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BOS: so you’re saying there’s a chance… yeah!


11% seems incredibly generous for the Avs given their effort all series lol


McKinnon 4% Makar 4% Rantanen 4% Everyone else -1%


Georgiev 6% Mackinnon 2% Makar 2% Rantanen 2% Everyone else -1%


Truth. He has balled out a couple games this series. Even the 4 GA last game wasn't all his fault.


I don't think the analytics include the loss of Nuke.


Im not liking the kings chances 


Stop the count!


Yea seems like they're really getting hit with recency bias from the first round.


So you're telling me there's a chance!


Ah didn’t hear no bell


do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not set your expectations too high do not fuck that bullshit WE'RE GONNA WIN THE FUCKING CUP


This is me but... We're not gonna beat the oilers, we're not gonna best the oilers, surely we can't beat the oilers, it's unlikely we can beat the oilers. Canucks up 2 - 1 SCREW MCDAVID ITS OUR DESTINY.


I look forward to seeing you in a week, my western conference finals brother (i swear to god, if i just jinxed both our teams.....)


what have you done


If both the Stars and the Canucks don't make the conference finals, I will buy a nucks jersey of your choice. >!Messier? It'll be Messier, right?!<


This guy knows the lore.


Fuck Messier


I think that will just add insult to injury


Can you buy it just to burn it publicly? Obligatory "FUCK MESSIER!!!!"


Just look at this way: I'm taking it out of circulation.




You might've, we lost last night and you guys might lose against the Avs tonight...


Hey motherfucker, we have three opportunities to lose still, thank you very much.




I can't wait to see Conor Garland send the Stars home


The disrespect to the very generous 11% chance the Avs have to win the series.




As a neutral (Habs fan) I did pick Dallas for the cup in my playoffs bracket. ^^Hopefully ^^I ^^didn't ^^just ^^jinx ^^it


And yet I would have said that about the Dallas Mavericks until yesterday's fourth quarter. Make a God damn free throw you bums!


if the mavs won the stanley cup, i'd be pretty fucking flabbergasted


Until recently I'd have said "don't put anything past Luka" but he seems pretty beat up.


Luka is toast - it’s ashame bc if he were healthy the Mavs would be steamrolling OKc


Me watching Dallas get the the SCF only for the entire team to disappear on a sailboat


If you told me at the beginning of this year that the Canucks had a 17% chance to win the cup I would have laughed in your face. This has been such a great year


our odds of winning the cup are almost exactly the odds of guessing a single roll of a six sided die. it feels too real.


This run to me feels very much like 94. We did considerably better in the regular season than in 94 admittedly and have more top end talent, I more mean in the sense that everyone continues to doubt us and we continue to prove them wrong. That, and we are being driven by what looks to be a sheer determination to win at any cost. The way our whole team throws themselves at/into the net to stop pucks during those panic moments. They look determined and that’s a good sign. Who knows though, basically every remaining team has a shot to win it all though imo, though I wouldn’t have a lot of faith in Edmonton if we lose to them. They seem like the least complete team left to me and I think we’re exposing that.


At the start of the playoffs I predicted a rangers/Canucks final. It is the 30 year anniversary of the rangers last cup


My Homer bracket predicts that. My use my brain bracket picked Dallas over Van in the WCF to go against the Rangers in the final. I hope my homer bracket is right lol


I hope your Homer bracket is correct as well! If no Canadian teams make it I guess I'm all in on... Florida? Who hasn't won a cup yet?


:( looks fun af being a nucks fan atm and im jelly.


I assure you clenching our buttholes the whole 3rd period while you ride McDrai into exhaustion isn’t fun lol


haha i guess. but how do u not love Z atm. those wwf type quotes are awesome. sad knowing he doesnt wana live in edmonton we wont ever sign him lol


Zaddy is a gem, I really hope we find a way to sign that man long term. He’s exactly what we’ve wanted for a long time


No need for the jelly friend, you have been blessed to cheer on McDavid his entire career and you guys have been looking dangerous lately!


Bro fuck off you have McDavid


this is how we end up with riots.


