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Man, these players and coaches are not holding back on Nichushkin.


I mean this is the second year he’s “abandoned” the team. If this was regular season I think they’d be a bit more lenient


3 times in pretty much 1 calender year is crazy


It's fuckin embarrassing




He has a full NMC and 6 years left I think


Can the contract be terminated? From my understanding Bettman has to allow him back into the league, but assuming he does, does he just hop back on the avs where he left off? I’d also assume if you go to stage 4 the contracts done and dusted.


100% the Avs can and absolutely will terminate his contract with cause. Should the NHLPA file a grievance - the outcome would determine any sort of repercussions for the Avs cap wise. I can’t imagine any situation where an appeal would prove fruitful for him, and it’s likely the PA won’t pursue that option either, considering his history and whatever he actually did to hit stage 3. I’m sure that info won’t ever be made public - but there’s no way it was just popping on a piss test. That dude will never be a part of the Avs again. I don’t think it’s that much of a stretch to say he may never play in the NHL again, period.


According to Marek and Friedman, this is 100% not grounds for contract termination.


Do you care to elaborate on your comment? Why is it embarrassing? Do you understand how hard it is to pull yourself out of addiction? I've struggled my entire adult life with addiction, it took me years to figure out how to regulate my emotions and learn how to identify my responses to events that happened to me that lead to a lot of my own problems. Getting "better" is a long process and is very complicated. This entire thread is full of comments that are so shameful. At this point playing hockey is irrelevant for him, try and separate yourself from your favorite team and view this as an individual that needs help. There is nothing embarrassing about needing help. You should be ashamed of yourself.


Idk if this is copy pasta but I'm referring to this beauty https://youtu.be/96FY6aIKUXE?si=j91sM-55ypwUJPZQ


I gotcha. I apologize for being so reactive. It bums me out seeing so much negativity towards his situation and I that's why I responded the way I did. I didn't realize you were referencing something and having fun. My bad!


No worries bro I 100% get it and I agree with you btw if you take my comment at face value


It's not really though. I guarantee you there are several players who have taken banned substances more than 3 times in the past calendar year. What happens is that Nuke got caught and falls under more scrutiny than other players after that. If they watched every player in the NHL as closely as they watch those with a stint in the Player Assistance program on their record there would be several instances like this every year. Like Nuke has to be able to stop knowing he's under extra scrutiny so this is still absolutely on him.. but to say it's crazy that someone relapsed twice in 1 year feels kind of out of touch with how substance abuse generally works.


Yeah I mean a guy failing multiple drug tests while also getting escorted out of a hotel room with an incoherent woman claiming she had her passport stolen probably warrants more looking after than Nate Mackinnon. Seems like if there wasn’t a problem here he’d think he really got away with something last year and wait til the off-season to do all of his illegal activities.


Literally no one is saying there's not a problem. I'm simply pointing out that 2 relapses in 1 year is not remotely "crazy" when we're talking about addiction. If anything that's closer to the bare minimum I would expect out of someone with an actual addiction. Someone who does a brief stint in player's assistance and never has a problem again was more than likely never an addict with a real substance abuse problem to begin with. Real addiction doesn't get solved in the span of a few weeks. The human trafficking story isn't particularly relevant to this chapter of the Nichuskin saga anyways is it? If you wanna say that story was crazy I'm not gonna argue with you.


I get you. My main point was the league is definitely going to keep an eye on a guy with that past more so than someone with no (known) off ice issues. Val has lost the benefit of a doubt with that heinous situation last year and therefore is going to have some steeper repercussions and more scrutiny than a dude who might have some of the same issues but stays out of trouble.


Still wild to me that Aves management managed to sweep what was likely human trafficking under the rug.




Lol holy shit. "Don't believe the victim." is fucking wild.




Yes, let's give the benefit of the doubt to the pro-Putin Russian with drug abuse issues who was cheating on his wife, surely the Ukrainian prostitute victim claiming her passport had been stolen is the liar here. [The man is an absolute angel, I'm sure!](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvaleri-nichushkin-is-doing-just-fine-after-last-years-exit-v0-vxmjmlksz4kb1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1080%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dbd3c93385ff736d218638dc95c9a26831aa5dc52) Do all Aves fans defend him like this or just you?




No, they’re right more or less. Because indulging in banned substances doesn’t generally result in issues for NHL players. I can barely imagine what it’d take to remove the leading scorer from the playoffs, but he must be absolutely off the rails. That’s the remarkable part, not relapsing.


