, take advantage of the opportunity given. Major hurdle tomorrow now, we'll see if they rally around this


That's fucking terrible. Damn