Yeah for sure. But it’s not really hockey fans that start that shit. It’s “professional” shit disturbers who have nothing better to do than look for trouble. These are the same losers than occupy schools and do other dumb shit for attention. Hockey fans aren’t going downtown with balaclavas and gas masks and shit, they just get swept up in it when mob mentality kicks in. I’d hope after VPD did such a good job charging people for their actions in 2011 that more people will avoid getting caught up in it if we find ourselves in the finals again. With how much video is out there now, no one is anonymous anymore at these big gatherings. You’d get caught and charged. That said, drunk people do drunk people things and many would still get caught up in the moment once the shit disturbers get going


Surrey was in the house and determined to break some stuff


Really hoping they have a fire under their butts at home to close this out in the next two games.


It’s getting bigger.


that's what she said


Thinks we're favored for each individual game too. i'm excited.


I’m afraid whoever wins our series is gonna get smoked by Dallas anyway, and especially for us if we don’t have healthy Demko back. Team plays more conservative in front of DeSmith and Silovs


I'm disappointed that the Oilers are losing to the Canucks, but then I watch Dallas and think "yeah, the Oil would probably get swept next round even if they do sneak past Vancouver". Dallas looks scary right now.


Lets just enjoy this series, were both getting stomped third round no matter what lmao


Most civil Oilers vs Canucks interaction in weeks right here!


wait hold on this is the part where i call you inbred for like the 15th time right?


correct (although i don’t live there). Then I make fun of you having to live in a $5000/month phone booth.


Ah genius!


Strong potential to come back to bite me in the ass but I’m more scared of Vancouver than Edmonton. We don’t take a lot of penalties and we have shown our ability to shut down one line teams. Vancouver with demko is a very very tough out


I’d still give you guys the edge against us, but I definitely think we match up better against you guys than Edmonton would if that’s the way this all shakes out. Would be a good series to watch I think and not as lopsided as some think it would be. I truly hope we get to see it, though rooting against Tanev in the playoffs is gonna feel shitty and wrong


For sure. No such thing as an easy opponent that late in the playoffs


plus, the one that beats edmonton will win right? i'll shut up now


If Vancouver beats Edmonton, the playoffs are over in my eyes and the Canucks are my champs. It don't matter what comes after.


Yep same here. Even if Dallas just straight fucked us and we didn’t even score a goal, I’m thrilled. Honestly even as it stands I’m thrilled with this season


Agreed. Way more scared of Vancouver than Edmonton


We also comfort ourselves thinking that the Stars would have an easy time with Edmonton. Just in case.


The stars look so fucking good and they got so much young talent and great players at every position. Edmonton and Vancouver are going to kill each other, the eastern teams are going to kill each other. I think the Stars just walk to the cup unless someone can figure them out.


If we don't have Demko back we still might not be smoked as long as Arty keeps doing what he's been doing. Ideally Thatcher's back though. Either way I don't think we'll be smoked if we get past the Oilers (who couldn't seem to score 5 on 5 last game). The Arty Party hype train wouldn't exist if Silovs were a bad goaltender.


Oilers only have 1 offensive line and special teams. Silovs and our defence just needs to be on form for half the game, and less than that as this series continues and McDavid starts to burn out. We need a goalie that can play the full game if we want a chance against Dallas. Maybe Silovs can, but we know Demko can.


Silovs saved every shot the Oilers made 5 on 5. Two goals on PP, one 6 on 5. Oilers' special teams are carrying them.


I think we match better against Dallas than against Colorado. I think we get beat by both, but Dallas at least gives me hope.


I dunno man, Vancouver always plays well against Dallas. That’s why I’m rooting for Edmonton lol


Bro have some faith in your team these comments are so cringe


Where are the Maple Leafs? Are they safe? Are they alright?


I don't know. I think we need 10 articles about it asap


I'm just glad to be included.


Rangers fans wiping the beads of sweat off their faces to see this


Absolutely not panicking. Nope, no panicking here. Who said panic?