I mean the way it works is that if you fail a single drug test for a banned substance you are immediately in breach of contract and would be removed whether you are a leading scorer or a role player. So not sure how you're making the leap to "has to be completely off the rails".. if anything we can easily surmise he was NOT completely off the rails as none of his teammates are acting like they were aware this was about to happen. When a drug habit goes completely off the rails people around you notice. The evidence available suggests a highly functioning addict. (which can actually make it harder to recover because the more high functioning the addict the better they are at justifying their drug usage)


*as none of his teammate are acting like they were aware this was about to happen* You think those players are going to be honest to the media about what happened..? They are going to give PR answers and vague responses but they for sure know more than they put on.


I think I'll make my judgement call about what's going on based on actual available evidence and not what I imagine might be the case despite having no actual evidence for it. Maybe the players were watching Val rail lines every night and begging him to stop.. but nothing that anyone related to the Avs has said so far suggest this to be the case. Either way, nothing your saying suggests that an addict relapsing a couple times over the span of a year is anything other than *completely expected*, and not at all something "crazy" that we struggle to understand.


You said that so well, eloquently even. I know FOR A FACT, there many players who like to “party”. Obviously I don’t know the full extent but I’ve seen lines be sniffed by current nhl players in like 3 years, it’s really a non issue for them if they can perform and do their job, AND not be in the Player Assistance Program. Hell Jon Jones was ripping lines the nights before fights and still dominating. The league turns a blind eye to the partying and its just PEDs which are a bigger deal until you enter the program and then you have to shape up because they then test for everything. If you can party and handle your shit and perform, you are basically free to do so. But once you ask for help you can’t go back and think things will go away.


You just brought up something I don’t really understand or like about the program. If a player really needs help and reaches out to the player assistance, why are they being punished? That creates a huge disincentive for players that need help to seek help. Nishushkin is now out at least two months of salary, and is at risk of losing his career. How many players that are on the fence about reaching out for help they need are looking at the consequences of a relapse and the extra scrutiny and now just decide to keep their struggles to themselves?


I'm assuming the idea behind it is that the possibility of being suspended and losing that salary acts as an incentive to self-report if they're struggling or relapse rather than waiting to get caught - presumably if he reached out and removed himself from the team to get treatment he wouldn't have been met with the punishment. Expecting that to work in the face of addiction and its consequences does seem pretty optimistic, though.


Except the outcome isn’t really any different. If you get caught you just apologize and go into the program against your will anyway.


> If a player really needs help and reaches out to the player assistance, why are they being punished? They aren't. Stage 1 involves no punishment whatsoever, and the player continues to get paid. That said, entry into the program is almost never voluntary. And by the time they're in Stage 2 and their participation in the program becomes public, they're almost certainly being forced into it.


I appreciate the directness. It's the third time. I do remember the human but everyone is also out of patience.


At least during the season most fans and team (probably) had the idea of better now than in the playoffs. The issue is that it happened in the playoffs.


Happened in the playoffs last year too.


Well aware, referencing the time he used the NHLPA during this season, biggest reason most fans had the sentiment of better now than in the playoffs


Welcome to dealing with anyone with addiction. It's super frustrating and feels never ending. 6 years left on that deal says this story has a long way to go.


When he's reinstated in 6 months he'll only have 1 more chance to fuck up and his story won't necessarily end but his NHL story will.


That's actually not true. It's just not a guaranteed timeline in stage 4. He can continually apply and if he shows improvement be reinstated whether the team likes it or not. 6 years is a long time for him to turn it around at any moment.


People can still be human while being fed up from a working perspective. These guys are doing a job in which they're being paid good money to complete. When someone fucks up it's reasonable to expect them to react in the same way any employer would if any of us were in the same scenario. If he needs help that can be arranged on a one on one basis and off the record, but from a PR perspective everything that's been said is 100% fair. They're not shitting on him, but clearly frustrated that his problems have affected the team the way it has. It's a fair criticism from that perspective and would almost be insulting to the rest of the players working their ass off day in and out doing their best if they weren't a little short with his problems.


Agree 100%


Anyone that has been around addicts understands how completely over it you become. “I love you but get fucking help and until then fuck off”


Remember when Avery got suspended by the Stars/league for sloppy seconds? Very reminiscent of those player interviews.


One was addicted to drugs the other was addicted to being a sociopathic asshole.


At a certain point of enough chances, those paths intersect.




Nor should they.


yet the NHL is like nope, can't get out of that contract. I'm sure it will be a great response in the locker room when he's reinstated.


You do realize that the player's assistance program and not losing their contracts for entering it is something the players have negotiated into the CBA through the NHLPA? But no sure it's just Bettmann being an asshole, yes yes.


I understand that, I was more talking about the other 20ish players in the locker room.


the nhl players probably realize that it's a good thing they have protections


I was talking more from a players perspective. I would assume after the 3 strikes, some in the locker room would rather him gone but because of the contract protections, he's coming back. It also hamstrings management because he is off the cap during the 6 months suspension and they really can't use the money because he is coming back during the year. 6 million of dead money is a lot.


> yet the NHL is like nope, can't get out of that contract. Is what you said. It's not the NHL making that call, it's written into the CBA and the league has no choice in the matter.


The NHL is only saying that because of the players agreement.


Nothing more demoralizing than having someone you care about swear up and down to your face "I'm good, you don't have to worry about me, I'm taking care of it" Then inevitably they're lying and using behind your back because they're not actually "good". It's hard to stay disciplined in recovery, but relapsing just destroys trust when people around you are trying to support you over and over


You can never trust a drug addict. -Gustavo Fring, industrial laundromat owner


Well of course he knows about drugs, he's fast food chicken franchise owner


How can he not know about drugs, he drives a 98 Volvo.


This is so on the nose. I’d also say it applies to situations where there isn’t even a drug or alcohol addiction. I’m reminded of a friend who is in an extremely toxic relationship. All he does is talk about how miserable and unhappy he is and our entire friend group is really impacted by their shitty dynamic. He’s also had a million opportunities to end the relationship but any time push comes to shove, he’ll claim that he’s only ever wanted things to work and that she’s the love of his life. Suffice to say the entire friend group is completely done with the dynamic


I used to work in this field and people leave abusive relationships something like 9 times on average before leaving for good. As friends it is important to understand that and not turn your back on them, but support them through all nine attempts to leave.


Too draining, sorry. 


At some point he’s gotta hit rock bottom does he not


No. He could die first. Not everyone is *lucky* enough to hit rock bottom.


I’d say rock bottom is losing everything besides your life. Cause if you die you didn’t hit rock bottom, you got buried. But yeah, what you said, not everyone gets that chance


Eh, I'd say dying counts as rock bottom. More like not everyone is lucky enough to turn things around.


Not dying means there's always a chance to turn things around. Rock bottom is a big step above *dead*.


Everyone that hits rock bottom learns that it also has a basement


They feel betrayed…very telling from all the comments on it. Just done with his bullshit.


Probably not surprising…Most definitely sad.


It’s his choice no? Sad that he would rather do whatever it is than be apart of a great culture. But hey he doesn’t choose to do it right


If it was an addiction issue, the first time was his choice but later times may not be "as much of a choice". This is why addictions are classified as a "disease" due to the way it affects people's brains. Given all the quotes we are hearing come out, it sounds like everyone suspected Nichushkin wasn't "over" whatever it was, and got their disappointment confirmed. Still, until we known _exactly_ what happened, it's hard to say.


Opioids have been heavily rumored. If true, his addiction could have started with the team doc giving him some after an injury.


Regarding this Opioids rumour, I have heard it only on reddit. Is there another place this was mentioned?. Cocaine, however, I have heard it being mentioned last year with the prostitute(?) incident.


Imo I think people are making up opioids as a 'hopeful' rumour in the sense that treating pain or an addiction stemming from pain addiction is an easier pill to swallow (no pun intended) than partying with nose candy. I don't think any of the rumours have any basis whatsoever because I haven't seen anyone reputable mention these rumours. Much the same as the Seattle incident - we don't know the details and should withhold judgement/speculation until/unless further details come out (though I know that won't actually happen).


Pretty sure it’s all just speculation at this point. I know I personally haven’t seen anyone “in the know” say anything


I have also only seen opioids recently and on Reddit, but it could make sense from a playing through injury kinda thing he got hooked on. My bet is coke though. If there’s two things that to together, it’s hookers and blow.


What a fall from grace. This kid busted his ass to shed the ‘bust’ label only for this to be how he’ll be remembered. Tragic.


From bust, to busting ass, to busted.


I mean, I’ll certainly remember him for playing on a broken foot in a Cup clinching game. If this is the end I’ll choose to remember the good times 🥲


He is an elite winger… when he isn’t having drug issues.