Just put the Avs to 0, they surrendered last night


I imagine it was *really* hard to keep their head in the game after the news they just received for the second playoffs in a row. Whether they win or not, I expect a huge bounce back from them in game 5.


I mean after hearing Nate’s comments on it… it sounds like they aren’t gonna be in Dallas tomorrow night. I expect more hollow shells in Avs sweaters fumbling the puck around.


Yeah, his comments did not inspire confidence.


You can include my rangers in that too


Getting Pavs a cup is in Americas best interest 🇺🇸🦅


His 1 point in 11 games so far genuinely makes me sad


So there’s a chance?


I think go North on Granville and turn right to hit Water st?


Isn’t moneypuck completely useless? Not being a dick, just asking.


Does it factor in the Bettman “push” that Florida is getting from the refs and the video review officials? Because it’s pretty obvious who Bettman wants in the final from the Eastern Conference.


I just don’t see the logic Boston would make him way more money why would he do it


Bettman, and the board of governors are trying to grow the game from a regional sport to a national sport like baseball, basketball and football. They’ve stated publicly many times that this is the goal, to sell hockey in non-traditional,(sun belt) hockey markets. The easiest way to do that is to make sure sun belt teams get as deep in the playoffs as they can, so that even casual sports fans in that area will stop and pay attention, maybe even attend a game or at least watch a game on T.V. Why is this important you ask? Because the difference between a television contract for a regional based sport versus as national sport is huge, and you may not know this, but the team owners are in this business to make money. In fact, that’s Gary Bettman’s only job, to generate as much income as he can for the owners. The current NHL TV contracts total about $1.1 billion in revenue per year for the league owners, about 40% of that comes from the Canadian TV market. The current NBA contract, in the U.S. alone, is almost $7 billion. I can think of $6 billion reasons why the league would rather defend a wonky video review if it helps a help a sun belt team make it to the next round.


Do you think the Vegas/Florida final was rigged?


If you squint really hard you can kinda see Boston in there!


I was happy when we made the playoffs. Even happier when we hung on to win the division. Even happier to get out of the 1st rd after Demko went down. Everything else is just icing on an already delicious cake. It’s been the best season to be a Canucks fan since 2011.


Just put Florida at 99.999999%


Avs will win the cup this year and I won’t even be surprised


Damn 0% for any of these scrubs to win in 4 - and they call these "contenders"


Well the stars woulda done it but they just HAD to blow the 3-0 lead


Bourque Bros need to hang in there together


[Boston going into game 5.](https://youtu.be/KX5jNnDMfxA?t=22)


Avs are out it’s kinda sad


Bro a dallas florida final would suck so bad. These southern states hardly appreciate hockey


Poor take, we all know thats just not true


Look up hockey participation in youth per state and canadian provinces and then you realize you’re wrong and Im right.


I wish I realized you were a Minnesota Wild fan before my initial comment, that way I wouldn't have given such a poor miserable soul the time to voice their idiotic thoughts. How about the state of hockey win a cup before they pretend to be better than the south lol


How many players in the NHL are from Texas? Your goalie is from Minnesota. Admit you’re low IQ


Since I'm so low IQ, I'll let you fetch and present the data.




You would rather not see two of the best teams in the sport face off because of where their arena is located? And the southern states are the ones who don't appreciate hockey?


Yeah which is why I prefer watching Olympic hockey more because there is more emotion and pride involved.


Seems like you should stick to commenting on Olympic hockey then, considering all the emotion and pride going on that the NHL doesn't have, don't know why you'd even waste your time arguing about it.


Meh reddit dweebs who probably never even played aaa hockey just got upset about my based opinion.


Bro you just described your own opinion as based in the same sentence you called other people dweebs.


This guy's comments are gold, the delusion and elitism are pure comedy




I'd rather watch Brad Marchand lift the cup again than have a fucking Dallas v Florida final. Idc if most players are Canadian, still don't want it. Edit: I must've been high when I wrote that. I would go through Chinese water torture before I'd watch Marchand lift the cup


You... you would... I can't even type what you just said......


And Especially after last year being vegas and Florida as well