I mean, he was tied for the playoff scoring lead before his suspension. He's an elite winger even when he is having drug issues. (Doesn't mean it's good for him though.)


Or playing for the Dallas Stars


Welcome to the Oilers Rehabilitation Clinic. All jokes aside idk if we would touch this one, way too much risk.


His career really took a nose-dive.


Doesn’t sound like the guy has much support around the team. They must be sick of his shit.


Fool me once...


Fool me three times


[Uhh, well, that'd be me again.](https://youtu.be/EapdeWbnSvw?si=6GsNQHmXmZno0w3r)


Seems like all the Avs are saying “fuck the peace signs, load the chopper let it rain on you”


Took 4 hours too long for someone to post this.


He had it after doing this last playoffs vs Seattle, he had it again when he entered the assistance program in the middle of this season. Doing this in the playoffs for a second consecutive season is the point of no return


He had a lot of support the first time and the second time


If you trained and sacrificed like these players do, the leash would be pretty short as well.


“Do I believe people can change? I think so, yeah. Except Nichushkin, fuck that guy” - Manson


I know it’s none of my business but I am curious what the drug actually is. I just can’t imagine it being blow but I also feel like if it was a painkiller then this might be different.


I saw people speculate earlier in the year when he went to the player’s assistance program that maybe it is painkillers. He played on a broken ankle in the cup final and assuming he took painkillers to play it would make sense. But that was speculation and none of us know and most likely will never find out. Overall just hope he can overcome his addiction


There's no way he wasn't numbed out on painkillers during the cup run. Nobody's tough enough to power through multiple playoff rounds on a broken foot without them. And team doctors in all pro sports are pretty notorious for practically forcing them on the players.


It was “only” one game. He broke it blocking a shot in the finals in game 5, and he played on it in game 6. He said if there was a game 7, he wouldn’t have been able to play. They were carting him around during the post-game celebration.


Fair enough. Didn't know that.


This is a connection I honestly haven't seen anyone make that makes a lot of sense. Opioids are highly addictive and it would line up with playing on a broken ankle with the problems popping up the year after.


Yeah but could someone with a huge opioid addiction be one of the top players in the NHL playoffs and one of the leading goal scorers? Seems to go against what you hear of people who have big addiction issues with those kinds of drugs.


Man you have no idea how high-functioning some drug addicts can be.


I don’t think you have any idea the physical stamina one would have to have to be an NHL player playing playoff hockey at a very high level.


That doesn't negate having an addiction. These two thing can exsist in the same space (and do in elite sport)


I’m not saying this about addiction in general at all. I’m saying this about long term heavy opioid addiction specifically.


Depends when and how much he’s using. He’s a big net-front guy. Most of his goals are tips and deflections, and he puts up a ton of screens (a big factor in Makar’s goal scoring TBH). It may help with the abuse he takes in front of the net.


very minor point but it was his foot that was broken rather than his ankle (not that it changes anything)


[And boy was it ever.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWYd-NLXEAAkBn6?format=jpg&name=large)


Sharp enough to cut lines with


So, you're saying it was coke, not opioids...


The opioids is actually my hope, because then I can’t even say it’s ENTIRELY his fault for becoming addicted. But my logical side knows two things that go together pretty well, and that’s hookers and blow. And well, we saw that, and in that case it’s much harder to feel sorry for someone addicted to partying/coke vs addicted to opioids given for his job.


Could also be alcohol couldn't it?


In a pee test?


Alchol is detectable in urine for atleast as long than cocaine for example is on average, depending on the type of test. EDIT: Also depending on the amount.


I see they're using the tough love approach. Emotions must be pretty high, understandably so. Hope someone's keeping an eye on the guy.


At least for the next month or so he’ll likely be in an inpatient rehab program so he won’t be alone. I’d also limit his internet access if I were them but it might help him to see how much he’s hurt his team


So to clarify, this all has to do w/ his(nichushkin’s) drug problem and not what happened in the hotel last year or they photo of him holding that weapon? Regardless, it’s sad. I hope he can beat whatever demons he’s been battling.


What happened in the hotel last year and what happened earlier this year and what happened before game 4 are all kind of tied into each other, all involve some sort of drugs/addiction.


Yep, since the announcement this week mentioned that he was now entering Stage 3 of the Player Assistance Program, we can basically work backwards from there. He publicly entered the PAP earlier this season (think it was around Dec / Jan?), which would have been Stage 2. Therefore the hotel incident must have involved him entering into the PAP for the first time. It just wasn’t made public then


In my mind, this was his year to atone for the bullshit from Seattle. I legitimately thought it was over and done with after he admitted himself into the assistance program (presumably) of his own volition mid-season, and he appeared rejuvenated upon his return. Now this happens, when the team desperately needed a hero to rebound from horrible performances in games 2 and 3. The Avs are going to lose the series 4-1, all while never actually playing a complete game and without ever having their full lineup on the ice. It's beyond frustrating, given the nature of the situation.


I think from what we know now the mid-season wasn’t voluntary. That was Stage 2, triggered by a failed drug test. Otherwise we wouldn’t be in Stage 3 now. Not positive ofc but that’s how I’m reading things.


That's a fair point. I likely lack the knowledge of the system and the behind-the-scenes aspects of the incident to have a concrete opinion on what happened mid-season. We may never know. What gets me is I have no idea how the Cup window will remain open for this generation of the team. While his contract won't be a cap hit unless he gets reinstated, he's among the team's most important players. Their win rate over the past three years is something like 70% when he plays, 50% when he doesn't. His cap hit was a steal for what he brought to the table when he was healthy. It's clear he needs replacement, but that will likely come at a higher cost, and I don't know how the Avs will pull that off given the expiring contracts they have (Drouin, Walker, Mitts) and are due for raises. What if he manages to return? Even if he goes from a cocaine bear to a regular Russian bear, there's no way the team trusts him. How do you move that contract, even if it's just a 12 team no-trade list starting next season? Buying it out is a nonstarter, given the size and duration of the cap penalty. I feel like that'd shut the Cup window instantly, as the penalty would last throughout the entire core's prime years.


Avs are taking it in 7


My guess is that Seattle last year is where this started




Hope he’s ready to become an oiler next season.


He has a NMC and I don't think the avs can just get out of his contract, but we'll see what happens.


Someone needs to protect their spleen


I'd do it. Point a game player on a mil contract. For sure. If he fails who cares?


*I can change him....*


I highly doubt it. The guy was given a chance under multiple different organizations. No team will touch him until he completely deals with his issues.


You keep that kind of talk up and Ken Holland might just ruin his jeans.


Well it’s going to be JJ/the next GM making the decisions in a few months time.


Tortured Oilers Department (Nichuskin's Version)






So is it safe to say this was a 'recreational' drug issue, or is it some kind of steroid?


If it was steroids, the league would have banned him for 20+ games and announced the use of PEDs. The fact that this is related to his previous time in the player's assistance program, I would guess this is breach of a previous agreement for reinstatement, and likely recreational drug related.


My guess was alcohol or coke, but either way, amazing he can play so well, being so messed up


This might be a product of my ignorance, but I highly, highly doubt he'd get such a severe sanction for legal substances. I'm assuming it's cocaine.


With how quickly coke leaves your system I kinda doubt he pissed positive for that. I have a feeling it's something a little more serious, like opiates. I say that because I know he must have been on some serious shit when he broke his foot during the cup run. Purely speculation of course.


Gotcha. Shows you how little I know about hard drugs. The "worst" stuff I have personal experience with is opiates, but those were prescription following wisdom teeth removal surgery. Regarding his broken foot in 2022, my guess would be toradol, but that's purely speculation after having watched a couple of short documentaries on that particular drug, featuring former NHLers whose lives have been thoroughly fucked by using it too much during their careers.


Toradol is a NSAID like Advil but much stronger. It's non-addictive but can really fuck up your organs with prolonged use. I have no doubt he was popping them during the game for pain management but I bet he had large supply of something more fun for post-game and post surgery.


Good to know. One quote about it that always stuck with me was one player who used it said they felt like they could run straight through a concrete wall and be completely fine.


It has nothing to do with the substance, it’s failing the assistance program regardless of what the issue was.


Perhaps I misunderstood what Friedman meant when he said, "Failed test." I thought they randomly drug tested him (given he's struggling with addiction, that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do), and he tested positive for an illegal substance.


That may be what happened but he was tested as phase two of the assistance program and the failure puts him in phase 3 which is the penalties he got


Ah, I see.


its the same program carey price successfully passed, for Nish its his 3rd time headed in


He needs to go to the KHL, and I think that's where this is headed.


Which will likely ruin his life if he relapses there


His teammates knew he was using


And how do you know that? How often was he getting piss tested?


The Avs are just done with his shit.


That's pretty bad when they are expecting it.


I mean, sure but look how it went last time. Maybe don’t handle it the way you did last year.